Next SCOTUS case may give ALL Americans a constitutional right to conceal carry guns in public

Poll taxes and lit taxes do not launch a high vel projectile that can't be called back.And firearm training is not a tax.

They can certainly be used to impose a burden in order to dissuade those from exercising a right who should be allowed to do so. It would be very easy to limit the availability of the “training” or to cause it to be prohibitively expensive. It is the exact same concept, with the exact same intent and effect, as the poll taxes and literacy tests of old used to suppress voting rights.

While I'm sympathetic to the idea of some training for conceal carry here in Califoria, this is the state that now requires background checks just to buy ammunition. So I wouldn't trust my state to place any restriction on getting a conceal carry permit for law abiding citizens.
In high school, I participated in the JROTC program. Among other things, this program included training in marksmanship and gun safety.

I think the answer is to make such training part of every standard high school curriculum, along witb some education about the ethics and legalities of justifiably using deadly force. That way, every adult who had completed high school could already be presumed to have received tnis training, obviating the need and the excuse to require any separate training to exercise one's rights under the Second Amendment.
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First off I don't think people should be carrying a gun without training and a license.

Then work to get a new amendment ratified to the Constitution, which overturns the Second Amendment and gives power to the government to violate the people's right to keep and bear arms. Until that is done, the Second Amendment, as written, stands as part of the highest law in this nation.
The Rule of Law Is the Rule of Lawyers

A piece of paper doesn't protect your right to own a gun. Only your gun protects that right.
Awww, look how the regressive gas bag wants illegals to vote. Isn't that cute?

The new requirements didn't prevent more than a dozen illegals from voting, and meanwhile stopped thousands of legal voters in the process.
Awww, look how the regressive gas bag wants illegals to vote. Isn't that cute?

The new requirements didn't prevent more than a dozen illegals from voting, and meanwhile stopped thousands of legal voters in the process.
Total crap. That's the racist lib BS that blacks and browns are too stupid to get an ID.

Where I live you can get training any day of the week. You need to book a couple of days in advance is all. The gun shops love to give people training because it makes money for them.

Anything like the gun range that let a 9 year old girl fire a machine gun after a short training lesson?
Getting a license to carry a gun is not a violation of the Constitution. Not allowing felons to possess firearms is more of an infringement than a license.

I don't see how people can complain about getting a license to carry a gun, but say you need Voter-ID to vote. It's basically the same thing. I'm in favor of both a firearms license and Voter-ID.

By definition, one does not need a license or a permit to exercise a right. If one requires a license or a permit to do something, then that makes it, not a right, but a privilege, with government having the authority to grant or deny that privilege. The Second Amendment does not say anything about any privilege. It speaks of a right, belonging to the people, and forbids government from infringing that right. To allow government the power to treat it as a privilege, and usurp the power to grant or deny it by way of licensing, is a clear and blatant violation of the Constitution.

If you do not like that, then try to get an amendment ratified to overturn the Second Amendment. As it is, yours is a position of outright corruption and lawlessness.

Then let me ask: what is your position on Voter ID? Because if you are against carry licensing, then you must be against Voter ID. After all, voting is just as much of a right as guns are and probably more so.
Voting is a bit different. Voter fraud violates the right of legitimate voters to have their own votes carry proper weight; and corrupts and undermines the entire electoral process. To protect voting rights, it is crucial to protect against voter fraud.

No similar principle applies to bearing arms. There is no rational argument to make that my right to keep and bear arms would be violated or undermined by allowing someone else to bear arms that you think should not.

They are almost identical in the context of placing restrictions on rights. They are both rights in my opinion, and if it's not unconstitutional to have requirements to vote such as ID, it's not unconstitutional to have requirements on firearms either. Any American legal to do either of those things are not being denied their right to them.

They are not almost identical, and I have explained why. In the case of only one of those rights can illegal abuse of that right by one or more persons violate that right for others.
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No similar principle applies to bearing arms. There is no rational argument to make that my right to keep and bear arms would be violated or undermined by allowing someone else to bear arms that you think should not.

Sure there is, its called stray shots.
The right to keep and bear arms does not include any “right” to carelessly or maliciously handle or discharge those arms in a manner that unjustly harms, threatens, or endangers others.
Where I live you can get training any day of the week. You need to book a couple of days in advance is all. The gun shops love to give people training because it makes money for them.

Anything like the gun range that let a 9 year old girl fire a machine gun after a short training lesson?
The gun range didn't let her do anything, her father did. Stop lying.
Where I live you can get training any day of the week. You need to book a couple of days in advance is all. The gun shops love to give people training because it makes money for them.

Anything like the gun range that let a 9 year old girl fire a machine gun after a short training lesson?
That was Arizona -- they are considered a desert state not really a rocky mountain state.

Here, read:

Girl who accidentally shot her instructor with an Uzi said the gun was too much for her

Rocky Mountains - Wikipedia
There is a huge desert that encompassed all of Arizona and Nevada and parts of California, Oregon, Utah, New Mexico, and Texas for those of you geographically challenged persons who don't get out much.
The right to keep and bear arms does not include any “right” to carelessly or maliciously handle or discharge those arms in a manner that unjustly harms, threatens, or endangers others.

If there is no right to 'misuse' then someone apt to 'misuse' would not have a right to 'use'. But the claim is until they are adjudicated a 'mususer' they have a right to 'use'.
When it comes to things lke cars, you are considered unqualified to use them, until proven otherwise.
In high school, I participated in the JROTC program. Among other things, this program included training in marksmanship and gun safety.

I think the answer is to make such training part of every standard high school curriculum, along witb some education about the ethics and legalities of justifiably using deadly force. That way, every adult who had completed high school could already be presumed to have received tnis training, obviating the need and the excuse to require any separate training to exercise one's rightsrig under the Second Amendment.
Excellent idea !!
The right to keep and bear arms does not include any “right” to carelessly or maliciously handle or discharge those arms in a manner that unjustly harms, threatens, or endangers others.

If there is no right to 'misuse' then someone apt to 'misuse' would not have a right to 'use'. But the claim is until they are adjudicated a 'mususer' they have a right to 'use'.
When it comes to things lke cars, you are considered unqualified to use them, until proven otherwise.
You're the same guy who does not know where the desert is, right?

Nor the Rocky Mountains?
In high school, I participated in the JROTC program. Among other things, this program included training in marksmanship and gun safety.

I think the answer is to make such training part of every standard high school curriculum, along witb some education about the ethics and legalities of justifiably using deadly force. That way, every adult who had completed high school could already be presumed to have received tnis training, obviating the need and the excuse to require any separate training to exercise one's rightsrig under the Second Amendment.
Excellent idea !!

I'm pretty old and have never needed a gun. Why would we waste time in school?

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