NFL ratings tanking and the msm media wont tell you this.LOL

Hispanics are the fastest growing population in America. ....


Hispanics largely are uncounted, .....many if not a majority of Hispanics count themselves as white...thus artificially reducing the actual Hispanic count substantially.


Do you want to take some time and think that one through again?
why don't you go to shithole Africa if you hate whites/America/cops so much?????????!!!!!!!!!
Hispanics are the fastest growing population in America. ....


Hispanics largely are uncounted, .....many if not a majority of Hispanics count themselves as white...thus artificially reducing the actual Hispanic count substantially.


Do you want to take some time and think that one through again?
why don't you go to .....Africa if you hate whites/America/cops so much?????????!!!!!!!!!

What the hell are you talking about? Are you on drugs or something? Do you imagine that your bizarre comments are based on anything I've ever said?
Hispanics are the fastest growing population in America. ....


Hispanics largely are uncounted, .....many if not a majority of Hispanics count themselves as white...thus artificially reducing the actual Hispanic count substantially.


Do you want to take some time and think that one through again?
why don't you go to .....Africa if you hate whites/America/cops so much?????????!!!!!!!!!

What the hell are you talking about? Are you on drugs or something? Do you imagine that your bizarre comments are based on anything I've ever said?'ll learn your lesson in shithole Somalia
Hispanics are the fastest growing population in America. ....


Hispanics largely are uncounted, .....many if not a majority of Hispanics count themselves as white...thus artificially reducing the actual Hispanic count substantially.


Do you want to take some time and think that one through again?
why don't you go to .....Africa if you hate whites/America/cops so much?????????!!!!!!!!!

What the hell are you talking about? Are you on drugs or something? Do you imagine that your bizarre comments are based on anything I've ever said?'ll learn your lesson in shithole Somalia

Is this some kind of steam-of-consciousness trip you're on? Your comments are unrelated to anything said here.
Hispanics are the fastest growing population in America. ....


Hispanics largely are uncounted, .....many if not a majority of Hispanics count themselves as white...thus artificially reducing the actual Hispanic count substantially.


Do you want to take some time and think that one through again?
why don't you go to .....Africa if you hate whites/America/cops so much?????????!!!!!!!!!

What the hell are you talking about? Are you on drugs or something? Do you imagine that your bizarre comments are based on anything I've ever said?'ll learn your lesson in shithole Somalia

Is this some kind of steam-of-consciousness trip you're on? Your comments are unrelated to anything said here.
.you're a white/America hater--don't try to deny it
Hispanics are the fastest growing population in America. ....


Hispanics largely are uncounted, .....many if not a majority of Hispanics count themselves as white...thus artificially reducing the actual Hispanic count substantially.


Do you want to take some time and think that one through again?
why don't you go to .....Africa if you hate whites/America/cops so much?????????!!!!!!!!!

What the hell are you talking about? Are you on drugs or something? Do you imagine that your bizarre comments are based on anything I've ever said?'ll learn your lesson in shithole Somalia

Is this some kind of steam-of-consciousness trip you're on? Your comments are unrelated to anything said here.
.you're a white/America hater--don't try to deny it

I categorically deny it, you Squirrley little head case.
NFL = racist white/cop/America haters
I love it that republicans basically can only watch boring hockey and baseball games. Go ahead. Have those games. I don’t even know who won the last World Series or Stanley cup. Seriously. But I love the nba and nfl. Lots of people do. We don’t need trumpeters.
WOW--what a reply!!!!!!!!!!!! ...............?????!!!!!!!!!!!!
so you also hate whites/cops/America==we know
My buddy just retired after 25 years of being a cop. I know all about the cops. They need to be reformed and retrained.

What you just did is a bullshit conservative tactic. It’s how you got us to go along with the iraq war. If we didn’t we weren’t supporting the troops.

Remember this tactic didn’t work For u. You lost the election because of that narrative. Blacks showed up to vote trump out because of blm. So yes, I support American civilians who are being brutalized by a militarized police force.

Here is what is going to happen with "reforming and retraining" the police.

You dems are going to keep treating the police like the enemy, utterly destroying morale, and any cop that can, will retire ASAP, or move to another career, and so communities will have to dramatically and repeatedly lower standards in an attempt at making recruitment goals.

AND, they will still fail.

AND, the "retraining" is just going to be fucking with the ability of cops to do their job.

SO, you will have underqualified, understaffed, un-motivated and poorly led men, UNDERFUNED, because, DEFUND,

doing increasingly less and less police work, as their focus becomes covering their ass from the witch hunt you people are operating.

Crime is going to spiral out of control. Hell, they will stop counting shit as crime, to try to spin it.

THOUSANDS will die, due to policies you support. And the deaths will only be part of the cost. Overall, society will just suck is some many ways.

By the time people wake up, it will be too late. YOu will have your Minority Majority population, and elections will just be pretend, and there will be no legal, peaceful means to change.
You are 100% correct. The criminal element of the population will run rampant. Shootings will triple, rape will be commonplace, property crimes will skyrocket and the law-abiding population will just suck it up or ammo up. Maybe that is best. One bullet is cheaper than the police and ineffective courts.

We see it happening already. Homicide spiking in many cities. Shoplifting, and other property crimes not being prosecuted.

And it will only get worse.

THe weird strength of the dems, is that failure empowers them.

They turn a city into a crime and poverty ridden cesspool, and that city becomes a stronghold of theirs, and even as people flee it, to escape it's dysfunction,

they carry the same ideas with them, and turn the places they flee to, into what they left, and they become dem strongholds too.
Crime is spiking because trump mishandled the pandemic. Weeks turned into months.
I knew unkotare voted for trump.

Why is crime spiking? I love these con theories.
and you troll sealybobo will try and tell us chicago where you hero Obama was in charge,has not become the second largest crime city in the country after your city detroit where that OTHER hero of yours rules the city,commie dictater whitmere that your wife and america hater penny worships as well. you two america haters ignore that a court ruled her dreconian acts unconstitutional. penelope has me on ignore as she does most cause she hates these facts being told.LOL

Unkotore is indeed a stupid fuck idiot ignoring the corruption of the chestriots as he does but you are even more so the fact you ignore facts that only an idiot stupid fuck would have voted for commie america hater Hitlery over trump and commie america hater Biden over trump as well. comedy gold. :auiqs.jpg: :lmao:
Last edited:
No one mentioned Soccer !

Hispanics are the fastest growing population in America. Soccer is slowly replacing American football anyway.
As soon as all the beer companies and car companies switch their advertising to Soccer....POOF !!

To be honest...I would MUCH rather see NFL players making $25,000 a year rather than $25 million a year. All that kneeling and crap.
I'd rather see professional sports out of the pic all together. Let these spoiled primadonnas go out and earn a living like the rest of the world. Make millions playing kid's games and then complain about being oppressed. I should be so oppressed.
totally agree.
Not bitter over their income, I am bitter that the HYPOCRITES claim they are oppressed. ...

If you're not bitter about their income, stop talking about it.
You may be right about the comeback, but I hope they all go broke. I also would like to see the college athletics done away with. No more athletic scholarships. If you haven't got what it takes to meet the academic requirements, no scholarships, no diploma.

Ah~ now it all becomes clear...

Are you up to 98lbs yet, Poindexter?
Learned long ago that you can't get into a battle of wits with an unarmed man. Not wasting anymore time here.

I see you have discovered what the majority of USMB posters here at this site have that both sealybozo and unkotore ignore facts that dont go along with their warped opinions.that they are major trolls not worth wasting your time with. :thup:
Not bitter over their income, I am bitter that the HYPOCRITES claim they are oppressed. ...

If you're not bitter about their income, stop talking about it.
You may be right about the comeback, but I hope they all go broke. I also would like to see the college athletics done away with. No more athletic scholarships. If you haven't got what it takes to meet the academic requirements, no scholarships, no diploma.

Ah~ now it all becomes clear...

Are you up to 98lbs yet, Poindexter?
Learned long ago that you can't get into a battle of wits with an unarmed man. Not wasting anymore time here.

I see you have discovered what the majority of USMB posters here at this site have that both sealybozo and unkotore ignore facts that dont go along with their warped opinions.that they are major trolls not worth wasting your time with. :thup:
Yeah, I tried my best to put out factual info and they are either uninformed at best or willfully ignorant at worst. Unkotore is gone, Bobob is gone and Sealybozo probably will be soon.
Not bitter over their income, I am bitter that the HYPOCRITES claim they are oppressed. ...

If you're not bitter about their income, stop talking about it.
You may be right about the comeback, but I hope they all go broke. I also would like to see the college athletics done away with. No more athletic scholarships. If you haven't got what it takes to meet the academic requirements, no scholarships, no diploma.

Ah~ now it all becomes clear...

Are you up to 98lbs yet, Poindexter?
Learned long ago that you can't get into a battle of wits with an unarmed man. Not wasting anymore time here.

I see you have discovered what the majority of USMB posters here at this site have that both sealybozo and unkotore ignore facts that dont go along with their warped opinions.that they are major trolls not worth wasting your time with. :thup:

Which you spend most of your time posting about.
NFL = racist white/cop/America haters
I love it that republicans basically can only watch boring hockey and baseball games. Go ahead. Have those games. I don’t even know who won the last World Series or Stanley cup. Seriously. But I love the nba and nfl. Lots of people do. We don’t need trumpeters.
WOW--what a reply!!!!!!!!!!!! ...............?????!!!!!!!!!!!!
so you also hate whites/cops/America==we know
My buddy just retired after 25 years of being a cop. I know all about the cops. They need to be reformed and retrained.

What you just did is a bullshit conservative tactic. It’s how you got us to go along with the iraq war. If we didn’t we weren’t supporting the troops.

Remember this tactic didn’t work For u. You lost the election because of that narrative. Blacks showed up to vote trump out because of blm. So yes, I support American civilians who are being brutalized by a militarized police force.

Here is what is going to happen with "reforming and retraining" the police.

You dems are going to keep treating the police like the enemy, utterly destroying morale, and any cop that can, will retire ASAP, or move to another career, and so communities will have to dramatically and repeatedly lower standards in an attempt at making recruitment goals.

AND, they will still fail.

AND, the "retraining" is just going to be fucking with the ability of cops to do their job.

SO, you will have underqualified, understaffed, un-motivated and poorly led men, UNDERFUNED, because, DEFUND,

doing increasingly less and less police work, as their focus becomes covering their ass from the witch hunt you people are operating.

Crime is going to spiral out of control. Hell, they will stop counting shit as crime, to try to spin it.

THOUSANDS will die, due to policies you support. And the deaths will only be part of the cost. Overall, society will just suck is some many ways.

By the time people wake up, it will be too late. YOu will have your Minority Majority population, and elections will just be pretend, and there will be no legal, peaceful means to change.
You are 100% correct. The criminal element of the population will run rampant. Shootings will triple, rape will be commonplace, property crimes will skyrocket and the law-abiding population will just suck it up or ammo up. Maybe that is best. One bullet is cheaper than the police and ineffective courts.

We see it happening already. Homicide spiking in many cities. Shoplifting, and other property crimes not being prosecuted.

And it will only get worse.

THe weird strength of the dems, is that failure empowers them.

They turn a city into a crime and poverty ridden cesspool, and that city becomes a stronghold of theirs, and even as people flee it, to escape it's dysfunction,

they carry the same ideas with them, and turn the places they flee to, into what they left, and they become dem strongholds too.
Crime is spiking because trump mishandled the pandemic. Weeks turned into months.
I knew unkotare voted for trump.

Why is crime spiking? I love these con theories.
and you troll sealybobo will try and tell us chicago where you hero Obama was in charge,has not become the second largest crime city in the country after your city detroit where that OTHER hero of yours rules the city,commie dictater whitmere that your wife and america hater penny worships as well. you two america haters ignore that a court ruled her dreconian acts unconstitutional. penelope has me on ignore as she does most cause she hates these facts being told.LOL

Unkotore is indeed a stupid fuck idiot ignoring the corruption of the chestriots as he does but you are even more so the fact you ignore facts that only an idiot stupid fuck would have voted for commie america hater Hitlery over trump and commie america hater Biden over trump as well. comedy gold. :auiqs.jpg: :lmao:

Of course he's a very good driver...yeah...very good driver...uh-oh! Time for Wapner!
Not bitter over their income, I am bitter that the HYPOCRITES claim they are oppressed. ...

If you're not bitter about their income, stop talking about it.
You may be right about the comeback, but I hope they all go broke. I also would like to see the college athletics done away with. No more athletic scholarships. If you haven't got what it takes to meet the academic requirements, no scholarships, no diploma.

Ah~ now it all becomes clear...

Are you up to 98lbs yet, Poindexter?
Learned long ago that you can't get into a battle of wits with an unarmed man. Not wasting anymore time here.

I see you have discovered what the majority of USMB posters here at this site have that both sealybozo and unkotore ignore facts that dont go along with their warped opinions.that they are major trolls not worth wasting your time with. :thup:
Yeah, I tried my best to put out factual info and they are either uninformed at best or willfully ignorant at worst. Unkotore is gone, Bobob is gone and Sealybozo probably will be soon.
Unkotore is the biggest whiny troll I ever encountered at usmb,he goes and whines to the mods on every little tiny thing in the world same as a baby goes crying to their mommy all the time over trivial things,thank god for the ignore list.

The only time the other idiot sealybozo ever makes truthful posts is here in the sports section,post# 41 of his on page 3 for example,was spot on.,so the sports section is the only time I ever take the time to read his babble.he runs off and always cowardly evades facts the dems are as evil and corrupt as the gop party which is why pretty much everybody laughs at his stupidity here,obviously a shill for the dnc the fact he can’t come to grips with reality,trump is not an evil warmonger like the typical gop party of bush,Romney and Reagan.he won’t get past his bias on the gop party to accept that fact so I always ignore his babble in any other section he posts.

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