No Joke, Trump Just Said the Federal Government is Going to Talk to Hollywood...

Why is Hollywood so in love with guns and killing?.....
So? The whole world watches and most dont go out shooting each other.
But obviously some do....
Making yourself feel better? We talking thousands of deaths a year.

We are? You probably should not talk about deaths.
Why not?
Can you tell is about the dirha tolls from WW one and two? Vietnam war ? Iraq embargo bombing and invasion? The cleansing of American Indians? Muslims fault huh?
While leaving the White House just now Trump stopped to answer some questions, and when asked about the violence in movies contributing to gun violence, he said that Republicans are treated badly in Hollywood and the movies and the federal government is going to talk to them about that.


So Trump doesn't like Hollywood being able to express their rights to freedom of speech?...

What in the hell is wrong with this man?
What is wrong with those that believe him?
Nothing unconstitutional about morals and being a good example to young people, idiot.

you are correct, there is nothing unconstitutional about morals and being a good example to young people. you are free to do that. Other people are free to express themselves as they see fit. You see, the constitution is an amoral does not care about your morals or mine or the treats them all the same.

I love Elvis and the Beatles. They never sang about bitches, ho's, killing cops, and using the N word. Stupid jerk.

I do to, but people talked about them the same way you talk about gangster rap. The Beatles had songs about sex and immoral of you to like their music. :21::21::21:

They also had dongs about revolution, and Bible trumpets burned their records because John Lennon said the Beatles were more popular than Jesus.
You're the idiot that brought up the Constitution, you ignorant hypocrite. You're arguing against yourself. Man, you're one confused troll.

Yes, because you want to take away the rights to people to express themselves based upon your fucked up morals.
So you support gangster rap. How noble. You're the problem in this country.

I support the Constitutions, you do not...that makes you the problem with this country. If you wish to control what people listen to, you should move to Iran or China.
Once again, idiot. There is nothing unconstitutional about being a good example and teaching young people morals. Moron.

There is in wanting to control what others listen to
Show us the post where I said I wanted to control what others listen to, idiot.
Nothing unconstitutional about morals and being a good example to young people, idiot.

you are correct, there is nothing unconstitutional about morals and being a good example to young people. you are free to do that. Other people are free to express themselves as they see fit. You see, the constitution is an amoral does not care about your morals or mine or the treats them all the same.

I love Elvis and the Beatles. They never sang about bitches, ho's, killing cops, and using the N word. Stupid jerk.

I do to, but people talked about them the same way you talk about gangster rap. The Beatles had songs about sex and immoral of you to like their music. :21::21::21:

They also had dongs about revolution, and Bible trumpets burned their records because John Lennon said the Beatles were more popular than Jesus.
And you're equating that with gangsta rap? You're insane.
Why is Hollywood so in love with guns and killing?.....
So? The whole world watches and most dont go out shooting each other.
But obviously some do....
Making yourself feel better? We talking thousands of deaths a year.

We are? You probably should not talk about deaths.
Why not?
Can you tell is about the dirha tolls from WW one and two? Vietnam war ? Iraq embargo bombing and invasion? The cleansing of American Indians? Muslims fault huh?
Why is Hollywood so in love with guns and killing?.....
So? The whole world watches and most dont go out shooting each other.
But obviously some do....
Making yourself feel better? We talking thousands of deaths a year.

We are? You probably should not talk about deaths.
Why not?
Can you tell is about the dirha tolls from WW one and two? Vietnam war ? Iraq embargo bombing and invasion? The cleansing of American Indians? Muslims fault huh?
I did not say that.
While leaving the White House just now Trump stopped to answer some questions, and when asked about the violence in movies contributing to gun violence, he said that Republicans are treated badly in Hollywood and the movies and the federal government is going to talk to them about that.


So Trump doesn't like Hollywood being able to express their rights to freedom of speech?...

What in the hell is wrong with this man?

This is one reason why I'm not a Trump fan.. He sees no Civil Liberty issues that the government can't interfere with and no debt too large..

His "works in progress" look more like a chaotic construction site with cranes crumbling and hard hats required..

BUT -- THE LAST president to "take Hollywood by their filthy horns" was that DARLING of everything progressive FDR.. That dude wouldn't let Hollywood MAKE a film without government review..

I stick with consistent principles for maximum freedom and liberty.. Hollywood is a cesspool of demented creatures. Just watch the news. They --- like the mainstream media have abdicated their principle roles. And -- they're paying for it already...

Just check out their LATEST TDS inspired brain fart... The one that PROMPTED this Trump declaration...

Hollywood blockbuster that satirizes killing of ‘deplorables’ causes outrage: ‘Demented and evil’

No government intervention required DJT -- Just schedule all the Universal Execs involved in that massive lack of judgement into psych evals to see if they are a danger to society...
Right? I'm more worried about Twitter allowing the murder of Republican congressmen to be trending.
Oh wait, isnt Hollywood about to release a movie about the hunting of the Republican designated deplorables?
Its fucking sick
Isn't that a satire?

It's NOWHERE NEAR a "satire" -- see my post above.. These echo chambers in Hollywood where the Execs go in and say..

"Well we've done people hunting movies before and made money -- wouldn't it be a GAS to have the Trump supporters hunted"..

"Damn that's a good idea"...

And before I get attacked again for my stance on this... Would NOT matter to me WHO was hunted or WHO were the villains and heroes... My compass would still say the same things about the immorality and irresponsibility of that movie production...

Most folks don't know the original WORKING title of that cynical turdish "horror satire" was "Red State vs Blue State".... That's how badly afflicted Hollywood is with TDS...

See my post above for the link to that fact...
Nothing unconstitutional about morals and being a good example to young people, idiot.

you are correct, there is nothing unconstitutional about morals and being a good example to young people. you are free to do that. Other people are free to express themselves as they see fit. You see, the constitution is an amoral does not care about your morals or mine or the treats them all the same.

I love Elvis and the Beatles. They never sang about bitches, ho's, killing cops, and using the N word. Stupid jerk.

I do to, but people talked about them the same way you talk about gangster rap. The Beatles had songs about sex and immoral of you to like their music. :21::21::21:

They also had dongs about revolution, and Bible trumpets burned their records because John Lennon said the Beatles were more popular than Jesus.
Perhaps if we did not live off of hundreds of thousands of foreign sweat shop slaves you would be more believable.
The Beatles had songs about sex and immoral of you to like their music.

I understand the Beatles songs about drugs.. But SEX? Nothing really sexy happened on a Beatles album dude.

Unless you got turned on by "Lovely Rita -- Meter Maid"..... :2up:

If the British acted like DJT, they would have banned "Tax Man"....
The Beatles had songs about sex and immoral of you to like their music.

I understand the Beatles songs about drugs.. But SEX? Nothing really sexy happened on a Beatles album dude.

Unless you got turned on by "Lovely Rita -- Meter Maid"..... :2up:

If the British acted like DJT, they would have banned "Tax Man"....

They were more subtle days, but they had their songs about sex.

What do you think Please Please Me is about?

Or a Hard Days' Night

The point which you choose to ignore is that what BSer is saying about "gangster rap" is the same thing people said about rock and roll.
While leaving the White House just now Trump stopped to answer some questions, and when asked about the violence in movies contributing to gun violence, he said that Republicans are treated badly in Hollywood and the movies and the federal government is going to talk to them about that.


So Trump doesn't like Hollywood being able to express their rights to freedom of speech?...

What in the hell is wrong with this man?

That is a very self serving take on an extremely vague comment.

I'm surprised that you were so restrained in your take on your own assumptions?

Don't you want to call him a "racist" or a "fascist" based on the stuff you made up?
The Beatles had songs about sex and immoral of you to like their music.

I understand the Beatles songs about drugs.. But SEX? Nothing really sexy happened on a Beatles album dude.

Unless you got turned on by "Lovely Rita -- Meter Maid"..... :2up:

If the British acted like DJT, they would have banned "Tax Man"....

They were more subtle days, but they had their songs about sex.

What do you think Please Please Me is about?

Or a Hard Days' Night

The point which you choose to ignore is that what BSer is saying about "gangster rap" is the same thing people said about rock and roll.

they wouldn't even film 'elvis the pelvis' from the waist down because it was deemed too explicit......................
The Beatles had songs about sex and immoral of you to like their music.

I understand the Beatles songs about drugs.. But SEX? Nothing really sexy happened on a Beatles album dude.

Unless you got turned on by "Lovely Rita -- Meter Maid"..... :2up:

If the British acted like DJT, they would have banned "Tax Man"....

They were more subtle days, but they had their songs about sex.

What do you think Please Please Me is about?

Or a Hard Days' Night

The point which you choose to ignore is that what BSer is saying about "gangster rap" is the same thing people said about rock and roll.

they wouldn't even film 'elvis the pelvis' from the waist down because it was deemed too explicit......................

Yep, had to hide the hips moving! Jim Morrison was not supposed to use the word "higher".

The funny part is that it is normally the older folks that are doing this sort of thing, but on here we have the BS wagon who is still in his 20s. Just think what fun this guy will be when he is an old fogy if he has this much of a stick up his ass now.
While leaving the White House just now Trump stopped to answer some questions, and when asked about the violence in movies contributing to gun violence, he said that Republicans are treated badly in Hollywood and the movies and the federal government is going to talk to them about that.


So Trump doesn't like Hollywood being able to express their rights to freedom of speech?...

What in the hell is wrong with this man?

Tell us how much you love that "satirical" movie about the elites hunting people from the heartland.

Imagine conservatives making a movie--a "satirical" movie, you understand--about hunting:

1. Gays

2. Blacks

3. Immigrants

It would start a war, for real. And you know it would. But let's face it. We are society's throw away people now.
Why is Hollywood so in love with guns and killing?.....

The rest of the world watches Hollywood violence, and plays Call of Duty, and we don't go around killing one another in mass shootings.

This is just more right wing attempts to deflect the roll that easy access to guns is the one area where the rest of the first world differs from the USA. The rest of the world doesn\t have a white supremacist leader spouting racist hate every day either.

If the key problem here concerning mass shootings is a "white supremacist leader spouting racist hate", how you explain all the mass shootings that occurred every year of Obamas stint in the white house?
Exactly. These propaganda parrots want us to believe these mass shootings never happened before Trump. They're as sick as the shooters.

I don't recall a single mass shooter citing President Obama as an inspiration, or quoting President Obama's words in their manifesto. Many of the mass shootings which occurred under Obama were in fact, mentally ill individuals - like the Sandy Hook shooter, and the Aurora movie theater shooting, or disgruntled employees. Only since Trump was elected and emboldened white supremacists and racists with his inflammatory rhetoric have we seen mass killers quoting the President or citing him as an inspiration.

I agree that that the number of white male rampage killings increased under Obama, but the whole racist temperature of the nation started rising considerably, when Trump started his whole birther campaign, claiming that Obama was an illegitmate President. To what extent the levels of escalating white nationalist rhetoric starting escalating in public discourse around the same time, it's hard to tell.

Nice try at "but Obama", but Trump started his Birther Campaign in 2011. Republicans said it was because Obama was "weak". If that's the case, why has it gotten worse under "strongman" Trump?
Show me the quotes. If Trump is responsible for El Paso, Democrats are responsible for Dayton.
Democrats are responsible for Dayton HOW? In what way does the people he shot tie into far left wing nihilist ideology? See, Crusius hated Hispanics for "taking over" the country and he drove many many miles to go to a place where all those Hispanics were, and he shot as many of them as he could.
So far, it sounds as if Betts was a nutcase. No argument that he was a Democrat, but it doesn't seem to have fueled his actions, unless more has come up that I am not aware of.
The Beatles had songs about sex and immoral of you to like their music.

I understand the Beatles songs about drugs.. But SEX? Nothing really sexy happened on a Beatles album dude.

Unless you got turned on by "Lovely Rita -- Meter Maid"..... :2up:

If the British acted like DJT, they would have banned "Tax Man"....

They were more subtle days, but they had their songs about sex.

What do you think Please Please Me is about?

Or a Hard Days' Night

The point which you choose to ignore is that what BSer is saying about "gangster rap" is the same thing people said about rock and roll.

they wouldn't even film 'elvis the pelvis' from the waist down because it was deemed too explicit......................

Yep, had to hide the hips moving! Jim Morrison was not supposed to use the word "higher".

The funny part is that it is normally the older folks that are doing this sort of thing, but on here we have the BS wagon who is still in his 20s. Just think what fun this guy will be when he is an old fogy if he has this much of a stick up his ass now.

yep, the doors were never invited back to ed sullivan's show. the stones, however... caved & sang ' let's spend some time together ' instead of ' night together ' when they performed 'satisfaction' on his show. it's still funny watching jagger's face as he sang it.
The rest of the world watches Hollywood violence, and plays Call of Duty, and we don't go around killing one another in mass shootings.

This is just more right wing attempts to deflect the roll that easy access to guns is the one area where the rest of the first world differs from the USA. The rest of the world doesn\t have a white supremacist leader spouting racist hate every day either.

If the key problem here concerning mass shootings is a "white supremacist leader spouting racist hate", how you explain all the mass shootings that occurred every year of Obamas stint in the white house?
Exactly. These propaganda parrots want us to believe these mass shootings never happened before Trump. They're as sick as the shooters.

I don't recall a single mass shooter citing President Obama as an inspiration, or quoting President Obama's words in their manifesto. Many of the mass shootings which occurred under Obama were in fact, mentally ill individuals - like the Sandy Hook shooter, and the Aurora movie theater shooting, or disgruntled employees. Only since Trump was elected and emboldened white supremacists and racists with his inflammatory rhetoric have we seen mass killers quoting the President or citing him as an inspiration.

I agree that that the number of white male rampage killings increased under Obama, but the whole racist temperature of the nation started rising considerably, when Trump started his whole birther campaign, claiming that Obama was an illegitmate President. To what extent the levels of escalating white nationalist rhetoric starting escalating in public discourse around the same time, it's hard to tell.

Nice try at "but Obama", but Trump started his Birther Campaign in 2011. Republicans said it was because Obama was "weak". If that's the case, why has it gotten worse under "strongman" Trump?
Show me the quotes. If Trump is responsible for El Paso, Democrats are responsible for Dayton.
Democrats are responsible for Dayton HOW? In what way does the people he shot tie into far left wing nihilist ideology? See, Crusius hated Hispanics for "taking over" the country and he drove many many miles to go to a place where all those Hispanics were, and he shot as many of them as he could.
So far, it sounds as if Betts was a nutcase. No argument that he was a Democrat, but it doesn't seem to have fueled his actions, unless more has come up that I am not aware of.

I just can't wait to see how many nutcases that movie "The Hunt" inspires.
The rest of the world watches Hollywood violence, and plays Call of Duty, and we don't go around killing one another in mass shootings.

This is just more right wing attempts to deflect the roll that easy access to guns is the one area where the rest of the first world differs from the USA. The rest of the world doesn\t have a white supremacist leader spouting racist hate every day either.

If the key problem here concerning mass shootings is a "white supremacist leader spouting racist hate", how you explain all the mass shootings that occurred every year of Obamas stint in the white house?
Exactly. These propaganda parrots want us to believe these mass shootings never happened before Trump. They're as sick as the shooters.

I don't recall a single mass shooter citing President Obama as an inspiration, or quoting President Obama's words in their manifesto. Many of the mass shootings which occurred under Obama were in fact, mentally ill individuals - like the Sandy Hook shooter, and the Aurora movie theater shooting, or disgruntled employees. Only since Trump was elected and emboldened white supremacists and racists with his inflammatory rhetoric have we seen mass killers quoting the President or citing him as an inspiration.

I agree that that the number of white male rampage killings increased under Obama, but the whole racist temperature of the nation started rising considerably, when Trump started his whole birther campaign, claiming that Obama was an illegitmate President. To what extent the levels of escalating white nationalist rhetoric starting escalating in public discourse around the same time, it's hard to tell.

Nice try at "but Obama", but Trump started his Birther Campaign in 2011. Republicans said it was because Obama was "weak". If that's the case, why has it gotten worse under "strongman" Trump?
Show me the quotes. If Trump is responsible for El Paso, Democrats are responsible for Dayton.
Democrats are responsible for Dayton HOW? In what way does the people he shot tie into far left wing nihilist ideology? See, Crusius hated Hispanics for "taking over" the country and he drove many many miles to go to a place where all those Hispanics were, and he shot as many of them as he could.
So far, it sounds as if Betts was a nutcase. No argument that he was a Democrat, but it doesn't seem to have fueled his actions, unless more has come up that I am not aware of.

defense lawyers are now using the ' trump defense ' as a reason for the violence.
crusius' lawyer just did - saying his client was acting upon the words of his president.

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