No Federal Aid for Harvey, none! Both voted no for Sandy relief

The categories refer to wind speed, not size. And in the warmth and shallow sections of the Gulf, TSs grow quickly, quicker than in the Gulf.

I know all about hurricanes given that I've been through around a half dozen in my lifetime.
And no they dont grow in the shallows they actually get weaker.
Deep warm water is the reason Harvy grew so fast and the shallow water along the coast is why it stalled out just offshore of Corpus.

Deep, warm water with a little help from the geo-engineering folks.........a T.S to a category 4 storm in 48 hours? Not hardly.....

No help required, that IS the Gulf. A TS to Cat. 4 in 48 hours is not that unusual:
  • Fastest intensification from a tropical storm to a Category 5 hurricane (1-minute sustained surface winds) – 24 hours
    Wilma 2005 – 70 mph (110 km/h) to 170 mph (275 km/h) – from 0600 UTC October 18 to 0600 UTC October 19
Harvey took over 56 hours in reality.

Wilma and Katrina were artificially manipulated and intentionally steered towards their targets.

Why won't USMB conservatives shun this fool? Do you need him for something?

Ooops, LL...........

[QUIiOTE="Peach, post: 18016757, member: 17668"]
I know all about hurricanes given that I've been through around a half dozen in my lifetime.
And no they dont grow in the shallows they actually get weaker.
Deep warm water is the reason Harvy grew so fast and the shallow water along the coast is why it stalled out just offshore of Corpus.
As a storm grows, it goes through a series of stages before being classified as a hurricane. It might start as a collection of thunderstorms known as a tropical disturbance. Then, with cyclonic circulation, wind speeds get faster and the storm becomes a tropical depression. If the wind keeps getting faster, the storm becomes a tropical storm and then a hurricane if winds are more than 74 miles per hour (mph).

The classifications are based on the wind speeds in the storm, not the size of the storm. Hurricanes that look small on radar can have very high wind speeds. And large storms can have low wind speeds. Wind speeds in hurricanes are often measured in knots. Compared to a mile per hour, knots are a little bit faster. Thirty miles per hour are about the same as 26 knots.
Shallow is a relative term, the deeper the body of water, the colder the water.Gulfs are shallow compared to oceans and seas generally. I have lived no more than 1.5 hours from the ocean my entire life, usually closer.

Educate yourself............this is a simplistic explanation and it is short. There are better ones that are more complicated and longer but THIS is a good one for those just learning this technology.

It is all tied in whith chem trails and the fake moon landing

Ever hear of "Operation Popeye" during the Vietnam War?

It was Bluto

Bluto planned the whole thing and blamed Popeye[/QUOTE]

It was Wimpy!
Do you understand that rich people use the loophole of states without income tax all the time? Many athletes have homes in Florida just so they can get out of paying millions in income taxes.

Florida also has a Constitutional Amendment which prohibits the sale of a personal residence to satisfy anything other than a specific lien. That would be mortgages, property taxes, construction liens and so forth. This is the reason famous people, facing bankruptcy will buy the most expensive house possible, move to Florida and declare bankruptcy. The Florida Supreme Court even ruled that is the case even if the INTENT was to defraud the creditors.
Texas does not have a state income tax and I live in Texas. We have Sales and Property Taxes and other taxes like State Inspection stickers...

8.5 % state sales tax = State income tax

It is a sale tax and not a income tax.

But the state that I lived in had no sales tax but an income tax......of course I didn't pay it since I never gave up my residency in Texas. I skated for nearly three years while I was there.

But, but, but.... Who cares? You're wrong. Sales tax is NOT an income tax.

Do you understand that rich people use the loophole of states without income tax all the time? Many athletes have homes in Florida just so they can get out of paying millions in income taxes.

So the fuck what? They still pay a consumption tax and property taxes regardless of whether their income is FURTHER taxed by the state they reside in. People don't get out of paying the illegal tax on their earnings by living in a state like Texas or Florida, they simply avoid yet ANOTHER income tax. It really does piss off little welfare loving marxists fucks like you, doesn't it?

You are a joke!
For those with any intellectual curiosity, this is a documentary you need to watch. Dane Wigington is a friend of mine and we stay in constant contact. He was a huge part of my epiphany as to how things really work and what we are up against.

Weather modification is real and it is destroying the biosphere. It is killing the bees and once they are gone, human life on earth is done as well. These mass incidences of dead birds falling out of the sky, dead fish and other sea life washing up on the shores by the millions is a direct and indirect consequence of weather modification including geo-engineering. Watch this and then come back and tell me that it's all a "conspiracy theory"......take the red pill or remain ignorant because the choice is yours. Invest one hour of your life to learn what is going on right under your nose.

8.5 % state sales tax = State income tax

It is a sale tax and not a income tax.

But the state that I lived in had no sales tax but an income tax......of course I didn't pay it since I never gave up my residency in Texas. I skated for nearly three years while I was there.

But, but, but.... Who cares? You're wrong. Sales tax is NOT an income tax.

Do you understand that rich people use the loophole of states without income tax all the time? Many athletes have homes in Florida just so they can get out of paying millions in income taxes.

So the fuck what? They still pay a consumption tax and property taxes regardless of whether their income is FURTHER taxed by the state they reside in. People don't get out of paying the illegal tax on their earnings by living in a state like Texas or Florida, they simply avoid yet ANOTHER income tax. It really does piss off little welfare loving marxists fucks like you, doesn't it?

You are a joke!

You want to see a "joke"? Simply look into your hand when you take a piss.....

Si modo you gotta get in here! Dale is having another meltdown. First he said Texas had an income tax. That was wrong. Then he said that their sales tax is the same as income tax. That was wrong. Then he said that all states either have sales tax OR income tax, not both. That was wrong. Now he's jumped to talking about HAARP and chemtrails.

He's going full blown Chernobyl.
That could put Texas Republican Senators John Cornyn and Ted Cruz-- and Vice President Mike Pence -- in a political bind, forcing them to choose between quick aid and their own past demands for spending cuts to offset emergency disaster funds.

Let them start a state income tax like MI has and use that money. No state aid to Texas. Its only fair.

I'm sure Texans will be fine afterwards. We take care of our own.

And really...sandy is the example you're using, I live in the effected area of sandy, it was jack shit. There have been 10s maybe even hundreds of more destructive hurricanes than sandy. OMG sandy took down so many power lines...and the energy company unions had so much trouble following their rules to get them back up...
Good to hear

Given we have a debt ceiling coming up, glad to hear Texas will not require federal funds

I am sure Ted Cruz and Cornyn will be to proud to ask for them. Texans are like that
. Texas ain't New Orleans that's for sure. There won't be the Demon-crat dependency in Texas like there was in Louisiana/New Orleans.
For those with any intellectual curiosity, this is a documentary you need to watch. Dane Wigington is a friend of mine and we stay in constant contact. He was a huge part of my epiphany as to how things really work and what we are up against.

Weather modification is real and it is destroying the biosphere. It is killing the bees and once they are gone, human life on earth is done as well. These mass incidences of dead birds falling out of the sky, dead fish and other sea life washing up on the shores by the millions is a direct and indirect consequence of weather modification including geo-engineering. Watch this and then come back and tell me that it's all a "conspiracy theory"......take the red pill or remain ignorant because the choice is yours. Invest one hour of your life to learn what is going on right under your nose.

Of course weather modification is real
Been around for decades

The President has an app on his phone where he can control the weather. Trump is pissed about Obamacare so he called up Harvey
That could put Texas Republican Senators John Cornyn and Ted Cruz-- and Vice President Mike Pence -- in a political bind, forcing them to choose between quick aid and their own past demands for spending cuts to offset emergency disaster funds.

Let them start a state income tax like MI has and use that money. No state aid to Texas. Its only fair.

I'm sure Texans will be fine afterwards. We take care of our own.

And really...sandy is the example you're using, I live in the effected area of sandy, it was jack shit. There have been 10s maybe even hundreds of more destructive hurricanes than sandy. OMG sandy took down so many power lines...and the energy company unions had so much trouble following their rules to get them back up...
Good to hear

Given we have a debt ceiling coming up, glad to hear Texas will not require federal funds

I am sure Ted Cruz and Cornyn will be to proud to ask for them. Texans are like that
. Texas ain't New Orleans that's for sure. There won't be the Demon-crat dependency in Texas like there was in Louisiana/New Orleans.

Good for Texas

Glad to hear they won't be requesting public funds for their private problem. They vote against global warming, they vote against disaster relief in other states.

Let them live with the consequences
This how republicans are. The only care when something happens to them. They severely lack empathy.
That could put Texas Republican Senators John Cornyn and Ted Cruz-- and Vice President Mike Pence -- in a political bind, forcing them to choose between quick aid and their own past demands for spending cuts to offset emergency disaster funds.

Let them start a state income tax like MI has and use that money. No state aid to Texas. Its only fair.

I'm sure Texans will be fine afterwards. We take care of our own.

And really...sandy is the example you're using, I live in the effected area of sandy, it was jack shit. There have been 10s maybe even hundreds of more destructive hurricanes than sandy. OMG sandy took down so many power lines...and the energy company unions had so much trouble following their rules to get them back up...
Good to hear

Given we have a debt ceiling coming up, glad to hear Texas will not require federal funds

I am sure Ted Cruz and Cornyn will be to proud to ask for them. Texans are like that
. Texas ain't New Orleans that's for sure. There won't be the Demon-crat dependency in Texas like there was in Louisiana/New Orleans.

Good for Texas

Glad to hear they won't be requesting public funds for their private problem. They vote against global warming, they vote against disaster relief in other states.

Let them live with the consequences
. You would love to make this political just like your evil protestors against free speech have done now, or with what your allies here are doing, but you will see that Texas won't be nothing like Louisianna/New Orleans was in respect to the helplessness that was blamed on Bush by your ilk over that situation. Just sit back and watch snowflake.
Let them start a state income tax like MI has and use that money. No state aid to Texas. Its only fair.

I'm sure Texans will be fine afterwards. We take care of our own.

And really...sandy is the example you're using, I live in the effected area of sandy, it was jack shit. There have been 10s maybe even hundreds of more destructive hurricanes than sandy. OMG sandy took down so many power lines...and the energy company unions had so much trouble following their rules to get them back up...
Good to hear

Given we have a debt ceiling coming up, glad to hear Texas will not require federal funds

I am sure Ted Cruz and Cornyn will be to proud to ask for them. Texans are like that
. Texas ain't New Orleans that's for sure. There won't be the Demon-crat dependency in Texas like there was in Louisiana/New Orleans.

Good for Texas

Glad to hear they won't be requesting public funds for their private problem. They vote against global warming, they vote against disaster relief in other states.

Let them live with the consequences
. You would love to make this political just like your evil protestors against free speech have done now, or with what your allies here are doing, but you will see that Texas won't be nothing like Louisianna/New Orleans was in respect to the helplessness that was blamed on Bush by your ilk over that situation. Just sit back and watch snowflake.
Different city, different situation

Let's see how helpless 125 mph winds and 30 inches of rain makes coastal Texas. Worst part of Katrina was after the storm

Hopefully, FEMA has more on the ball than they did under Katrina. This will be a test of Trumps leadership
Harvey is targeting blacks !!!!!! Lmfao
. If they thought they could get us to buy it, they sure would be selling that poison. Let's see now, Maxine Waters, Joe Biden, Hillary Clinton, and so many more on the Demon-crats side would love to attribute Harvey to being an alt-right creation, and that it is directly going after blacks or any other so called targeted group that the liberals figure can be used in such a way as this.
I'm sure Texans will be fine afterwards. We take care of our own.

And really...sandy is the example you're using, I live in the effected area of sandy, it was jack shit. There have been 10s maybe even hundreds of more destructive hurricanes than sandy. OMG sandy took down so many power lines...and the energy company unions had so much trouble following their rules to get them back up...
Good to hear

Given we have a debt ceiling coming up, glad to hear Texas will not require federal funds

I am sure Ted Cruz and Cornyn will be to proud to ask for them. Texans are like that
. Texas ain't New Orleans that's for sure. There won't be the Demon-crat dependency in Texas like there was in Louisiana/New Orleans.

Good for Texas

Glad to hear they won't be requesting public funds for their private problem. They vote against global warming, they vote against disaster relief in other states.

Let them live with the consequences
. You would love to make this political just like your evil protestors against free speech have done now, or with what your allies here are doing, but you will see that Texas won't be nothing like Louisianna/New Orleans was in respect to the helplessness that was blamed on Bush by your ilk over that situation. Just sit back and watch snowflake.
Different city, different situation

Let's see how helpless 125 mph winds and 30 inches of rain makes coastal Texas. Worst part of Katrina was after the storm

Hopefully, FEMA has more on the ball than they did under Katrina. This will be a test of Trumps leadership

Worst part of Katrina was the inhabitants of NO.
I'm sure Texans will be fine afterwards. We take care of our own.

And really...sandy is the example you're using, I live in the effected area of sandy, it was jack shit. There have been 10s maybe even hundreds of more destructive hurricanes than sandy. OMG sandy took down so many power lines...and the energy company unions had so much trouble following their rules to get them back up...
Good to hear

Given we have a debt ceiling coming up, glad to hear Texas will not require federal funds

I am sure Ted Cruz and Cornyn will be to proud to ask for them. Texans are like that
. Texas ain't New Orleans that's for sure. There won't be the Demon-crat dependency in Texas like there was in Louisiana/New Orleans.

Good for Texas

Glad to hear they won't be requesting public funds for their private problem. They vote against global warming, they vote against disaster relief in other states.

Let them live with the consequences
. You would love to make this political just like your evil protestors against free speech have done now, or with what your allies here are doing, but you will see that Texas won't be nothing like Louisianna/New Orleans was in respect to the helplessness that was blamed on Bush by your ilk over that situation. Just sit back and watch snowflake.
Different city, different situation

Let's see how helpless 125 mph winds and 30 inches of rain makes coastal Texas. Worst part of Katrina was after the storm

Hopefully, FEMA has more on the ball than they did under Katrina. This will be a test of Trumps leadership
. Will be a test on all American leadership that exist in all facets of government, the private sector, and in every civilian post. Saftey comes first, rescue is immediately second or joined with safety in unison, next security or creating safe zones, and getting clean water set up stations established is third, stablization and organization of the situation is forth, the beginning of restoring power and other life sustaining services is fifth, and on going charity is sixth. Most can be done together if the organization is correct by all services involved.
That could put Texas Republican Senators John Cornyn and Ted Cruz-- and Vice President Mike Pence -- in a political bind, forcing them to choose between quick aid and their own past demands for spending cuts to offset emergency disaster funds.

Let them start a state income tax like MI has and use that money. No state aid to Texas. Its only fair.

I'm sure Texans will be fine afterwards. We take care of our own.

And really...sandy is the example you're using, I live in the effected area of sandy, it was jack shit. There have been 10s maybe even hundreds of more destructive hurricanes than sandy. OMG sandy took down so many power lines...and the energy company unions had so much trouble following their rules to get them back up...
Good to hear

Given we have a debt ceiling coming up, glad to hear Texas will not require federal funds

I am sure Ted Cruz and Cornyn will be to proud to ask for them. Texans are like that
. Texas ain't New Orleans that's for sure. There won't be the Demon-crat dependency in Texas like there was in Louisiana/New Orleans.

Want to bet.

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