No-Confidence Motion Against Holder To Be Introduced In House...


Platinum Member
Oct 7, 2011
Arizona Republican Rep. Paul Gosar, one of the first congressmen who demanded that Attorney General Eric Holder resign immediately, told The Daily Caller he’s introducing an official House resolution to push for a vote of no confidence in Holder as attorney general.

The House resolution is a way to formalize the growing surge in calls for Holder’s immediate resignation, and it sends a message to House leadership and to the administration that many members of Congress aren’t happy with Holder’s behavior throughout the congressional investigation into Operation Fast and Furious.

Gosar told TheDC he has two goals with this resolution. “First, the reproval by Congress of an executive official, is a significant statement,” Gosar said in an email. “Cabinet positions, including the Attorney General, are appointed with the consent of half of Congress, the Senate.”

“There is clearly a role for Congress in evaluating executive branch officials,” he continued. “When an executive branch official fails to act in the best interests of the country, acts illegally, or fails to uphold the faith and integrity the duties of the office demand, Congress is more than entitled to express its approbation, disapproval or censure. This resolution does that for the House.”

The second goal, Gosar said, is to raise “public awareness” of what happened during Fast and Furious. TheDC reported on Wednesday that at least two Democratic members of Congress — both members of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus — weren’t aware of Fast and Furious until they were approached about the scandal.

Read more: No Confidence Motion | Eric Holder | House Vote | The Daily Caller
Who the hell still has any confidence in this man anyway? He's an embarrassment.

Yes,he got Brian Terry and countless others murdered just so he could push his Anti-Gun political agenda. This is much worse than Watergate if the President knew about this. Someone has to be held accountable.
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I agree on the no confidence motion, but other than raising public awareness, it won't do much else. This is too close to the president. Although he loves to blame others, the material coming out will not result in dismissal.
Who the hell still has any confidence in this man anyway? He's an embarrassment.

Yes,he got Brian Terry and countless others murdered just so he could push his Anti-Gun political agenda. This is much worse than Watergate if the President did know about this. Someone has to be held accountable.

This is much worse than Watergate, but we need investigative reporters and Senators who would do the right thing. Makes me mad we'll probably have to wait for historians to dig up the real dirt.
I agree on the no confidence motion, but other than raising public awareness, it won't do much else. This is too close to the president. Although he loves to blame others, the material coming out will not result in dismissal.

We'll see. Personally,i don't see how Holder or his cronies can survive this. As far as the President goes,i don't know if he knew what was going on. If he did,i think it's worse than Watergate.

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