NJ Attorney General has evidence trump's NJ golf course breaking immigrations laws


Your so used to ducking and dodging immigration laws your a hypocrite.. But now you want another standard for republicans while we ignore your aiding an abetting of criminal illegal aliens.....

Do as I say, Not as I DO... The new democrap motto...
Hmm ok yet another nothing burger. A golf club commits an immigration crime? Ok......what happened to Russian collusion?

I'm getting full of all these nothing burgers.
Hmm ok yet another nothing burger. A golf club commits an immigration crime? Ok......what happened to Russian collusion?

I'm getting full of all these nothing burgers.
Do you think for some reason this precludes conspiracy to commit election fraud? Can a person only be guilty of one crime at a time?

Your so used to ducking and dodging immigration laws your a hypocrite.. But now you want another standard for republicans while we ignore your aiding an abetting of criminal illegal aliens.....

Do as I say, Not as I DO... The new democrap motto...

So the man that is shouting BUILD THE WALL and has illustrated his disdain for immigrants is not giving fake green cards and SS numbers for cheap labor.

The Bastard is a Hypocrite!
Hmm ok yet another nothing burger. A golf club commits an immigration crime? Ok......what happened to Russian collusion?

I'm getting full of all these nothing burgers.

State charges here...the trump mafia is coming down....
Hmm ok yet another nothing burger. A golf club commits an immigration crime? Ok......what happened to Russian collusion?

I'm getting full of all these nothing burgers.
Do you think for some reason this precludes conspiracy to commit election fraud? Can a person only be guilty of one crime at a time?

trump is a professional criminal....
Hmm ok yet another nothing burger. A golf club commits an immigration crime? Ok......what
I'd that the new Trumpkin canard? "If it ain't Russian collusion, I don't care"...? Somehow I don't think the Trumpkins will care once it is Russian collusion, either.

The very senile Rudy had already said that collusion with Russia is not a crime. Of course that is his opinion...Mueller knows better.

Why does trump continue to keep that old dart...Giuliani around? The old man is one step away from the loonie bin....
Hmm ok yet another nothing burger. A golf club commits an immigration crime? Ok......what
I'd that the new Trumpkin canard? "If it ain't Russian collusion, I don't care"...? Somehow I don't think the Trumpkins will care once it is Russian collusion, either.

Graham has already said that if the only thing found on trump is conspiracy to break election laws...a felony...he doesn't care. The goal post has been moved for the orange asshole....
Why does trump continue to keep that old dart...Giuliani around? The old man is one step away from the loonie bin....
It's astounding, really. He gives up the booty about once a week. Is he doing it intentionally? I mean, it's that crazy.
Why does trump continue to keep that old dart...Giuliani around? The old man is one step away from the loonie bin....
It's astounding, really. He gives up the booty about once a week. Is he doing it intentionally? I mean, it's that crazy.

Rudy said they already have a response to Mueller's report even though they don't know what will be in it...unless the mole Whitaker gave it up. And if he did, he will spend years in prison...

Plus, any charges or assertions of criminal activity that Mueller makes will have corroborating evidence. Mueller knows how sleazy trump and his regime is. He needs to have every i dotted and t crossed...

Your so used to ducking and dodging immigration laws your a hypocrite.. But now you want another standard for republicans while we ignore your aiding an abetting of criminal illegal aliens.....

Do as I say, Not as I DO... The new democrap motto...

Have to strongly disagree. There's nothing new in their use of that motto.

I also disagree as far as hypocrisy goes. Democrats have wished to be harsher on employers that hire illegals. Pro-business Republicans have seen it as more regulation and paperwork.
I really believe there nothing this crime family has not done to line their pockets....they are the definition scum and greed....

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