Next up on the Sexual Misconduct Parade - Al Franken!

You're speculating about a staged photo? From a person who made his living staging funny actions.

If that was the case, why did he apologize and welcome the Senate Ethics Committee inquiry?
Because he realized it was a bad joke. He invited an inquirery where he could explain the nature of the joke. Franken doesn't defend his actions by making excuses, or defending improper behavior., or attacking his accusers.
Because he is caught dead to rights and not merely a rumor. Nothing noble there
A woman has a total right to flaunt her sexuality without being assaulted.

I can't believe people like Creepy Al Franken are turning people like me into feminists.

What is happening?
Probably staged....or not.
If it was staged, that's even worse.

How is pretending to touch somebody in a staged photo, WORSE, than actually assaulting a woman?
it's not just Frankenstein in the picture. it's the guy who's taking the picture. his Billy Bush!
LOL that is rich....Its not Just Roy Moore is the Roy Moore Enabler ...Roy Moore's Billy Bushes
He may be a pedophile son of a Bitch but he is our Pedophile son of a Bitch
Domenico Montanaro @DomenicoNPR
Gov. Kay Ivey says, “I have no reason to disbelieve any of them” [the women] and yet is going to vote for Moore bc "We need to have a Republican in the United States Senate" to vote for Supreme Court justices #2017

2:59 PM - Nov 17, 2017
well first off trump was caught in a private moment. Franken was on camera with his eyes all a glow. trump actually didn't do anything, where Franken was accused of slipping a female costar his fking tongue without her permission, and then doing whatever while she slept on a photo that you can't explain. so apples and rocks,

Maybe you're just stupid, but the Franken photo was staged, posed, having somebody photograph it for it's comedy. A practical joke.

Trump attacked women who Trump attacked calling them liars, even though he admitted the very behavior they complained he did.

A woman accused Trump of reaching under her skirt and grabbing her pussy.

Trump admitted, as a celebrity he could grab a woman by the pussy and get away with it.

I love this theory that comediances have a get-out-of-jail-free card when it comes to sexual assault.

The rest of your post is just as idiotic.
all it takes is "I'm sorry?" Then maybe that's what Roy Moore needs to do. Just say "I don't ever recall doing any of these things that I'm being accused of, but if I did...I'm sorry!" If it's good enough for the dirty demorats, it's good enough for conservatives.
That would have been the more honorable route. Say it was a different time back then and to take teenage girls on dates was not out of the norm. Apologize if he did anything to make any of the girls feel uncomfortable and own it like a man. Seek reparations between himself and his accusers. But no he is playing the denial game and attacking the accusers. Scum.
or simply, he didn't do what he is accused of. and no one can prove it 38 years later, all records are gone. again, the voters will decide. unless you are one, you have no comment worth anything here.

"again, the voters will decide. unless you are one, you have no comment worth anything here."

100% wrong. He is running to be a federal legislator, and that affects everyone. Secondly, all of our own senators may have to vote to throw him out of the Senate. So every American has a dog in this fight.
Ok, and based on what he did do you think that deserves his resignation or impeachment?

Yes, I think molesting a 14 year old qualifies. That accusation is easier to believe, given the other women coming forward, and the corroborating info from other sources.
all it takes is "I'm sorry?" Then maybe that's what Roy Moore needs to do. Just say "I don't ever recall doing any of these things that I'm being accused of, but if I did...I'm sorry!" If it's good enough for the dirty demorats, it's good enough for conservatives.
That would have been the more honorable route. Say it was a different time back then and to take teenage girls on dates was not out of the norm. Apologize if he did anything to make any of the girls feel uncomfortable and own it like a man. Seek reparations between himself and his accusers. But no he is playing the denial game and attacking the accusers. Scum.
or simply, he didn't do what he is accused of. and no one can prove it 38 years later, all records are gone. again, the voters will decide. unless you are one, you have no comment worth anything here.

"again, the voters will decide. unless you are one, you have no comment worth anything here."

100% wrong. He is running to be a federal legislator, and that affects everyone. Secondly, all of our own senators may have to vote to throw him out of the Senate. So every American has a dog in this fight.
but only voted on by the people of alabama. see you got to vote for your guy, they get theirs. so sorry, you can bitch all the fk you want to. nothing you can do.

"but only voted on by the people of alabama"

Wrong again. If he wins, he will be subjected to vote in the Senate. And my 2 Senators will be voting. And they know I am voting in their re-election bids. Whine all you like, everyone's opinions do matter, here .
Yes, I think molesting a 14 year old qualifies. That accusation is easier to believe, given the other women coming forward, and the corroborating info from other sources.
Don't trust all those other women who came forward. They were mere teenagers when it happened. ;)
Agreed. Purge both sides of sexual harassers and assaulters. Demonize them on both sides of the aisle.

but then you will get to the point of over-reach and go after normal, if not awkward, human interactions that happen when people try to find sexual partners.

As I said, Salem all over again.

In no way am I advocating going after innocent people. I'm not sure if you understand, though. I've been harassed/groped, myself, at work. It is not rare or uncommon. I am 49 years old, and it has happened to me at 3 different jobs, the first when I was 19 and the last when I was 47. Women have had to just accept it as part of living in a man's world, and we have for the most part. Apparently, we are now at a place where we can address the problem. The purge will be harsh, I agree. Many men will be shocked when they get the backlash of their inappropriate behavior, because it has been the norm for a very long time. I sort of feel for them; however, men in general do not "feel" for women who have to put up with this. They say, "Suck it up, Buttercup." Forgive me if I don't shed tears when their proven actions are exposed.

I believe in due process and innocent until proven guilty. I know for sure there will be a shocking amount of harassing/groping that can and will be proven. While I was not exactly traumatized by my experiences, I've left 2 jobs because of it. I should not have had to quit jobs in order to not have my boobs pressed against, creepy hands around my waist or a boss blatantly standing over me staring down my blouse. I should not have to decide how bad I really want that promotion/opportunity and I should not be retaliated against because I don't give employer blowjobs. I am fortunate enough to have a lot of options. Many women don't.

I call it a purge because there are a LOT of men in power who behave this way, not because I want innocent men witch-hunted. You may be surprised by how rampant the problem is, but I doubt many women in the workforce will be as surprised. I direct your attention to the photo of Franken that so many here brush off as harmless: she had a vest on, it doesn't look like he's really squeezing her boobs, he might not even be touching her, she is "acting" asleep, blah blah. That photo infuriates me. It is a classic example of the "Suck it up, Buttercup" mentality. Once people realize those days are gone, the behavior will largely disappear. Change is not always pleasant, but that does not mean the change is not warranted. Frankly, it is looooong overdue.
so curious, did you report being groped? identify to someone the gropper? if so, then that doesn't compare here at all. so apples and oranges. If you never reported it, then that is on you and I have no feelings for you. You merely gave the perv more opportunities to do harm to someone else and then shame on you.

I've shared here on USMB. I warned my replacement. There was no HR Dept to complain to, just the perv bosses. No sweat off my back if you have contempt for the victim. It is the norm. It is why so few are reported. The women are drug through the mud and the men are protected. Try finding a job after filing complaints or suits.

Looks like the tables might turn and the actual perpetrators will be exposed. I'm not holding my breath, but I'm not exactly shedding tears that the light is being shined on the cockroaches.
see that makes absolutely no sense. you can file a police report. why didn't you? I'd have that fker in handcuffs. He'd never do that again. why don't you all want to stop bad male behavior? I don't get it.

I see that you don't get it. You don't acknowledge the huge disruption it would have caused in my life to file charges I can't prove against my boss for being a sleeze. It isn't some quick trip to the sheriff then on with my life. It is a crapshoot at best anything would happen to the sleeze. It is more likely my reputation gets trashed, my job opportunities vanish, my finances and family life are negatively impacted ... all for something nobody considered a big deal 5 years ago. Maybe in 5 years from now it will be different.

I made a quality of life decision. Many women do. You wouldn't. Not sure why you don't get it and find it so boggling. It's not uncommon.
Look closely, the vest isn't even wrinkled from pressure being applied to it.

It's not tafetta, you dumb ass! It's a Kevlar bullet proof vest!

It's like groping somebody through a suit of armor. Nobody would do that for a cheap thrill, meaning it had to be a joke.

Or to humiliate her for rejecting his earlier aggressive advances
but then you will get to the point of over-reach and go after normal, if not awkward, human interactions that happen when people try to find sexual partners.

As I said, Salem all over again.

In no way am I advocating going after innocent people. I'm not sure if you understand, though. I've been harassed/groped, myself, at work. It is not rare or uncommon. I am 49 years old, and it has happened to me at 3 different jobs, the first when I was 19 and the last when I was 47. Women have had to just accept it as part of living in a man's world, and we have for the most part. Apparently, we are now at a place where we can address the problem. The purge will be harsh, I agree. Many men will be shocked when they get the backlash of their inappropriate behavior, because it has been the norm for a very long time. I sort of feel for them; however, men in general do not "feel" for women who have to put up with this. They say, "Suck it up, Buttercup." Forgive me if I don't shed tears when their proven actions are exposed.

I believe in due process and innocent until proven guilty. I know for sure there will be a shocking amount of harassing/groping that can and will be proven. While I was not exactly traumatized by my experiences, I've left 2 jobs because of it. I should not have had to quit jobs in order to not have my boobs pressed against, creepy hands around my waist or a boss blatantly standing over me staring down my blouse. I should not have to decide how bad I really want that promotion/opportunity and I should not be retaliated against because I don't give employer blowjobs. I am fortunate enough to have a lot of options. Many women don't.

I call it a purge because there are a LOT of men in power who behave this way, not because I want innocent men witch-hunted. You may be surprised by how rampant the problem is, but I doubt many women in the workforce will be as surprised. I direct your attention to the photo of Franken that so many here brush off as harmless: she had a vest on, it doesn't look like he's really squeezing her boobs, he might not even be touching her, she is "acting" asleep, blah blah. That photo infuriates me. It is a classic example of the "Suck it up, Buttercup" mentality. Once people realize those days are gone, the behavior will largely disappear. Change is not always pleasant, but that does not mean the change is not warranted. Frankly, it is looooong overdue.
so curious, did you report being groped? identify to someone the gropper? if so, then that doesn't compare here at all. so apples and oranges. If you never reported it, then that is on you and I have no feelings for you. You merely gave the perv more opportunities to do harm to someone else and then shame on you.

I've shared here on USMB. I warned my replacement. There was no HR Dept to complain to, just the perv bosses. No sweat off my back if you have contempt for the victim. It is the norm. It is why so few are reported. The women are drug through the mud and the men are protected. Try finding a job after filing complaints or suits.

Looks like the tables might turn and the actual perpetrators will be exposed. I'm not holding my breath, but I'm not exactly shedding tears that the light is being shined on the cockroaches.
see that makes absolutely no sense. you can file a police report. why didn't you? I'd have that fker in handcuffs. He'd never do that again. why don't you all want to stop bad male behavior? I don't get it.

I see that you don't get it. You don't acknowledge the huge disruption it would have caused in my life to file charges I can't prove against my boss for being a sleeze. It isn't some quick trip to the sheriff then on with my life. It is a crapshoot at best anything would happen to the sleeze. It is more likely my reputation gets trashed, my job opportunities vanish, my finances and family life are negatively impacted ... all for something nobody considered a big deal 5 years ago. Maybe in 5 years from now it will be different.

I made a quality of life decision. Many women do. You wouldn't. Not sure why you don't get it and find it so boggling. It's not uncommon.

he has no clue what he would do.
Did anybody bother to analyze the Franken photograph?

Franken is looking at the camera
His hands are hovering over her flak jacket
You can practically hear Franken say "Take the picture already"
Bill Clinton is a sexual predator
-Is the left ready to condemn?
-Is Hillary ready to condemn?
-Is the left ready to condemn Hillary for NOT condemning her husband?

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