Next up for Jan 6 panel…….Mike Pence

Gas prices are not a 'minor footnote' they will the large reason Democrats will go down in flames along with their brain-dead Potus. Trump didn't assault anyone or anything. If he did, there would be a REAL trial, not this kangaroo, inquisition-witch-hunt run by a totally biased individual like 'Miss Piggy.'

But we have had high gas prices before
We have had double digit inflation before

We have NEVER had a President refuse the peaceful transfer of power before or had a President send an angry mob to assault Congress

History will take note and Trump will be demonized for generations

But we have had high gas prices before
We have had double digit inflation before

We have NEVER had a President refuse the peaceful transfer of power before or had a President send an angry mob to assault Congress

History will take note and Trump will be demonized for generations
We have the highest gas prices in history. They were NEVER this high before Biden. Everyone knows it. No amount of assigning blame to Covid or Putin will remove the yoke of responsibility from Biden. Trump will be demonized by the radical left for sure. People like you who believe hearsay and believe what you are told to see.
Personal insults indicate your frustration at being wrong and not wanting to admit it.

Democrats certainly do not feel that Supreme Court Justices are sacred people entitled to special protection at the cost of regular people's lives, so I don't see how they suddenly think members of congress are.

Police are not empowered to shoot people for "threatening democracy." Their role is to use their weapons in self-defense or defense of others using the least required force. A shot to the head for breaking a window goes far beyond that.

Your continued support of that action is disingenuous, unless your IQ is below room temperature.
More childish nonsense.
The court cases may have been weak. But when they got tossed on procedural grounds we will never know. Other than that, your entire argument is just you repeating your contention in newer, but still uninformative and unpersuasive ways.

I have told you that you are unpersuasive, several times. You deny it. So, by your daffynition, you must be “lying” when you persist in your unpersuasive efforts by repeating your same old lines.
Procedural grounds like their “evidence” didn’t meet the evidentiary standards of being evidence of anything.

In one or two cases, that may be true. But you can’t make it the universal. Or, more accurately, you can try. But it’s dishonest of you.

Nope. In many of the cases the evidence presented did not offer anything to back the often wild claims made in their petitions. IOW the claims of election fraud were found to be without merit.

The very fact that Trump and the GOP lost so many attempts so dismally should be all you need to understand that their claims did not match reality. Instead you see it as part of a larger conspiracy against them. This thinking of course is just nuts. :cuckoo:
Sorry, 'Flops' in so much of life, the devil-is-in-the-details.

The circumstances of Babbitt's death vs Floyd's death are markedly different.
Go ahead, watch the video.
We are mildly confident you can see the determinant details.
Yes we can. George Floyd was a dead man walking high on fentanyl and resisted arrest, dying of a drug overdose. Leading to your side rioting for months on end. Babbitt was murdered by a coward who saw a threat where NOT ONE other officer there saw a threat.
Nope. In many of the cases the evidence presented did not offer anything to back the often wild claims made in their petitions. IOW the claims of election fraud were found to be without merit.

The very fact that Trump and the GOP lost so many attempts so dismally should be all you need to understand that their claims did not match reality. Instead you see it as part of a larger conspiracy against them. This thinking of course is just nuts. :cuckoo:
Nope. In some cases. Not many. Stop lying.

And in other cases the filings got tossed for other reasons — procedural reasons — in no way related to the substance. Maybe you can sack up for a change of pace and admit as much.

Also, you imbecile, don’t tell me what in”think.” You’re not nearly smart enough to engage in such things. I tell you what I think. That’s how it works. You’re a tool. 👍
Nope. In some cases. Not many. Stop lying.

And in other cases the filings got tossed for other reasons — procedural reasons — in no way related to the substance. Maybe you can sack up for a change of pace and admit as much.

Also, you imbecile, don’t tell me what in”think.” You’re not nearly smart enough to engage in such things. I tell you what I think. That’s how it works. You’re a tool. 👍

Break each case down for us, Matlock.
Show us how Trump was wronged in each case.
What you believe is obvious. Your summation of the cases is without merit.
Break each case down for us, Matlock.
Show us how Trump was wronged in each case.
Sorry butchy bitch. But I have no obligation to jump through your silly hoops.

Instead, I’ll just remind you that you’ve made broad stupid claims and they are wrong. My imposition of qualifiers offends you. Tough fucking luck. You see, ya twit, I am free to agree with you in part and to deny the balance. Yes, some cases did get dismissed for apparently valid reasons, procedurally for the most part. Other cases got dismissed on procedural grounds which were not so valid.

Either way though, what I said (and which you seem unduly worked up about) is that when cases get dismissed like that, the dismissal isn’t on the merits. By definition it’s based on procedural problems. The merits don’t even get reached in many instances.

You can cry about that some more. You can spin on your head and fart nickels out your butt. I don’t care. That doesn’t change a thing. I’m still correct and you’re still a dope.
Sorry butchy bitch. But I have no obligation to jump through your silly hoops.

Instead, I’ll just remind you that you’ve made broad stupid claims and they are wrong. My imposition of qualifiers offends you. Tough fucking luck. You see, ya twit, I am free to agree with you in part and to deny the balance. Yes, some cases did get dismissed for apparently valid reasons, procedurally for the most part. Other cases got dismissed on procedural grounds which were not so valid.

Either way though, what I said (and which you seem unduly worked up about) is that when cases get dismissed like that, the dismissal isn’t on the merits. By definition it’s based on procedural problems. The merits don’t even get reached in many instances.

You can cry about that some more. You can spin on your head and fart nickels out your butt. I don’t care. That doesn’t change a thing. I’m still correct and you’re still a dope.
You’re the one living in opposition with reality.
I’m comfortable with the rulings.
I see this has devolved into Fort Fun wanting the last word, no matter how childish.

Ah yes, a troll tactic from the old AOL chat room days. Of course, you just followed me around like a little attack poodle, begging me to spoonfeed you information.
You’re the one living in opposition with reality.
I’m comfortable with the rulings.
No stupid. I’m aligned with reality. Some times the side that should prevail doesn’t. It’s not that difficult. Of course you’re comfortable with rulings, right or wrong, that go the way you prefer. 🙄
In other words, whenever reality does not align with your childish political fetishes.
No. Whenever a court (for instance) rules incorrectly. You know. Like when you libtards rail against Dobbs because it may not conform with your preference? You dopey hypocrite.

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