Next up for Jan 6 panel…….Mike Pence

Even when it's based on a pack of lies? Nice gaslighting job.

Trump accomplished in 5-6 years what our enemies have trying since the middle of the last century.

Nice job making it easy for him.

The claims of significant voter fraud I never believed, but clearly there IS ALWAYS some voter fraud.
And those testify that there was not, like Pak testifying the FBI said that counting votes in Georgia after the waters had been told to go home was legal, are obviously lying.

Whether or not the protestors got it wrong is totally and completely irrelevant.
They were not lynching anyone.
Unlike the capital police, they never shot and killed anyone.
They were just demanding to be heard.
Which is not at all illegal or even unreasonable.
Ummm… did cause great harm

People died and faith in our country diminished because the Crybaby Loser wouldn’t admit he lost Bigly

The "faith in our country" is vastly over rated.
All of DC is just crooks who should all be in jail.
They murdered 3 million innocent Vietnamese, half a million innocent Iraqis, etc.
There are over 40 million innocent US citizens who are not allowed to vote, over illegal drug laws that Congress has no authority to make.

The only people who died on Jan 6 were murdered by violent and criminal police.
It was an insignificant event that could easily have been handled without any violence.

And that’s been the case for the last 50 years, when Republicans invited racists and Christo-fascist bigots into the Party in a desperate, partisan effort to take control of the states and Congress.

Today’s Republicans remind me of the John Birch Society
Whether or not the protestors got it wrong is totally and completely irrelevant.
They were not lynching anyone.

They never got their hands on someone they could lynch

Based on how they assaulted police and the threats they were making against Pence and other Congress Members…….a lynching was probable if they succeeded in capturing one of their targets
Has nothing to do with a single word I said or with what happened on January 6. You don't get a point per word you type.

Yes it does.
The reality is the Jan 6 protestors were only trying to get recognition.
They were neither violent nor in violation of the laws.
Well within their rights at all times.
The only criminals were the police.

The fact they were wrong about the degree of voter fraud, is totally irrelevant.
They believed it was great enough for a more careful examination.
That is their right.
They should have been listened to.
The fact anyone them have been jailed is an obvious crime that diminishes our republic, forever.
They never got their hands on someone they could lynch

Based on how they assaulted police and the threats they were making against Pence and other Congress Members…….a lynching was probable if they succeeded in capturing one of their targets

That is just a lie.
They had no "targets" or any sort of illegal agenda at all.
Over 99% of the times, they were just talking to police.
Anyone claiming the protestors "assaulted" anyone is just lying.
They had the numbers and could easily have killed police if they wanted to.
Nor did they come with or use what anyone would call a "weapon".
Haha, you don't even know what the word hearsay means. Hilarious.

I watched part of the hearings and all I saw was "hearsay".
In particular, Pak was defending the vote counting in Georgia after the watchers had been told to go home.
He said the FBI said it was legal.
It obvious was NOT legal, and the FBI obviously NEVER said that it was.
But no one stopped him from lying or charged him with lying.
So then it was obvious it was not a hearing, but just a bunch of lies.
Yes it does.
The reality is the Jan 6 protestors were only trying to get recognition.
They were neither violent nor in violation of the laws.
Well within their rights at all times.
The only criminals were the police.

The fact they were wrong about the degree of voter fraud, is totally irrelevant.
They believed it was great enough for a more careful examination.
That is their right.
They should have been listened to.
The fact anyone them have been jailed is an obvious crime that diminishes our republic, forever.

Recognition? US citizens vote. They don't riot.
I watched part of the hearings and all I saw was "hearsay".
In particular, Pak was defending the vote counting in Georgia after the watchers had been told to go home.
He said the FBI said it was legal.
It obvious was NOT legal, and the FBI obviously NEVER said that it was.
But no one stopped him from lying or charged him with lying.
So then it was obvious it was not a hearing, but just a bunch of lies.
Nice try
But what we are seeing is Republicans who were actually behind the scenes witnessing history

Even Trumps favorite daughter
They never got their hands on someone they could lynch

Based on how they assaulted police and the threats they were making against Pence and other Congress Members…….a lynching was probable if they succeeded in capturing one of their targets
We owe a debt of gratitude to the Capitol and Metro Police who held the mob off until the evacuations were complete.
Recognition? US citizens vote. They don't riot.

The vote in the US is fake.
Look at the last couple.
Trump, Hillary, Biden?
The worst possible choice in the entire world.
I would have voted for Putin over any one of those crooks.
Rioting is a tradition.
Goes back to lynching in effigy.
My person opinion is we need a lot more rioting.
Like the Haymarket Square riots.
The Civil Rights riots.
The Vietnam riots.
The ONLY way to get any democratic input in the US is by rioting.
Nice try
But what we are seeing is Republicans who were actually behind the scenes witnessing history

Even Trumps favorite daughter

I have to admit I had no interest and did not watch much.
But the point is I watched Pak deliberately lie about the Georgia vote count, and no one said a thing about the obvious lie.
The vote in the US is fake.
Look at the last couple.
Trump, Hillary, Biden?
The worst possible choice in the entire world.
I would have voted for Putin over any one of those crooks.
Rioting is a tradition.
Goes back to lynching in effigy.
My person opinion is we need a lot more rioting.
Like the Haymarket Square riots.
The Civil Rights riots.
The Vietnam riots.
The ONLY way to get any democratic input in the US is by rioting.
Of course, you don't actually believe any of that. You like saying dumb stuff for attention.
Of course, you don't actually believe any of that. You like saying dumb stuff for attention.

No, the 2 party system is totally illegal and really sucks.
There is no basis for a primary election that prevents the best possible candidates.
There should just be one open election with all candidates, and a ranking system to avoid the need for a run off.
No party should be able to illegally nullify the best candidates, like the DNC did to Bernie.
Politico isn't the source.

The US Intel agencies are the sources.

Stop saying stupid shit, you're embarrasisng yourself.

There is NO US intel agency that EVER found any collusion between the Trump campaign and the Russians.
The FBI determined the Russians did not effect the election in any way.

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