Nine Year Old Child Shoots and Kills Six Year Old Child

Of course they don't mention where the parents were and how the child got the gun in the first place. Parents of the child who murdered the six year old should most definitely be charged.

Do they know if the shooting was intentional or not?

Even though I am a strong supporter of the 2nd Amendment, I feel that the parents are clearly unfit to keep custody of these two children after leaving a loaded firearm anywhere near them.

This tragic incident shows how quickly and easily lives can be changed and even ended in just a matter of minutes.

Without knowing more, I don't think that the parents are "bad" people. Their lives, however, are definitely going to get more complicated.

Of course they don't mention where the parents were and how the child got the gun in the first place. Parents of the child who murdered the six year old should most definitely be charged.

So in a country of nearly HALF A BILLION, this accident happens and makes national news. That tells me this is THAT rare.
Even though I am a strong supporter of the 2nd Amendment, I feel that the parents are clearly unfit to keep custody of these two children after leaving a loaded firearm anywhere near them
Maybe in this day and age, but several decades ago when I was that age, my dad had his guns on a gun rack in the living room. I have no idea if they were loaded (probably not) because my father told me NEVER to touch them unless we were going out shooting.

It never entered my mind to touch them.

What's different today?

Maybe we need to reevaluate the Democrat culture
Maybe in this day and age, but several decades ago when I was that age, my dad had his guns on a gun rack in the living room. I have no idea if they were loaded (probably not) because my father told me NEVER to touch them unless we were going out shooting.

It never entered my mind to touch them.

What's different today?

Maybe we need to reevaluate the Democrat culture
Thankfully children always listen to their parents.
He's being indicted for causing Humpty Dumpty to have a great fall

Btw sorry about the fact that you have to click the link on the video, but yeah.. before that it was an indictment for chasing all the neighborhood bitches.
Maybe in this day and age, but several decades ago when I was that age, my dad had his guns on a gun rack in the living room. I have no idea if they were loaded (probably not) because my father told me NEVER to touch them unless we were going out shooting.

It never entered my mind to touch them.

What's different today?

Maybe we need to reevaluate the Democrat culture

I must confess that my brothers and I were not nearly as well behaved.

Not only did we know where the guns were but when my poor parents were out of town, we would set up a target range in the basement. Once in a while a bullet would penetrate our flimsy backstop and take a chunk out of the cinderblock wall.

After my poor, old father noticed the pockmarked cinderblock wall, I explained that concrete eating termites had migrated South from Canada and must be responsible for the damage.

Everything was fine until dad called Orkin® to have the basement treated for concrete eating termites.

Sure enough, 2 days later, the Orkin® truck showed up. The Orkin® guy surveyed the damage, enjoyed a hearty laugh and explained a more likely cause of the pockmarks while smiling at me and my two younger brothers.

I finally confessed as to the real cause of the pockmarks in the wall, got another well deserved spanking and promised to never do it again.

While my brothers and I were hyperactive and destructive we were not malevolent.

I suspect that many children, today, are adversely affected by grisly video games in which, I feel, they are desensitized to killing.

I don't think that there is any one, single cause behind children shooting other students but there is something that is causing young people today to value life less and until we discover what is triggering these recent homicidal impulses, tragic events like this will continue to occur.

Was the 9-year-old a member of a ”well-regulated“ militia?
Or, as some snarker may say: The only way to stop a bad 9yr old with a gun, is a good 6yr old with a gun".
Maybe if the 6yr old had a carry permit......things woulda turned out differently.

Maybe we need to reevaluate the Democrat culture
Well, I ain't so sure.
Notably in Michigan the Democrat controlled legislature recently enacted a law that states that if a minor gains possession of your firearm and causes harm with it......then the owner-of-record is criminally liable.
The couple can always create another child. What they can’t create another of is the 2nd amendment.

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