Next up for Jan 6 panel…….Mike Pence

I've noticed that the Democrats on that panel (I include Liz), keep referring to the next day's session as "our next hearing." Why are they pretending to have the conceit that each day's session is a new hearing? Somehow to puff it up?
Uh, maybe because the "next hearing" is, you guessed it, the "next hearing".

Public officials often inform the public when a public hearing is going to take place & they often say "our next hearing".
Uh, maybe because the "next hearing" is, you guessed it, the "next hearing".

Public officials often inform the public when a public hearing is going to take place & they often say "our next hearing".
And...get this...

They are collectively called, "The Hearings".

Seymour Flops 's head is exploding right now. I remember the first time I learned about plural nouns...
Uh, maybe because the "next hearing" is, you guessed it, the "next hearing".

Public officials often inform the public when a public hearing is going to take place & they often say "our next hearing".
More accurately, the next hearsay hearing.
And...get this...

They are collectively called, "The Hearings".

Seymour Flops 's head is exploding right now. I remember the first time I learned about plural nouns...
I like when the previous hearings are reviewed & then down at MAGA Headquarters the Unfortunate Ones get all riled up.

Then the shit rolls downhill.
Whew!! I go away a few hours to watch a golf tourney.....and come back to a Country Buffet of posts to sample. So let's go there:

So please name the officers harmed by Ashli Babbitt.

I don't know of any. Were there some? Who? How?

But, the thing with DOA Ashli is that when she breached a barrier specifically closed to prevent her from gaining access to our elected representatives, and despite the warnings to cease, to go away......and then despite being warned by her co-criminals that a gun was being brandished she nonetheless leaped forward towards the officers who had been telling her to scram. Darwinian karma?

But it surely was a tragedy for her family. The poor judgement of a child can break a parent's heart.
And too, the RightieTighties constant attempts to resurrect her corpse and drag it around the internet ..... can't be offering closure for her familly.


We are talking about what was believed at the time. At that time, it was believed that orchestrated cheating efforts by Dims at the polls in several states had given Brandon an illicit “win.
What was believed at the time was demonstrably made clear in the second and third Committee hearings.
Do this poster Back: go on YouTube and watch both hearings. Listen to the witnesses who ---under oath ---gave testimony that they informed Don Trump that the election fraud claims were 'bullshit', 'without merit' 'not backed by evidence'. And that's just the election fraud scam stuff.

Then it was known "at the time" that the hustle about alternate electors, and Mike Pence, etc.....was wrong, it was illegal. Don Trump was informed of that. As was Eastman. More than once.
So any claim that ....'well, they just didn't know. They were thinking of something else.'
Is silly facile nonsense.

who are part of mobs, there should have been a lot more police killings in 2020.
Good point. So, what we suggest is that the good poster Flops start his own thread as the OP......on more police killings in 2020. I will check it out once he posts it up.


CALL: "She was in a crowd, not “leading.”"
RESPONSE: "First one through that window was in the lead"

I saw no members of congress in that video clip. So there was certainly no "present" danger.
Well, that settles it.
The poster didn't see 'em in a single video. Therefore the Capitol was empty of our elected representatives. None were in danger.
Who knew?

Yes, that should have also worked on the previous rioters.
See advice offered above about starting one's own thread on a topic unrelated to the topic of this thread.

Still does not justify cold blooded murder.
"Cold blooded murder" in premeditated? Planned?
Help us understand that assertion, poster Flops.

This is why Pelosi should have accepted the National Guard that Trump offered her.
I believe that has been pretty much de-bunked. Poster Flops, do this: Go to Politifacts. Do a search on it. Trust me.
A shot to the head for breaking a window goes far beyond that.
Well, mon ami, circumstances beg to say otherwise.
If ONLY it was breaking a goshdarn window......well, if only it was that., DOA Babbitt.....wouldn't be DOA.


Nope. Mostly the cases got tossed on procedural grounds.
But when they got tossed on procedural grounds we will never know
Good poster Back. Do this: Go to YouTube, bring up the 2nd hearing. Pay special attention to the testimony (under oath) of long time Republican election law expert, Benjamin Ginsburg. He should be able to mansplain to you some details about those 61 court cases. Details that may help you understand better than you are understanding now.

My guess is that the panel is concerned that he may say something off-script.

Pence? Off script? Well, I believe they have invited him to come before the panel....under oath. He has declined, to the best of my knowledge. Personally, I think the panel would be tickled pink to have Mike Pence under oath.


Along the 'testimony'-trail, Don Trump has been communicating that he wants 'equal coverage'. Which, in my opinion, is a capital idea.
I would suggest to Don......dress up in your longest red tie and come before the committee and swear under oath that you will tell the truth.

Problem solved.
That one might have been related to the protest. Or maybe not. Maybe it was just his time.
Well, maybe it was. Maybe it wasn't. There will be other people determining that "time" issue.
But, let's put ourselves in the shoes of Sickinick's attackers --Khater and Tanios. The two blokes arrested for intentionally spraying Sickinick in the face with a high strength chemical spray. Shortly, after which he died.
Well, let's say the judge doesn't convict them of assault. They, and poster BackAgain, think they are home free.
But, Sickinick's insurance carrier decides that there was a personal tort against him. Committed by Khater and Tanios. And they argue that it was NOT "his time". That Khater and Tanios accelerated "his time". And they gotta pay for it.
Sickinick is dead. May he rest in peace and his family find solace.

dying of a drug overdose.
Boy, that sure sounds plausible given Floyd's history.
However, the defense attorneys argued just that in the Chauvin trial.
And, in contrast to poor poster lantern......the jury thought Floyd died from Chauvin's excessive knee-ing.
In fact, they unanimously convicted Chauvin for just that offense.

So there is that.
The Republican Party has captured the minds of those who live in the rural counties of America. Those voters are mostly farmers and rural shopkeepers. They lack education and they are not well-informed. Most of what they know about politics is by word of mouth.

For reasons they are unaware of and cannot explain, Donald Trump is their savior, thus explaining why they believe everything Trump says.
Politico reports, "The Jan. 6 select committee made its most forceful case Thursday that Donald Trump’s attempt to overturn the 2020 election was more than an affront to the democratic process — it was a crime.

"For all the panel’s public quibbling over whether to vote on referring Trump to the Justice Department for a possible criminal case, members did it their own way. They used Thursday’s public hearing to present what they see as some of their most compelling evidence and thereby mount a case, with Attorney General Merrick Garland watching, that Trump broke the law in his effort to make former Vice President Mike Pence single-handedly overturn the election.

The Times reports, "A day after the House committee investigating the Jan. 6 assault illustrated the serious danger that rioters posed to Mike Pence, former President Donald J. Trump unleashed a new attack on the man who had served him as vice president, criticizing him for refusing to interfere with the Electoral College certification of the 2020 presidential contest.

"Speaking on Friday afternoon before a faith-based group [?!?], Mr. Trump said that “Mike did not have the courage to act” in trying to unilaterally reject the Electoral College votes that were being cast for Joseph R. Biden Jr."

Mostly, Republicans are saying nothing. When one or two speak up to defend Trump, they all use the same strategy. They say everyone is lying and that a Congressional hearing is a kangaroo court. They do not deal with the actual evidence because they have no idea what it is.

Consequently, Trump's gullible, uninformed followers do not know that those testifying are Republicans and many were a part of the Trump White House.

The witnesses include Trump's vice-president, Pence's chief of staff, Pence's counsel, Trump's attorney general, White House counsel, his daughter, Ivanka, his son-in-law Jared Kushner, along with several others.

Trump's followers expect to win control of Congress in November.
Whew!! I go away a few hours to watch a golf tourney.....and come back to a Country Buffet of posts to sample. So let's go there:

What was believed at the time was demonstrably made clear in the second and third Committee hearings.

Oh silly little poor poster Chilliconfuzed. Your wrong. Not a thing on Earth has been made clear by the partisan clown show.
Do this poster Back: go on YouTube and watch both hearings. Listen to the witnesses who ---under oath ---gave testimony that they informed Don Trump that the election fraud claims were 'bullshit', 'without merit' 'not backed by evidence'. And that's just the election fraud scam stuff.

Poor Chilliconfuzed. You still imagine that A “telling” something to B somehow means that B now “knows” it. 🤣😂 try to follow along here: I and others have told you that you’re a posing, posturing pissant. There. You now KNOW it. Right? Or is being told something not the same as “knowing” it?
Then it was known "at the time" that the hustle about alternate electors, and Mike Pence, etc.....was wrong, it was illegal. Don Trump was informed of that. As was Eastman. More than once.

“It was known?” Chilliconfuzed, you are too simplistic. It may be that others rejected what Eastman advised. Cool. But again, that still doesn’t inform anyone of what Trump “knew” or “believed.”
So any claim that ....'well, they just didn't know. They were thinking of something else.'
Is silly facile nonsense.

Ah, but you’re opinion is absurd and without basis in facts or logic. (See the foregoing.)

Maybe give golf another chance. Your preening, pompous, pretentious style, here, is silly and your logic is quite lacking. 👍
Well, maybe it was. Maybe it wasn't. There will be other people determining that "time" issue.
But, let's put ourselves in the shoes of Sickinick's attackers --Khater and Tanios. The two blokes arrested for intentionally spraying Sickinick in the face with a high strength chemical spray. Shortly, after which he died.
Well, let's say the judge doesn't convict them of assault. They, and poster BackAgain, think they are home free.
But, Sickinick's insurance carrier decides that there was a personal tort against him. Committed by Khater and Tanios. And they argue that it was NOT "his time". That Khater and Tanios accelerated "his time". And they gotta pay for it.
Sickinick is dead. May he rest in peace and his family find solace.


Boy, that sure sounds plausible given Floyd's history.
However, the defense attorneys argued just that in the Chauvin trial.
And, in contrast to poor poster lantern......the jury thought Floyd died from Chauvin's excessive knee-ing.
In fact, they unanimously convicted Chauvin for just that offense.

So there is that.
Unfortunately for you, the original coroner’s report stated fentanyl overdose. Which was the truth. It was changed under duress. Your total ignorance doesn’t change facts.
Not a thing on Earth has been made clear by the partisan clown show.

I, generally, try to avoid these tit4tat exchanges between two posters.
But in this case, with the responses from the poster Backagain, there is presented another opportunity to reference, once again, the necessity for posters here (and really, all adult Americans) invest the time in a civic responsibility to understand better the machinations leading up to January 6th, the events during it, the cover up afterwards......and who bears primary responsibility.

If....if...poster Backagain would have actually watched the 2nd and the 3rd hearings he would have observed Trump's own people, one Republican official after another, offer sworn testimony that they informed Don Trump of: A. The allegations of a 'stolen election' were bullsh*t, to put it in the spicy phrasing of the former Atty General; and,
B. The tactic to get Pence to jam up the EC vote, and to bring in alternative slates of electors, or send the certifications back to the states, were.....both.....illegal, improper, and would do grave harm to America.

Backagain claims Trump didn't know any of that. The testimony clearly shows he did know. He was informed multiple times.

I've already suggested to the above poster to watch those video of the Select Committees hearings. To date, there is no evidence he has done so.
Nonetheless, to all other posters I would still ..with sincerity and goodwill....suggest one watch 'em.

The more one knows, the better one's decisions are apt to be.
Willfully knowing less often doesn't lead to better decisions.

I, generally, try to avoid these tit4tat exchanges between two posters.
But in this case, with the responses from the poster Backagain, there is presented another opportunity to reference, once again, the necessity for posters here (and really, all adult Americans) invest the time in a civic responsibility to understand better the machinations leading up to January 6th, the events during it, the cover up afterwards......and who bears primary responsibility.

If....if...poster Backagain would have actually watched the 2nd and the 3rd hearings he would have observed Trump's own people, one Republican official after another, offer sworn testimony that they informed Don Trump of: A. The allegations of a 'stolen election' were bullsh*t, to put it in the spicy phrasing of the former Atty General; and,
B. The tactic to get Pence to jam up the EC vote, and to bring in alternative slates of electors, or send the certifications back to the states, were.....both.....illegal, improper, and would do grave harm to America.

Backagain claims Trump didn't know any of that. The testimony clearly shows he did know. He was informed multiple times.

I've already suggested to the above poster to watch those video of the Select Committees hearings. To date, there is no evidence he has done so.
Nonetheless, to all other posters I would still ..with sincerity and goodwill....suggest one watch 'em.

The more one knows, the better one's decisions are apt to be.
Willfully knowing less often doesn't lead to better decisions.

And your pontifications demonstrate that you refuse to get educated. I try and try. But walls are more attentive than you are. Smarter, too.
Your total ignorance doesn’t change facts.

Well, yes, ignorance is seldom a good thing; however, poster lantern, the coroner's report was presented to the jury (read the transcript)...the jury gave it little credibility. Also the defense said Floyd accidentally died due to carbon monoxide poisoning coming from the tailpipe of the police cruiser.
Notable too, was that the Minneapolis Police Department officially claimed that Floyd died of a 'medical' crisis while being arrested.
And then..........and then, the videos came out.

The Minneapolis PD then backtracked, ooops!...... and then fired the officers involved.
So, you see.....there were competing versions of various presented 'facts'.
The jury heard 'em all.
And they decided....unanimously....that Chauvin murdered Floyd.

Well, yes, ignorance is seldom a good thing; however, poster lantern, the coroner's report was presented to the jury (read the transcript)...the jury gave it little credibility. Also the defense said Floyd accidentally died due to carbon monoxide poisoning coming from the tailpipe of the police cruiser.
Notable too, was that the Minneapolis Police Department officially claimed that Floyd died of a 'medical' crisis while being arrested.
And then..........and then, the videos came out.

The Minneapolis PD then backtracked, ooops!...... and then fired the officers involved.
So, you see.....there were competing versions of various presented 'facts'.
The jury heard 'em all.
And they decided....unanimously....that Chauvin murdered Floyd.

The jury doesn’t get to give the official coroner’s report no credibility. They aren’t experts. Floyd officially died of a drug overdose and the left made the career criminal out as a saint.
  • Cheney's video included footage of Trump's White House adviser Eric Herschmann telling the Jan. 6 committee that he urged Eastman on Jan. 7 to hire a good criminal defense lawyer because "you’re going to need it.”
Cheney is not getting re-elected when she runs. Others have made videos also. Here's a brand new Representative who on her third day in office effected the rebuttal:

Hmm. Very interesting. The videos that were banned all show a different narrative than the one Nancy, Chuck, and a former Democrat Mayor pushed based on short dissections of longer videos that showed lies pulled out of context of the truthful whole body of videos that were once available. Pelosi, Schumer, and others who involved themselves in creating the false narrative that jailed a lot of innocent people and showed a lie about the death of the Republican woman who was shot dead by a gun-crazy cop whose record of negligent shooting was cancelled by the mob who brought the Jan. 6 lie forward. Unless you are a person who covers lies for the DNC, and you are a Democrat, this will shock you. To the cover up agents here, you will be getting busier and busier until the public sees the truth. This does not reflect well on the Congresswoman from Wyoming. Either she lied or was duped into joining the Democrat Party liars for other gains. The people of Wyoming who put her where she is won't like this sacrifice of so many honorable patriotic and peaceful Republicsans who suffered long jail sentences on account of Nancy, Chuck, and other insider Democrats who cut and pasted scenarios out of context, while the whole picture was withheld from the honest people in the USA and touted by the well-paid-to-lie Democrat fluffers in the press. The former US Service soldier woman who was shot and killed? She was trying to hold back other Republicans from coming any further. The Democrats sullied the name and honor of a former US Soldier and heroine so they could win the election. We need to weed out traitors of the Democrat Party who pick and chose teensey weensey clips that sullied President Trump and others. And Wyoming people shouldn't wait until November to get rid of Cheney. She is a living disgrace to the American people's right to know what really happened on January 6. The power mongers in the DNC have sullied Republican innocents long enough. Four stinking years of Hillary Clinton's false witness sham of a "Steele Dossier." The Clinton, Pelosi, and Schumer seductresses are worse than a Marie Antoinette who lied her way out of telling the truth by our generous, noble, and well-written Constitution that she is trying with might and mien to obstruct, vilify, and eliminate off the face of the earth. I'm sick of the Deep State, and we need to get them out of Congress, the Senate, and anywhere else they have an avenue at choking the Constitution by the neck until dead, dead, dead! :cranky:
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Cheney is not getting re-elected when she runs. Others have made videos also. Here's a brand new Representative who on her third day in office effected the rebuttal:

Hmm. Very interesting. The videos that were banned all show a different narrative than the one Nancy, Chuck, and a former Democrat Mayor pushed based on short dissections of longer videos that showed lies pulled out of context of the truthful whole body of videos that were once available. Pelosi, Schumer, and others who involved themselves in creating the false narrative that jailed a lot of innocent people and showed a lie about the death of the Republican woman who was shot dead by a gun-crazy cop whose record of negligent shooting was cancelled by the mob who brought the Jan. 6 lie forward. Unless you are a person who covers lies for the DNC, and you are a Democrat, this will shock you. To the cover up agents here, you will be getting busier and busier until the public sees the truth. This does not reflect well on the Congresswoman from Wyoming. Either she lied or was duped into joining the Democrat Party liars for other gains. The people of Wyoming who put her where she is won't like this sacrifice of so many honorable patriotic and peaceful Republicsans who suffered long jail sentences on account of Nancy, Chuck, and other insider Democrats who cut and pasted scenarios out of context, while the whole picture was withheld from the honest people in the USA and touted by the well-paid-to-lie Democrat fluffers in the press. The former US Service soldier woman who was shot and killed? She was trying to hold back other Republicans from coming any further. The Democrats sullied the name and honor of a former US Soldier and heroine so they could win the election. We need to weed out traitors of the Democrat Party who pick and chose teensey weensey clips that sullied President Trump and others. And Wyoming people shouldn't wait until November to get rid of Cheney. She is a living disgrace to the American people's right to know what really happened on January 6. The power mongers in the DNC have sullied Republican innocents long enough. Four stinking years of Hillary Clinton's false witness sham of a "Steele Dossier." The Clinton, Pelosi, and Schumer seductresses are worse than a Marie Antoinette who lied her way out of telling the truth by our generous, noble, and well-written Constitution that she is trying with might and mien to obstruct, vilify, and eliminate off the face of the earth. I'm sick of the Deep State, and we need to get them out of Congress, the Senate, and anywhere else they have an avenue at choking the Constitution by the neck until dead, dead, dead! :cranky:

Very true, Republicans are no longer the party of traditional Conservatives like Cheney

They have sold out to the lowest common denominator MAGA Republicans like Greene, Boebert, Gaetz

You deserve them
The Republican Senate Intelligence Committee reaffirmed its support for the U.S. intelligence community’s conclusion that the Russian government interfered in the 2016 presidential election with the goal of putting Donald Trump in the Oval Office.

I am anti-Trump, but that is just a lie.
"Politico" is not a valid source.
There is no official intelligence agency that ever made any claim of Trump collusion with Russia.
The ONLY collusion in the 2016 election was the British, providing the Steele Dossier illegally, and containing deliberate lies.

The impeachment forced a full investigation by the FBI, and not a single thing was found.
Very true, Republicans are no longer the party of traditional Conservatives like Cheney

They have sold out to the lowest common denominator MAGA Republicans like Greene, Boebert, Gaetz

You deserve them
You're mistaken on differences. Miss Cheney is a very bad liar, and her troubled look is the tale-tale bit of body language that sez so.
Guilty liar-confused look:

"Why doesn't my stupid fan club believe me?"​

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