No False Flag...Gas Attack Was Real

There is none. All cws were give to the US as everybody should know.

where did the USA put all those chemical weapons?
An US company was charged with their destruction.

Is the Inventory on-line?

inventory of all the chemical weapons that assad happily and
voluntarily handed to Kerry the Klown
IDK and I don´t care. And it was a Russian proposal by the way. It kept the hawks away for a time. Now media don´t remember that Syria has neither chemical weapons nor a cw program.

Result of chemical attack on Syrian soldiers:
Video- Very Strong Evidences Show the Terrorists in Syria used Chemical Weapon and killed Syrian Soldiers
where did the USA put all those chemical weapons?
An US company was charged with their destruction.

Is the Inventory on-line?

inventory of all the chemical weapons that assad happily and
voluntarily handed to Kerry the Klown
IDK and I don´t care. And it was a Russian proposal by the way. It kept the hawks away for a time. Now media don´t remember that Syria has neither chemical weapons nor a cw program.

Result of chemical attack on Syrian soldiers:
Video- Very Strong Evidences Show the Terrorists in Syria used Chemical Weapon and killed Syrian Soldiers

ROFLMAO -----you don't WANT to know about the huge supplies of chemicals and biologicals shipped ----Baathist to Baathist. oh -----how cute
It makes no sense for Syria to have done this.
Of course it makes sense. They were sending a message to the people they saw as harboring terrorists. It's the same reason for all of their past chem attacks.
So, the US said it was pulling out, good sign for Syria, and they use chemical weapons knowing it will keep the US engaged.

Assad is not that stupid but you are.
It makes no sense for Syria to have done this.
Of course it makes sense. They were sending a message to the people they saw as harboring terrorists. It's the same reason for all of their past chem attacks.
So, the US said it was pulling out, good sign for Syria, and they use chemical weapons knowing it will keep the US engaged.

Assad is not that stupid but you are.

wrong------the weapon is and has been terrorism for the past 1400 years--
because it WORKS. You should learn history
Some on this board have taken the Russians stance that the recent gas attack in Syria was a false flag to lure Americans into deeper involvement. Nope.
Syria chemical attack survivors tell their stories for the first time - CNN
Where is the proof that it was Assad?

And taking some narrative from CNN is about the same as asking 'What do the Neo-cons and Never Trumpers think?'
The narrative wasn't from CNN. goddamn people, stop that dumb shit. CNN is reporting what it is told by survivors.

Here is the evidence, presented to the world:

French report lays out the evidence: Assad forces conducted chemical attack on civilians
So, the US said it was pulling out, good sign for Syria, and they use chemical weapons knowing it will keep the US engaged
Wrong. Syria still thinks the US will pull its troops, once ISIS is defeated. And they are correct, we will. Assad knows he is going nowhere, so his priority is to rule and unify Syria.

So no, swing and a miss on your part. In fact, pure fantasy on your part. You 'spiracy nutballs have fooled yourselves into thinking you sound smart. You don't.
Some on this board have taken the Russians stance that the recent gas attack in Syria was a false flag to lure Americans into deeper involvement. Nope.
Syria chemical attack survivors tell their stories for the first time - CNN
Where is the proof that it was Assad?

And taking some narrative from CNN is about the same as asking 'What do the Neo-cons and Never Trumpers think?'
The narrative wasn't from CNN. goddamn people, stop that dumb shit. CNN is reporting what it is told by survivors.

Here is the evidence, presented to the world:

French report lays out the evidence: Assad forces conducted chemical attack on civilians
Evidence? The report is nothing but accusations.

Here is the actual report BTW.
French declassified intelligence report on Syria gas attacks
Some on this board have taken the Russians stance that the recent gas attack in Syria was a false flag to lure Americans into deeper involvement. Nope.
Syria chemical attack survivors tell their stories for the first time - CNN
Where is the proof that it was Assad?

And taking some narrative from CNN is about the same as asking 'What do the Neo-cons and Never Trumpers think?'
The narrative wasn't from CNN. goddamn people, stop that dumb shit. CNN is reporting what it is told by survivors.

Here is the evidence, presented to the world:

French report lays out the evidence: Assad forces conducted chemical attack on civilians
Evidence? The report is nothing but accusations.

Here is the actual report BTW.
French declassified intelligence report on Syria gas attacks
Ha, bullshit, it's a corroboration of intelligence from many sources. All pointing to the same conclusion. You know, how adults do things.
I for one never believed that it was a "false flag." It's pretty hard to fake drooling all over yourself and dying.

Even as we were entering Iraq during the first war there, the convoys of Saddam's material and supplies for making chemical weapons were headed to Syria. Saddam used the blister agent mustard gas and the nerve gas Tabun, and Syria inherited the materials and tech personnel to make that.

Apparently since then, they've opted for a much easier chemical weapon, mainly chlorine gas. Concentrated chlorine is much easier to produce, and easier to work with. That doesn't mean that they don't have other chemical agents though. The Syrians also have stocks of nerve agents such as VX, as well as blister agents like mustard gas.

The most noteworthy of the chemical weapons used during the Syrian war was sarin, which they've used on a number of occasions. They used that in 2017 during the Khan Sheikhoun assault, as well as attacks in 2013, including an attack on the Damascus suburbs which was thought to have killed 1,429 people.
The Air-Conditioned Ethics of the Geneva Convention Pacifists

In Vietnam, I had to sit in a crater made by one of the Air Force's bombs and listen to a Marine scream himself to death after taking three bullets in the stomach. These selectively illegal weapons are no worse than conventional ones. If we had been allowed to use them, that Marine might still be alive today.
OPCW is on the ground as we speak. I will believe their findings. Nothing else will suffice to convince me that after years of Assad trying to free his people from the clutches of AQ Jaish al Islam in Douma that he would gas the people he was trying to save
If His Enemies Take Over, They Will Be No Better Than He Is

Why would he want to save Sunni mercenaries using their families as human shields, just because they are Syrians?
Some on this board have taken the Russians stance that the recent gas attack in Syria was a false flag to lure Americans into deeper involvement. Nope.
Syria chemical attack survivors tell their stories for the first time - CNN
Been there, done that. Keep trying.

Sure...Iraq never invaded Kuwait.

An Artificial Country Clipped Off the Map Like a Coupon

Kuwait has no right to exist, especially because it could have bought a strong army but let us fight for them as they all ran away. But even more so because it's belonged to Mesopotamia for 5,000 years and Iraq is Mesopotamia.
Persian Gulf War in Easy Steps
1. Iran is Shia Islam
2. Iraq is about 63% Shia
3. Saddam was Sunni
4. Khomeni comes to power in Iran...Shia in Iraq getting restless.
5. Iran and Iraq go to war over oil fields in tri corner area of Iran, Iraq, Kuwait.
6. Fought to stalemate in 1988 after 10 years.
7. Saddam broke.
8. Ask his Sunni brothers in other Arab nations to cut oil production so he can make back some $$$.
9. Kuwait refused.
10. Saddam pissed.
11. Saddam ask US ambassador “what is US position on disputes between Arab brothers.
12. She contacts Washington DC springs the question.
13. Told to tell Saddam “we have no position on disputes between Arab brothers.”
14. Saddam misreads it as a green light to invade and punish Kuwait.
Hey, Cuckoo! Wait!

8. In order to make the money he needed quickly, Saddam produced beyond the quotas the illegal cartel set for him, which (whispering) American Big Oil piggybacks off.
9. Exxon pissed.
10. Saddam realizes he needs even more, because he is driving his own prices down, even though he still makes more than the other OPECkers had allowed him to.
11. Saddam annexes Kuwait, which Iraq has claimed as theirs since the 1960s because it belonged to their predecessors for 5,000 years.
12. Exxon orders its servant, Daddy Bush, to stop Iraq and drive oil price-gouging profits back where it makes the petrocrats even richer.
13. American gasoline prices go up 300%.
14. Exxon is no longer pissed.
Oh, well, that proves it then.

CNN, you call them "fake news" for 364 days of the year, but TODAY they're clearly telling the truth.

They weren’t playing politics and this report was actually filed outside a New York studio.

Does it matter?

You call them "fake news" whenever it's inconvenient, then when it's convenient "They weren't playing politics" and "this report was actually filed outside a New York studio."

Right... you don't see that absolute bullshit in what you've said? Really?

Are you saying all reports from outside a studio are true?

How do you know they aren't playing politics?

Look, aid agencies go out to Africa and try report on what's happening out there, and they make stuff up, manipulate thing.

Also, you have a little evidence, this doesn't give you the whole picture. People are often manipulated and what they're saying could be what they THINK is true, but isn't necessarily true.

You're being very dishonest, basically, but it's not a surprise coming from a partisan.
They are fake. This report was filed by foreign news agency and paid for by those lazy fucks at CNN who won’t leave New York City.

But then CNN does this all the time, and when it's inconvenient, you say it's "fake news" regardless.

Which foreign news agency did this report? What is their agenda? Why would CNN publish this report?

Did you look at any of this before making your claim? Fuck no you didn't, you don't care. It's convenient for your narrative so you say it's legitimate. You've done zero work on this.

Arwa Damon - Wikipedia

Arwa Damon works for CNN. She even has a wikipedia page you didn't bother to look at.

She was born in Boston, she's American.

She works INARA which is a humanitarian organization. It makes money from donations from rich people, it gets money by showing how bad things are in places.


You can donate, if you like. I wonder how much money this woman makes out of being the president of the organization.

Her mother was Syria. Perhaps she doesn't like Syria. Her grandfather was president of Syria in 1949 and executed in a coup.

And you just believe the woman without thinking.

You believe CNN without thinking, this time.

It's all so convenient for you, isn't it?

Only, it's not. You should try thinking first.
Here...I will base it the French...
French report lays out the evidence: Assad forces conducted chemical attack on civilians
ROEs Are Made by Sissyboy Snobs Who Hate and Fear Fighting Men

There are no civilians in a war zone. It's not like a football game, which is the only combat Chickenhawk Americans know. If it were, spectators would be right on the field participating in the action.
I for one never believed that it was a "false flag." It's pretty hard to fake drooling all over yourself and dying.

Even as we were entering Iraq during the first war there, the convoys of Saddam's material and supplies for making chemical weapons were headed to Syria. Saddam used the blister agent mustard gas and the nerve gas Tabun, and Syria inherited the materials and tech personnel to make that.

Apparently since then, they've opted for a much easier chemical weapon, mainly chlorine gas. Concentrated chlorine is much easier to produce, and easier to work with. That doesn't mean that they don't have other chemical agents though. The Syrians also have stocks of nerve agents such as VX, as well as blister agents like mustard gas.

The most noteworthy of the chemical weapons used during the Syrian war was sarin, which they've used on a number of occasions. They used that in 2017 during the Khan Sheikhoun assault, as well as attacks in 2013, including an attack on the Damascus suburbs which was thought to have killed 1,429 people.
Persian Gulf War in Easy Steps
1. Iran is Shia Islam
2. Iraq is about 63% Shia
3. Saddam was Sunni
4. Khomeni comes to power in Iran...Shia in Iraq getting restless.
5. Iran and Iraq go to war over oil fields in tri corner area of Iran, Iraq, Kuwait.
6. Fought to stalemate in 1988 after 10 years.
7. Saddam broke.
8. Ask his Sunni brothers in other Arab nations to cut oil production so he can make back some $$$.
9. Kuwait refused.
10. Saddam pissed.
11. Saddam ask US ambassador “what is US position on disputes between Arab brothers.
12. She contacts Washington DC springs the question.
13. Told to tell Saddam “we have no position on disputes between Arab brothers.”
14. Saddam misreads it as a green light to invade and punish Kuwait.
Hey, Cuckoo! Wait!

8. In order to make the money he needed quickly, Saddam produced beyond the quotas the illegal cartel set for him, which (whispering) American Big Oil piggybacks off.
9. Exxon pissed.
10. Saddam realizes he needs even more, because he is driving his own prices down, even though he still makes more than the other OPECkers had allowed him to.
11. Saddam annexes Kuwait, which Iraq has claimed as theirs since the 1960s because it belonged to their predecessors for 5,000 years.
12. Exxon orders its servant, Daddy Bush, to stop Iraq and drive oil price-gouging profits back where it makes the petrocrats even richer.
13. American gasoline prices go up 300%.
14. Exxon is no longer pissed.
Exxon ordered a President of the United States. You live in a fantasy world of conspiracy don’t you? Perhaps it was John Wilkes Booth and the Illuminati that caused the Gulf War.
They weren’t playing politics and this report was actually filed outside a New York studio.

Does it matter?

You call them "fake news" whenever it's inconvenient, then when it's convenient "They weren't playing politics" and "this report was actually filed outside a New York studio."

Right... you don't see that absolute bullshit in what you've said? Really?

Are you saying all reports from outside a studio are true?

How do you know they aren't playing politics?

Look, aid agencies go out to Africa and try report on what's happening out there, and they make stuff up, manipulate thing.

Also, you have a little evidence, this doesn't give you the whole picture. People are often manipulated and what they're saying could be what they THINK is true, but isn't necessarily true.

You're being very dishonest, basically, but it's not a surprise coming from a partisan.
They are fake. This report was filed by foreign news agency and paid for by those lazy fucks at CNN who won’t leave New York City.

But then CNN does this all the time, and when it's inconvenient, you say it's "fake news" regardless.

Which foreign news agency did this report? What is their agenda? Why would CNN publish this report?

Did you look at any of this before making your claim? Fuck no you didn't, you don't care. It's convenient for your narrative so you say it's legitimate. You've done zero work on this.

Arwa Damon - Wikipedia

Arwa Damon works for CNN. She even has a wikipedia page you didn't bother to look at.

She was born in Boston, she's American.

She works INARA which is a humanitarian organization. It makes money from donations from rich people, it gets money by showing how bad things are in places.


You can donate, if you like. I wonder how much money this woman makes out of being the president of the organization.

Her mother was Syria. Perhaps she doesn't like Syria. Her grandfather was president of Syria in 1949 and executed in a coup.

And you just believe the woman without thinking.

You believe CNN without thinking, this time.

It's all so convenient for you, isn't it?

Only, it's not. You should try thinking first.
Here...I will base it the French...
French report lays out the evidence: Assad forces conducted chemical attack on civilians
ROEs Are Made by Sissyboy Snobs Who Hate and Fear Fighting Men

There are no civilians in a war zone. It's not like a football game, which is the only combat Chickenhawk Americans know. If it were, spectators would be right on the field participating in the action.
You write great fiction.

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