NFL ratings tanking and the msm media wont tell you this.LOL

Not bitter over their income, I am bitter that the HYPOCRITES claim they are oppressed. ...

If you're not bitter about their income, stop talking about it.
You may be right about the comeback, but I hope they all go broke. I also would like to see the college athletics done away with. No more athletic scholarships. If you haven't got what it takes to meet the academic requirements, no scholarships, no diploma.

Ah~ now it all becomes clear...

Are you up to 98lbs yet, Poindexter?
Learned long ago that you can't get into a battle of wits with an unarmed man. Not wasting anymore time here.

I see you have discovered what the majority of USMB posters here at this site have that both sealybozo and unkotore ignore facts that dont go along with their warped opinions.that they are major trolls not worth wasting your time with. :thup:
Yeah, I tried my best to put out factual info and they are either uninformed at best or willfully ignorant at worst. Unkotore is gone, Bobob is gone and Sealybozo probably will be soon.
Unkotore is the biggest whiny troll I ever encountered at usmb,he goes and whines to the mods on every little tiny thing in the world same as a baby goes crying to their mommy all the time over trivial things,thank god for the ignore list.

The only time the other idiot sealybozo ever makes truthful posts is here in the sports section,post# 41 of his on page 3 for example,was spot on.,so the sports section is the only time I ever take the time to read his babble.he runs off and always cowardly evades facts the dems are as evil and corrupt as the gop party which is why pretty much everybody laughs at his stupidity here,obviously a shill for the dnc the fact he can’t come to grips with reality,trump is not an evil warmonger like the typical gop party of bush,Romney and Reagan.he won’t get past his bias on the gop party to accept that fact so I always ignore his babble in any other section he posts.

...I also would like to see the college athletics done away with. No more athletic scholarships. If you haven't got what it takes to meet the academic requirements, no scholarships, no diploma.

Typical of the 98lb weakling who can't help but vent childhood trauma in the sports forum.
NFL = racist white/cop/America haters
I love it that republicans basically can only watch boring hockey and baseball games. Go ahead. Have those games. I don’t even know who won the last World Series or Stanley cup. Seriously. But I love the nba and nfl. Lots of people do. We don’t need trumpeters.
WOW--what a reply!!!!!!!!!!!! ...............?????!!!!!!!!!!!!
so you also hate whites/cops/America==we know
My buddy just retired after 25 years of being a cop. I know all about the cops. They need to be reformed and retrained.

What you just did is a bullshit conservative tactic. It’s how you got us to go along with the iraq war. If we didn’t we weren’t supporting the troops.

Remember this tactic didn’t work For u. You lost the election because of that narrative. Blacks showed up to vote trump out because of blm. So yes, I support American civilians who are being brutalized by a militarized police force.

Here is what is going to happen with "reforming and retraining" the police.

You dems are going to keep treating the police like the enemy, utterly destroying morale, and any cop that can, will retire ASAP, or move to another career, and so communities will have to dramatically and repeatedly lower standards in an attempt at making recruitment goals.

AND, they will still fail.

AND, the "retraining" is just going to be fucking with the ability of cops to do their job.

SO, you will have underqualified, understaffed, un-motivated and poorly led men, UNDERFUNED, because, DEFUND,

doing increasingly less and less police work, as their focus becomes covering their ass from the witch hunt you people are operating.

Crime is going to spiral out of control. Hell, they will stop counting shit as crime, to try to spin it.

THOUSANDS will die, due to policies you support. And the deaths will only be part of the cost. Overall, society will just suck is some many ways.

By the time people wake up, it will be too late. YOu will have your Minority Majority population, and elections will just be pretend, and there will be no legal, peaceful means to change.
You are 100% correct. The criminal element of the population will run rampant. Shootings will triple, rape will be commonplace, property crimes will skyrocket and the law-abiding population will just suck it up or ammo up. Maybe that is best. One bullet is cheaper than the police and ineffective courts.

We see it happening already. Homicide spiking in many cities. Shoplifting, and other property crimes not being prosecuted.

And it will only get worse.

THe weird strength of the dems, is that failure empowers them.

They turn a city into a crime and poverty ridden cesspool, and that city becomes a stronghold of theirs, and even as people flee it, to escape it's dysfunction,

they carry the same ideas with them, and turn the places they flee to, into what they left, and they become dem strongholds too.
Crime is spiking because trump mishandled the pandemic. Weeks turned into months.

Crime is spiking because cops have shit morale due to the war you people are waging against them.
Bullshit. Utter bullshit. Crime spiked when corona led to a Great Recession And people running out of money

Crime did not spike because cops feel unappreciated and have low moral. thats just bullshit.

So are you admitting that not only do cops need to be reformed they are also not doing their jobs and that’s directly responsible for highe4 crime?

Are you really blaming cops for the spike in crime? Interesting theory.

I'm blaming the War on Cops.

And when you have politicians arresting cops for doing their jobs, or at least just throwing them under the bus at the slightest excuse,

that is poor leadership, not on the cops.
Who started the war? Cops wrongfully murdering citizens.

Nope. Cop's job is the application of force. That is never going to be pretty. It was the media that choose to present it as wacism and start the war.

And thousands will die, as police lose the war and are forced to stand down.

THAT is a price that liberals are choosing to pay, to win elections.

Part of the price. There is, and will be more.
8:46. That’s how long that cop kept his knee on that guys neck. It wasn’t right and you defending the cop makes you fucked up

I'm fine with such incidents being investigated, and if found to be excessive, dealt with accordingly.

My point was that the media choose to present it as wacism and start the war on cops.

You having a hissy fit and calling me names, doesn't change that fact.

Nor the fact that no matter what, any police force that does it's job, will be using force to maintain law and order.

If you prevent that, you will have a breakdown in Civilization.

The current situation, where you face arrest for defending yourself, is not sustainable. People will not put up with that for long. They will fight back or flee such madness.
Hey, if you like the cops being more violent with you when they pull you over, that’s cool. I don’t like it.

I understand tha they are dealing with the problem people in our society but one day you might be the one who they come to calm down. I hope they don’t put their knee on your neck till you die.

But 99% of the time I’m going to agree with you that the cops used appropriate force.
NFL = racist white/cop/America haters
I love it that republicans basically can only watch boring hockey and baseball games. Go ahead. Have those games. I don’t even know who won the last World Series or Stanley cup. Seriously. But I love the nba and nfl. Lots of people do. We don’t need trumpeters.
WOW--what a reply!!!!!!!!!!!! ...............?????!!!!!!!!!!!!
so you also hate whites/cops/America==we know
My buddy just retired after 25 years of being a cop. I know all about the cops. They need to be reformed and retrained.

What you just did is a bullshit conservative tactic. It’s how you got us to go along with the iraq war. If we didn’t we weren’t supporting the troops.

Remember this tactic didn’t work For u. You lost the election because of that narrative. Blacks showed up to vote trump out because of blm. So yes, I support American civilians who are being brutalized by a militarized police force.

Here is what is going to happen with "reforming and retraining" the police.

You dems are going to keep treating the police like the enemy, utterly destroying morale, and any cop that can, will retire ASAP, or move to another career, and so communities will have to dramatically and repeatedly lower standards in an attempt at making recruitment goals.

AND, they will still fail.

AND, the "retraining" is just going to be fucking with the ability of cops to do their job.

SO, you will have underqualified, understaffed, un-motivated and poorly led men, UNDERFUNED, because, DEFUND,

doing increasingly less and less police work, as their focus becomes covering their ass from the witch hunt you people are operating.

Crime is going to spiral out of control. Hell, they will stop counting shit as crime, to try to spin it.

THOUSANDS will die, due to policies you support. And the deaths will only be part of the cost. Overall, society will just suck is some many ways.

By the time people wake up, it will be too late. YOu will have your Minority Majority population, and elections will just be pretend, and there will be no legal, peaceful means to change.
You are 100% correct. The criminal element of the population will run rampant. Shootings will triple, rape will be commonplace, property crimes will skyrocket and the law-abiding population will just suck it up or ammo up. Maybe that is best. One bullet is cheaper than the police and ineffective courts.

We see it happening already. Homicide spiking in many cities. Shoplifting, and other property crimes not being prosecuted.

And it will only get worse.

THe weird strength of the dems, is that failure empowers them.

They turn a city into a crime and poverty ridden cesspool, and that city becomes a stronghold of theirs, and even as people flee it, to escape it's dysfunction,

they carry the same ideas with them, and turn the places they flee to, into what they left, and they become dem strongholds too.
Crime is spiking because trump mishandled the pandemic. Weeks turned into months.

Crime is spiking because cops have shit morale due to the war you people are waging against them.
Bullshit. Utter bullshit. Crime spiked when corona led to a Great Recession And people running out of money

Crime did not spike because cops feel unappreciated and have low moral. thats just bullshit.

So are you admitting that not only do cops need to be reformed they are also not doing their jobs and that’s directly responsible for highe4 crime?

Are you really blaming cops for the spike in crime? Interesting theory.

I'm blaming the War on Cops.

And when you have politicians arresting cops for doing their jobs, or at least just throwing them under the bus at the slightest excuse,

that is poor leadership, not on the cops.
Who started the war? Cops wrongfully murdering citizens.

Nope. Cop's job is the application of force. That is never going to be pretty. It was the media that choose to present it as wacism and start the war.

And thousands will die, as police lose the war and are forced to stand down.

THAT is a price that liberals are choosing to pay, to win elections.

Part of the price. There is, and will be more.
8:46. That’s how long that cop kept his knee on that guys neck. It wasn’t right and you defending the cop makes you fucked up one is defending the cop---you people are all fukd in the head by thinking that
We see usmb republicans defend the cops every time right or wrong. Justifiable or not. Trayvon martin for example.
I'd rather see professional sports out of the pic all together. Let these spoiled primadonnas [sic] go out and earn a living like the rest of the world. ....

They do earn a living, a good one.
They get paid. EARN a living. They haven't earned anything.

Of course they earn their money. They provide a service that people willingly - eagerly - pay for. In doing so, they support an entire industry that employs many thousands of other jobs as well. Don't be bitter because they earn a lot of money.
Not bitter over their income, I am bitter that the HYPOCRITES claim they are oppressed. Please keep up with the thread.
A black man can be respected at his job and then a cop disrespects him on the street. He’s being oppressed, no? Maybe oppressed isn’t the right word but

This weekend I listened to a bunch of Karen’s gone wild. So easily triggered. So really to tell a Asian Mexican or muslim to go back to where they came from. So happy to be using the n word.

there is ALSO this link i saw that i cant find now that was posted just a week ago saying that the ratings for NFL games are now on par with basketball ratings which has dipped to an all time low as worst ever in its history.:laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301:

I cant believe the sheep here that STILL watch this crap every week always seeing threads say like SEATTLE AT BUFFALO. oh my god. incredible people want to watch a game with cardboard cutouts in the stands.incredible is all i can say to that.:rolleyes-41: the fans were the thing that always made itFUN to watch the games.the costumes you saw them wear.

I honestly could not tell you if the Rams won sunday or if they even have a winning season this year. I dont give a crap anymore,not when we are living in dangerous times as we are.

Beam me up scotty,there is no intelligent life forms on this planet. :rolleyes-41:

I know I will make everybody mad in this section but thats okay.I seldom come here anymore.when i do,its just to talk about the good old days like when the Rams were still in LA for so many years.:2up:

I was a die hard NFL fan until Commie Kapaernick came along. I wouldn't walk across the room to turn on a professional or college sport anymore. Let these loud-mouthed primadonnas go out and get real jobs like the rest of us. It is moronic to be paid millions of $$ and then complain about being oppressed--I should be so oppressed. College athletes that can't write a coherent sentence demanding pay for their image? Screw them. Pay for your education and get a real job. I hope all of these sports go belly up.

If it weren’t for social Wedge issues most republicans would be democrats.

The gop favors kappernick financially. He doesn’t vote republican because it’s the party for people who deny social injustices happen. Would you b ok if a cop put his knee on your neck until you died? I can’t breathe

Would you be OK if a thug beat up your pregnant wife? Are you OK with criminals passing phony money and selling dangerous drugs? You are a lemming moron.

No I’m not defending those people either. You’re defending cops who for 8:46 seconds keep their knee on a mans neck after they have him cuffed and he says he can’t breath but they continue till he dies.

8:46 eight minutes fourth six seconds.

He was a drug-dealing, counterfeiting, wife-beater and you are a fucking idiot not worth my time or another post.
Pretty much everybody at this board comes to that conclusion about this troll,as you can see,he blatantly ignores facts how both parties are corrupt and one in the same and far too biased against the gop party too stupid to understand trump is not your typical corrupt gop criminal like reagan and bush. Trust me you will never get anywhere with this troll on those hee hee

Ok fine. Both parties suck. But trump was worse. Anyone who voted for trump a second time is a stupid asshole. I understand why the first time but not this time, idiot
....I seldom come here anymore.when i do,its just to talk about the good old days like when the Rams were still in LA for so many years.:2up:
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That season was rigged. Remember they screwed Kansas City and helped the rams win during the playoffs? But Kansas city owner was ok with it because the next year it was scripted that Kansas City would win.

I wonder who’s gonna win this year?
We know who it’s not going to be. Steelers. Did you see that game?

Brady could pull it off.

Patriots are out thank god. I hate them and Dallas.

Are you not going to watch Kansas City play the dolphins this week? Liar.

I don’t believe a chiefs fan like you is not watching this year. No way
Hispanics are the fastest growing population in America. ....


The problem with narrow minded people is that they only use one source or one facet of a set of data.

Your failure here is that you only considered the electorate eligible population as reported widely by PEW RESEARCH.

Factors you failed to consider......
Hispanics largely are uncounted, yet still represent the largest growing segment of US population
You also failed in realizing that many if not a majority of Hispanics count themselves as white...thus artificially reducing the actual Hispanic count substantially.

You can't just parrot one source and claim to be a know it all

The nation is diversifying even faster than predicted, according to new census data
The new data shows that, by 2019, the white population share declined nearly nine more percentage points, to 60.1%. The Latino or Hispanic and Asian American population shares showed the most marked gains, at 18.5% and nearly 6%, respectively. While these groups fluctuated over the past 40 years, either upward (for Latinos or Hispanics and Asian Americans) or downward (for whites), the Black share of the population remained relatively constant.


Hispanics in the US Fast Facts
The Office of Management and Budget describes Hispanic or Latino ethnicity as "a person of Cuban, Mexican, Puerto Rican, South or Central American, or other Spanish culture or origin regardless of race."
Hispanic people are the largest minority in the United States. Only Mexico has a larger Hispanic population than the United States.

The U.S. Latino population grew to 60.6 million in 2019, a record 18.5% of the total population, according to new Census Bureau data.

Here are all the details you need to know.

The U.S. Latino Population Continues to Grow
The U.S. population reached 328,239,523 in 2019.

Latinos reached 60,572,237 in 2019.

Now at 18.5% of the U.S. population, Latinos are the second-largest racial/ethnic group, behind non-Latino Whites (60.1%). They have greater numbers than Blacks (13.4), Asians (5.9%), and American Indians or Alaska Natives (1.3%).

U.S. Latinos reach 60 million - via pew july 2020Latinos accounted for 16% of the U.S. population in 2010.

In fact, the U.S. Latino population is up by 10,093,626 from 2010 to 2019, or 20% growth, according to the new Census Bureau data.

You also forgot about these "UNDocumented people" coming to America.
Under Trump it slowed down....under BIDEN it will again become rampant

Yea but I notice that Muslim and hispanic people after one or two generations start assimilating with whites. Like I’m first generation from Greece. My dad was born in greece and immigrated here. While whites told my dad to go back where he came from, because of the thick greek accent, no American would ever think to say that to me. Im just about as white as you can be even though I’m 100% Greek.

Now I do feel a little different than real whites who’s great grandparents were born in America but my nephews who are also still 100% Greek don’t. As far as they are concerned, they’re white. As soon as they marry a non Greek, if they do, their kids will become 100% assimilated with whites. This will happen for Arab and Hispanics too. When they marry a non Hispanic or Muslim. When they don’t know how to speak the language, they’ll become white Americans.

Blacks and Asians it’s a little harder for them.
... Asians it’s a little harder for them.

No, it's not.
Yes it is

I work with immigrants and immigrant families every day. You make uninformed guesses on the internet.

We’re seen as out-of-touch foreigners who’ll never really be true Americans.

In the aftermath of Liang’s conviction, Asian-Americans must decide where we fit in America’s racial landscape. We must acknowledge how our community is both privileged and oppressed,

“We’re not black, and we’re not white, but we have no language for articulating where we are,” Fang said. “There’s anti-blackness, there’s white supremacy, and there’s no room for anything else.”

On one hand, our non-blackness and status as “model minorities” keeps us from being seen as targets of police violence or incarceration. On the other hand, our non-whiteness prevents us from accessing the same salaries and employment opportunities as our white counterparts.

The United States is built on the exploitation and criminalization of black people relative to white people, he said, and “there’s no way to get around that.”

In terms of race, this means acknowledging the ways we experience oppression—because we’re not white—but also privilege, because we’re not black.

“We're living in a time when white dominance can only be maintained by dividing and conquering non-whites,” Nakagawa said. “This is a time for us to stand firm on the side of the color line that leans toward justice.”
By the second generation, most Asian immigrants to the US are using English exclusively in their own homes and are culturally and economically assimilated.
Many Chinese families, for example, find it very difficult to maintain the family's heritage language even into the first generation born in the US because there is so little opportunity for enriched input in the cultural environment. Relatives visiting from China often comment that those children born here "aren't really Chinese" referring to cultural identity as much as nationality.

there is ALSO this link i saw that i cant find now that was posted just a week ago saying that the ratings for NFL games are now on par with basketball ratings which has dipped to an all time low as worst ever in its history.:laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301:

I cant believe the sheep here that STILL watch this crap every week always seeing threads say like SEATTLE AT BUFFALO. oh my god. incredible people want to watch a game with cardboard cutouts in the stands.incredible is all i can say to that.:rolleyes-41: the fans were the thing that always made itFUN to watch the games.the costumes you saw them wear.

I honestly could not tell you if the Rams won sunday or if they even have a winning season this year. I dont give a crap anymore,not when we are living in dangerous times as we are.

Beam me up scotty,there is no intelligent life forms on this planet. :rolleyes-41:

I know I will make everybody mad in this section but thats okay.I seldom come here anymore.when i do,its just to talk about the good old days like when the Rams were still in LA for so many years.:2up:

I was a die hard NFL fan until Commie Kapaernick came along. I wouldn't walk across the room to turn on a professional or college sport anymore. Let these loud-mouthed primadonnas go out and get real jobs like the rest of us. It is moronic to be paid millions of $$ and then complain about being oppressed--I should be so oppressed. College athletes that can't write a coherent sentence demanding pay for their image? Screw them. Pay for your education and get a real job. I hope all of these sports go belly up.

If it weren’t for social Wedge issues most republicans would be democrats.

The gop favors kappernick financially. He doesn’t vote republican because it’s the party for people who deny social injustices happen. Would you b ok if a cop put his knee on your neck until you died? I can’t breathe

Would you be OK if a thug beat up your pregnant wife? Are you OK with criminals passing phony money and selling dangerous drugs? You are a lemming moron.

No I’m not defending those people either. You’re defending cops who for 8:46 seconds keep their knee on a mans neck after they have him cuffed and he says he can’t breath but they continue till he dies.

8:46 eight minutes fourth six seconds.

He was a drug-dealing, counterfeiting, wife-beater and you are a fucking idiot not worth my time or another post.
Pretty much everybody at this board comes to that conclusion about this troll,as you can see,he blatantly ignores facts how both parties are corrupt and one in the same and far too biased against the gop party too stupid to understand trump is not your typical corrupt gop criminal like reagan and bush. Trust me you will never get anywhere with this troll on those hee hee

Ok fine. Both parties suck. But trump was worse. Anyone who voted for trump a second time is a stupid asshole. I understand why the first time but not this time, idiot

Anyone who votes for an alzheimers patient who hid out in his basement during the whole campaign is an idiot asshole and you'll deserve everything you get.
NFL = racist white/cop/America haters
I love it that republicans basically can only watch boring hockey and baseball games. Go ahead. Have those games. I don’t even know who won the last World Series or Stanley cup. Seriously. But I love the nba and nfl. Lots of people do. We don’t need trumpeters.
WOW--what a reply!!!!!!!!!!!! ...............?????!!!!!!!!!!!!
so you also hate whites/cops/America==we know
My buddy just retired after 25 years of being a cop. I know all about the cops. They need to be reformed and retrained.

What you just did is a bullshit conservative tactic. It’s how you got us to go along with the iraq war. If we didn’t we weren’t supporting the troops.

Remember this tactic didn’t work For u. You lost the election because of that narrative. Blacks showed up to vote trump out because of blm. So yes, I support American civilians who are being brutalized by a militarized police force.

Here is what is going to happen with "reforming and retraining" the police.

You dems are going to keep treating the police like the enemy, utterly destroying morale, and any cop that can, will retire ASAP, or move to another career, and so communities will have to dramatically and repeatedly lower standards in an attempt at making recruitment goals.

AND, they will still fail.

AND, the "retraining" is just going to be fucking with the ability of cops to do their job.

SO, you will have underqualified, understaffed, un-motivated and poorly led men, UNDERFUNED, because, DEFUND,

doing increasingly less and less police work, as their focus becomes covering their ass from the witch hunt you people are operating.

Crime is going to spiral out of control. Hell, they will stop counting shit as crime, to try to spin it.

THOUSANDS will die, due to policies you support. And the deaths will only be part of the cost. Overall, society will just suck is some many ways.

By the time people wake up, it will be too late. YOu will have your Minority Majority population, and elections will just be pretend, and there will be no legal, peaceful means to change.
You are 100% correct. The criminal element of the population will run rampant. Shootings will triple, rape will be commonplace, property crimes will skyrocket and the law-abiding population will just suck it up or ammo up. Maybe that is best. One bullet is cheaper than the police and ineffective courts.

We see it happening already. Homicide spiking in many cities. Shoplifting, and other property crimes not being prosecuted.

And it will only get worse.

THe weird strength of the dems, is that failure empowers them.

They turn a city into a crime and poverty ridden cesspool, and that city becomes a stronghold of theirs, and even as people flee it, to escape it's dysfunction,

they carry the same ideas with them, and turn the places they flee to, into what they left, and they become dem strongholds too.
Crime is spiking because trump mishandled the pandemic. Weeks turned into months.

Crime is spiking because cops have shit morale due to the war you people are waging against them.
Bullshit. Utter bullshit. Crime spiked when corona led to a Great Recession And people running out of money

Crime did not spike because cops feel unappreciated and have low moral. thats just bullshit.

So are you admitting that not only do cops need to be reformed they are also not doing their jobs and that’s directly responsible for highe4 crime?

Are you really blaming cops for the spike in crime? Interesting theory.

I'm blaming the War on Cops.

And when you have politicians arresting cops for doing their jobs, or at least just throwing them under the bus at the slightest excuse,

that is poor leadership, not on the cops.
Who started the war? Cops wrongfully murdering citizens.

Nope. Cop's job is the application of force. That is never going to be pretty. It was the media that choose to present it as wacism and start the war.

And thousands will die, as police lose the war and are forced to stand down.

THAT is a price that liberals are choosing to pay, to win elections.

Part of the price. There is, and will be more.
8:46. That’s how long that cop kept his knee on that guys neck. It wasn’t right and you defending the cop makes you fucked up one is defending the cop---you people are all fukd in the head by thinking that
We see usmb republicans defend the cops every time right or wrong. Justifiable or not. Trayvon martin for example.
Trayvon Martin was murdered by a civilian wanna-be-cop security guard--not a cop. Get your facts straight or shut up.

there is ALSO this link i saw that i cant find now that was posted just a week ago saying that the ratings for NFL games are now on par with basketball ratings which has dipped to an all time low as worst ever in its history.:laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301:

I cant believe the sheep here that STILL watch this crap every week always seeing threads say like SEATTLE AT BUFFALO. oh my god. incredible people want to watch a game with cardboard cutouts in the stands.incredible is all i can say to that.:rolleyes-41: the fans were the thing that always made itFUN to watch the games.the costumes you saw them wear.

I honestly could not tell you if the Rams won sunday or if they even have a winning season this year. I dont give a crap anymore,not when we are living in dangerous times as we are.

Beam me up scotty,there is no intelligent life forms on this planet. :rolleyes-41:

I know I will make everybody mad in this section but thats okay.I seldom come here anymore.when i do,its just to talk about the good old days like when the Rams were still in LA for so many years.:2up:

I was a die hard NFL fan until Commie Kapaernick came along. I wouldn't walk across the room to turn on a professional or college sport anymore. Let these loud-mouthed primadonnas go out and get real jobs like the rest of us. It is moronic to be paid millions of $$ and then complain about being oppressed--I should be so oppressed. College athletes that can't write a coherent sentence demanding pay for their image? Screw them. Pay for your education and get a real job. I hope all of these sports go belly up.

If it weren’t for social Wedge issues most republicans would be democrats.

The gop favors kappernick financially. He doesn’t vote republican because it’s the party for people who deny social injustices happen. Would you b ok if a cop put his knee on your neck until you died? I can’t breathe

Would you be OK if a thug beat up your pregnant wife? Are you OK with criminals passing phony money and selling dangerous drugs? You are a lemming moron.

No I’m not defending those people either. You’re defending cops who for 8:46 seconds keep their knee on a mans neck after they have him cuffed and he says he can’t breath but they continue till he dies.

8:46 eight minutes fourth six seconds.

He was a drug-dealing, counterfeiting, wife-beater and you are a fucking idiot not worth my time or another post.
Pretty much everybody at this board comes to that conclusion about this troll,as you can see,he blatantly ignores facts how both parties are corrupt and one in the same and far too biased against the gop party too stupid to understand trump is not your typical corrupt gop criminal like reagan and bush. Trust me you will never get anywhere with this troll on those hee hee

Ok fine. Both parties suck. But trump was worse. Anyone who voted for trump a second time is a stupid asshole. I understand why the first time but not this time, idiot

Anyone who votes for an alzheimers patient who hid out in his basement during the whole campaign is an idiot asshole and you'll deserve everything you get.

I was thinking how smart it was for biden to not get in a Twitter war with trump. People either like trump or they don’t. We all know what biden will do as president. Same as Bill and Obama did. They were great.

So trump didnt have biden or Pelosi to argue with so instead he got into arguments with jimmy kimmell, doctors, scientists, the medical community and republicans.

Trumps not accusing democrats of stealing Georgia. He’s saying it was the republican governor and Republican Secretary of State.

Us liberals realized long ago don’t get into a fight with an idiot. Just let the idiot hang himself, which he did.
I think you know my po
NFL = racist white/cop/America haters
I love it that republicans basically can only watch boring hockey and baseball games. Go ahead. Have those games. I don’t even know who won the last World Series or Stanley cup. Seriously. But I love the nba and nfl. Lots of people do. We don’t need trumpeters.
WOW--what a reply!!!!!!!!!!!! ...............?????!!!!!!!!!!!!
so you also hate whites/cops/America==we know
My buddy just retired after 25 years of being a cop. I know all about the cops. They need to be reformed and retrained.

What you just did is a bullshit conservative tactic. It’s how you got us to go along with the iraq war. If we didn’t we weren’t supporting the troops.

Remember this tactic didn’t work For u. You lost the election because of that narrative. Blacks showed up to vote trump out because of blm. So yes, I support American civilians who are being brutalized by a militarized police force.

Here is what is going to happen with "reforming and retraining" the police.

You dems are going to keep treating the police like the enemy, utterly destroying morale, and any cop that can, will retire ASAP, or move to another career, and so communities will have to dramatically and repeatedly lower standards in an attempt at making recruitment goals.

AND, they will still fail.

AND, the "retraining" is just going to be fucking with the ability of cops to do their job.

SO, you will have underqualified, understaffed, un-motivated and poorly led men, UNDERFUNED, because, DEFUND,

doing increasingly less and less police work, as their focus becomes covering their ass from the witch hunt you people are operating.

Crime is going to spiral out of control. Hell, they will stop counting shit as crime, to try to spin it.

THOUSANDS will die, due to policies you support. And the deaths will only be part of the cost. Overall, society will just suck is some many ways.

By the time people wake up, it will be too late. YOu will have your Minority Majority population, and elections will just be pretend, and there will be no legal, peaceful means to change.
You are 100% correct. The criminal element of the population will run rampant. Shootings will triple, rape will be commonplace, property crimes will skyrocket and the law-abiding population will just suck it up or ammo up. Maybe that is best. One bullet is cheaper than the police and ineffective courts.

We see it happening already. Homicide spiking in many cities. Shoplifting, and other property crimes not being prosecuted.

And it will only get worse.

THe weird strength of the dems, is that failure empowers them.

They turn a city into a crime and poverty ridden cesspool, and that city becomes a stronghold of theirs, and even as people flee it, to escape it's dysfunction,

they carry the same ideas with them, and turn the places they flee to, into what they left, and they become dem strongholds too.
Crime is spiking because trump mishandled the pandemic. Weeks turned into months.

Crime is spiking because cops have shit morale due to the war you people are waging against them.
Bullshit. Utter bullshit. Crime spiked when corona led to a Great Recession And people running out of money

Crime did not spike because cops feel unappreciated and have low moral. thats just bullshit.

So are you admitting that not only do cops need to be reformed they are also not doing their jobs and that’s directly responsible for highe4 crime?

Are you really blaming cops for the spike in crime? Interesting theory.

I'm blaming the War on Cops.

And when you have politicians arresting cops for doing their jobs, or at least just throwing them under the bus at the slightest excuse,

that is poor leadership, not on the cops.
Who started the war? Cops wrongfully murdering citizens.

Nope. Cop's job is the application of force. That is never going to be pretty. It was the media that choose to present it as wacism and start the war.

And thousands will die, as police lose the war and are forced to stand down.

THAT is a price that liberals are choosing to pay, to win elections.

Part of the price. There is, and will be more.
8:46. That’s how long that cop kept his knee on that guys neck. It wasn’t right and you defending the cop makes you fucked up one is defending the cop---you people are all fukd in the head by thinking that
We see usmb republicans defend the cops every time right or wrong. Justifiable or not. Trayvon martin for example.
Trayvon Martin was murdered by a civilian wanna-be-cop security guard--not a cop. Get your facts straight or shut up.
int. In every case usmb republicans always defend the cops even when they are murderers who have no defense.

If they refuse to admit cops need to be reformed and retrained then you’re part of the problem.

Then we will deal with the people these cops encounter. First though we need to make sure the cops are doing everything right. They work for us. And if you’re being honest, you’d probably admit the cops need reforming.

I don’t deny if a cop tells me to stop and I insist on gett8ng in my vehicle, he has the power and right to stop me. But to shoot a guy 8 times?

Seems like cops are real liberal about using deadly force. Too much.

Something has to be done. Don’t tazers work? I wish cops had a gun that could rap people up in a straight jacket.

Something less lethal than a gun.

Hell, I’d prefer to see the cop shoot him 8 times in the legs before he opened the car door.
Not bitter over their income, I am bitter that the HYPOCRITES claim they are oppressed. ...

If you're not bitter about their income, stop talking about it.
You may be right about the comeback, but I hope they all go broke. I also would like to see the college athletics done away with. No more athletic scholarships. If you haven't got what it takes to meet the academic requirements, no scholarships, no diploma.

Ah~ now it all becomes clear...

Are you up to 98lbs yet, Poindexter?
Learned long ago that you can't get into a battle of wits with an unarmed man. Not wasting anymore time here.
One thing we are all in agreement on. lol.

I too think in some situations they should do away with college sports. At my alma Mater eastern Michigan university, college athletics cost us students. Tuition would be lower if we did away with the sports.

But not at Michigan or Michigan state. Football and basketball make the school money. So I wouldnt do away with those sports. But women’s basketball and wrestling would be gone. Baseball would be gone. Anyone good at baseball goes to the minor league not college

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