No Mr President, both sides were not equal

The 'other side' may have been anything and/or anyone, but declared extremists like Nazis and racial idiots are beyond the pale.
One side was Nazis, skinheads, klan members and white supremacists

The other side was American Patriots

So the other side were alt-right and you describe the alt left?

Then again it is funny to watch the far left spew such religious dogma when they allow their protected class to kill each other in far left run cities!
One side was Nazis, skinheads, klan members and white supremacists

The other side was American Patriots

Antifa are partriots?

You always side with criminals, don't you?


Antifa had not place attempting to shut down a legally arranged protest. They can have their own permits if they want, but I doubt they could do anything while being non-violent.

I guess I agree, one side had a permit, the other simply did not.
I do not think these Nazi assholes realize just how much good decent Americans hate them. They need to quit circle-jerking with each other on the internet and realize they are going to get their asses beat down if they don't crawl back under their rocks.
The 'other side' may have been anything and/or anyone, but declared extremists like Nazis and racial idiots are beyond the pale.

On the other side you have groups like Black Lives Matter that assassinate innocent white police officers.

The only difference between the two groups is, one is PC and the other never will be.
I do not think these Nazi assholes realize just how much good decent Americans hate them. They need to quit circle-jerking with each other on the internet and realize they are going to get their asses beat down if they don't crawl back under their rocks.

So what you are saying is you approve of vigilante violence against anyone you disagree with?
One side was Nazis, skinheads, klan members and white supremacists

The other side was American Patriots
ROTFLMAO...... Only a liberal white guilt mother fucker would believe that Antifa, who brought clubs, body armor and helmets, and hit unarmed women(reporters) weren't there to instigate a fight... you are just a pathetic, petulant, ignorant, spoiled little brat...

NY Times Reporter Admits Antifa Protesters In Charlottesville Were 'Hate-Filled' And Violent Before Left Forces Her To Backtrack
New York Times reporter Sheryl Gay Stolberg made the mistake of admitting that along with the abhorrent, violent, white supremacists who terrorized Charlottesville over the weekend, many Antifa protesters were also enacting "hate-filled" violence, as they've done in several other cities in recent months. For noting that the "hard left seemed as hate-filled as the alt-right" — citing "club-wielding 'antifa' beating white nationalists being led out of the park" — Stolberg was hammered online, even after repenting and issuing a correction that depicted the violent left in more heroic terms.
The bullies of the left, are out in force, and want their civil war, for then they think, that Socialism will come save the day.
Rahm Emmanuel was quoted for saying "Never let a crisis go to waste" and this was a man made crisis and it will cause the liberals not to be elected to office for 100 years. Keep it up and your side wont see power again for 1000 years.

One side was Nazis, skinheads, klan members and white supremacists

The other side was American Patriots
ROTFLMAO...... Only a liberal white guilt mother fucker would believe that Antifa, who brought clubs, body armor and helmets, and hit unarmed women(reporters) weren't there to instigate a fight... you are just a pathetic, petulant, ignorant, spoiled little brat...

NY Times Reporter Admits Antifa Protesters In Charlottesville Were 'Hate-Filled' And Violent Before Left Forces Her To Backtrack
New York Times reporter Sheryl Gay Stolberg made the mistake of admitting that along with the abhorrent, violent, white supremacists who terrorized Charlottesville over the weekend, many Antifa protesters were also enacting "hate-filled" violence, as they've done in several other cities in recent months. For noting that the "hard left seemed as hate-filled as the alt-right" — citing "club-wielding 'antifa' beating white nationalists being led out of the park" — Stolberg was hammered online, even after repenting and issuing a correction that depicted the violent left in more heroic terms.
The bullies of the left, are out in force, and want their civil war, for then they think, that Socialism will come save the day.
Rahm Emmanuel was quoted for saying "Never let a crisis go to waste" and this was a man made crisis and it will cause the liberals not to be elected to office for 100 years. Keep it up and your side wont see power again for 1000 years.

Good for them!

ALL Americans should be "hate filled" against Nazis, skinheads and klan members
I do not think these Nazi assholes realize just how much good decent Americans hate them. They need to quit circle-jerking with each other on the internet and realize they are going to get their asses beat down if they don't crawl back under their rocks.

So what you are saying is you approve of vigilante violence against anyone you disagree with?
Nope, I am saying that Nazis need their asses beat just like we did in WWII. No place for that shit in America. We all had relatives who fought and died to protect mankind from them and I will not see their sacrifice be in vain.
I do not think these Nazi assholes realize just how much good decent Americans hate them. They need to quit circle-jerking with each other on the internet and realize they are going to get their asses beat down if they don't crawl back under their rocks.
The common Racist / Nationalist isn't too keen on Nazis, either.

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