No, Chansley Was Not Escorted Into the Capitol Building

If you and three of your buddies rob a gas station and one of them shoots and kills the clerk, are you not all charged with being an accomplice to a homicide?
He seems to have acted completely independently that day. He was not coordinating with his buddies.

He didn't break anything, steal anything, or hurt anyone. He called for everyone to remain peaceful. He stopped someone trying to raid the snack room. He obeyed the instructions of officers, and exited the senate chamber when asked to. Later, he told protestors over his megaphone that Trump tweeted everyone should go home. He may not be a saint, but he was a peacekeeper.

His lawyer has confirmed that the DOJ whithheld evidence he was being escorted around by numerous officers.

He deserves a new trial (and probably a better lawyer).
Escorting them out would have been pointless. They’d come right back in. The police had no control over the building.

Shooting someone was a means of last resort as rioters were trying to breach the House Chambers where lawmakers were still being evacuated.

The link says he was asked to leave at 2:16, minutes after he entered and when he first encountered officers.

You should have actually read it

Your first comment is pure speculation on your part with nothing to back it up.

Yep, that's part of what I read. They asked the crowd to leave. Didn't say him specifically, and it doesn't say if it was before, during, or after his guided tour by 9 cops. You made claims about the timing of him being asked and his tour. So far, you have nothing to back that up, Simp.
He seems to have acted completely independently that day. He was not coordinating with his buddies.

He didn't break anything, steal anything, or hurt anyone. He called for everyone to remain peaceful. He stopped someone trying to raid the snack room. He obeyed the instructions of officers, and exited the senate chamber when asked to. Later, he told protestors over his megaphone that Trump tweeted everyone should go home. He may not be a saint, but he was a peacekeeper.

His lawyer has confirmed that the DOJ whithheld evidence he was being escorted around by numerous officers.

He deserves a new trial (and probably a better lawyer).
I think his fuzzy jammies scares Dimwingers.
I didn’t say he committed any violence. I said the people he was with smashed their way into the building.

How the fuck do you think that means he was “invited in”?
Ok so when people are outside of any locked building waiting for access , and the doors are closed and then opened, they are being let it.
They may not have received a curtesy with “Please enter sire” nor be lead around arm in arm but they were outside seeking to be inside and that access was granted.

It’s so easy when you let your brain work rather than trying to force the round peg of wishes and feelings into the square hole of visual facts.
Link required for you to continue causing John Belushi to spin in his grave every time you post using his face as your avatar.
Fumblenutless, no link is required for avatars.

And I can’t imagine why you keep worrying about avatars. It is a clearly pathetic & meaningless life you’re living.

By the way, my avatar image is less that of the actor/comic than it is of that particular character, Bluto. Try to stay awake.
Ok so when people are outside of any locked building waiting for access , and the doors are closed and then opened, they are being let it.
Lmao. That’s what you’re going with?

Ok, let’s suppose that a mob of 100 people break into your house. The first 20 people smash the windows and climb inside. Then the other 80 people walk through the door.

Were those 80 people “invited in”?
Lmao. That’s what you’re going with?

Ok, let’s suppose that a mob of 100 people break into your house. The first 20 people smash the windows and climb inside. Then the other 80 people walk through the door.

Were those 80 people “invited in”?
Let's get everyone identified on video doing any kind of damage and see who they are. It can be done, why hasn't it?
Good luck with that. He already pleaded guilty and it’s obvious that he did exactly that.
And again, because the government withheld evidence, there is a great chance the plea will be allowed to be withdrawn. Therein his plea can’t be used against him.
What evidence are you looking for?
Evidence of the elements of the crimes with which he was and may yet again be charged (other than trespass).
We all saw the video and we all know what those idiots did.
The issue isn’t what the mob did. The issue is what Shaman-boi “did” other than commit trespass?
“…otherwise obstructs, influences, or impedes any official proceeding, or attempts to do so,
shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than 20 years, or both.”
Yep. That’s the charge. And those include some of the required elements. And physical presence does establish trespass. But what other evidence do you have to meet the burden on those elements?
Did he obstruct, influence, or impede an official proceeding, or attempt to do so?
I don’t know. He will likely be returned to a status of presumed innocence. So what evidence do you have?
So which is it?

I still haven't seen a video of Capitol Police Opening up the doors to the Capitol and inviting them in.

I did see video of protesters smashing in windows then those same people (not police) opening up the doors to the Capitol from the inside.

Then you have been closing your eyes.
I don’t know. He will likely be returned to a status of presumed innocence. So what evidence do you have?
You don’t know if he obstructed, influenced, or impeded an official proceeding, or attempted to do so????
What the fuck do you think they were doing there on Jan 6???

A bunch of people randomly showed up on the same day, accidentally pushed through police barricades and then mistakenly overran the police and then accidentally wandered into Capitol building??? “Whoopsie, we accidentally trespassed. Silly us.”
I didn’t say he committed any violence. I said the people he was with smashed their way into the building.

How the fuck do you think that means he was “invited in”?

We don't know that. The video shows he came in from a different side than the assholes smashing in the front.

That's the point.
Lmao. That’s what you’re going with?

Ok, let’s suppose that a mob of 100 people break into your house. The first 20 people smash the windows and climb inside. Then the other 80 people walk through the door.

Were those 80 people “invited in”?
There is nothing to “go with”
It’s a visual fact and you can’t discredit that nor name call/blather it away.
I don’t care if you disagree. Time will tell. But the discovery rights of an accused are generally guarded by courts quite seriously. This is also true of alleged Brady violations which deserve and get even a stricter scrutiny.
And I’m sure you guys will go right back to making baseless conspiracy theory claims if you don’t get your way.
I don’t care if you disagree. Time will tell. But the discovery rights of an accused are generally guarded by courts quite seriously. This is also true of alleged Brady violations which deserve and get even a stricter scrutiny.
Leftists scum like him support the weaponization of our DOJ.
We don't know that. The video shows he came in from a different side than the assholes smashing in the front.

That's the point.
Right. So he was part of the mob that smashed their way into the building but he thought he was invited in. Lmao.

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