No One Has a Right to Health Care

I don't see it that way at all.

But then I'm not a bleeding heart who thinks its my duty to help everyone and spend tax dollars to do it.

Oh and if it were just your money being used I think your bleeding heart would die a quick death.

Wanting the sick to have medical care is now "bleeding heart"?

I guess it is

Yes, because we all know life before the ACA the sick were dying in the streets.

I don't see it that way at all.

But then I'm not a bleeding heart who thinks its my duty to help everyone and spend tax dollars to do it.

Oh and if it were just your money being used I think your bleeding heart would die a quick death.

Wanting the sick to have medical care is now "bleeding heart"?

I guess it is

Nope making it sound like its our duty to provide it is.
It is our duty as determined by We the People

Flat out bullshit.

And thanks for your take on what I and every American should be responsible for.

Read your constitution

We the people elect those who support our views. We the People want our government to care for the less fortunate
I don't see it that way at all.

But then I'm not a bleeding heart who thinks its my duty to help everyone and spend tax dollars to do it.

Oh and if it were just your money being used I think your bleeding heart would die a quick death.

Wanting the sick to have medical care is now "bleeding heart"?

I guess it is

Yes, because we all know life before the ACA the sick were dying in the streets.

We still paid...just not very efficiently or effectively

Having people go to emergency rooms and padding your bill to pay for it is not an effective plan
I don't see it that way at all.

But then I'm not a bleeding heart who thinks its my duty to help everyone and spend tax dollars to do it.

Oh and if it were just your money being used I think your bleeding heart would die a quick death.

Wanting the sick to have medical care is now "bleeding heart"?

I guess it is

Yes, because we all know life before the ACA the sick were dying in the streets.


They were costing you the consumer far more than you obviously realized.
I don't see it that way at all.

But then I'm not a bleeding heart who thinks its my duty to help everyone and spend tax dollars to do it.

Oh and if it were just your money being used I think your bleeding heart would die a quick death.

Spoken like a true Callous Conservative. I'm of the opinion that greed and envy are the true sources of callous conservative thinking. Though thinking may not be the correct word to describe what amounts to an emotion, feed by the hate and fear rhetoric so popular in right wing discourse.

It is not just my money, though I suspect I may pay more in taxes than someone like you earns each year. I support the progressive federal income tax even as I oppose many things our tax dollars provide, such as wars of choice and members of Congress being paid for doing nothing constructive.

Oh you may pay more than me in taxes but I do pay taxes.

Spoken like a true bleeding heart liberal who thinks its everyone's duty to take care of all.

You can refuse to pay a tax and take the consequences. A number of citizens refused the draft, some by burning their draft card, others by applying for a conscientious objector deferment. Was it a duty to serve? Some of us believed so and did, even though we objected to the Vietnam War.

I pay taxes, even though some tax money is used by a member of Congress to sit on his or her ass, and make phone calls asking for 'donations' to fund his or her next election.

Your ideology is thoughtless, you fail to see the big picture and believe someone on SS, Medicaid, Medicare or TANF is despicable, and you remain silent when an elected official doesn't do his or her job and seeks money to keep it.
I don't see it that way at all.

But then I'm not a bleeding heart who thinks its my duty to help everyone and spend tax dollars to do it.

Oh and if it were just your money being used I think your bleeding heart would die a quick death.

Wanting the sick to have medical care is now "bleeding heart"?

I guess it is

Nope making it sound like its our duty to provide it is.
It is our duty as determined by We the People

Flat out bullshit.

And thanks for your take on what I and every American should be responsible for.

Read your constitution

We the people elect those who support our views. We the People want our government to care for the less fortunate

No. You the bleeding heart want to care for the less fortunate. Not We The People.
I don't see it that way at all.

But then I'm not a bleeding heart who thinks its my duty to help everyone and spend tax dollars to do it.

Oh and if it were just your money being used I think your bleeding heart would die a quick death.

Wanting the sick to have medical care is now "bleeding heart"?

I guess it is

Yes, because we all know life before the ACA the sick were dying in the streets.


They were costing you the consumer far more than you obviously realized.

Sure. Only because hospitals can't turn anyone away even if that someone can't pay. Therefore we the taxpayer are forced to pay.
Wanting the sick to have medical care is now "bleeding heart"?

I guess it is

Nope making it sound like its our duty to provide it is.
It is our duty as determined by We the People

Flat out bullshit.

And thanks for your take on what I and every American should be responsible for.

Read your constitution

We the people elect those who support our views. We the People want our government to care for the less fortunate

No. You the bleeding heart want to care for the less fortunate. Not We The People.

Seems your side does not elect people who support your view

Our nation is thankful for it
I don't see it that way at all.

But then I'm not a bleeding heart who thinks its my duty to help everyone and spend tax dollars to do it.

Oh and if it were just your money being used I think your bleeding heart would die a quick death.

Wanting the sick to have medical care is now "bleeding heart"?

I guess it is

Yes, because we all know life before the ACA the sick were dying in the streets.


They were costing you the consumer far more than you obviously realized.

Sure. Only because hospitals can't turn anyone away even if that someone can't pay. Therefore we the taxpayer are forced to pay.
What would you do with the sick who cannot pay?
I don't see it that way at all.

But then I'm not a bleeding heart who thinks its my duty to help everyone and spend tax dollars to do it.

Oh and if it were just your money being used I think your bleeding heart would die a quick death.

Wanting the sick to have medical care is now "bleeding heart"?

I guess it is

Yes, because we all know life before the ACA the sick were dying in the streets.

We still paid...just not very efficiently or effectively

Having people go to emergency rooms and padding your bill to pay for it is not an effective plan

The Kool-Aid drinkers actually can't fathom how local government's taxpayer pays for the scofflaws who won't be personally responsible and buy health care coverage, and the poor and the working poor who earn to little to afford it.

Not only do we pay for those not covered in the manner stated above by RWer, the cost to local government means other services suffer. Don't like pot holes, hate waiting in line or a slow response by LE - blame yourself and the TP.
Nope making it sound like its our duty to provide it is.
It is our duty as determined by We the People

Flat out bullshit.

And thanks for your take on what I and every American should be responsible for.

Read your constitution

We the people elect those who support our views. We the People want our government to care for the less fortunate

No. You the bleeding heart want to care for the less fortunate. Not We The People.

Seems your side does not elect people who support your view

Our nation is thankful for it

No. The thankful ones are the freeloaders who get paid by we the taxpayer.
I don't see it that way at all.

But then I'm not a bleeding heart who thinks its my duty to help everyone and spend tax dollars to do it.

Oh and if it were just your money being used I think your bleeding heart would die a quick death.

Wanting the sick to have medical care is now "bleeding heart"?

I guess it is

Yes, because we all know life before the ACA the sick were dying in the streets.


They were costing you the consumer far more than you obviously realized.

Sure. Only because hospitals can't turn anyone away even if that someone can't pay. Therefore we the taxpayer are forced to pay.
What would you do with the sick who cannot pay?

That's their problem not mine and certainly not the taxpayers of America.
Wanting the sick to have medical care is now "bleeding heart"?

I guess it is

Nope making it sound like its our duty to provide it is.
It is our duty as determined by We the People

Flat out bullshit.

And thanks for your take on what I and every American should be responsible for.

Read your constitution

We the people elect those who support our views. We the People want our government to care for the less fortunate

No. You the bleeding heart want to care for the less fortunate. Not We The People.

So "you the people" are only people with hundreds of thousands of dollars to pay for their own healthcare? Where does it say that in your constitution?
It is our duty as determined by We the People

Flat out bullshit.

And thanks for your take on what I and every American should be responsible for.

Read your constitution

We the people elect those who support our views. We the People want our government to care for the less fortunate

No. You the bleeding heart want to care for the less fortunate. Not We The People.

Seems your side does not elect people who support your view

Our nation is thankful for it

No. The thankful ones are the freeloaders who get paid by we the taxpayer.
No, those getting paid by we the taxpayer are not thankful, they scream for more and tell us we are not paying our fair share.
Want to see them become thankful? cut all benefits for a couple years and let them see what the productive are doing for them.
I don't see it that way at all.

But then I'm not a bleeding heart who thinks its my duty to help everyone and spend tax dollars to do it.

Oh and if it were just your money being used I think your bleeding heart would die a quick death.

Wanting the sick to have medical care is now "bleeding heart"?

I guess it is

Yes, because we all know life before the ACA the sick were dying in the streets.

We still paid...just not very efficiently or effectively

Having people go to emergency rooms and padding your bill to pay for it is not an effective plan

Go to the ER, they're as busy as ever. And an aspirin still costs $10. The ACA has done nothing but drive up the cost of insurance, burdened employers with a mountain of new reporting and setup the average Joe to be taxed on employer provided insurance which now costs a fortune.

Very soon you;ll be paying taxes on non-monetary income.

What a racket.
I don't see it that way at all.

But then I'm not a bleeding heart who thinks its my duty to help everyone and spend tax dollars to do it.

Oh and if it were just your money being used I think your bleeding heart would die a quick death.

Wanting the sick to have medical care is now "bleeding heart"?

I guess it is

Yes, because we all know life before the ACA the sick were dying in the streets.

We still paid...just not very efficiently or effectively

Having people go to emergency rooms and padding your bill to pay for it is not an effective plan

Go to the ER, they're as busy as ever. And an aspirin still costs $10. The ACA has done nothing but drive up the cost of insurance, burdened employers with a mountain of new reporting and setup the average Joe to be taxed on employer provided insurance which now costs a fortune.

Very soon you;ll be paying taxes on non-monetary income.

What a racket.
you already do. If you own a business you have to pay tax on the value of your office equipment.
Nope making it sound like its our duty to provide it is.
It is our duty as determined by We the People

Flat out bullshit.

And thanks for your take on what I and every American should be responsible for.

Read your constitution

We the people elect those who support our views. We the People want our government to care for the less fortunate

No. You the bleeding heart want to care for the less fortunate. Not We The People.

So "you the people" are only people with hundreds of thousands of dollars to pay for their own healthcare? Where does it say that in your constitution?

Look for it. I'm sure you will find it or something that lets you think you found it.

I don't see it that way at all.

But then I'm not a bleeding heart who thinks its my duty to help everyone and spend tax dollars to do it.

Oh and if it were just your money being used I think your bleeding heart would die a quick death.

Wanting the sick to have medical care is now "bleeding heart"?

I guess it is

Yes, because we all know life before the ACA the sick were dying in the streets.

We still paid...just not very efficiently or effectively

Having people go to emergency rooms and padding your bill to pay for it is not an effective plan

Go to the ER, they're as busy as ever. And an aspirin still costs $10. The ACA has done nothing but drive up the cost of insurance, burdened employers with a mountain of new reporting and setup the average Joe to be taxed on employer provided insurance which now costs a fortune.

Very soon you;ll be paying taxes on non-monetary income.

What a racket.
you already do. If you own a business you have to pay tax on the value of your office equipment.

I know... and employees pay taxes on value of employer provided gas cards, excess life insurance and autos... next up.. the value of employer provided health insurance will be taxed. Count on it.. no other reason the IRS now requires that you report that on W-2's
I don't see it that way at all.

But then I'm not a bleeding heart who thinks its my duty to help everyone and spend tax dollars to do it.

Oh and if it were just your money being used I think your bleeding heart would die a quick death.

Wanting the sick to have medical care is now "bleeding heart"?

I guess it is

Yes, because we all know life before the ACA the sick were dying in the streets.

We still paid...just not very efficiently or effectively

Having people go to emergency rooms and padding your bill to pay for it is not an effective plan

Go to the ER, they're as busy as ever. And an aspirin still costs $10. The ACA has done nothing but drive up the cost of insurance, burdened employers with a mountain of new reporting and setup the average Joe to be taxed on employer provided insurance which now costs a fortune.

Very soon you;ll be paying taxes on non-monetary income.

What a racket.

I agree. My benefit costs have gone up by 60% in the last two years all because of the ACA.

Such a deal for working Americans. The only winners are those being subsidized with Medicaide.

Such a fucking deal.
Flat out bullshit.

And thanks for your take on what I and every American should be responsible for.

Read your constitution

We the people elect those who support our views. We the People want our government to care for the less fortunate

No. You the bleeding heart want to care for the less fortunate. Not We The People.

Seems your side does not elect people who support your view

Our nation is thankful for it

No. The thankful ones are the freeloaders who get paid by we the taxpayer.
No, those getting paid by we the taxpayer are not thankful, they scream for more and tell us we are not paying our fair share.
Want to see them become thankful? cut all benefits for a couple years and let them see what the productive are doing for them.
More of.... Our poor don't suffer enough

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