Nigel Farage: 'the Basic Principle' Of Enoch Powell’s River Of Blood Speech Is Right


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
Nigel Farage: 'the basic principle' of Enoch Powell’s River of Blood speech is right

Nigel Farage the basic principle of Enoch Powell rsquo s River of Blood speech is right - Telegraph

The Ukip leader says that some passages from the 1968 River of Blood speech describing the problems of immigration are now true for much of England

Nigel Farage has said that the “basic principle” of Enoch Powell’s River of Blood speech is “right.”

The Ukip leader said that while he agreed with parts of Mr Powell’s infamous speech on how large scale immigration can change an area “beyond recognition” the 1968 speech was based on “different reasons” than the current immigration concerns.

Appearing on Sky’s Murnaghan show the Ukip leader was read excerpts from the speech without being told the origin of the comments and nodded along.
When it was revealed the words had been from Powell Mr Farage said: “Well what he was warning about was the large influx of people into an area, that change an area beyond recognition, there is tension – the basic principle is right.”

Nigel Farage the basic principle of Enoch Powell rsquo s River of Blood speech is right - Telegraph

YOU GO NIGEL!!!! The next prime minister of the UK. Turning the Uk into a third world country along ethnic lines is fucking stupid and will lead to a river of blood.

The UK for white people forever! In with Farage that will remain so!

Come the autumn, Ukip supporters will see their party renewing its focus on key policies, particularly immigration and the relaxing of border controls for Romanians and Bulgarians on January 1. He said it was important that politicians do not shy away from the issue
He said in an interview with the Guardian newspaper:

“The [Enoch] Powell speech was a disaster. Everybody ran scared of discussing this for decades. Now, I think what Ukip has done is to help make immigration a sensible, moderate, realistic, mainstream debate. I don't think it is inflammatory to say we should not be opening up our jobs market and our entire social security system to Romania and Bulgaria on 1 January next year."


Ukip leader Nigel Farage says Enoch Powell s River of Blood speech was a disaster UK News Daily Express


The UK Independence Party's unique selling point - the policy it is best known for - is Britain's withdrawal from the European Union. But as the party has sought to broaden its appeal beyond that single issue, it has developed a full range of policies in all areas.

An end to the age of "mass uncontrolled immigration". It wants a five year freeze on immigration for permanent settlement - and any future migration must be strictly limited to those who can "clearly be shown to benefit the British people as a whole and our economy". Immigrants would not be able to apply for public housing or benefits until they had paid tax for five years. In order to achieve these goals Britain would have to leave the EU because there are no restrictions on other EU citizens moving to the UK while it remains a member.


BBC News - Local elections What does UKIP stand for
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Eastern Europes are the same general culture and religion. They're not 1/100th of the problem of blacks, arabs and southern Asian cultures that seek to destroy the UK.

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