No, joe biden is not a nice, or good is the truth.....

Just his attitude with the kid shows that he’s an old pervert.:p

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In 2015, when Coons was being sworn in as a U.S. senator, a photo captured Biden leaning into Coons' teenage daughter, whispering in her ear and then kissing her on the head. To many, Coons' daughter seemed to be uncomfortable in the moment.

But Coons told The Washington Post this weekend that his daughter "did not think of it as anything."

Coons, who has previously addressed the photo, told The Washington Post on Saturday that, in that moment, Biden was praising his daughter and telling her he could connect her with his daughter Ashley so they could talk about the challenges of having a parent in politics.

Tramp chummed with a pedophile in the 80's and 90's and the early 2000 until they had a falling out over a mansion in 2006.

The real question is, how would you feel if Biden was doing that to your daughter.
Just his attitude with the kid shows that he’s an old pervert.:p

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In 2015, when Coons was being sworn in as a U.S. senator, a photo captured Biden leaning into Coons' teenage daughter, whispering in her ear and then kissing her on the head. To many, Coons' daughter seemed to be uncomfortable in the moment.

But Coons told The Washington Post this weekend that his daughter "did not think of it as anything."

Coons, who has previously addressed the photo, told The Washington Post on Saturday that, in that moment, Biden was praising his daughter and telling her he could connect her with his daughter Ashley so they could talk about the challenges of having a parent in politics.

Tramp chummed with a pedophile in the 80's and 90's and the early 2000 until they had a falling out over a mansion in 2006.
Canyou stsy on topic even once . This is about biden the scumbag.
The real question is, how would you feel if Biden was doing that to your daughter.

Again, these are people whose families have known each other for years.... so I wouldn't think twice about it.

Doesn't matter if they've known each other for 10 minutes or 10 years, Coons apparently is more concerned about his career than his daughter.
I’m really sick of this innuendo about how Biden got so rich after leaving office without any additional commentary as if it’s some mystery and creating the impression that this is a sign of corruption.

It’s not a secret where Biden got money after leaving office given he’s published his taxes. He made a good book deal and got money for giving speeches.

The political hacks like the OP’s author don’t want to talk about this.
Just his attitude with the kid shows that he’s an old pervert.:p

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In 2015, when Coons was being sworn in as a U.S. senator, a photo captured Biden leaning into Coons' teenage daughter, whispering in her ear and then kissing her on the head. To many, Coons' daughter seemed to be uncomfortable in the moment.

But Coons told The Washington Post this weekend that his daughter "did not think of it as anything."

Coons, who has previously addressed the photo, told The Washington Post on Saturday that, in that moment, Biden was praising his daughter and telling her he could connect her with his daughter Ashley so they could talk about the challenges of having a parent in politics.

Tramp chummed with a pedophile in the 80's and 90's and the early 2000 until they had a falling out over a mansion in 2006.

Fuck off. Seriously, fuck off.

Had any old pervert touched any of our young nieces like that they'd be fucking flattened.
A lot of people have been fooled by joe biden. He is from a tiny state, so most people didn't pay much attention to him and who he really is.........the press has also been covering for him since he began to run for office. If he had been a republican, they would have run stories about who he really is 24/7.....

In reality, he’s a wildly insecure man who covers it with arrogance. In adulthood, he’s never held a private-sector job for more than a few months but somehow managed to amass a fortune and houses larger than some warehouses. He’s not the affable lug he plays on TV; he’s a man with a short temper and a history of lying. He, Joe Biden, is not a good man.
The coverage of Joe Biden throughout his campaign has been liberally peppered with declarations of just how “normal” and “nice” he is, and he is to a media Biden needs and a media that is desperate to get Biden elected. Like the life of any elected official, he’s spent every day in office surrounded by people who never tell him “no.” Why would they? How would they? Their livelihood depends on him. Who tells anyone in that position they’re wrong or they can’t do something?
Everything Joe Biden said there was untrue. For example, his scholarship was based on need, not academics. He did not receive multiple degrees or win awards, and he graduated 76th in his law school class of 85.

If he were recounting stories from someone else’s life, being wrong would be understandable. But he was talking about his own life. He’s claimed to be a college professor, but he’s never taught a class. He’s claimed he was actively involved in the Civil Rights Movement, but Biden never was. For years, Biden said his first wife was killed by a drunk driver. She was not.

There is so much more about Joe Biden’s life that is fiction, a fiction he still talks about today. But his lies are not limited to his own life. He still uses the lie that President Trump called neo-Nazis and white supremacists “very fine people.” His media enablers have proven this claim to be a lie, yet even they still perpetuate it.

None of this has mentioned how Biden managed to live like a king on the salary of a “public servant.” How his loser, drug-addled son managed to rake in millions upon millions of dollars with no experience or knowledge of foreign entities, both companies and governments, have shoveled his way when Joe was in a position to help those entities (and did).

Thats Storybook success. Come on man!
Just his attitude with the kid shows that he’s an old pervert.:p

View attachment 403380

In 2015, when Coons was being sworn in as a U.S. senator, a photo captured Biden leaning into Coons' teenage daughter, whispering in her ear and then kissing her on the head. To many, Coons' daughter seemed to be uncomfortable in the moment.

But Coons told The Washington Post this weekend that his daughter "did not think of it as anything."

Coons, who has previously addressed the photo, told The Washington Post on Saturday that, in that moment, Biden was praising his daughter and telling her he could connect her with his daughter Ashley so they could talk about the challenges of having a parent in politics.

Tramp chummed with a pedophile in the 80's and 90's and the early 2000 until they had a falling out over a mansion in 2006.
Coons is a Prog deep state shill. Pushed into service as needed.
It was amazing that for 8 years during Obama...nobody said a word about Vice President Biden who, according to these dipshits is the source of all evil on the planet.
They musta missed it. Either that or they're making shit up at a feverish pace.
Imagine being in politics for the better part of 50 years and the only thing people remember you for are the times you had your hands and nose on/in people's safe space. That is one hell of a legacy there Joe, you should be proud. :ssex:
Yet, Biden has a record of conning you and ripping you off for 47 years, while Trump's record in the past four years is incredible considering the total resistence he has had to put up with...

Uh, yeah, let's look at Trump's incredible record.

220,000 DEAD (more than twice Vietnam, Korea and the War on Terror combined.)
60 million jobs lost or laid off.
160,000 businesses wiped out.
3 Trillion in new debt this year alone (six trillion total)
Riots in the streets for months.
8 million people sickened.
Medical systems driven to the brink.

Trump is doing an awesome job of wrecking the country. Putin totally got his money's worth.

I understand that in politics there is rarely a narrative that is 100% true...But the main problem I see with this one is that everything you state here, with the exception of riots, is a direct reaction of dealing with a pandemic. One that people like yourself never give what they would have done differently, or what they would consider a proper handling of events this year, other than his personality issues that you can't stand...Therefore, it is a dishonest attack...Remember, it is far easier to armchair quaterback with 20/20 hindsight than it is to actually deal with something like Covid 19 as it unfolds...

As for the riots, that is on you democrats...Democrats saw this happening and actively downplayed them, or outright ignored what is happening out west, and in other cities because they thought it would damage Trump....They had NO care what it was doing to those business owners, and residents of those cities like Portland...

And you know what? I have many friends that are democrats, and we get together all the time to have a few drinks...See, in person, is nothing like it is online, or in here...Most civil people don't try to piss their friends off in real situations...And if you do, it just shows how pety you really are.

JoeB131 said:
Here's the thing. UP until about 2008, I was a registered Republican, until the crazies took over the party.

I try to be civil with Republicans, but honestly, it's more like talking to cult members... They know this is crazy, but they can't stop drinking the koolaid.

So, you've given up....Problem with that type of thinking is where it leads....What you are saying is that you can't have a disagreement with people and find a way to look past that...Pretty shallow if you ask me....
Without taking it as supporting Trump (which it most certainly is not), please tell us how it is acceptable to promote someone with such poor judgment that he endorsed illegal, immoral and cataclysmically disastrous invasion and war?
Is this the trash Biden site?

It was amazing that for 8 years during Obama...nobody said a word about Vice President Biden who, according to these dipshits is the source of all evil on the planet.
They musta missed it. Either that or they're making shit up at a feverish pace.

The democrats controlled the press then too, you moron.....and the stories about biden swimming naked in the Vice Presdients pool when there were women on his Secret Service detail came out then as well.......and since obama was the main guy, and biden was already known as a liar, a plagiarist, a creepy guy who was innappropriate with wome, and now we know how he sold out the country to Russia, China, Ukraine and who knows how many other countries...
There were people who thought hitler was a kind old man. If you've ever seen the movie "Downfall" you can see people who must have been brain dead acting as if they couldn't cope with life without the sociopath. Fucking stalin had millions of people crying at his funeral, Mao is still revered in China. Depending on the cult of personality, it matters not how evil or cruel a mother fucker is to the majority of the people in the country. You will still find utter lemmings that worship a piece of shit.


Don't forget the brain dead who still wear che t-shirts and the morons who loved castro....
The salary of a U.S. Senator is $174,000 per year. This is Joe Biden’s house.... seems legit \uD83D\uDE44

Eric Trump (@EricTrump) October 17, 2020

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Not his house any more. He paid under $200K for it when he bought it. Sold it for over a $million. He's a real estate genius. Do you fall for every fake news item that hits your page? Yes. Yes you do.

One of the reasons we ridicule you stupid uneducated low information Moon Bats so much is because of the denial you assholes always do to protect your corrupt Democrat candidates. Remember, you dipshits did the same damn thing with Crooked Hillary.

Did you see the email where Hunter was bitching to his sister about having to give 1/2 of the corruption money from China to "Pops"?

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