No Charges Filed Against Mom in Cincinnati Zoo Gorilla Incident

a 3 foot kid climbs a 3 foot barrier an nobody saw it .... NOBODY?

and nobody noticed until they spotted the gorilla standing over the kid ?

the story doesn't smell like fish, it smells like fish shit.
I agree with Hamilton County Prosecutor Joseph Deters decision to not prosecute the family of the little boy that accidently fell into Harambe's lair but-----but I have to question why Deters referenced smoking (wtf?) crack with this tragic accident?

No Charges Filed Against Mom in Cincinnati Zoo Gorilla Incident
Melissa Chan

Hamilton County Prosecutor Joseph Deters: “Had she been in the bathroom smoking crack and letting her kids run around the zoo, that’d be a different story,” he added. “She was being attentive to her children, by all witness accounts.”

Shocker. In Today's America irresponsibility is rewarded this is just another example.
a 3 foot kid climbs a 3 foot barrier an nobody saw it .... NOBODY?

and nobody noticed until they spotted the gorilla standing over the kid ?

the story doesn't smell like fish, it smells like fish shit.
Nobody saw the kid scale the fence or more likely squeeze through it but they did see him making his way to the moats edge through the bushes before he fell over the cliff. Some guy went to grab him and he was gone.
The mother was never going to be charged because she's black. As soon as the accident happened the black bowel movement started screaming white privilege.

The gorilla is dead. That's the loss.
The mother was never going to be charged because she's black. As soon as the accident happened the black bowel movement started screaming white privilege.

The gorilla is dead. That's the loss.
The zoo is at fault

A three year old outfoxed their barricade
The mother was never going to be charged because she's black. As soon as the accident happened the black bowel movement started screaming white privilege.

The gorilla is dead. That's the loss.
That obvious lie is just as bad as the one where you claim the FLOTUS had her licence to practice law revoked. I'm guessing like that lie you dont have a link to back up your claim?
He is right though & on top of that a small child posses no threat whereas a full grown adult could easily be see as a threat.

I'd still try....your little friend and obviously you feel you're too old and frail. Want to keep playing?
I think too smart is the keyword you're looking for.

That's nice, gramps. Now go bug someone else. Tool
Every discussion on this board does not require emotional based insults.
No one was challenging a mothers love & desire to protect. I only stated the obvious outcome for one choice.

Any good parent would try...the fact some of you wouldn't speaks volumes. I'd lay down my life for my child....while you try to figure the odds and calculations on survival.

So what you're saying is, you prefer two dead bodies - yours AND your child's? The problem with you and your alleged bravery is...



Congratulations for bringing this thread back to the original subject... the OP question is;

"I have to question why Deters referenced smoking (wtf?) crack with this tragic accident?
No Charges Filed Against Mom in Cincinnati Zoo Gorilla Incident
Melissa Chan
Hamilton County Prosecutor Joseph Deters: “Had she been in the bathroom smoking crack and letting her kids run around the zoo, that’d be a different story,” he added. “She was being attentive to her children, by all witness accounts.”

So, why do you think Hamilton County Prosecutor Joseph Deters introduced smoking crack into his news conference?

Congratulations for bringing this thread back to the original subject... the OP question is;

"I have to question why Deters referenced smoking (wtf?) crack with this tragic accident?
No Charges Filed Against Mom in Cincinnati Zoo Gorilla Incident
Melissa Chan
Hamilton County Prosecutor Joseph Deters: “Had she been in the bathroom smoking crack and letting her kids run around the zoo, that’d be a different story,” he added. “She was being attentive to her children, by all witness accounts.”

So, why do you think Hamilton County Prosecutor Joseph Deters introduced smoking crack into his news conference?
. seems to be running rampant with our judicial system for the last 7 1/2 years!
I think the bigger question that has to be answered is why doesn't the zoo enclose the exhibit enough to make sure this doesn't happen?

Of course, if it were up to me we wouldn't have zoos in the first place.
Do you have a chainlink fence in front of the highway that goes by your house.

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