NO NUKE DEAL: Did Cohen distract Trump?

So Trump has failed to negotiate nuclear deals with both Iran and N Korea

When is he going to meet with Iran to get a better deal than Obama had?
So Trump has failed to negotiate nuclear deals with both Iran and N Korea

When is he going to meet with Iran to get a better deal than Obama had?

When can we put you on a fastboat and aim it at their shore so you can maybe do better, wiseguy?
So Trump has failed to negotiate nuclear deals with both Iran and N Korea

When is he going to meet with Iran to get a better deal than Obama had?

When can we put you on a fastboat and aim it at their shore so you can maybe do better, wiseguy?

I could do better

Trump tore up a nuclear deal with nothing to replace it. He promised to negotiate a better deal..... he failed
Ever hear the word.... almost

Yes, I have, in fact Progressives, such as yourself, have nearly worn the word out.

As in, Hillary Clinton ALMOST won the 2016 Presidential Election. Well, were it not for a landslide win by President Donald Trump!

I could do better

Trump tore up a nuclear deal with nothing to replace it. He promised to negotiate a better deal..... he failed

Patience young man, patience. President Donald Trump still has SIX YEARS to complete his negotiations.

How long after President Ronald Reagan, against all of his advisers and generals advice, walked out of the Reykjavik Iceland summit between Reagan and Gorbachev did Reagan win and when did the Soviet Union collapse?
You are a fucking moron

It was Bush who broke off the pursuit of Bin Laden at Tora Bora and refused to follow him into Pakistan

It was the Great Obama who attacked inside Pakistan to kill bin Laden

Failed former President Barack Hussein Obama was and is a wimp. He was offered three opportunities to take out the pirates who had hijacked a ship off of Africa. He turned down all three. Finally, it was the US warships captain who ordered the Seals on his ship to take out the pirates when it appeared the captain was in imminent danger. Naturally, President Obama took credit.

Same thing with the killing of Osama bin-Laden. Obama had refused three previous plans to attack the compound before finally agreeing to one.

We no longer need to kill Bin Laden, claims Barack Obama
UPDATED: 04:34 EST, 15 January 2009
We no longer need to kill Bin Laden, claims Barack Obama | Daily Mail Online
So Trump has failed to negotiate nuclear deals with both Iran and N Korea

When is he going to meet with Iran to get a better deal than Obama had?
Trump has failed pretty much every negotiation. Next will be a N Korea national emergency I suppose.
No one can logically compare the Iran and NK nuclear programs, because Iran and NK are dissimilar. And both pro and anti Trump posters make those comparisons. NK really is an anomaly among nations, in terms of leadership and how leadership is selected, economics and markets and the basic goal of it's decision making. You just can't compare the effect of intl sanctions, or the difficulty of getting them and keeping them on the two nations.

But Trump wanted "the summit" for a photoop after his shutdown. He got good optics he thought from the first one.

Donald Trump sees Kim Jong Un summit as TV ratings gold, wanted it as distraction from government shutdown: Report

Trump wanted the recent summit even though negotiators had no deal on sanctions relief or even what denuclearization meant.

Imo Trump deserves a bit of credit for not making a bad deal just to make a deal, which his advisors had feared he might do. And Trump met with Kim, and talking to a potential adversary is never a bad thing. NK seemed a little confused over what Trump said about ending sanctions, and Trump seemed a little confused over what NK meant by ending sanctions. But communication is a good thing, and Trump may have advanced the ball a little bit.

I think the Iranians are more advanced.

Iran and North Korea are exchanging information as well as hardware on a regular basis. That being the case, I believe that North Korea is the tougher of the two to crack. Once President Trump forces Kim Jung-un to do what is best for his country, it will be easier to deal with Iran.

There is no reason whatsoever to expect patience from our Progressive good friends. For whatever reason, they are working diligently to bring about the failure of President Donald Trump. They, nor the Republican Elite can afford for Trump to be successful. Trump's success would destroy the illusion they have worked decades to build that governing is such a massive task that only those with decades of experience, doing nothing else, can succeed.
So Trump has failed to negotiate nuclear deals with both Iran and N Korea

When is he going to meet with Iran to get a better deal than Obama had?

Now THAT truly is something you could have negotiated better. Better than failed former President Barack Hussein Obama.
Well, Trump got nothing, but Un got Trump to stop the US and S. Korea from having military drills. (Trump says it's a cost cutting measure, but in reality, he folded to Un.) Trump did the same thing last time, got nothing from Un, but cancelled military drills with S. Korea.

Sorry, but Trump is a crappy negotiator.

U.S. to end large-scale military drills with South Korea

March 1, 2019, 11:30 AM CST
By Courtney Kube, Dan De Luce and Stella Kim

The U.S. military is preparing to announce that annual large-scale joint exercises conducted with South Korea every spring will no longer be held, according to two U.S. defense officials.

The major U.S.-South Korea exercises are being curtailed as part of the Trump administration's effort to ease tensions with North Korea, the officials said. The exercises — known as Key Resolve and Foal Eagle — will be replaced with smaller, mission-specific training, according to the officials.

Since taking office, President Donald Trump has repeatedly complained about the large-scale exercises, saying they're too costly and the U.S. bears too much of the financial burden.

The military has carried out the major exercises as much for deterring the North Korean regime as maintaining troop readiness, according to senior defense officials.
I could do better

Trump tore up a nuclear deal with nothing to replace it. He promised to negotiate a better deal..... he failed

Patience young man, patience. President Donald Trump still has SIX YEARS to complete his negotiations.

How long after President Ronald Reagan, against all of his advisers and generals advice, walked out of the Reykjavik Iceland summit between Reagan and Gorbachev did Reagan win and when did the Soviet Union collapse?

The Obama Nuclear agreement with Iran still stands because Trump is not respected or trusted by the other signees

Trump has failed with his empty threats to the other signees and has been openly mocked by Iran when he said he would get better terms
bad deal after bad deeal, in which payoffs were made to Korea to reduce its nuclear, marked decades of failure that Trump now has to correct because the folks before him were too eager to claim victory with meaningless agreements to score political points. NOT THIS PRESIDENT!
Kim — Not Trump — Was Right About Summit Snag, Says State Department

Just to set the record straight.

North Korea had the more accurate take on what happened at the summit with President Donald Trump before talks failed, according to an official with the U.S. State Department.

The president claimed Thursday that he had walked away from negotiations in Hanoi after Kim Jong Un demanded that all sanctions against the nation be lifted.

“Basically, they wanted the sanctions lifted in their entirety, and we couldn’t do that,” Trump said. “We had to walk away from that.”

But Pyongyang representatives called a late night news conference later that day to correct Trump’s statements, saying that Kim wanted only economic sanctions imposed since 2016 lifted — and not any concerning weapons. In exchange, Kim offered to shut down the nation’s main nuclear complex — and was prepared to offer in writing a permanent halt to the nation’s nuclear and intercontinental ballistic missile tests, according to his officials.

North Korea’s account of the sanction issue was accurate, a State Department official said Friday in a briefing to the media, The Associated Press reported that Kim had sought the lifting only of United Nations Security Council sanctions imposed since March 2016 — not sanctions going back decades. The concession would have removed sanctions on a range of goods, but not weapons.

Kim’s position was no surprise, the official said, because it had been brought up repeatedly in lower-level talks. But Trump and his negotiators decided lifting the sanctions posed from 2016 onward was too much.

Vice Foreign Minister Choe Sun Hui said Trump’s reaction puzzled Kim. He said that Kim “may have lost his will [to continue] North Korea-U.S. dealings,” AP reported.

Kim — Not Trump — Was Right About Summit Snag, Says State Department

So, Trump lied - again. What a surprise. Is Kim more honorable than Trump?
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bad deal after bad deeal, in which payoffs were made to Korea to reduce its nuclear, marked decades of failure that Trump now has to correct because the folks before him were too eager to claim victory with meaningless agreements to score political points. NOT THIS PRESIDENT!
Only a week ago, Trump was declaring N Korea was no longer a nuclear threat and that he had averted a war
Kim — Not Trump — Was Right About Summit Snag, Says State Department

Just to set the record straight.

North Korea had the more accurate take on what happened at the summit with President Donald Trump before talks failed, according to an official with the U.S. State Department.

The president claimed Thursday that he had walked away from negotiations in Hanoi after Kim Jong Un demanded that all sanctions against the nation be lifted.

“Basically, they wanted the sanctions lifted in their entirety, and we couldn’t do that,” Trump said. “We had to walk away from that.”

But Pyongyang representatives called a late night news conference later that day to correct Trump’s statements, saying that Kim wanted only economic sanctions imposed since 2016 lifted — and not any concerning weapons. In exchange, Kim offered to shut down the nation’s main nuclear complex — and was prepared to offer in writing a permanent halt to the nation’s nuclear and intercontinental ballistic missile tests, according to his officials.

North Korea’s account of the sanction issue was accurate, a State Department official said Friday in a briefing to the media, The Associated Press reported that Kim had sought the lifting only of United Nations Security Council sanctions imposed since March 2016 — not sanctions going back decades. The concession would have removed sanctions on a range of goods, but not weapons.

Kim’s position was no surprise, the official said, because it had been brought up repeatedly in lower-level talks. But Trump and his negotiators decided lifting the sanctions posed from 2016 onward was too much.

Vice Foreign Minister Choe Sun Hui said Trump’s reaction puzzled Kim. He said that Kim “may have lost his will [to continue] North Korea-U.S. dealings,” AP reported.

Kim — Not Trump — Was Right About Summit Snag, Says State Department

So, Trump lied - again. What a surprise. Is Kim more honorable than Trump?
It is a sad state of affairs when reports out of the North Korean government are more reliable than reports from an American President
and Clinton left the country, what's your point?
Clinton is a liberal loser. He was better off in England. Can you imagine him in combat?

Our country missed a great opportunity when Donald J Trump was sidelined by crippling bone spurs

Can you imagine what his leadership and big brain could have brought to the war in Vietnam? It would have been over by 1965 and there would be a Trump Tower and golf course in Hanoi

He would have built a wall on the border of Vietnam and China and Mexico would have paid for it

we do agree on Clinton. What is also true is that most young American males in those days did not want to go to viet nam and die for nothing. the ones that did deserve our praise and admiration, those who died (58,000 of them), were never given the heroic status that they deserved for trying to win Kennedy and Johnson's fiasco war, and they would have won it if only the political assholes had let them.

Doesn’t address the impact of having a soldier like Trump fighting for the Red, White and Blue

Trump had years of
Obama: Decision to Kill Bin Laden Was Heavily Debated

they were all reluctant and for some good reasons. But as I said, he gave the OK because there was really no other choice. It was the right call.
No what you said was that Obama was reluctant about killing Bin Laden. Something you are now admitting was because of the risks involved in the mission and a reluctance shared by everybody. Not being adverse to the act itself which your original statement without context implied.

Obama was concerned about pissing off his muslim brothers in Pakistan. It was quite obvious at the time. and I don't give a shit if you agree. The truth about Obama and his muslim connections was, and is, obvious to anyone who has even a modicum of intelligence.
You are a fucking moron

It was Bush who broke off the pursuit of Bin Laden at Tora Bora and refused to follow him into Pakistan

It was the Great Obama who attacked inside Pakistan to kill bin Laden

Actually it was Clinton who could have taken him before 9/11 when Sudan told him where he was. 9/11 happened because Clinton did not have the balls to act, and yes, obozo did the right thing in authorizing the hit on Bin Laden, but its also true that he was very scared of what the Paki's might do after we "engaged in an act or war" inside Pakistan (his words, not mine)

Republicans were too busy impeaching over a blow job

Clinton’s efforts to kill bin Laden were mocked as wagging the dog

A distraction from their blow job impeachment

Clinton was impeached for lying under oath (perjury). 9/11 happened because he was more interested in sticking cigars up the bottom of an intern than doing his job as president.
bad deal after bad deeal, in which payoffs were made to Korea to reduce its nuclear, marked decades of failure that Trump now has to correct because the folks before him were too eager to claim victory with meaningless agreements to score political points. NOT THIS PRESIDENT!
Only a week ago, Trump was declaring N Korea was no longer a nuclear threat and that he had averted a war

there have been no rocket launches or nuclear tests since the first meeting. Trump made it very clear to Kim at that time that his country would cease to exist if he ever tried to nuke a US territory or one of our allies.

Trump is doing his job as president, unlike most of his recent predecessors.
Kim — Not Trump — Was Right About Summit Snag, Says State Department

Just to set the record straight.

North Korea had the more accurate take on what happened at the summit with President Donald Trump before talks failed, according to an official with the U.S. State Department.

The president claimed Thursday that he had walked away from negotiations in Hanoi after Kim Jong Un demanded that all sanctions against the nation be lifted.

“Basically, they wanted the sanctions lifted in their entirety, and we couldn’t do that,” Trump said. “We had to walk away from that.”

But Pyongyang representatives called a late night news conference later that day to correct Trump’s statements, saying that Kim wanted only economic sanctions imposed since 2016 lifted — and not any concerning weapons. In exchange, Kim offered to shut down the nation’s main nuclear complex — and was prepared to offer in writing a permanent halt to the nation’s nuclear and intercontinental ballistic missile tests, according to his officials.

North Korea’s account of the sanction issue was accurate, a State Department official said Friday in a briefing to the media, The Associated Press reported that Kim had sought the lifting only of United Nations Security Council sanctions imposed since March 2016 — not sanctions going back decades. The concession would have removed sanctions on a range of goods, but not weapons.

Kim’s position was no surprise, the official said, because it had been brought up repeatedly in lower-level talks. But Trump and his negotiators decided lifting the sanctions posed from 2016 onward was too much.

Vice Foreign Minister Choe Sun Hui said Trump’s reaction puzzled Kim. He said that Kim “may have lost his will [to continue] North Korea-U.S. dealings,” AP reported.

Kim — Not Trump — Was Right About Summit Snag, Says State Department

So, Trump lied - again. What a surprise. Is Kim more honorable than Trump?
It is a sad state of affairs when reports out of the North Korean government are more reliable than reports from an American President

well crap, a few days ago you said that all the info was coming from Russia. Try to keep track of your lies, winger.

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