Nigel Farage has been declared Britain's worst 'moral leader'


Gold Member
Sep 30, 2014

Nigel Farage has been declared Britain's worst 'moral leader'

The Queen provides best moral leadership for Britons - but Farage provides the worst - News - People - The Independent
No, Queen Elizabeth II does not provide the "best moral leadership for Britons" because she is so detached from her subjects that it isn't even funny. Nigel Farage, on the other hand, is well aware of what troubles indigenous Brits the most (mass, uncontrolled immigration) and has forced that concern into the mainstream and is taking votes from the treasonous, so-called Conservative party and driving Labour into irrelevance. Furthermore, parties that share UKIP's vision and hostility to the cancerous E.U. are now gaining momentum as support grows rapidly. Good.
I despair at the thought that Nigel Farage could become the next prime minister. I am voting conservative in May, to try and prevent that, and I do not normally bother to vote.

He's leader of the far right UKIP party, which has gained popularity in Britain primarily because none of the others have been willing to address the rising tide of Islamization in Britain or oppose the E.U..
I despair at the thought that Nigel Farage could become the next prime minister. I am voting conservative in May, to try and prevent that, and I do not normally bother to vote.

Are you on drugs, or something? Your posts betray a serious hostility towards Islam (nothing wrong with that), yet you're going to vote for someone who has demonstrated that they have absolutely no interest in curbing the rising threat of Islam or immigration from Islamic countries. The mind boggles.
Never mind Muslims what will Farage do to the economy?

Er, for a start: withdraw from the E.U.; whose own auditors have refused to sign-off their accounts for the last twenty years. We don't need that kind of financial burden, especially as the cracks are beginning to really show across the who project. I don't know if you've been reading the news lately, but austerity isn't popular in Greece, and polls indicate that the Greek population is about to elect Syriza, who have pledged to renegotiate the country's bailout deal. That would put it on a collision course with ITS E.U. and IMF creditors. Do you want to be part of that club when it's treading water up to its chin? I don't.

The problem the mainstream parties have had over the last decade is that they've insisted on presenting the issue on immigration through the prism of economics, and completely ignored the cultural impact of mass immigration. UKIP haven't, and that's why we've seen their support and profile rise meteorically.
I heard that business leaders have warned that leaving the E.U. would damage them. In any case I would not trust that laughing boy Farage with my piggy bank, let alone the economy of Britain.
I heard that business leaders have warned that leaving the E.U. would damage them. In any case I would not trust that laughing boy Farage with my piggy bank, let alone the economy of Britain.

Why not? Afterall, as a former commodities trader in The City he has more business experience than Cameron, Clegg and Milliband put together. You do realise that our current Chancellor of the Exchequer has no qualifications in economics and has no experience. He was a journalist who went to school with Cameron and has no business being in the position he is now.
I despair at the thought that Nigel Farage could become the next prime minister. I am voting conservative in May, to try and prevent that, and I do not normally bother to vote.

Farage isn't going to be the next Prime Minister but hopefully UKIP will do well enough to have some sway in the direction of the next parliament. Why are the mainstream parties so afraid of an EU referendum? Probably because they know the British Public would vote to be out of would a growing number of Europeans!
As to damaging the economy? If what you are selling is good enough it will be sort, the corruption of the you slap my back and I will slap your back club needs to end.
The original idea of a European free trade market is a is only free if you stump up the huge membership fee and agree to have Europeans dictate your laws and rights!
I normally vote tory, our mp is a decent bloke but I will be voting UKIP until we are free from the shackles of Merkels gestapo...the rest of Europe can do what it wishes but when I vote, I want my parliament to make the laws for my country, not some Luxemburg tax manipulator, Dutch nobody or Portuguese prat.
The holy roman empire ..I mean the Eu cannot fall soon enough!

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