NJ deliberately breaking election rules. OK so I just voted, when I walk in the door they ask me what district I am in

Thanks, I would say only a very few are aware of the extent the Left is going through to steal this election.
It's off the chart. Our sweet naive ones just keep believing. No clue whatsoever.
How many will simply vote and not notice like you did?

Based on new aggressive actions by the ATF, I would say the election has already been decided.....and it's not good for Conservatives The Constitution or America.

Once again, lies, misdirection and conspiracy theories. If that's all you've got as an excuse to deny that Donald Trump is the worst President in American history and the entire nation is rising up to throw him out of office, the entire Trump campaign has been an utter failure.

One of your problems is that you fail to understand that opinions vary....and yours is not the only one....or necessarily valid.

If you want open borders....then sure, you will see a Southern Border Wall as a "failure"
If you like Communism, then sure, you will see Trumps efforts against China as a "failure"

Personally, I would call a President who supported Islamic terrorism a "failure" due to the horrors of their actions.
That was Obama, btw, not Trump

Since you were unable to give any supporting evidence to your claim that trump is an utter failure, then it should be discarded as
rambling, uneducated, biased horse shit.
Less than 7,000 people in my town.

needless to say, only one precinct, and only one place to cast a vote, (Between the Fire Department and Police Station).

Sorry for all you folks in big cities that have problems figuring out where to go.

It's not a matter of them not being able to figure out whee to go....

It's a matter of cheating democrats marking their ballots (Republicans) in the wrong district....so that they can legally discard those ballots and thus remove a LOT of Trump votes.

Not a problem we have in my area.
Yes it is, you are just too brainwashed and zombified to see reality as it exist


I don't like either candidate.

anyone that would vote for Trump is a moron.

anyone that would vote for Hillary or Biden is also a moron.

My eyes are open.

Not one of the three should be in the Oval Office.

Are yours.

You must be waiting for the day when you no longer have the freedom not to vote.

You must be waiting for the day when you no longer have the freedom not to vote.

I not only have the freedom to vote, I have the freedom NOT to vote.

what do you NOT understand?
Freedom means you respect the right to vote and use it. If you disagree move to China where the people are waving the American flag because they want the freedom that you just shit on

That said I did not vote for Romney because he is was and always will be a raping mormon piece of shit

Freedom means you respect the right to vote and use it.

Apparently, you feel people should be forced to vote.

Maybe you should move to China.

I didn't think that you grasped the future possibility that we become similar to China.
Eyes wide shut?

if you and essa believe people should be forced to vote, you're ready to use a passport to the Far East.

Maybe you should look up the word 'Freedom'?

You just don't get it. Oh, well.

No, YOU don't' get it.

Try this:


the state of being free or at liberty rather than in confinement or under physical restraint: He won his freedom after a retrial.
exemption from external control, interference, regulation, etc.
the power to determine action without restraint.
political or national independence.
personal liberty, as opposed to bondage or slavery: The formerly enslaved seamstress bought her freedom and later became Mary Todd Lincoln’s dressmaker and stylist.
exemption from the presence of anything specified (usually followed by from):freedom from fear.

Sorry old man.....

You make the same mistake oppressed people have always made.

But you and millions of young people demanding Socialism and Communism have no clue the cost of freedom and will likely lose it soon.

But good luck.
Less than 7,000 people in my town.

needless to say, only one precinct, and only one place to cast a vote, (Between the Fire Department and Police Station).

Sorry for all you folks in big cities that have problems figuring out where to go.

It's not a matter of them not being able to figure out whee to go....

It's a matter of cheating democrats marking their ballots (Republicans) in the wrong district....so that they can legally discard those ballots and thus remove a LOT of Trump votes.

Not a problem we have in my area.
Yes it is, you are just too brainwashed and zombified to see reality as it exist


I don't like either candidate.

anyone that would vote for Trump is a moron.

anyone that would vote for Hillary or Biden is also a moron.

My eyes are open.

Not one of the three should be in the Oval Office.

Are yours.

You must be waiting for the day when you no longer have the freedom not to vote.

You must be waiting for the day when you no longer have the freedom not to vote.

I not only have the freedom to vote, I have the freedom NOT to vote.

what do you NOT understand?
Freedom means you respect the right to vote and use it. If you disagree move to China where the people are waving the American flag because they want the freedom that you just shit on

That said I did not vote for Romney because he is was and always will be a raping mormon piece of shit

Freedom means you respect the right to vote and use it.

Apparently, you feel people should be forced to vote.

Maybe you should move to China.

I didn't think that you grasped the future possibility that we become similar to China.
Eyes wide shut?

if you and essa believe people should be forced to vote, you're ready to use a passport to the Far East.

Maybe you should look up the word 'Freedom'?

You just don't get it. Oh, well.

No, YOU don't' get it.

Try this:


the state of being free or at liberty rather than in confinement or under physical restraint: He won his freedom after a retrial.
exemption from external control, interference, regulation, etc.
the power to determine action without restraint.
political or national independence.
personal liberty, as opposed to bondage or slavery: The formerly enslaved seamstress bought her freedom and later became Mary Todd Lincoln’s dressmaker and stylist.
exemption from the presence of anything specified (usually followed by from):freedom from fear.

Yeah, I get all that.
My point is that we are only at any point in time one generation away from tyranny. Freedom and our Constitution are not guarantees. And in this election, tyranny is closer than its ever been in our lifetime.
Only an unrealistic or ignorant person would fail to vote today.
Less than 7,000 people in my town.

needless to say, only one precinct, and only one place to cast a vote, (Between the Fire Department and Police Station).

Sorry for all you folks in big cities that have problems figuring out where to go.

It's not a matter of them not being able to figure out whee to go....

It's a matter of cheating democrats marking their ballots (Republicans) in the wrong district....so that they can legally discard those ballots and thus remove a LOT of Trump votes.

Not a problem we have in my area.
Yes it is, you are just too brainwashed and zombified to see reality as it exist


I don't like either candidate.

anyone that would vote for Trump is a moron.

anyone that would vote for Hillary or Biden is also a moron.

My eyes are open.

Not one of the three should be in the Oval Office.

Are yours.

You must be waiting for the day when you no longer have the freedom not to vote.

You must be waiting for the day when you no longer have the freedom not to vote.

I not only have the freedom to vote, I have the freedom NOT to vote.

what do you NOT understand?
Freedom means you respect the right to vote and use it. If you disagree move to China where the people are waving the American flag because they want the freedom that you just shit on

That said I did not vote for Romney because he is was and always will be a raping mormon piece of shit

Freedom means you respect the right to vote and use it.

Apparently, you feel people should be forced to vote.

Maybe you should move to China.

I didn't think that you grasped the future possibility that we become similar to China.
Eyes wide shut?

if you and essa believe people should be forced to vote, you're ready to use a passport to the Far East.

Maybe you should look up the word 'Freedom'?

You just don't get it. Oh, well.

No, YOU don't' get it.

Try this:


the state of being free or at liberty rather than in confinement or under physical restraint: He won his freedom after a retrial.
exemption from external control, interference, regulation, etc.
the power to determine action without restraint.
political or national independence.
personal liberty, as opposed to bondage or slavery: The formerly enslaved seamstress bought her freedom and later became Mary Todd Lincoln’s dressmaker and stylist.
exemption from the presence of anything specified (usually followed by from):freedom from fear.

Yeah, I get all that.
My point is that we are only at any point in time one generation away from tyranny. Freedom and our Constitution are not guarantees. And in this election, tyranny is closer than its ever been in our lifetime.
Only an unrealistic or ignorant person would fail to vote today.

Voting is important......

But at this point voting probably won't save freedom against the march of forces determined to undermine it.

Thomas Jefferson references exactly what must Occasionally be done.

If, however, "Patriots and Good men" fail to do their part and assume freedom is free......evil men always prevail.
Less than 7,000 people in my town.

needless to say, only one precinct, and only one place to cast a vote, (Between the Fire Department and Police Station).

Sorry for all you folks in big cities that have problems figuring out where to go.

It's not a matter of them not being able to figure out whee to go....

It's a matter of cheating democrats marking their ballots (Republicans) in the wrong district....so that they can legally discard those ballots and thus remove a LOT of Trump votes.

Not a problem we have in my area.
Yes it is, you are just too brainwashed and zombified to see reality as it exist


I don't like either candidate.

anyone that would vote for Trump is a moron.

anyone that would vote for Hillary or Biden is also a moron.

My eyes are open.

Not one of the three should be in the Oval Office.

Are yours.

You must be waiting for the day when you no longer have the freedom not to vote.

You must be waiting for the day when you no longer have the freedom not to vote.

I not only have the freedom to vote, I have the freedom NOT to vote.

what do you NOT understand?
Freedom means you respect the right to vote and use it. If you disagree move to China where the people are waving the American flag because they want the freedom that you just shit on

That said I did not vote for Romney because he is was and always will be a raping mormon piece of shit

Freedom means you respect the right to vote and use it.

Apparently, you feel people should be forced to vote.

Maybe you should move to China.

I didn't think that you grasped the future possibility that we become similar to China.
Eyes wide shut?

if you and essa believe people should be forced to vote, you're ready to use a passport to the Far East.

Maybe you should look up the word 'Freedom'?

You just don't get it. Oh, well.

No, YOU don't' get it.

Try this:


the state of being free or at liberty rather than in confinement or under physical restraint: He won his freedom after a retrial.
exemption from external control, interference, regulation, etc.
the power to determine action without restraint.
political or national independence.
personal liberty, as opposed to bondage or slavery: The formerly enslaved seamstress bought her freedom and later became Mary Todd Lincoln’s dressmaker and stylist.
exemption from the presence of anything specified (usually followed by from):freedom from fear.

Yeah, I get all that.
My point is that we are only at any point in time one generation away from tyranny. Freedom and our Constitution are not guarantees. And in this election, tyranny is closer than its ever been in our lifetime.
Only an unrealistic or ignorant person would fail to vote today.

Voting is important......

But at this point voting probably won't save freedom against the march of forces determined to undermine it.

Thomas Jefferson references exactly what must Occasionally be done.

If, however, "Patriots and Good men" fail to do their part and assume freedom is free......evil men always prevail.

Jefferson was aware that human nature could become cynical, jaded, or passionless, to a fault.
Less than 7,000 people in my town.

needless to say, only one precinct, and only one place to cast a vote, (Between the Fire Department and Police Station).

Sorry for all you folks in big cities that have problems figuring out where to go.

It's not a matter of them not being able to figure out whee to go....

It's a matter of cheating democrats marking their ballots (Republicans) in the wrong district....so that they can legally discard those ballots and thus remove a LOT of Trump votes.

Not a problem we have in my area.
Yes it is, you are just too brainwashed and zombified to see reality as it exist


I don't like either candidate.

anyone that would vote for Trump is a moron.

anyone that would vote for Hillary or Biden is also a moron.

My eyes are open.

Not one of the three should be in the Oval Office.

Are yours.

You must be waiting for the day when you no longer have the freedom not to vote.

You must be waiting for the day when you no longer have the freedom not to vote.

I not only have the freedom to vote, I have the freedom NOT to vote.

what do you NOT understand?
Freedom means you respect the right to vote and use it. If you disagree move to China where the people are waving the American flag because they want the freedom that you just shit on

That said I did not vote for Romney because he is was and always will be a raping mormon piece of shit

Freedom means you respect the right to vote and use it.

Apparently, you feel people should be forced to vote.

Maybe you should move to China.

I didn't think that you grasped the future possibility that we become similar to China.
Eyes wide shut?

if you and essa believe people should be forced to vote, you're ready to use a passport to the Far East.

Maybe you should look up the word 'Freedom'?

You just don't get it. Oh, well.

No, YOU don't' get it.

Try this:


the state of being free or at liberty rather than in confinement or under physical restraint: He won his freedom after a retrial.
exemption from external control, interference, regulation, etc.
the power to determine action without restraint.
political or national independence.
personal liberty, as opposed to bondage or slavery: The formerly enslaved seamstress bought her freedom and later became Mary Todd Lincoln’s dressmaker and stylist.
exemption from the presence of anything specified (usually followed by from):freedom from fear.

Yeah, I get all that.
My point is that we are only at any point in time one generation away from tyranny. Freedom and our Constitution are not guarantees. And in this election, tyranny is closer than its ever been in our lifetime.
Only an unrealistic or ignorant person would fail to vote today.

Voting is important......

But at this point voting probably won't save freedom against the march of forces determined to undermine it.

Thomas Jefferson references exactly what must Occasionally be done.

If, however, "Patriots and Good men" fail to do their part and assume freedom is free......evil men always prevail.

Jefferson was aware that human nature could become cynical, jaded, or passionless, to a fault.

And that people do indeed become corrupt and hedonistic
Right, lets implement massive vote by mail with only a few months to prepare and hire government to do it...brilliant! :auiqs.jpg:
Had a similar incident here in Arizona about 20 years ago. It is the prime reason I signed up for permanent vote-by-mail status so as to avoid any future election day surprises.
Less than 7,000 people in my town.

needless to say, only one precinct, and only one place to cast a vote, (Between the Fire Department and Police Station).

Sorry for all you folks in big cities that have problems figuring out where to go.

It's not a matter of them not being able to figure out whee to go....

It's a matter of cheating democrats marking their ballots (Republicans) in the wrong district....so that they can legally discard those ballots and thus remove a LOT of Trump votes.

Not a problem we have in my area.
Yes it is, you are just too brainwashed and zombified to see reality as it exist


I don't like either candidate.

anyone that would vote for Trump is a moron.

anyone that would vote for Hillary or Biden is also a moron.

My eyes are open.

Not one of the three should be in the Oval Office.

Are yours.

You must be waiting for the day when you no longer have the freedom not to vote.

You must be waiting for the day when you no longer have the freedom not to vote.

I not only have the freedom to vote, I have the freedom NOT to vote.

what do you NOT understand?
Freedom means you respect the right to vote and use it. If you disagree move to China where the people are waving the American flag because they want the freedom that you just shit on

That said I did not vote for Romney because he is was and always will be a raping mormon piece of shit

Freedom means you respect the right to vote and use it.

Apparently, you feel people should be forced to vote.

Maybe you should move to China.

I didn't think that you grasped the future possibility that we become similar to China.
Eyes wide shut?

if you and essa believe people should be forced to vote, you're ready to use a passport to the Far East.

Maybe you should look up the word 'Freedom'?

You just don't get it. Oh, well.

No, YOU don't' get it.

Try this:


the state of being free or at liberty rather than in confinement or under physical restraint: He won his freedom after a retrial.
exemption from external control, interference, regulation, etc.
the power to determine action without restraint.
political or national independence.
personal liberty, as opposed to bondage or slavery: The formerly enslaved seamstress bought her freedom and later became Mary Todd Lincoln’s dressmaker and stylist.
exemption from the presence of anything specified (usually followed by from):freedom from fear.

Yeah, I get all that.
My point is that we are only at any point in time one generation away from tyranny. Freedom and our Constitution are not guarantees. And in this election, tyranny is closer than its ever been in our lifetime.
Only an unrealistic or ignorant person would fail to vote today.

Voting is important......

But at this point voting probably won't save freedom against the march of forces determined to undermine it.

Thomas Jefferson references exactly what must Occasionally be done.

If, however, "Patriots and Good men" fail to do their part and assume freedom is free......evil men always prevail.

So, if my choice, in my opinion, is between



I have to vote for one?
I do not know as I always went to vote in my neighborhood. So I look at the mail in ballot that they mailed me, it says district 6, and also district 13 representing Congressional and legislative districts. Then the lady says that I am not in the book that I never voted and I show her my mail in ballot with the district number. Then she hands me a ballot anyway and says vote, I say my vote will not count if I am not in the book so find the right bleeping book. Now they know that they lost it because I was mailed a ballot which I only brought to prove them wrong which I anticipated they would be (again one day I will be wrong)(you won't see it). So now they are telling me that there is no record of me but they will let me vote then rip up the ballot later. I say no, fix this right now or I am making a police report, you have my fucking name when the tax is due for some odd reason. Again the ballot they mailed me says district 6, so now I check the tax map and it shows us in district 4 which means my mailed in ballot was wrong and that if I used it my vote would not have been counted because they made a mistake that would have been blamed on me. I seriously never saw such a complete bunch of idiots all using plausible deniability to show that the error would have been mine.

Now, I complete the paperwork and fold the ballot into the envelope.

Remember that we are acting like this because of covid 19.

The last thing you need to do is lick the envelope with your spit and germs and hand it in with the virus.

Phil Murphy figured this out all by himself, I wish he was there to take my spit

You voted by Provisional ballot. If it proves you are registered it will be counted.
If you're such a retard that you cannot figure out which polling place to go to, then you shouldn't be voting in the first place. :auiqs.jpg:
I said it more nicely, but it would help if people would volunteer to work at the polls a couple of times so they understand voting.
I do not know as I always went to vote in my neighborhood. So I look at the mail in ballot that they mailed me, it says district 6, and also district 13 representing Congressional and legislative districts. Then the lady says that I am not in the book that I never voted and I show her my mail in ballot with the district number. Then she hands me a ballot anyway and says vote, I say my vote will not count if I am not in the book so find the right bleeping book. Now they know that they lost it because I was mailed a ballot which I only brought to prove them wrong which I anticipated they would be (again one day I will be wrong)(you won't see it). So now they are telling me that there is no record of me but they will let me vote then rip up the ballot later. I say no, fix this right now or I am making a police report, you have my fucking name when the tax is due for some odd reason. Again the ballot they mailed me says district 6, so now I check the tax map and it shows us in district 4 which means my mailed in ballot was wrong and that if I used it my vote would not have been counted because they made a mistake that would have been blamed on me. I seriously never saw such a complete bunch of idiots all using plausible deniability to show that the error would have been mine.

Now, I complete the paperwork and fold the ballot into the envelope.

Remember that we are acting like this because of covid 19.

The last thing you need to do is lick the envelope with your spit and germs and hand it in with the virus.

Phil Murphy figured this out all by himself, I wish he was there to take my spit
Wait...you bring your mail in vote because you knew there would be a problem?

My husband and I voted early -----------I took in our mail in voting ballots as well. We didn't have any problems though and our polling place didn't want to see our voter cards or mail in ballots at all. Just our state Id's.

if you had not voted mail in the computer showed you could vote. If you had voted mail in that would be in the computer.
I do not know as I always went to vote in my neighborhood. So I look at the mail in ballot that they mailed me, it says district 6, and also district 13 representing Congressional and legislative districts. Then the lady says that I am not in the book that I never voted and I show her my mail in ballot with the district number. Then she hands me a ballot anyway and says vote, I say my vote will not count if I am not in the book so find the right bleeping book. Now they know that they lost it because I was mailed a ballot which I only brought to prove them wrong which I anticipated they would be (again one day I will be wrong)(you won't see it). So now they are telling me that there is no record of me but they will let me vote then rip up the ballot later. I say no, fix this right now or I am making a police report, you have my fucking name when the tax is due for some odd reason. Again the ballot they mailed me says district 6, so now I check the tax map and it shows us in district 4 which means my mailed in ballot was wrong and that if I used it my vote would not have been counted because they made a mistake that would have been blamed on me. I seriously never saw such a complete bunch of idiots all using plausible deniability to show that the error would have been mine.

Now, I complete the paperwork and fold the ballot into the envelope.

Remember that we are acting like this because of covid 19.

The last thing you need to do is lick the envelope with your spit and germs and hand it in with the virus.

Phil Murphy figured this out all by himself, I wish he was there to take my spit

You voted by Provisional ballot. If it proves you are registered it will be counted.
Several points

If I voted using the mail in ballot I was assigned to district 6 which is a mistake that they made, I showed them the mail in ballot and they could not find my name in the book. When they would have counted the mail in ballots they would have checked district 6 and not found my name in the book and ripped up my ballot as it was wrong, I also would have had to check that I was a registered voter which they would not have been able to confirm. Because I demanded that this be done correctly they had to run around like headless chickens bumping into stuff. My rights were violated in multiple ways and they admitted this.

And Phil Murphy FORCED people to handle licked envelopes putting even more lives in mortal danger just like when he forced sick people into nursing homes killing at least 60,000 old people with his faggot friend Chomo in NY

You defend it silly we need turds like you exposing the truth
Right, lets implement massive vote by mail with only a few months to prepare and hire government to do it...brilliant! :auiqs.jpg:
My state has had mail in voting for years with no problems. There are just millions more this year because of Covid. They all are counted the same. Many states count mail ins early, others do not, but they are all counted.
Less than 7,000 people in my town.

needless to say, only one precinct, and only one place to cast a vote, (Between the Fire Department and Police Station).

Sorry for all you folks in big cities that have problems figuring out where to go.

It's not a matter of them not being able to figure out whee to go....

It's a matter of cheating democrats marking their ballots (Republicans) in the wrong district....so that they can legally discard those ballots and thus remove a LOT of Trump votes.

Not a problem we have in my area.
Yes it is, you are just too brainwashed and zombified to see reality as it exist


I don't like either candidate.

anyone that would vote for Trump is a moron.

anyone that would vote for Hillary or Biden is also a moron.

My eyes are open.

Not one of the three should be in the Oval Office.

Are yours.

You must be waiting for the day when you no longer have the freedom not to vote.

You must be waiting for the day when you no longer have the freedom not to vote.

I not only have the freedom to vote, I have the freedom NOT to vote.

what do you NOT understand?
Freedom means you respect the right to vote and use it. If you disagree move to China where the people are waving the American flag because they want the freedom that you just shit on

That said I did not vote for Romney because he is was and always will be a raping mormon piece of shit

Freedom means you respect the right to vote and use it.

Apparently, you feel people should be forced to vote.

Maybe you should move to China.

I didn't think that you grasped the future possibility that we become similar to China.
Eyes wide shut?

if you and essa believe people should be forced to vote, you're ready to use a passport to the Far East.

Maybe you should look up the word 'Freedom'?

You just don't get it. Oh, well.

No, YOU don't' get it.

Try this:


the state of being free or at liberty rather than in confinement or under physical restraint: He won his freedom after a retrial.
exemption from external control, interference, regulation, etc.
the power to determine action without restraint.
political or national independence.
personal liberty, as opposed to bondage or slavery: The formerly enslaved seamstress bought her freedom and later became Mary Todd Lincoln’s dressmaker and stylist.
exemption from the presence of anything specified (usually followed by from):freedom from fear.

Sorry old man.....

You make the same mistake oppressed people have always made.

But you and millions of young people demanding Socialism and Communism have no clue the cost of freedom and will likely lose it soon.

But good luck.


Learned that before I entered the service.

and still knew it 20 years later when I retired from the service.

I'm well aware of what freedom is...

and you telling me I HAVE to vote is taking my freedom of choice away.

Stop being a fucking moron.
I do not know as I always went to vote in my neighborhood. So I look at the mail in ballot that they mailed me, it says district 6, and also district 13 representing Congressional and legislative districts. Then the lady says that I am not in the book that I never voted and I show her my mail in ballot with the district number. Then she hands me a ballot anyway and says vote, I say my vote will not count if I am not in the book so find the right bleeping book. Now they know that they lost it because I was mailed a ballot which I only brought to prove them wrong which I anticipated they would be (again one day I will be wrong)(you won't see it). So now they are telling me that there is no record of me but they will let me vote then rip up the ballot later. I say no, fix this right now or I am making a police report, you have my fucking name when the tax is due for some odd reason. Again the ballot they mailed me says district 6, so now I check the tax map and it shows us in district 4 which means my mailed in ballot was wrong and that if I used it my vote would not have been counted because they made a mistake that would have been blamed on me. I seriously never saw such a complete bunch of idiots all using plausible deniability to show that the error would have been mine.

Now, I complete the paperwork and fold the ballot into the envelope.

Remember that we are acting like this because of covid 19.

The last thing you need to do is lick the envelope with your spit and germs and hand it in with the virus.

Phil Murphy figured this out all by himself, I wish he was there to take my spit
Wait...you bring your mail in vote because you knew there would be a problem?

My husband and I voted early -----------I took in our mail in voting ballots as well. We didn't have any problems though and our polling place didn't want to see our voter cards or mail in ballots at all. Just our state Id's.

if you had not voted mail in the computer showed you could vote. If you had voted mail in that would be in the computer.
The fact is that the people at the polling place had no clue as to what was happening and they admitted so. At this point I wish that I had called the police because I showed the officials the ballot that showed me in district 6 and district 13 both. When in reality I am in district 4.

This was the Phil Murphy retard hour.

We need more Salem witch trials

I got matches
I do not know as I always went to vote in my neighborhood. So I look at the mail in ballot that they mailed me, it says district 6, and also district 13 representing Congressional and legislative districts. Then the lady says that I am not in the book that I never voted and I show her my mail in ballot with the district number. Then she hands me a ballot anyway and says vote, I say my vote will not count if I am not in the book so find the right bleeping book. Now they know that they lost it because I was mailed a ballot which I only brought to prove them wrong which I anticipated they would be (again one day I will be wrong)(you won't see it). So now they are telling me that there is no record of me but they will let me vote then rip up the ballot later. I say no, fix this right now or I am making a police report, you have my fucking name when the tax is due for some odd reason. Again the ballot they mailed me says district 6, so now I check the tax map and it shows us in district 4 which means my mailed in ballot was wrong and that if I used it my vote would not have been counted because they made a mistake that would have been blamed on me. I seriously never saw such a complete bunch of idiots all using plausible deniability to show that the error would have been mine.

Now, I complete the paperwork and fold the ballot into the envelope.

Remember that we are acting like this because of covid 19.

The last thing you need to do is lick the envelope with your spit and germs and hand it in with the virus.

Phil Murphy figured this out all by himself, I wish he was there to take my spit

You voted by Provisional ballot. If it proves you are registered it will be counted.
Several points

If I voted using the mail in ballot I was assigned to district 6 which is a mistake that they made, I showed them the mail in ballot and they could not find my name in the book. When they would have counted the mail in ballots they would have checked district 6 and not found my name in the book and ripped up my ballot as it was wrong, I also would have had to check that I was a registered voter which they would not have been able to confirm. Because I demanded that this be done correctly they had to run around like headless chickens bumping into stuff. My rights were violated in multiple ways and they admitted this.

And Phil Murphy FORCED people to handle licked envelopes putting even more lives in mortal danger just like when he forced sick people into nursing homes killing at least 60,000 old people with his faggot friend Chomo in NY

You defend it silly we need turds like you exposing the truth

You have been voting for years and do not know which Districe you are in?
I do not know as I always went to vote in my neighborhood. So I look at the mail in ballot that they mailed me, it says district 6, and also district 13 representing Congressional and legislative districts. Then the lady says that I am not in the book that I never voted and I show her my mail in ballot with the district number. Then she hands me a ballot anyway and says vote, I say my vote will not count if I am not in the book so find the right bleeping book. Now they know that they lost it because I was mailed a ballot which I only brought to prove them wrong which I anticipated they would be (again one day I will be wrong)(you won't see it). So now they are telling me that there is no record of me but they will let me vote then rip up the ballot later. I say no, fix this right now or I am making a police report, you have my fucking name when the tax is due for some odd reason. Again the ballot they mailed me says district 6, so now I check the tax map and it shows us in district 4 which means my mailed in ballot was wrong and that if I used it my vote would not have been counted because they made a mistake that would have been blamed on me. I seriously never saw such a complete bunch of idiots all using plausible deniability to show that the error would have been mine.

Now, I complete the paperwork and fold the ballot into the envelope.

Remember that we are acting like this because of covid 19.

The last thing you need to do is lick the envelope with your spit and germs and hand it in with the virus.

Phil Murphy figured this out all by himself, I wish he was there to take my spit

You voted by Provisional ballot. If it proves you are registered it will be counted.
Several points

If I voted using the mail in ballot I was assigned to district 6 which is a mistake that they made, I showed them the mail in ballot and they could not find my name in the book. When they would have counted the mail in ballots they would have checked district 6 and not found my name in the book and ripped up my ballot as it was wrong, I also would have had to check that I was a registered voter which they would not have been able to confirm. Because I demanded that this be done correctly they had to run around like headless chickens bumping into stuff. My rights were violated in multiple ways and they admitted this.

And Phil Murphy FORCED people to handle licked envelopes putting even more lives in mortal danger just like when he forced sick people into nursing homes killing at least 60,000 old people with his faggot friend Chomo in NY

You defend it silly we need turds like you exposing the truth

You have been voting for years and do not know which Districe you are in?
No need, I can walk the half a block to the local school. Furthermore I did know that I was in district 6 and district 13 as my mail in ballot said. That is if the retards in charge did not fuck that up
I do not know as I always went to vote in my neighborhood. So I look at the mail in ballot that they mailed me, it says district 6, and also district 13 representing Congressional and legislative districts. Then the lady says that I am not in the book that I never voted and I show her my mail in ballot with the district number. Then she hands me a ballot anyway and says vote, I say my vote will not count if I am not in the book so find the right bleeping book. Now they know that they lost it because I was mailed a ballot which I only brought to prove them wrong which I anticipated they would be (again one day I will be wrong)(you won't see it). So now they are telling me that there is no record of me but they will let me vote then rip up the ballot later. I say no, fix this right now or I am making a police report, you have my fucking name when the tax is due for some odd reason. Again the ballot they mailed me says district 6, so now I check the tax map and it shows us in district 4 which means my mailed in ballot was wrong and that if I used it my vote would not have been counted because they made a mistake that would have been blamed on me. I seriously never saw such a complete bunch of idiots all using plausible deniability to show that the error would have been mine.

Now, I complete the paperwork and fold the ballot into the envelope.

Remember that we are acting like this because of covid 19.

The last thing you need to do is lick the envelope with your spit and germs and hand it in with the virus.

Phil Murphy figured this out all by himself, I wish he was there to take my spit
Wait...you bring your mail in vote because you knew there would be a problem?

My husband and I voted early -----------I took in our mail in voting ballots as well. We didn't have any problems though and our polling place didn't want to see our voter cards or mail in ballots at all. Just our state Id's.

if you had not voted mail in the computer showed you could vote. If you had voted mail in that would be in the computer.
The fact is that the people at the polling place had no clue as to what was happening and they admitted so. At this point I wish that I had called the police because I showed the officials the ballot that showed me in district 6 and district 13 both. When in reality I am in district 4.

This was the Phil Murphy retard hour.

We need more Salem witch trials

I got matches

I have seen a few like you at the polls who do not have any idea what you are doing so blame others. What do you think the Police could have done for you since you do not know?
Less than 7,000 people in my town.

needless to say, only one precinct, and only one place to cast a vote, (Between the Fire Department and Police Station).

Sorry for all you folks in big cities that have problems figuring out where to go.

It's not a matter of them not being able to figure out whee to go....

It's a matter of cheating democrats marking their ballots (Republicans) in the wrong district....so that they can legally discard those ballots and thus remove a LOT of Trump votes.

Not a problem we have in my area.
Yes it is, you are just too brainwashed and zombified to see reality as it exist


I don't like either candidate.

anyone that would vote for Trump is a moron.

anyone that would vote for Hillary or Biden is also a moron.

My eyes are open.

Not one of the three should be in the Oval Office.

Are yours.

You must be waiting for the day when you no longer have the freedom not to vote.

You must be waiting for the day when you no longer have the freedom not to vote.

I not only have the freedom to vote, I have the freedom NOT to vote.

what do you NOT understand?
Freedom means you respect the right to vote and use it. If you disagree move to China where the people are waving the American flag because they want the freedom that you just shit on

That said I did not vote for Romney because he is was and always will be a raping mormon piece of shit

Freedom means you respect the right to vote and use it.

Apparently, you feel people should be forced to vote.

Maybe you should move to China.

I didn't think that you grasped the future possibility that we become similar to China.
Eyes wide shut?

if you and essa believe people should be forced to vote, you're ready to use a passport to the Far East.

Maybe you should look up the word 'Freedom'?

You just don't get it. Oh, well.

No, YOU don't' get it.

Try this:


the state of being free or at liberty rather than in confinement or under physical restraint: He won his freedom after a retrial.
exemption from external control, interference, regulation, etc.
the power to determine action without restraint.
political or national independence.
personal liberty, as opposed to bondage or slavery: The formerly enslaved seamstress bought her freedom and later became Mary Todd Lincoln’s dressmaker and stylist.
exemption from the presence of anything specified (usually followed by from):freedom from fear.

Yeah, I get all that.
My point is that we are only at any point in time one generation away from tyranny. Freedom and our Constitution are not guarantees. And in this election, tyranny is closer than its ever been in our lifetime.
Only an unrealistic or ignorant person would fail to vote today.

That seems to be a fairly common message: THIS election is more important, we're facing an existential threat, THIS time you have to vote, and it has to be for the candidate I support or you hate America!

I think I heard the same sort of things in 2016. And 2012. And 2008. Etc.

For example: The Most Important Political Platitude of Our Lifetime (and Many Others)

Forgive me if I take the 'this election is super-special important' idea with a large grain of salt.

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