No 1st amendment in Tenn, pubs bully gays

No, it's about requiring school employees to abide by mandatory reporting laws, EVEN for homosexual students. As it stands now, schools think they aren't obligated to report suspected abuse of homosexual students. Because they're HOMOSEXUAL, after all. Abuse isn't abuse, if it's a GAY kid. It's just good old fashioned fun.
Per usual they're advocating for removing protections from, in this case, homosexual children...and declaring it is for the sake of the children.

What a load of garbage.

Um, no. We are arguing against this particular law that has nothing to do with "protecting" children.

This law wouldn't protect a single child, but DOES have the potential to hurt some. Good thing it won't pass!

No, it's about requiring school employees to abide by mandatory reporting laws, EVEN for homosexual students. As it stands now, schools think they aren't obligated to report suspected abuse of homosexual students. Because they're HOMOSEXUAL, after all. Abuse isn't abuse, if it's a GAY kid. It's just good old fashioned fun.

It's been circulating and re-circulating for 6 years, and each year it gets a little closer to passing. Eventually, schools are going to be held accountable for the role they play in setting up gay students for abuse and ridicule, and for hiding bullying and suicidal ideation from parents.
No, it's about requiring school employees to abide by mandatory reporting laws, EVEN for homosexual students. As it stands now, schools think they aren't obligated to report suspected abuse of homosexual students. Because they're HOMOSEXUAL, after all. Abuse isn't abuse, if it's a GAY kid. It's just good old fashioned fun.

Holy shit. You're just pulling shit out of your ass. There isn't even a grain of truth in what you just said, not one.
No, it's about requiring school employees to abide by mandatory reporting laws, EVEN for homosexual students. As it stands now, schools think they aren't obligated to report suspected abuse of homosexual students. Because they're HOMOSEXUAL, after all. Abuse isn't abuse, if it's a GAY kid. It's just good old fashioned fun.

Holy shit. You're just pulling shit out of your ass. There isn't even a grain of truth in what you just said, not one.

" This is one environment, the school, where kids can be bullied or are dealing with all kinds of issues, and now they don't have a safe place to go where they can be assured of sensitivity and confidentiality."

In other words, when kids are bullied and dealing with issues, they don't want to have to tell the parents.
I swear, progressives these days view schools as some sort of sick guys fight HARD to make sure that nobody protects those precious vessels at all, don't you?
What these loons are obviously not understanding, is that if hetero students are being bullied because they are engaging in sexual relations, the reasons for their bullying are no doubt being reported to the parents...All this law does is make it OK to tell parents that the child is being bullied because of their homo activities, which damn sure should be reported to the parents....,Problem with these idiots, is that they think the schools should do the parenting, thereby taking the parenting duties away from the parents. And a lot of it has to with the fact that many of them couldn't be a parent to a fuckin' Gerbil, let alone an actual human child.

Always remember when dealing with these liberal/progressive asshats, they only deal in emotion and hyperbole, they are NEVER honest about a damn thing.

But, they are fun to mock and laugh at. As I do about 99.9% of the time i'm up here.

They understand it. But, per usual, they are willing to sacrifice the safety and well being of children in order to further the homosexual agenda.

Stop claiming the bill says things it doesn't.

How odd that you only provided a link to the first 2 pages of the bill, lol.

What, exactly, have I claimed is in the bill, that isn't?

BTW, where is the word "homosexual" or "gay" in the first two pages?

(3) Any school counselor, nurse, principal or assistant principal from responding appropriately to a student whose circumstances present immediate and urgent safety issues involving human sexuality. Parents or legal guardians of such students shall be notified as soon as practicable of the circumstances requiring intervention; provided, notice shall not be given to any parent or legal guardian if there is reasonable cause to believe that the parent or legal guardian may be the perpetrator or in any way responsible for sexual abuse of the student."

The only people lying about the content of this bill are Amy, and Wytch, and some others, who claim it's about outing homosexual students. It's about reporting sexual abuse.

But sexual abuse is way down on the list of really important issues for most of the homosexual bloc.

Stop claiming the bill says things it doesn't.

How odd that you only provided a link to the first 2 pages of the bill, lol.

What, exactly, have I claimed is in the bill, that isn't?

BTW, where is the word "homosexual" or "gay" in the first two pages?

(3) Any school counselor, nurse, principal or assistant principal from responding appropriately to a student whose circumstances present immediate and urgent safety issues involving human sexuality. Parents or legal guardians of such students shall be notified as soon as practicable of the circumstances requiring intervention; provided, notice shall not be given to any parent or legal guardian if there is reasonable cause to believe that the parent or legal guardian may be the perpetrator or in any way responsible for sexual abuse of the student."

The only people lying about the content of this bill are Amy, and Wytch, and some others, who claim it's about outing homosexual students. It's about reporting sexual abuse.

But sexual abuse is way down on the list of really important issues for most of the homosexual bloc.
Like I said, they only deal in emotion and hyperbole.....for no other reason than to advance the myriad of loony agendas they support.....Algorejazeera, Sharpton, Jackson, Fluck, Obama, etc., are the prime examples, along with many of the libprog idiots on this board.
I'm still waiting for the evidence of my "lies" about what's in the bill....and for a link that goes to a site that has more than the first two pages.

I think it's pretty obvious that the lies about this bill are the lies being told by the people who maintain it *targets* homosexual students, that it is about *outing* kids based on suspected gayness (but not sexuality! Cuz gayness has nothing to do with sex!)..
Ok, I've bashed my head agaisnt the wall that is KG enough for today. Youre going to have continue to argue that targeting and outting gay kids is ok with others. Too much of your POV gives gives me a headache.
^perfect example of the emotion and hyperbole that libprogs deal in.^

The hysteria and paranoia they self create over this issue truly is comical.

Stop claiming the bill says things it doesn't.

How odd that you only provided a link to the first 2 pages of the bill, lol.

What, exactly, have I claimed is in the bill, that isn't?

BTW, where is the word "homosexual" or "gay" in the first two pages?

(3) Any school counselor, nurse, principal or assistant principal from responding appropriately to a student whose circumstances present immediate and urgent safety issues involving human sexuality. Parents or legal guardians of such students shall be notified as soon as practicable of the circumstances requiring intervention; provided, notice shall not be given to any parent or legal guardian if there is reasonable cause to believe that the parent or legal guardian may be the perpetrator or in any way responsible for sexual abuse of the student."

The only people lying about the content of this bill are Amy, and Wytch, and some others, who claim it's about outing homosexual students. It's about reporting sexual abuse.

But sexual abuse is way down on the list of really important issues for most of the homosexual bloc.
Like I said, they only deal in emotion and hyperbole.....for no other reason than to advance the myriad of loony agendas they support.....Algorejazeera, Sharpton, Jackson, Fluck, Obama, etc., are the prime examples, along with many of the libprog idiots on this board.

You talk about emotion and hyperbole why glossing Al Gore, Algorejazeera.

Can't beat the irony here.
Ok, I've bashed my head agaisnt the wall that is KG enough for today. Youre going to have continue to argue that targeting and outting gay kids is ok with others. Too much of your POV gives gives me a headache.
^perfect example of the emotion and hyperbole that libprogs deal in.^

The hysteria and paranoia they self create over this issue truly is comical.

Did liberals write that legislation in Tennessee?
I swear, progressives these days view schools as some sort of sick guys fight HARD to make sure that nobody protects those precious vessels at all, don't you?
What these loons are obviously not understanding, is that if hetero students are being bullied because they are engaging in sexual relations, the reasons for their bullying are no doubt being reported to the parents...All this law does is make it OK to tell parents that the child is being bullied because of their homo activities, which damn sure should be reported to the parents....,Problem with these idiots, is that they think the schools should do the parenting, thereby taking the parenting duties away from the parents. And a lot of it has to with the fact that many of them couldn't be a parent to a fuckin' Gerbil, let alone an actual human child.

Always remember when dealing with these liberal/progressive asshats, they only deal in emotion and hyperbole, they are NEVER honest about a damn thing.

But, they are fun to mock and laugh at. As I do about 99.9% of the time i'm up here.

They understand it. But, per usual, they are willing to sacrifice the safety and well being of children in order to further the homosexual agenda.

You realize that's horse hockey.

No one has an issue with mandatory reporting and parental notification for sexual activity such as intercourse (Vaginal or Anal), fellatio, Cunnilingus, manual stimulation of sexual organs, etc.

No one has an issue with mandatory reporting of abuse or bullying.

The issue is the mandatory reporting of "homosexual activities", such as hand holding, kissing, cow eyes, etc. when the staff thinks it is "homosexual" in nature but aren't required to report the same things when they are "heterosexual" in nature.

What these loons are obviously not understanding, is that if hetero students are being bullied because they are engaging in sexual relations, the reasons for their bullying are no doubt being reported to the parents...All this law does is make it OK to tell parents that the child is being bullied because of their homo activities, which damn sure should be reported to the parents....,Problem with these idiots, is that they think the schools should do the parenting, thereby taking the parenting duties away from the parents. And a lot of it has to with the fact that many of them couldn't be a parent to a fuckin' Gerbil, let alone an actual human child.

Always remember when dealing with these liberal/progressive asshats, they only deal in emotion and hyperbole, they are NEVER honest about a damn thing.

But, they are fun to mock and laugh at. As I do about 99.9% of the time i'm up here.

They understand it. But, per usual, they are willing to sacrifice the safety and well being of children in order to further the homosexual agenda.

You realize that's horse hockey.

No one has an issue with mandatory reporting and parental notification for sexual activity such as intercourse (Vaginal or Anal), fellatio, Cunnilingus, manual stimulation of sexual organs, etc.

No one has an issue with mandatory reporting of abuse or bullying.

The issue is the mandatory reporting of "homosexual activities", such as hand holding, kissing, cow eyes, etc. when the staff thinks it is "homosexual" in nature but aren't required to report the same things when they are "heterosexual" in nature.


Show me where, in that bill, those things are listed:


(3) Any school counselor, nurse, principal or assistant principal from responding appropriately to a student whose circumstances present immediate and urgent safety issues involving human sexuality. Parents or legal guardians of such students shall be notified as soon as practicable of the circumstances requiring intervention; provided, notice shall not be given to any parent or legal guardian if there is reasonable cause to believe that the parent or legal guardian may be the perpetrator or in any way responsible for sexual abuse of the student."
They aren't. Progressives are pretending they are, because they want the bill blocked.
They understand it. But, per usual, they are willing to sacrifice the safety and well being of children in order to further the homosexual agenda.

You realize that's horse hockey.

No one has an issue with mandatory reporting and parental notification for sexual activity such as intercourse (Vaginal or Anal), fellatio, Cunnilingus, manual stimulation of sexual organs, etc.

No one has an issue with mandatory reporting of abuse or bullying.

The issue is the mandatory reporting of "homosexual activities", such as hand holding, kissing, cow eyes, etc. when the staff thinks it is "homosexual" in nature but aren't required to report the same things when they are "heterosexual" in nature.


Show me where, in that bill, those things are listed:


(3) Any school counselor, nurse, principal or assistant principal from responding appropriately to a student whose circumstances present immediate and urgent safety issues involving human sexuality. Parents or legal guardians of such students shall be notified as soon as practicable of the circumstances requiring intervention; provided, notice shall not be given to any parent or legal guardian if there is reasonable cause to believe that the parent or legal guardian may be the perpetrator or in any way responsible for sexual abuse of the student."
They aren't. Progressives are pretending they are, because they want the bill blocked.

If I remember correctly it's right next to the part that defines homosexual activity as sodomy.

BTW...what IS homosexual *activity*, if it's not sexual in nature, one wonders?

"A Republican lawmaker is proposing legislation that would require schools to inform a student's parents if the child is engaging in homosexual activity."

Read more: Tennessee bill would require schools to report gay activity to parents | Fox News"
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Amy, bode, gaddawg and wytch are the ones who maintain that the bill is about outing gays..I've maintained all along that it's about reporting suspected sexual activity.

And, as it turns out, that's exactly what it is. And, as it turns out, that is exactly what they don't want reported.
Amy, bode, gaddawg and wytch are the ones who maintain that the bill is about outing gays..I've maintained all along that it's about reporting suspected sexual activity.

And, as it turns out, that's exactly what it is. And, as it turns out, that is exactly what they don't want reported.
That's exactly right.....Funny thing is, if the child is being bullied because of homosexual activity, the child has already outed themselves, and it damn sure is a parents right to know......They are the parents, not the school.

But don't let that get in the way of facts, according to theses libprog loons.
I think it's more about hiding the fact that children at school are at risk if they are blatantly homosexual than it is about anything else. They don't care if they get the kids killed...the main thing is they don't want ANYONE to know that homosexual kids are targeted, at risk, and are suicidal.

It goes against the whole meme that it's *healthy* for kids to be homosexual.
Amy, bode, gaddawg and wytch are the ones who maintain that the bill is about outing gays..I've maintained all along that it's about reporting suspected sexual activity.

And, as it turns out, that's exactly what it is. And, as it turns out, that is exactly what they don't want reported.

What is wrong with not approving of homosexuality, but doing it as a personal choice the same way a person doesn't approve of Islam, Catholicism, Mormonism, abortion, nose picking or whatever. Why does a state have to go out of it's way to write legislation directed at the behavior of a group that the majority may not approve of? Don't you think this kind of crap has to involve some asshole politicians trying to draw attention to themselves by making redneck law to please the rabble? Can't you figure out when you are being played? Just how long is the right-wing going to be amused by the clowns competing to out stupid each other? Can't the right-wing come up with something positive for a change, or has the whole movement degenerated to this kind of childish behavior? It doesn't take much imagination to figure out ways to manipulate your kind and the people who can do it, don't always share your opinions. All that's required is to be outrageous and people like Rush and Beck make their money off of it. Do you really think they believe all of what they say and that they don't say things just to get attention?

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