Nikki Haley is a “birdbrain”, Donald Trump says

Have you ever seen Trump give an in depth analysis on any subject?
Not that I recall.
I have see Nikki Haley do it
I agree. She has some chops which she has demonstrated.

And yet, these facts don’t support your claim that Trump isn’t “capable” of doing so.

You’ve never seen me punt a football. That doesn’t mean I’m incapable of it. (I might be, but the fact that you haven’t seen me ever do it doesn’t mean I’m “incapable” of it.)
Not that I recall.

I agree. She has some chops which she has demonstrated.

And yet, these facts don’t support your claim that Trump isn’t “capable” of doing so.

You’ve never seen me punt a football. That doesn’t mean I’m incapable of it. (I might be, but the fact that you haven’t seen me ever do it doesn’t mean I’m “incapable” of it.)
For a man who has been in the public eye for decades, there have been plenty of opportunities for Trump to provide a detailed discussion on any subject

Given that he hasn’t, it is logical to assume he can’t
Donald Trump issued scathing insults against the conservative politician today. Did I miss anything? As far as I know, she has only rarely and mildly criticized Trump.

Was there anything she said during the debate that triggered him ?

Trumps is correct. Haley is nothing but a war mongering neo con RINO twat
For a man who has been in the public eye for decades, there have been plenty of opportunities for Trump to provide a detailed discussion on any subject

Given that he hasn’t, it is logical to assume he can’t
Or, you just aren’t aware of when he’s done so.

The fact that you haven’t seen it doesn’t mean it hasn’t happened.
Donald Trump issued scathing insults against the conservative politician today. Did I miss anything? As far as I know, she has only rarely and mildly criticized Trump.

Was there anything she said during the debate that triggered him ?

Governor / Ambassador Nikki Haley should wear that insult like a Badge of Honor...

Coming as it does from a disgraced public official facing ninety-one charges in four jurisdictions...

It is time for the Republican Party to jettison their Orange Albatross and begin looking ahead, again...
Birdbrain? Nah. She's easily got 20 plus IQ points on Donny.
Actually probably a goodbit more...

Haley would be an actual threat to Biden but not really worried... Trump will get the GOP nod and then the Democrats have just remind the US people what a shitshow the Trump Admin was... It was one long mess...

Americans will be turned off by the antics by now... He has never won a popular vote...
Or, you just aren’t aware of when he’s done so.

The fact that you haven’t seen it doesn’t mean it hasn’t happened.
Agreed, but the fact that I haven't seen it, he hasn't seen it, not a single of his staff has ever even bothered to provide an example of it, you haven't provided one, nor are you likely able to, makes it highly unlikely that he can.

I mean for all we know Trump has a pet Unicorn, and shits lollipops and gumdrops. I mean the fact that no one has ever seen the Unicorn or collected the lollipops and gumdrops doesn't mean it is not true. Maybe that is why he has never publicly owned a pet and shits on golden commodes. Yep, figure better chance he has a pet Unicorn and shits lollipops and gumdrops than he has ever provided a detailed discussion on anything, well, other than himself.
Agreed, but the fact that I haven't seen it, he hasn't seen it, not a single of his staff has ever even bothered to provide an example of it, you haven't provided one, nor are you likely able to, makes it highly unlikely that he can.
I enjoy your argument from ignorance. Rest assured, it isn’t even slightly persuasive. But it is amusing.
But Trump would be better served if he’d lay off the 3rd grade level ad hominems and if he would instead address specific objections to any of her statements or positions in a clearer logical fashion
Perhaps, but that's not who he is. He would most likely reject your opinion and call you a birdbrain.

And you'll still vote for him, because CULT.
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It is the exact opposite. Trump is responding to attacks. You are simply too stupid to know the difference.
Is numbnuts Trump going to take the 5th in his trial in N.Y. starting tomorrow? Instead of going off the deep end over people like Haley maybe he should pull his head out of his own ass & figure out how he's going to hold onto what wealth he'll have remaining once that Judge is finished with him that he attained thru fraud in the first place.

Instead of acting like his usual himself being an asshole he should look to his future of selling apples on a street corner so he can eat.
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Or, you just aren’t aware of when he’s done so.

The fact that you haven’t seen it doesn’t mean it hasn’t happened.
Well, he hasen't done so since he announced & rode his fat ass down the escalator. It's only been 8 years. You must have a lot of patience.

When that Judge in N.Y. is finished with him starting tomorrow, numbnuts Trump will be selling pencils with his name engraved on them on a street corner to buy food to stuff his yap with.

You'll be first in line.

In the meantime he can be a jerkoff attacking everone so he can get his jollies.
Who is the birdbrain?


Got caught paying off a Porn Star using campaign funds
Got caught hiding Top Secret Documents
Got caught inflating the value of his real estate holdings
Got caught using phony electors

What did Nikki Haley do?
Is numbnuts Trump going to take the 5th in his trial in N.Y. starting tomorrow? Instead of going off the deep end over people like Haley maybe he should pull his head out of his own ass & figure out how he's going to hold onto what wealth he'll have remaining once that Judge is finished with him that he attained thru fraud in the first place.

Instead of acting like his usual himself being an asshole he should look to his future of selling apples on a street corner so he can eat.
You are a stupid fascist bastard.
Well, he hasen't done so since he announced & rode his fat ass down the escalator. It's only been 8 years. You must have a lot of patience.

Not true. But even if it were true, you’d have to factor in the constant bullshit he had to fend off. You liberal Dumbocraps are pretty good at blocking and obfuscating.
When that Judge in N.Y. is finished with him starting tomorrow, numbnuts Trump will be selling pencils with his name engraved on them on a street corner to buy food to stuff his yap with.
Yeah, clap. You shitbrains love judicial misbehavior when it suits your always overly partisan purposes. “Fairness,” to you, is a quaint concept.
Who is the birdbrain?
Got caught paying off a Porn Star using campaign funds
Got caught hiding Top Secret Documents
Got caught inflating the value of his real estate holdings
Got caught using phony electors
What did Nikki Haley do?
Haley because she's running for president when she doesn't have a chance.

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