Next SCOTUS case may give ALL Americans a constitutional right to conceal carry guns in public

But, there is no basis for your claim that a variety of ethnic groups leads to higher murder rates.

However, yes, without black people maybe the murder rate would be lower. However to try separate one American from another because of their skin color is a massive problem in the US. You can't get away from the fact that blacks were in slavery, then segregated, and still in modern day America they're often looked down on, not given the opportunities of others. You have partisan politics making sure nothing effective happens. This is, again, the main problem in the US, the inability of government to do anything meaningful, to change the country to make it work. The fact that many right wingers on here will cry foul any time anyone comes up with an idea which tries to change anything. In schools it's "indoctrination", outside of schools it's "social engineering". Without a country directing itself to a better place, you aren't going anywhere. You cling to your guns for safety because you create a more dangerous environment for yourself in order to have a reason to cling to your guns, and that is often based around the paranoia that the govt is out to get you, and you create a bad govt in order to have this paranoid.

You make self fulfilling prophecies in order to claim to be right about something. You make the facts fit your ideology, and if they don't you ignore them with a passion. It's ridiculous.

Facts are facts, and I presented them in charts.

Your claim is that guns are the problem. My claim is that people are the problem. As my charts clearly show, it's not the guns at all since whites have just as many (of not more) guns than blacks. Blacks make up 13% of our population, yet as statistics show, you are six times more likely to be murdered by a black than a white.

But to try and support your claim, you compare statistics of basically white countries to ours. Myopically, you blame the guns.

Here's the hook: You can confiscate every gun you can in the US and send them to the UK, and you most likely will not see any difference in gun or violent crime. Here, you would most likely see an increase in gun violence and crime. Why? Because only the criminals and police would have the guns. Secondly, it's the people and not the guns that kill.

As to your other point, what "opportunities" do whites have that blacks don't? And if you can give me an example, why wasn't the situation taken to court?

Facts are facts, and facts can be manipulated to present an argument which is false.

So what do the facts say? The facts say that the more people eat beef in the US, the more people get hit by lightning. I mean, it's clear that this argument is backed up by the facts, right?

Okay, we know this is rubbish. And I'm telling you that you're presenting facts that don't add up if you look at the whole argument, rather than trying to stick to things you've decided to edit.

No, my claim is that guns are part of the problem. My claim is that an individual who is a problem, can be far more of a problem with a gun than without a gun. My claim is that the number of murders in the US is 4 times higher than other first world countries, and 3/4 of those are with guns, and that certain people with guns are more likely to kill if they have guns. But then there is far more to it that this, and we've spoken of this before. I don't think getting rid of guns will suddenly make the US a Utopian wonderland. I do know that the biggest problems in the US aren't the guns, but the politicians, the voters, the way people vote, the attitude of people who seem to want everything to be bad.

Your argument about "basically white countries", all the countries are use are first world countries, countries with a healthy GDP. If you've traveled around the world, you'll see that richer countries are going to be safer. This is that more money = safer. Some poor countries are quite safe.

Some dangerous countries have very safe parts and very dangerous parts.

But the simple fact is that to compare an impoverished country with the US is not so easy. As I said about the color of skin, or the diversity of the population, there is no correlation. I just showed you this isn't the case, and you've come back at me as if it is.

What opportunities do white people have that black people don't have?

Well, 25% of black people are in poverty, children are growing up in poverty, they're growing up in single parent families, they're struggling right from day one. And on top of this you have education which is biased towards the rich, and people like you will make excuses for why this is so.

Yes, 7% of white people are also stuck in this predicament. This isn't just a race issue. Race has played a big part, black people are more likely to be in poverty for the simple fact that US history is riddled with white people fucking black people over, denying them the chance to be on equal terms. And this isn't just 200 years ago. Black people will still find it harder to get promoted in certain places and under certain bosses, this is a reality.

But again, the biggest problem in the US is the "Can't do" attitude.

Britain...complete gun ban......gun crime went up in London 42% last year, 10% the year before and never went down after the initial gun fact it spiked. Showing that your idea that their gun laws did anything for their gun crime rate is wrong....

Britain...violent crime went up 24% last year...after the gun ban in 1996.....

United STates....200 million guns in private hands in 1990s....and 4.7 million people carrying guns legally for self defense....then by 2016....357-400 million guns in private hands and over 15 million people carrying guns, legally, for self defense...

--gun crime went down 75%....showing that you are wrong

--gun murder went down 49%....showing that you are wrong.

--violent crime went down 72% showing that you are wrong.
Europe is a knife culture where guns are hard to get, although not impossible to get, and where moosleem terrorists get guns easily.

It's not even a knife culture. Muslim terrorists get guns easily, hence why they've reverted to using vehicles to kill..... huh?

No.....they saw that in Nice, they could kill 89 people and wound over 400....more than any mass shooting by a single no team work is necessary....and they can just rent a truck the day of the attack and not worry about having to hide their guns and ammo before the attack.....
One should be very, very hesitant to shoot another person, and wary of what should be the strictest, gravest kinds of consequences for such an act not clearly and thoroughly justified.
We Won't Be Free Until the Gungrabbers Live in Fear

Don't report it. If the subhuman was on your property, dump the body somewhere else, preferably on a feralphile lawmaker's lawn.
I can't wait to walk down the street like this:

gun guy.jpg

Won't be no chicken fried blacks bbqing in MY yard!
Never once has a firearm made anybody kill somebody else… Fact

Since a gungrabber has the mind of a child, what would recruit more of them would be a cartoon of a gun that goes around killing people all by itself.
Boy this is going to be so great, I mean, it's not just carrying a gun but learning how to quick-draw like John Wayne. Duels could make a comeback. Will hand grenades become legal? Perhaps the big lesson to be learned is for Americans not to fool with the NRA.
Europe is a knife culture where guns are hard to get, although not impossible to get, and where moosleem terrorists get guns easily.

It's not even a knife culture. Muslim terrorists get guns easily, hence why they've reverted to using vehicles to kill..... huh?

They saw that one truck killed 89 people and wounded over 400.....a greater casualty rate than the worst mass we are likely to see a shift to vehicles over guns...because on another front...they don't have to worry about getting caught with the gun before the attack.....a Truck can be rented the day they plan on running people over....

He forgets the last time somebody did that was here in Ohio on a college campus.

Seems like that is their new strategy.
But the simple fact is that to compare an impoverished country with the US is not so easy. As I said about the color of skin, or the diversity of the population, there is no correlation. I just showed you this isn't the case, and you've come back at me as if it is.

You didn't show me anything of the sorts. What I showed you is that blacks are way more likely to be involved in violent crimes and murder than any other race in this country. Whites by contrast are the least likely to be involved in violent crime and murders.

You talked about the crime in Louisiana, and I gave you the chart showing the prison rate. Whites are one-fourth of blacks in prison. Gee, now what does that tell you?????

What opportunities do white people have that black people don't have?

Well, 25% of black people are in poverty, children are growing up in poverty, they're growing up in single parent families, they're struggling right from day one. And on top of this you have education which is biased towards the rich, and people like you will make excuses for why this is so.

25% of blacks live in poverty, so WTF does that prove? Is it because they are not trying, afraid to leave the liberal plantation, or is it because of lack of opportunity?

The children are growing up in poverty. So who's fault is that?

70% of black children are born out of wedlock. Again, who's fault is that? Opportunities?

Education is biased towards the rich. Nothing is biased. Schools are funded by each community. If wealthy communities pay more for their own school, how is that biased? Blacks can do the same anytime they want. It's not like school funding is national and we electively decide to give wealthier communities more.

Yes, 7% of white people are also stuck in this predicament. This isn't just a race issue. Race has played a big part, black people are more likely to be in poverty for the simple fact that US history is riddled with white people fucking black people over, denying them the chance to be on equal terms. And this isn't just 200 years ago. Black people will still find it harder to get promoted in certain places and under certain bosses, this is a reality.

But again, the biggest problem in the US is the "Can't do" attitude.

An employers most favorite color is green. The employee that makes the employer the most green is that employers favorite employee.

Why would a boss not want to help an employee who is doing good work? That's about the stupidest thing I've ever heard. A supervisor is looking for people to make his or her life easier. He or she is looking for people that won't make problems for them, and make them look good to the company.
Never once has a firearm made anybody kill somebody else… Fact

Since a gungrabber has the mind of a child, what would recruit more of them would be a cartoon of a gun that goes around killing people all by itself.
Boy this is going to be so great, I mean, it's not just carrying a gun but learning how to quick-draw like John Wayne. Duels could make a comeback. Will hand grenades become legal? Perhaps the big lesson to be learned is for Americans not to fool with the NRA.
You can keep on telling yourself something else, but people kill people not fire arms…
But the simple fact is that to compare an impoverished country with the US is not so easy. As I said about the color of skin, or the diversity of the population, there is no correlation. I just showed you this isn't the case, and you've come back at me as if it is.

You didn't show me anything of the sorts. What I showed you is that blacks are way more likely to be involved in violent crimes and murder than any other race in this country. Whites by contrast are the least likely to be involved in violent crime and murders.

You talked about the crime in Louisiana, and I gave you the chart showing the prison rate. Whites are one-fourth of blacks in prison. Gee, now what does that tell you?????

What opportunities do white people have that black people don't have?

Well, 25% of black people are in poverty, children are growing up in poverty, they're growing up in single parent families, they're struggling right from day one. And on top of this you have education which is biased towards the rich, and people like you will make excuses for why this is so.

25% of blacks live in poverty, so WTF does that prove? Is it because they are not trying, afraid to leave the liberal plantation, or is it because of lack of opportunity?

The children are growing up in poverty. So who's fault is that?

70% of black children are born out of wedlock. Again, who's fault is that? Opportunities?

Education is biased towards the rich. Nothing is biased. Schools are funded by each community. If wealthy communities pay more for their own school, how is that biased? Blacks can do the same anytime they want. It's not like school funding is national and we electively decide to give wealthier communities more.

Yes, 7% of white people are also stuck in this predicament. This isn't just a race issue. Race has played a big part, black people are more likely to be in poverty for the simple fact that US history is riddled with white people fucking black people over, denying them the chance to be on equal terms. And this isn't just 200 years ago. Black people will still find it harder to get promoted in certain places and under certain bosses, this is a reality.

But again, the biggest problem in the US is the "Can't do" attitude.

An employers most favorite color is green. The employee that makes the employer the most green is that employers favorite employee.

Why would a boss not want to help an employee who is doing good work? That's about the stupidest thing I've ever heard. A supervisor is looking for people to make his or her life easier. He or she is looking for people that won't make problems for them, and make them look good to the company.

I didn't show you that Honduras has the highest rate of murder, and a pretty homogeneous society? I didn't show you that the second country on the list is the same? No, didn't happen? Or you're just finding it easy to ignore what people write?

Yes, in the US blacks are more likely to commit crimes, especially murders. But you also stated that the UK had a lower level of crime because it's less diverse a country. Which of course is not true.

What does Louisiana tell me? Well, if I were to take facts and twist them and make them say something which isn't true, then I would have to assume that black people are murdering people all over, that they can't help themselves. Which would imply that a country full of black people is therefore going to be a murder hellhole.

That would explain why Madagascar ha a murder rate of 0.6 and the US has a murder rate of 4.0, it's because Madagascar is full of black people... wait, what? You mean black people don't go around killing people all the time?

So it must be something else.

Hey, let's try this. Maybe it's that people in POVERTY are more likely to commit crimes. Let's test this out with Louisiana.


Certainly Mississippi has a murder rate of 8.7, that's more than double the US murder rate. New Mexico has a murder rate of 5.6, that's above average. Louisiana has the highest murder rate. Alabama has 5.7, Arkansas 6.1, DC 24.1, etc.

So those states with higher poverty rates are going to see higher than average murder rates.

Violent crime is 383 on average for the US, all these states see higher violent crime too.

Louisiana 2015 Report - Talk Poverty

But back to Louisiana.

The poverty rate in Louisiana is 20%. 49th in the country. African Americans have a 33% poverty rate. Asians 13%, Latino 23% and Native Americans 26%. High school graduation is 44th in country, not good and it's going to be those in poverty who fail to graduate the most.

Demographics of Louisiana - Wikipedia

In 2000 Louisiana had a population of 4.4 million. 65% of these were white and 32% were black.

This means that 10% of people are black and in poverty. It means that half of all poverty comes from a group that makes up only 1/3rd of the population.

Is it surprising to see that poverty leads to crime? No, why should it? Even worse is the fact that black people know their history has been a bad one. What they're seeing is a lack of opportunity. They're seeing state prisons which essentially breed prisoners to make money. They're seeing an education system which does not benefit those in poverty, it does not give them the chance to get out of their situation.

You talk about lack of trying, but then you realize that it's not that simple. Things are controlled by the same people who controlled things in the past.

Governors of Louisiana


Wait, what? They're all white? Go figure.

Two senators, both white.

One black Congressman out of 6, which is 15%, for a black population of 33%.


And one out of 7 on the state Supreme Court are black, again, lower representation.

What makes black people think there's any point in working hard when there's been a history of kicking black people down to "where they belong" in a place like Louisiana?

You keep asking whose fault it is, and I know you'll never contend that it's the fault of government. But I do. The govt should be setting things up so that it works. Other states make things work because they're more pro-active.

Why does a state like New Hampshire have a poverty rate of 11%?

Well it has an 86-88 high school graduating rate. It looks after its people, it makes sure they benefit from having a better govt.
I didn't show you that Honduras has the highest rate of murder, and a pretty homogeneous society?

So what you are saying is that Honduras are mostly white people and not of color?

But you also stated that the UK had a lower level of crime because it's less diverse a country. Which of course is not true.

Does the UK have the same kind of diversity that the US has?

What does Louisiana tell me? Well, if I were to take facts and twist them and make them say something which isn't true, then I would have to assume that black people are murdering people all over, that they can't help themselves. Which would imply that a country full of black people is therefore going to be a murder hellhole.

Many black communities are. In fact our city is in the national media now because of a Facebook murder by a black of another black. Chicago has more shootings in a weekend than most white cities have in a year.

That would explain why Madagascar ha a murder rate of 0.6 and the US has a murder rate of 4.0, it's because Madagascar is full of black people... wait, what? You mean black people don't go around killing people all the time?

An anomaly. Want to talk about the average? I didn't think so.

Hey, let's try this. Maybe it's that people in POVERTY are more likely to commit crimes. Let's test this out with Louisiana.

Correct, people in poverty do commit more crimes, and what race is it that has the most poverty in the US?

In 2000 Louisiana had a population of 4.4 million. 65% of these were white and 32% were black.

What your claimed statistics show is that whites in Louisiana are in proportion to the US average. Blacks are double the US average in population.

Is it surprising to see that poverty leads to crime? No, why should it? Even worse is the fact that black people know their history has been a bad one. What they're seeing is a lack of opportunity. They're seeing state prisons which essentially breed prisoners to make money. They're seeing an education system which does not benefit those in poverty, it does not give them the chance to get out of their situation.

Again, education is a local issue and controlled by local people. Prisons don't need to "breed" anybody for profit. Our prisons across the country are overpacked. There is an over population problem in our prisons--not and under population problem.

And one out of 7 on the state Supreme Court are black, again, lower representation.

A SC justice is not there to represent any group of people. A SC justice is there to interpret the US Constitution or judge whether laws were followed accordingly by lower courts.

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