No Gender December Campaign Urges Parents to “Buy a Boy a Barbie”

obviously you don't know much about children
My son played with his sister's dolls including barbies and the girls played with he-man and so called boys toys. They are all more than tolerant of different genders but very straight, not that I care.
They are just toys. No different than boys and girls, brother and sisters playing together. Does not matter if animals toys are male or female nor more human figures or trolls or space people.

Gender does not happen by the toys they play with, it happens from birth if not well before. It is both DNA and hormones not learned during childhood.

Children don't become machines because they play with cars or robots. Most grow up to fulfilling jobs and life with little connection other than driving a car or using a computer, even kids that never have cars or video games or anything mechanical or electronic.

Kids find ways to make their own toys, dolls, and use their imagination with the most basic items.

Seriously? You are afraid of boys playing with dolls? Barbie, GI Joe, teddy bears........... let them play. Even if they have legos, they might build dolls with them of either sex. They will learn to tell stories and write them. They will find their own pleasures in their mind.

Toys don't make one gay, not even a little.

I never gave my girls only girls toys, I let them play with whatever they wanted, same with my son. My girls actually split the difference, one prefered more boyish toys they found at yard sales and flea markets, the other more girlish toys and they combined their adventures, my son played with them all.

If anything it might show signs of empathy for differences of all kinds and thoughts but it won't make one gay just because they play with barbies of dolls, nor does dress up, tea parties, ponies and such. If moms can play with their sons and dads can't play with their daughters, why can boys play with girls and "girlish" toys?
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I did not play with barbies or any dolls.

Yes, there was this one time I used a bear for my syringe needle gun.

did the kid ask for a barbie, or is it some attempt by a special interest group to indoctrinate children.

Someone tried to pull that shit with my kid I'd shove the thing up their ass. Not because I could give a shit if he plays with a doll, but because I do give a shit if these groups try to play these sorts of games with kids' heads.

fuck whoever you want, but leave children out of it.
What's wrong with barbie?
They're not for little boys to play with.

you've never seen toy story

difference between a barbie and gi joe, the clothes and accessories. Barbie has more clothes, gi joe has more accessories.

you going to ban dolls, all dolls from the toy stores or put blue and pink labels and make adult show proof of what they are buying the toys for?

Heil Hitler

what next, fluffy animals and tea pots?

You seriously think girls and boys have not been playing with the same or exchanging toys for the last 10,000 plus years?

Kid goes to the stack of toys in a kindergarten and they get punished for touching the wrong toys?

Girls can't play with pickup trucks, they can only play with house cleaning items.
Boys can't play with baby dolls even though they will one day probably be fathers.
Might as well be under sharia law and genders separated never to meet till their arranged wedding day.

My father was an flag officer and made a hell of a lot better mother than my real one. He had four sister and a matriarch of a mother.

Toys do not make one gay or straight. It is from the inside. No amount of plastic guns and tanks will prevent it. A toy does not determine who one will be attracted to as an adult, that is biological, chemistry, "god/nature" created.
Toys have nothing to do with a child's gender. It is an indication of what kind of personality a child has.

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