No Leftist Haters May Read This!

Saw what I put it bold and it confirmed to me that you are a left wing blog reader with little knowledge of what is really happening in the world today.

I pity how you live your life as a follower and a pawn of the LW media.

They count on people like you never wanting to find out the truth about anything.

Really Jughead? Interesting...

Joe Stack Hailed as Hero in American 'Patriot' Resurgence
Expert: Online Cheers for Joe Stack Reflect Growing Anti-Government Movement

Most were shocked by the charred scene of Joe Stack's kamikaze attack on a Texas IRS office, but for an alarmingly growing number of Americans Stack is a hero.

The Web was studded with praise for Stack almost immediately after his plane slammed into the Austin office complex Thursday morning. The admiring salutes appearing on sites ranging from Facebook to the pages of extremist groups reflect what experts say is an "explosive growth" in the anti-government patriot movement.

"Extremist groups are already aligning behind [Joe Stack], beginning to talk about him as a hero," said Mark Potok, director of the Southern Poverty Law Center which studies American militia and hate groups. "The growth of those groups has been astounding."

Stack's suicide note, an angry rant against the IRS and the government which was posted online the morning of his death, got around 20 million hits before it was taken down at the request of the FBI, according to Alex Melen, president and founder of T35, the network service provider for the Web site where the note was posted.

Melen, 25, said within minutes of taking the note down, the company was "bombarded" with around 3,000 e-mails demanding Stack's words be reposted. Some of the e-mails contained personal threats against Melen.

"What's funny is most people were pretty much praising him," Melen told ABC News.

Patriot Movement Calling Joe Stack a Hero - ABC News

Suicide pilot Joe Stack had history of shutting doors on people

He was always near the top of his class; he was in glee club, played the clarinet and was in the band and orchestra. As the counterculture movement swept through Hershey and the rest of the country, Stack toed the line.

"He was probably one of the more conservative people in class," said Allison, who sang with him in glee club.

Suicide pilot Joe Stack had history of shutting doors on people

Yep. You confirmed what I thought.

Took the left wing blog crasp and then coupled it with "opinions of former class mates" and "the aligning of others with him that never even knew him" and made your judgement call.

He had no affiliation with any right wing organization nor did anyone ever see him in his adult life as a conservative. He was a guy that was pissed off at the IRS and his suicide note made that quite clear.

But whatever floats your boat. Who you are and where you get your infoirmation was made quite clear by your post.

Discussion over.

You forgot to mention he was a HERO to right wing pea brains, pea brain...:lol::lol::lol:
Really Jughead? Interesting...

Joe Stack Hailed as Hero in American 'Patriot' Resurgence
Expert: Online Cheers for Joe Stack Reflect Growing Anti-Government Movement

Most were shocked by the charred scene of Joe Stack's kamikaze attack on a Texas IRS office, but for an alarmingly growing number of Americans Stack is a hero.

The Web was studded with praise for Stack almost immediately after his plane slammed into the Austin office complex Thursday morning. The admiring salutes appearing on sites ranging from Facebook to the pages of extremist groups reflect what experts say is an "explosive growth" in the anti-government patriot movement.

"Extremist groups are already aligning behind [Joe Stack], beginning to talk about him as a hero," said Mark Potok, director of the Southern Poverty Law Center which studies American militia and hate groups. "The growth of those groups has been astounding."

Stack's suicide note, an angry rant against the IRS and the government which was posted online the morning of his death, got around 20 million hits before it was taken down at the request of the FBI, according to Alex Melen, president and founder of T35, the network service provider for the Web site where the note was posted.

Melen, 25, said within minutes of taking the note down, the company was "bombarded" with around 3,000 e-mails demanding Stack's words be reposted. Some of the e-mails contained personal threats against Melen.

"What's funny is most people were pretty much praising him," Melen told ABC News.

Patriot Movement Calling Joe Stack a Hero - ABC News

Suicide pilot Joe Stack had history of shutting doors on people

He was always near the top of his class; he was in glee club, played the clarinet and was in the band and orchestra. As the counterculture movement swept through Hershey and the rest of the country, Stack toed the line.

"He was probably one of the more conservative people in class," said Allison, who sang with him in glee club.

Suicide pilot Joe Stack had history of shutting doors on people

Yep. You confirmed what I thought.

Took the left wing blog crasp and then coupled it with "opinions of former class mates" and "the aligning of others with him that never even knew him" and made your judgement call.

He had no affiliation with any right wing organization nor did anyone ever see him in his adult life as a conservative. He was a guy that was pissed off at the IRS and his suicide note made that quite clear.

But whatever floats your boat. Who you are and where you get your infoirmation was made quite clear by your post.

Discussion over.

You forgot to mention he was a HERO to right wing pea brains, pea brain...:lol::lol::lol:

Exactly how does a person get blamed for those that admire his actions AFTER he si dead?

You used his actions as an example of the "hate of conservaitves".

Now you are trying to back out of it by saying that right wing nuts admired his act.

I am sure many jerks who hate the IRS admired his act.

Does that mean his act was a political statement or politically motivated or an act against this President or an act of hatred toward liberals?


And your conitnued name calling is quite childish. But please, continue. It is making you look more and more foolish to any sane rational intelligent MATURE person on either the right OR the left.
I know one thing, I hate pseudo-intellectuals FAR more than I hate conservatives.

Then again, that would make a pseudo-intellectual conservative a definite double bagger.

I find her to be quite intellectual. You may not agree with her, but that should not sway your thinking as to the level of her intelligence.

Interestingly, however, it does.

Speaks volumes of your tolerance (or lack thereof) of those that do not think like you.

Verbosity and the acquisition of an above average vocabulary does not translate into intellect.

It's like the difference between being a great novelist and a great typist.

Afterall if she were that smart, how would I be proving her wrong on an almost daily basis?

Hey- do not use the term 'intellectual' in any proximity to me...

that word is reserved for the left, as described by Dr. Thomas Sowell:

Modern intellectuals, Sowell writes, have a “vision of themselves as a self-appointed vanguard, leading towards a better world.”

Unlike advocates of the more conservative, constrained vision, this intellectual vanguard tends to take the “benefits of civilization for granted.” The “vision of the anointed” lacks respect for the wisdom inherent in experience and common opinion. Its practitioners value abstractions—dreams for a peaceful, egalitarian world where conflicts have been overcome—over the “tacit knowledge” available to the parent, the consumer, the entrepreneur, and the citizen."
An Independent Mind by Daniel J. Mahoney, City Journal 18 June 2010

So, watch out slingin' around the term 'intellectual'...
don't make me go to UPPER-CASE!
I've made my comments on this elsewhere, and since it's a non-issue of any real importance other than just more political posturing by the injured wingers who have no platform for November and thus need to keep their base revved up, I'll supply the best laugh-out-loud response which proves the blatant hypocrisy of the RWNM on the subject.

On the team: The stunning hypocrisy of Journolist's critics - Joe Conason -

Most absurdly, Fund and Barnes, along with many other conservatives who have promoted paranoid nonsense about Journolist, seem to be suggesting that conservative journalists never, ever coordinate their messages with Republican politicians, lobbyists, policy experts and academics.

That is, to coin a phrase, a very big lie.

Specific, orderly, disciplined, ideological coordination -- and not the freewheeling blather to be found on Journolist -- has been proceeding every week for nearly two decades at the "Wednesday meetings" convened by lobbyist Grover Norquist in the Washington offices of Americans for Tax Reform.

As David Brock, who had attended those meetings, explained a few years ago in the Republican Noise Machine:

Every Wednesday morning in Norquist's Washington offices, the leaders of more than eighty conservative organizations -- including major right-wing media outlets and top Bush White House aides -- convene to set movement priorities, plan strategy, and adopt talking points. Norquist seems a cross between a Communist Party boss and a Mafia don as he presides over these strategy sessions ...

Conservative media turned out in full force for the weekly strategy meetings convened by right-wing activist Grover Norquist -- Peggy Noonan and John Fund of the Journal, representatives from National Review and the Washington Times, and a researcher for Bob Novak all checked in. The right-wing writers considered themselves part of the conservative movement "team," as Norquist put it ...
Here's a very representative Dennis Prager gem, in the all-you-need-to-know-about-this-guy category:

Equality, which is the primary value of the left, is a European value, not an American value. Let me tell you that right now. I know this sounds offensive to half of my fellow Americans, because they have been Europeanized in their values. The French Revolution is not the American Revolution. The French Revolution said Liberty, Fraternity, Equality. The American Revolution said Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness.

In other words...

...we hold these Europeanized truths to be self-evident, that all Men are Created Equal...

Dennis Prager: a full on fucking imbecile.

Carby, this post may be embarrassing to you, so my suggestion is that you stop reading HERE.

OK, you asked for it. See the flaw in you post is your lack of erudition.
You have not been educated, nor educated yourself as to the meaning of 'equality' as it has been use by American intellectuals in two different ways: a) the Founders, and b) the Progressives.

1.The Declaration of Independence memorializes the proposition that all men are created equal. At the time, the ambiguity of the phrase allowed even slave holders to find it informing.

2. But, clearly, the document was understood at the time not to promise equality of condition- even to white male Americans! Equality, as an abstract, was modified by the American idea of reward according to achievement, and a reverence for private property.

3. But the concept has been modified with the growth of modern liberalism, and the ‘egalitarian’ impulse that fuels it. Here we witness the constant expansion into areas in which equality of sorts is seen as desirable and/or mandatory. The intuitive de Tocqueville actually remarked that Americans loved equality more than freedom!

a. The principle of equality prepared men for a government that “covers the surface of society with a network of small complicated rules, minute and uniform, through which the most original minds and energetic characters cannot penetrate, to rise above the crowd. The will of man is not shattered, but softened, bent, guided…Such a power stupefies a people, till each nation is reduced to nothing better than a flock of timid and industrious animals, of which the government is the shepherd….The evils that extreme equality may produce are slowly disclosed; they creep gradually into the social frame; they are seen only at intervals; and at the moment at which they become most violent, habit already causes them to be no longer felt.” Alexis de Tocqueville, “Democracy in America,” volume 2.

4. Under the new definition, an exact similarity of material wealth or income should be the goal of ‘social justice.’

5. By the 20th century, the new ‘equality’ became a threat to freedom. FDR’s New Deal and Truman’s Fair Deal claimed the rectification of inequalities as within the purview of government. LBJ’s Great Society championed the redistribution of wealth and status in the name of equality. Realize that the concomitant movement toward collectivism meant a decline in the freedoms of business, private associations, families, and individuals.

So you see, Carby, 'equality' has, historically, had different meanings, and today the meaning is one of outcome, not merely opportunity.

That is what Mr. Prager, correctly, was getting at.

If you need sources I can recommend a number of books that cover it more fully.

He lost you after "erudition".

So did I.

PC, for all her adorably earnest efforts, has failed to grasp an irreversible reality of forum posting -

the merit, indeed often the necessity, of being concise.

I call it the three sentence rule. If you can't regularly make your point in three sentences or less, and fail in that regard repeatedly, you are almost inevitably doomed to be tuned out; after 3 sentences you begin, more and more,

to be talking to yourself.
I've made my comments on this elsewhere, and since it's a non-issue of any real importance other than just more political posturing by the injured wingers who have no platform for November and thus need to keep their base revved up, I'll supply the best laugh-out-loud response which proves the blatant hypocrisy of the RWNM on the subject.

On the team: The stunning hypocrisy of Journolist's critics - Joe Conason -

Most absurdly, Fund and Barnes, along with many other conservatives who have promoted paranoid nonsense about Journolist, seem to be suggesting that conservative journalists never, ever coordinate their messages with Republican politicians, lobbyists, policy experts and academics.

That is, to coin a phrase, a very big lie.

Specific, orderly, disciplined, ideological coordination -- and not the freewheeling blather to be found on Journolist -- has been proceeding every week for nearly two decades at the "Wednesday meetings" convened by lobbyist Grover Norquist in the Washington offices of Americans for Tax Reform.

As David Brock, who had attended those meetings, explained a few years ago in the Republican Noise Machine:

Every Wednesday morning in Norquist's Washington offices, the leaders of more than eighty conservative organizations -- including major right-wing media outlets and top Bush White House aides -- convene to set movement priorities, plan strategy, and adopt talking points. Norquist seems a cross between a Communist Party boss and a Mafia don as he presides over these strategy sessions ...

Conservative media turned out in full force for the weekly strategy meetings convened by right-wing activist Grover Norquist -- Peggy Noonan and John Fund of the Journal, representatives from National Review and the Washington Times, and a researcher for Bob Novak all checked in. The right-wing writers considered themselves part of the conservative movement "team," as Norquist put it ...
yeah sure
liberal tripe from salon
Yep. You confirmed what I thought.

Took the left wing blog crasp and then coupled it with "opinions of former class mates" and "the aligning of others with him that never even knew him" and made your judgement call.

He had no affiliation with any right wing organization nor did anyone ever see him in his adult life as a conservative. He was a guy that was pissed off at the IRS and his suicide note made that quite clear.

But whatever floats your boat. Who you are and where you get your infoirmation was made quite clear by your post.

Discussion over.

You forgot to mention he was a HERO to right wing pea brains, pea brain...:lol::lol::lol:

Exactly how does a person get blamed for those that admire his actions AFTER he si dead?

You used his actions as an example of the "hate of conservaitves".

Now you are trying to back out of it by saying that right wing nuts admired his act.

I am sure many jerks who hate the IRS admired his act.

Does that mean his act was a political statement or politically motivated or an act against this President or an act of hatred toward liberals?


And your conitnued name calling is quite childish. But please, continue. It is making you look more and more foolish to any sane rational intelligent MATURE person on either the right OR the left.

The 'patriot' groups that are calling Stack a hero are not on the left. Their genesis goes back to the last time we had a Democrat in the White House and the the likes of Timothy McVeigh were killing Americans and the right wing 'patriots' were screeched that the sky was falling.

But, let's eliminate Stack and now you can address the rest of the right wing extremists that committed murder. We will delete Stack and ADD anti-abortion activist Scott Roeder who gunned down Dr. George Richard Tiller in cold blood while Tiller was attending Church.
You forgot to mention he was a HERO to right wing pea brains, pea brain...:lol::lol::lol:

Exactly how does a person get blamed for those that admire his actions AFTER he si dead?

You used his actions as an example of the "hate of conservaitves".

Now you are trying to back out of it by saying that right wing nuts admired his act.

I am sure many jerks who hate the IRS admired his act.

Does that mean his act was a political statement or politically motivated or an act against this President or an act of hatred toward liberals?


And your conitnued name calling is quite childish. But please, continue. It is making you look more and more foolish to any sane rational intelligent MATURE person on either the right OR the left.

The 'patriot' groups that are calling Stack a hero are not on the left. Their genesis goes back to the last time we had a Democrat in the White House and the the likes of Timothy McVeigh were killing Americans and the right wing 'patriots' were screeched that the sky was falling.

But, let's eliminate Stack and now you can address the rest of the right wing extremists that committed murder. We will delete Stack and ADD anti-abortion activist Scott Roeder who gunned down Dr. George Richard Tiller in cold blood while Tiller was attending Church.
they arent on the right either
they are a fringe group along with Alex Jones
Exactly how does a person get blamed for those that admire his actions AFTER he si dead?

You used his actions as an example of the "hate of conservaitves".

Now you are trying to back out of it by saying that right wing nuts admired his act.

I am sure many jerks who hate the IRS admired his act.

Does that mean his act was a political statement or politically motivated or an act against this President or an act of hatred toward liberals?


And your conitnued name calling is quite childish. But please, continue. It is making you look more and more foolish to any sane rational intelligent MATURE person on either the right OR the left.

The 'patriot' groups that are calling Stack a hero are not on the left. Their genesis goes back to the last time we had a Democrat in the White House and the the likes of Timothy McVeigh were killing Americans and the right wing 'patriots' were screeched that the sky was falling.

But, let's eliminate Stack and now you can address the rest of the right wing extremists that committed murder. We will delete Stack and ADD anti-abortion activist Scott Roeder who gunned down Dr. George Richard Tiller in cold blood while Tiller was attending Church.
they arent on the right either
they are a fringe group along with Alex Jones

Fringe, as in extremist? Oh, they are fringe centrists, or maybe they are moderate extremists...:lol::lol::lol:
i have to marvel at the irony of the biggest haters of 'the left' claim the 'left' (whatever that is, they sure don't know) hates the right.

so sad.

i think they're projecting again.
The 'patriot' groups that are calling Stack a hero are not on the left. Their genesis goes back to the last time we had a Democrat in the White House and the the likes of Timothy McVeigh were killing Americans and the right wing 'patriots' were screeched that the sky was falling.

But, let's eliminate Stack and now you can address the rest of the right wing extremists that committed murder. We will delete Stack and ADD anti-abortion activist Scott Roeder who gunned down Dr. George Richard Tiller in cold blood while Tiller was attending Church.
they arent on the right either
they are a fringe group along with Alex Jones

Fringe, as in extremist? Oh, they are fringe centrists, or maybe they are moderate extremists...:lol::lol::lol:
wow, you really have things as bi-centric, dont ya
If it gives you comfort to demonize the other side of the aisle, so be it.

You want us to ACTUALLY believe you have not heard the depth of the hatred the left has for the right? You want to actually have us believe that?

You are either a bald faced lying shit stain, or just to stupid to have a conversation with on most topics.

Remind us how you have not made viscous unproven attacks on Christians JUST because they don't want gay people to marry. Claimed Christians are far more dangerous them Muslim terrorists and that the fantasy of a Christian Nation far out weighs any ACTUAL danger from current Muslim Nations.
Carby, this post may be embarrassing to you, so my suggestion is that you stop reading HERE.

OK, you asked for it. See the flaw in you post is your lack of erudition.
You have not been educated, nor educated yourself as to the meaning of 'equality' as it has been use by American intellectuals in two different ways: a) the Founders, and b) the Progressives.

1.The Declaration of Independence memorializes the proposition that all men are created equal. At the time, the ambiguity of the phrase allowed even slave holders to find it informing.

2. But, clearly, the document was understood at the time not to promise equality of condition- even to white male Americans! Equality, as an abstract, was modified by the American idea of reward according to achievement, and a reverence for private property.

3. But the concept has been modified with the growth of modern liberalism, and the ‘egalitarian’ impulse that fuels it. Here we witness the constant expansion into areas in which equality of sorts is seen as desirable and/or mandatory. The intuitive de Tocqueville actually remarked that Americans loved equality more than freedom!

a. The principle of equality prepared men for a government that “covers the surface of society with a network of small complicated rules, minute and uniform, through which the most original minds and energetic characters cannot penetrate, to rise above the crowd. The will of man is not shattered, but softened, bent, guided…Such a power stupefies a people, till each nation is reduced to nothing better than a flock of timid and industrious animals, of which the government is the shepherd….The evils that extreme equality may produce are slowly disclosed; they creep gradually into the social frame; they are seen only at intervals; and at the moment at which they become most violent, habit already causes them to be no longer felt.” Alexis de Tocqueville, “Democracy in America,” volume 2.

4. Under the new definition, an exact similarity of material wealth or income should be the goal of ‘social justice.’

5. By the 20th century, the new ‘equality’ became a threat to freedom. FDR’s New Deal and Truman’s Fair Deal claimed the rectification of inequalities as within the purview of government. LBJ’s Great Society championed the redistribution of wealth and status in the name of equality. Realize that the concomitant movement toward collectivism meant a decline in the freedoms of business, private associations, families, and individuals.

So you see, Carby, 'equality' has, historically, had different meanings, and today the meaning is one of outcome, not merely opportunity.

That is what Mr. Prager, correctly, was getting at.

If you need sources I can recommend a number of books that cover it more fully.

He lost you after "erudition".

So did I.

PC, for all her adorably earnest efforts, has failed to grasp an irreversible reality of forum posting -

the merit, indeed often the necessity, of being concise.

I call it the three sentence rule. If you can't regularly make your point in three sentences or less, and fail in that regard repeatedly, you are almost inevitably doomed to be tuned out; after 3 sentences you begin, more and more,

to be talking to yourself.

You misunderstand...I don't write for those with attention deficit disorder.

Your inability to concentrate may explain the lacunae that have become so obvious.
"The Left Hates Conservatives"???
Lmao..How do you post this stuff with a straight face? You seriously need to get the fuck out of your house, off the damn computer, and turn on the news..Watch a little Glenn Beck..See the signs his stupid ass followers carry..Then tell me who hates who. Damn, you right-wing nuts fucking amaze me..And no, I don't hate you guys..Do I think you're dumb ass mother fuckers? Yess..Hate? Nah..More like sympathy.

Like it or not, we all share the same country, common humnaity and breathe the same air.

That said, I clearly don't belong on this thread. It's for left haters. Enjoy yourselves.

Yes. We do.

And we all see it differently.

However, the left seems to want changes so the right is forced to accept the left as a way of life....and thus initiatives to force the tax payer to pay for things even if it is not part of their personal lives

The right simply wants things to stay as it is and let everyone live their lives the way they want....and make choices who to do business with and who to be friends with; etc...

"The right simply wants things to stay as it is and let everyone live their lives the way they want."

as long as they are not gay
or atheists
or liberals
or feminists
or democrats
or progressives
or muslim

the right wants everone to live their lives the way they want as LONG as it is white european heterosexual christian conservative

Like it or not, we all share the same country, common humnaity and breathe the same air.

That said, I clearly don't belong on this thread. It's for left haters. Enjoy yourselves.

Yes. We do.

And we all see it differently.

However, the left seems to want changes so the right is forced to accept the left as a way of life....and thus initiatives to force the tax payer to pay for things even if it is not part of their personal lives

The right simply wants things to stay as it is and let everyone live their lives the way they want....and make choices who to do business with and who to be friends with; etc...

"The right simply wants things to stay as it is and let everyone live their lives the way they want."

as long as they are not gay
or atheists
or liberals
or feminists
or democrats
or progressives
or muslim

the right wants everone to live their lives the way they want as LONG as it is white european heterosexual christian conservative

If it gives you comfort to demonize the other side of the aisle, so be it.

You want us to ACTUALLY believe you have not heard the depth of the hatred the left has for the right? You want to actually have us believe that?

You are either a bald faced lying shit stain, or just to stupid to have a conversation with on most topics.

Remind us how you have not made viscous unproven attacks on Christians JUST because they don't want gay people to marry. Claimed Christians are far more dangerous them Muslim terrorists and that the fantasy of a Christian Nation far out weighs any ACTUAL danger from current Muslim Nations.

do you want us to actually believe you have NOT heard the depth of the hatred conservatives have for everyone who is not hard core right wing?

including RINOS?


You are either a bald faced lying shit stain, or just too stupid to have a conversation with on most topics.
Yes. We do.

And we all see it differently.

However, the left seems to want changes so the right is forced to accept the left as a way of life....and thus initiatives to force the tax payer to pay for things even if it is not part of their personal lives

The right simply wants things to stay as it is and let everyone live their lives the way they want....and make choices who to do business with and who to be friends with; etc...

"The right simply wants things to stay as it is and let everyone live their lives the way they want."

as long as they are not gay
or atheists
or liberals
or feminists
or democrats
or progressives
or muslim

the right wants everone to live their lives the way they want as LONG as it is white european heterosexual christian conservative


in one post from a deranged conservative I read
" conservatives want everyone tolivbe their lives their own way"

2 minutes later
in another post from a deranged conservative I read; "liberals attack us because we don't want to let gays marry"

fkn godamn deranged lunatic scumbag liars

Like it or not, we all share the same country, common humnaity and breathe the same air.

That said, I clearly don't belong on this thread. It's for left haters. Enjoy yourselves.

Yes. We do.

And we all see it differently.

However, the left seems to want changes so the right is forced to accept the left as a way of life....and thus initiatives to force the tax payer to pay for things even if it is not part of their personal lives

The right simply wants things to stay as it is and let everyone live their lives the way they want....and make choices who to do business with and who to be friends with; etc...

"The right simply wants things to stay as it is and let everyone live their lives the way they want."

as long as they are not gay
or atheists
or liberals
or feminists
or democrats
or progressives
or muslim

the right wants everone to live their lives the way they want as LONG as it is white european heterosexual christian conservative
you couldnt be more wrong
The right simply wants things to stay as it is and let everyone live their lives the way they want....

staying 'as is' is no more beneficial than changing things for the sole purpose of changing them.

and no, the right does NOT want everyone to 'live their lives the way they want'. were that the case, they'd stop interfering in reproductive choice, gay marriage and other wedge issues'.

a president who wants people 'to live the way they want' does not make his first act as president an executive order cutting off funding for organizations that include abortion in their counseling.

people who want others to live as they wish do not include as part of their political platform a constitutional amendment banning gay marriage.

people who want others to live as they wish do not force people not to so much as put up a picture of their same-sex lover.

the right only wants people to live the way THE RIGHT wants them to live. I wish it were otherwise.

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