No more boosters for me

naw I ain't your bitch dickwad. You're just a troll. Won't have a debate. makes you a troll. troll. I know how vaccines work, they undergo years of testing. Perhaps you should actually learn about them. But you won't because you are a troll. hahahaahahahahhahahahahaha, How's disney world troll?
Enter debate with truthful premises and informed opinion. No, you’ve made it clear from repeatedly asking -“why won’t schools let vaccinated kids lean with unvaccinated kids” that you don’t understand. Educate yourself on the topic.
Not much. Monoclonal antibodies if you can find them. Short supply. The new antiviral drug isn’t out yet.
In my area the hospital as an area to get the treatment and the results are very good and readily available. Some areas a nurse comes to your home. It has proven very effective and most people see a 24-36 hour wait before they feel significantly better. The down side is a person needs to wait three month after the treatment before the can get a vaccine.
A virus is not a parasite.
Actually it is.

It's a silly exercise.

And lots who took the vaccines are dead as well. Choose wisely.

I don't know. I would if there were long term studies done, though. That's my point.
Our ICU is full of unvaccinated people dying of COVID. It’s not full of people who got reactions to the vaccine.

You claimed lots of people getting heart problems. Now you think it’s silly to attempt to quantify what that means?
Our ICU is full of unvaccinated people dying of COVID. It’s not full of people who got reactions to the vaccine.
what hospital is that? Anyone can make up such a statement. I could say they are full of people with normal illnesses that require intensive care. You're suggesting that heart problem patients seize to exist anymore. Cancer, or car accident patients. It's fking hilarious and sad at the same time. insincerity
Then why is the government wanting people and not businesses to take an unknown risk?
Or why half of the healthcare workers are refusing to be jabbed?

Or why Congress, their staff, judicial branch, WH staff, CDC employees, FDA employees, USPS employees, NIAID employees, Pfizer employees, Moderna employees, illegal aliens... are exempt from Biden's "vaccine" mandate?

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