No clue where he is or what he's doing

Hardly . They weren’t running against each other

That’s a lame excuse for Trump’s insanity
Did you actually listen to the clip? While clumsy and not particularly eloquent that is what he's saying. That Biden got more votes than Obama in all the swing states.
Thanks for admitting that you're a liar.
YOu realize Gym Jordan pretty thoroughly debunked that last week, right?
I listened to the four hours of testimony from Special Council Robert Hur last week and he didn’t back down from his appraisal of our President‘S mental issues.

I have listened to people who have lived with elders with dementia and they agree Joe Biden shows the same signs. I feel sorry for the man and feel he is suffering due to elder abuse By those around him. However the man holds what may be the most important job in the world especially in these times where it is possible we will see the start of WWIII in Europe.

Joe Biden can’t even read a speech off of a teleprompter without screwing it up. He rarely answers questions and I understand any questions have to be submitted and approved beforehand.

For the sake of this nation the Democratic Party needs to replace Joe Biden with another candidate. I likely will not vote for him, but if he wins I will have more confidence in his ability to run our nation than I do in Joe Biden.
I listened to the four hours of testimony from Special Council Robert Hur last week and he didn’t back down from his appraisal of our President‘S mental issues.

I have listened to people who have lived with elders with dementia and they agree Joe Biden shows the same signs. I feel sorry for the man and feel he is suffering due to elder abuse By those around him. However the man holds what may be the most important job in the world especially in these times where it is possible we will see the start of WWIII in Europe.

Joe Biden can’t even read a speech off of a teleprompter without screwing it up. He rarely answers questions and I understand any questions have to be submitted and approved beforehand.

For the sake of this nation the Democratic Party needs to replace Joe Biden with another candidate. I likely will not vote for him, but if he wins I will have more confidence in his ability to run our nation than I do in Joe Biden.
The transcripts prove he was lying. Gym proved it for us.
That is the MAGA reply to all Trump’s lunatic ranting. Sometimes a turnip is a turnip. Trump is a turnip.

How many times can Trump screw up who is President and who he is running against before you realize that there are bats in the orange belfry.
Then show the entire fucking clip, you moron.
How ignorant are you......seriously????
Then show the entire fucking clip, you moron.
How ignorant are you......seriously????
How many times will you make excuses for your Orange lord? Trump’s speeches are streams of consciousnes. He went from speaking about cars, to what if he loses the election, back to cars. Trump’s speeches are often disjointed affairs.

Past in prologue with Trump. Trump has spoken in the past of violence if he is not elected. So why would anyone be surprised if he raised the specter of political violence if he loses again?

Maybe he was speaking about the auto industry; maybe not.

At any rate, I had to laugh how so-called conservatives applauded when Trump says he wants 100% tariffs on EVs. MAGA is a mutt ideology. You guys don’t know what the hell you believe in.
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Anyone who has followed Trump's style and/or watched one or more of his speeches knows that he speaks mostly extemporaneously and nobody with intellectual honesty will question his mental sharpness. Yes he sometimes doesn't complete a full sentence when his mind is racing on to the next point to be made, but he has always been like that being a fast thinking, fast talking New Yorker. So on this Biden/Obama thing I am more than willing to believe it is calculated rather than a gaffe. Most especially when that is the only thing the malicious left can pick up on to claim Trump is losing it.

I doubt seriously he would gaffe that one thing multiple times while not gaffing anything else.

Wrong on every score. Trump has an Ivy League education - top private schools and universities, but over the past 15 years, his speeches patterns have changed and he now speaks at a Grade 5 level. Trump's language skills are deteriorating so that it's now noticeably.

Secondly, if you read the transcripts of his speeches, they're blither and nonsense. He doesn't finish a thought before jumping moving on to something else, and he's incapable of answering a policy question.

He's neither fast thinking nor fast talking. Yet there you are excusing his failure to finish a thought with the notion that his mind is working too fast.
DOes this nonsense somehow salve your conscience for supporting a full blown dementia patient for President?

Once again, you're project the very clear and obvious decline in Donald Trump's speech and behaviour onto Joe Biden, who isn't behaving any differently than he's always behaved.

Every since Trump became President, he's been covering up for his aging body with a very careful act. It was on full display when he returned from Walter Reid where he strode across the lawn, walked up the stairs, and all cranked up on massive doses of steroids, pretended that he that he was "fine". Subsequent reports revealled how close he came to dying.

He had to drop out of the NATO leaders walking tour of Brussels because he was red faced, panting and unable to keep up with the younger, fitter leaders through the hilly streets. He has the shakes and has to use two hands to lift a glass and drink. And he has the shuffling gait of a man with arthritis in his knees, when he forgets the cameras are on him.

Look how stiff kneed he is when he forgets himself, at the end when he's walking with the queen.

And his famous walk down the ramp at West Point:

So, you're saying that as an elderly man with memory issues, he shouldn't be prosecuted for anything but it's still OK if he runs for president.

You must be describing Donald Trump.

Why would Biden be prosecuted since he hasn't broken any laws????? And Biden really doesn't have memory issues, any more than Hillary had Parkinsons.
How many times will you make excuses for your Orange lord? Trump’s speeches are streams of consciousnes. He went from speaking about cars, to what if he loses the election, back to cars. Trump’s speeches are often disjointed affairs.

Past in prologue with Trump. Trump has spoken in the past about violence if he is not elected. So why would anyone be surprised if he raised the specter of political violence again if he loses?

Maybe he was speaking about the auto industry; maybe not.

At any rate, I had to laugh how so-called conservatives applauded when Trump says he wants 100% tariffs on EVs. MAGA is a mutt ideology. You guys don’t know what the hell you believe in.
Then show the entire clip, not a clipped clip. You seem to be dodging the post I made.
And....try and stay on this topic, not the other contrived clip :rolleyes-41:
YOu do realize that it was your orange idol himself who issued those corrections, right?
Hahaha, you call comments by Trump corrections.

There was no correction becausr Trump has not made a mistake.

You are about the stupidest person there is, but i am most likely wrong, cause you got a lot of competition.

Biden advocates, useful idiots

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