No One Has a Right to Health Care

I don't see it that way at all.

But then I'm not a bleeding heart who thinks its my duty to help everyone and spend tax dollars to do it.

Oh and if it were just your money being used I think your bleeding heart would die a quick death.
I don't see it that way at all.

But then I'm not a bleeding heart who thinks its my duty to help everyone and spend tax dollars to do it.

Oh and if it were just your money being used I think your bleeding heart would die a quick death.

No shit huh?
What has more corruption, fraud and shady dealings than federal government programs? Saying the government needs to check the insurance industry is like saying the wolf should check the hen house. Heck, even the VA scandal is only a few years old.

Insurance is an option--Commie Care is not. If you don't want house insurance, you can rent an apartment or buy your house outright with no loan and not insure it. If you don't want to pay auto insurance, then don't drive. My mother nor her parents ever paid a dime into auto insurance. None of them ever drove a car in their lives.

I was listening to the POTUS channel on Serius XM radio this morning. The host was interviewing a Congress critter from Maryland. They were talking about Commie Care when the host asked about all the people that still don't have insurance? The Congressman didn't know what to say but um, er, ah, and so on. In other words, it's a failure. It didn't work. It cost thousands of people their jobs, it caused insurance companies to get the hell out of health insurance business.
We have one of the least corrupt governments on earth
Agreed. Corrupt.
Name a country that is less corrupt

That,sir is not the point. IMHO, we should not have a corrupt government.
Power is part of politics

But thanks to our free press and independent court system, it corrupts less than other nations
We're better than Botswana! Yay, us!
You are right. I always assumed it was but apparently the FF didn't want it in the constitution any more than they wanted health care in there.

Education is not mentioned in the Constitution of the United States, and for good reason. The Founders wanted most aspects of life managed by those who were closest to them, either by state or local government or by families, businesses, and other elements of civil society. Certainly, they saw no role for the federal government in education.

Unfortunately the Fed Govt. of today likes to run education. Hence the Department of Education which is why I thought it was in the Constitution.

Thanks for the heads up.

The DofE does not "run" education.

They mandate how it will be run by the States

And its Promote the GW, Not provide it.

1. They do not mandate how the States or local school boards operate. You are simply echoing propaganda. See the link here:

Policy -

2. Wrong again. Once again you've taken the word of conservatives rather than the law itself:

General Welfare

What Is the U.S. Department of Education?

The U.S. Department of Education is the agency of the federal government that establishes policy for, administers and coordinates most federal assistance to education. It assists the president in executing his education policies for the nation and in implementing laws enacted by Congress. The Department's mission is to serve America's students-to promote student achievement and preparation for global competitiveness by fostering educational excellence and ensuring equal access.

It sets the policies the State must follow. In effect it runs education for the country.

A general welfare clause is a section that appeared in many constitutions, as well as in some charters and statutes, which provides that the governing body empowered by the document may enact laws to promote the general welfare of the people, sometimes worded as the public welfare.

Madison had it right.

According to James Madison, the clause authorized Congress to spend money, but only to carry out the powers and duties specifically enumerated in the subsequent clauses of Article I, Section 8, and elsewhere in the Constitution, not to meet the seemingly infinite needs of the general welfare

Promote. Not provide.
Provide can promote

Helping the less fortunate promotes the General Welfare of the whole country


Becoming and stay gainfully employed;

Be a good guardian of the constitution - don,t ask the berners and the socialists to ignore its provisos

.get ready to protect the constituion using deadly force if necessary in order to prevent anyone from perpetrating treason against the Constitution
No One Has a Right to Health Care

Sanders’ assertion only goes to show how American socialists (i.e., progressives) have warped and perverted the concept of rights within the minds of the American people. The fact is that no one has a right to health care any more than he has a right to a home, a car, food, spouse, or anything else.
Apparently though people do have a right to fire protection, military protection, police protection, roads, bridges, canals, vaccinations... So there are some things Article 1, Section 8 allow us to collect taxes for the common Welfare..

What's more compelling to discuss here is not the "right" for people to have free or amazingly cheap healthcare (small co-pays each checkup), but the sanity of that move. If people had the equivalent of a second mortgage outlay each month suddenly freed up, think of the stimulation to the economy? If employers no longer had to pay premiums for employees, or worry about workman's comp, think about how many more people they could hire; who would in turn buy more houses and sundries, go on more vacations...essentially begin to pump money back into the pockets of the rich.

The bloggers on the net putting out "free healthcare is BAD!" propaganda such as this almost certainly are on payroll with a drug company or health insurance company. Those two industries will still exist...because premium care for the rich will still be around at their opting, and drugs will still sell, just not at such a price where you have to sell your house and live in a trailer if you get sick or injured and need them.

People who can do basic elementary level math can crunch the numbers to figure out how almost-free healthcare may not be a right, but it is an absolute cure-all for our economic woes from the very poorest to the richest 1%.

"But how will we pay for it!!"... Hillary lies and says we cannot afford it. She knows we can but is beholden to her masters. She has capitulated. We tax booze, tobacco and sugar products (main sickeners/killers) and then ask for a small co-pay at routine visits to cover actual costs of healthcare. Very large pool of sales tax piling up daily. And, perhaps give tax breaks for those folks who remained well that year and who went to regular checkups. That way the incentive would be to remain well, cost the country less and we could afford universal healthcare. The rich get to keep their premium care as they like.
No One Has a Right to Health Care

Sanders’ assertion only goes to show how American socialists (i.e., progressives) have warped and perverted the concept of rights within the minds of the American people. The fact is that no one has a right to health care any more than he has a right to a home, a car, food, spouse, or anything else.
Apparently though people do have a right to fire protection, military protection, police protection, roads, bridges, canals, vaccinations... So there are some things Article 1, Section 8 allow us to collect taxes for the common Welfare..

What's more compelling to discuss here is not the "right" for people to have free or amazingly cheap healthcare (small co-pays each checkup), but the sanity of that move. If people had the equivalent of a second mortgage outlay each month suddenly freed up, think of the stimulation to the economy? If employers no longer had to pay premiums for employees, or worry about workman's comp, think about how many more people they could hire; who would in turn buy more houses and sundries, go on more vacations...essentially begin to pump money back into the pockets of the rich.

The bloggers on the net putting out "free healthcare is BAD!" propaganda such as this almost certainly are on payroll with a drug company or health insurance company. Those two industries will still exist...because premium care for the rich will still be around at their opting, and drugs will still sell, just not at such a price where you have to sell your house and live in a trailer if you get sick or injured and need them.

People who can do basic elementary level math can crunch the numbers to figure out how almost-free healthcare may not be a right, but it is an absolute cure-all for our economic woes from the very poorest to the richest 1%.

"But how will we pay for it!!"... Hillary lies and says we cannot afford it. She knows we can but is beholden to her masters. She has capitulated. We tax booze, tobacco and sugar products (main sickeners/killers) and then ask for a small co-pay at routine visits to cover actual costs of healthcare. Very large pool of sales tax piling up daily. And, perhaps give tax breaks for those folks who remained well that year and who went to regular checkups. That way the incentive would be to remain well, cost the country less and we could afford universal healthcare. The rich get to keep their premium care as they like.


the government does NOT regulate healthcare thereby making it so fucking expensive

the government does not operate medicaid/medicare programs thereby making healthcare prohibitively expensive for those not covered by those programs

those who care for healthcare negotiate individual policies with insurers

individuals who care for health insurance prevent the government from interfering thereby ruining the system

Look at socialized medicine in the former USSR where individuals had to pay bribes to be seeing - there is no such thing as a free lunch

I don't see it that way at all.

But then I'm not a bleeding heart who thinks its my duty to help everyone and spend tax dollars to do it.

Oh and if it were just your money being used I think your bleeding heart would die a quick death.

Wanting the sick to have medical care is now "bleeding heart"?

I guess it is
The DofE does not "run" education.

They mandate how it will be run by the States

And its Promote the GW, Not provide it.

1. They do not mandate how the States or local school boards operate. You are simply echoing propaganda. See the link here:

Policy -

2. Wrong again. Once again you've taken the word of conservatives rather than the law itself:

General Welfare

What Is the U.S. Department of Education?

The U.S. Department of Education is the agency of the federal government that establishes policy for, administers and coordinates most federal assistance to education. It assists the president in executing his education policies for the nation and in implementing laws enacted by Congress. The Department's mission is to serve America's students-to promote student achievement and preparation for global competitiveness by fostering educational excellence and ensuring equal access.

It sets the policies the State must follow. In effect it runs education for the country.

A general welfare clause is a section that appeared in many constitutions, as well as in some charters and statutes, which provides that the governing body empowered by the document may enact laws to promote the general welfare of the people, sometimes worded as the public welfare.

Madison had it right.

According to James Madison, the clause authorized Congress to spend money, but only to carry out the powers and duties specifically enumerated in the subsequent clauses of Article I, Section 8, and elsewhere in the Constitution, not to meet the seemingly infinite needs of the general welfare

Promote. Not provide.
Provide can promote

Helping the less fortunate promotes the General Welfare of the whole country


Becoming and stay gainfully employed;

Be a good guardian of the constitution - don,t ask the berners and the socialists to ignore its provisos

.get ready to protect the constituion using deadly force if necessary in order to prevent anyone from perpetrating treason against the Constitution
Police and fire protection helps the General Welfare. So do roads, schools and public safety
Guess also helps the General Welfare
No one has a right to an education in the United States according to the Constitution, but we have it. No one has a right to medical care according to the Constitution but like education it's coming and almost here.
I don't see it that way at all.

But then I'm not a bleeding heart who thinks its my duty to help everyone and spend tax dollars to do it.

Oh and if it were just your money being used I think your bleeding heart would die a quick death.

Wanting the sick to have medical care is now "bleeding heart"?

I guess it is

Nope making it sound like its our duty to provide it is.
I don't see it that way at all.

But then I'm not a bleeding heart who thinks its my duty to help everyone and spend tax dollars to do it.

Oh and if it were just your money being used I think your bleeding heart would die a quick death.

Spoken like a true Callous Conservative. I'm of the opinion that greed and envy are the true sources of callous conservative thinking. Though thinking may not be the correct word to describe what amounts to an emotion, feed by the hate and fear rhetoric so popular in right wing discourse.

It is not just my money, though I suspect I may pay more in taxes than someone like you earns each year. I support the progressive federal income tax even as I oppose many things our tax dollars provide, such as wars of choice and members of Congress being paid for doing nothing constructive.
No one has a right to an education in the United States according to the Constitution, but we have it. No one has a right to medical care according to the Constitution but like education it's coming and almost here.

Your wrong on that pal.

The FF wanted education to be the responsibility of the towns and the state. Not the Fed Govt. That's why they left it out of the constitution.

Medical care is a commodity to be paid for. Its not a right and it sure as hell isn't in the constitution.
I don't see it that way at all.

But then I'm not a bleeding heart who thinks its my duty to help everyone and spend tax dollars to do it.

Oh and if it were just your money being used I think your bleeding heart would die a quick death.

Spoken like a true Callous Conservative. I'm of the opinion that greed and envy are the true sources of callous conservative thinking. Though thinking may not be the correct word to describe what amounts to an emotion, feed by the hate and fear rhetoric so popular in right wing discourse.

It is not just my money, though I suspect I may pay more in taxes than someone like you earns each year. I support the progressive federal income tax even as I oppose many things our tax dollars provide, such as wars of choice and members of Congress being paid for doing nothing constructive.

Oh you may pay more than me in taxes but I do pay taxes.

Spoken like a true bleeding heart liberal who thinks its everyone's duty to take care of all.
I don't see it that way at all.

But then I'm not a bleeding heart who thinks its my duty to help everyone and spend tax dollars to do it.

Oh and if it were just your money being used I think your bleeding heart would die a quick death.

Wanting the sick to have medical care is now "bleeding heart"?

I guess it is

Nope making it sound like its our duty to provide it is.
It is our duty as determined by We the People
I don't see it that way at all.

But then I'm not a bleeding heart who thinks its my duty to help everyone and spend tax dollars to do it.

Oh and if it were just your money being used I think your bleeding heart would die a quick death.

Wanting the sick to have medical care is now "bleeding heart"?

I guess it is

Nope making it sound like its our duty to provide it is.
It is our duty as determined by We the People

Flat out bullshit.

And thanks for your take on what I and every American should be responsible for.

  • A lack of empathy and common sense seems to have infected the clamorous minority.
  • Life, Liberty and Property are protected by Social Services.
  • Freely treating a diseased pauper with a communicable disease benefits all.
  • Art. I, Sec 8, clause 1 grants the Congress the power to tax, The Supreme Court has rule the PPACA is a tax and thus a lawful enterprise as it protects The People under the general Welfare,
Consider for example this definition of the GW by Hamilton vis a vis that of Madison, which the clamorous right holds to be the true and only definition:


General Welfare
Socialist entitlement programs are not general welfare, they are handouts. Dumbass
I don't see it that way at all.

But then I'm not a bleeding heart who thinks its my duty to help everyone and spend tax dollars to do it.

Oh and if it were just your money being used I think your bleeding heart would die a quick death.

Wanting the sick to have medical care is now "bleeding heart"?

I guess it is
Healthcare should not be forced on anyone, opt in or opt out is the only right way to go foreword... Are you too dense to understand something so simple??
I don't see it that way at all.

But then I'm not a bleeding heart who thinks its my duty to help everyone and spend tax dollars to do it.

Oh and if it were just your money being used I think your bleeding heart would die a quick death.

Wanting the sick to have medical care is now "bleeding heart"?

I guess it is
Healthcare should not be forced on anyone, opt in or opt out is the only right way to go foreword... Are you too dense to understand something so simple??

Yup and if you need help hit up your family and those providing charity.
I don't see it that way at all.

But then I'm not a bleeding heart who thinks its my duty to help everyone and spend tax dollars to do it.

Oh and if it were just your money being used I think your bleeding heart would die a quick death.

If your heart were bleeding it would cost you upwards of $100,000 to get it fixed.
I don't see it that way at all.

But then I'm not a bleeding heart who thinks its my duty to help everyone and spend tax dollars to do it.

Oh and if it were just your money being used I think your bleeding heart would die a quick death.

Spoken like a true Callous Conservative. I'm of the opinion that greed and envy are the true sources of callous conservative thinking. Though thinking may not be the correct word to describe what amounts to an emotion, feed by the hate and fear rhetoric so popular in right wing discourse.

It is not just my money, though I suspect I may pay more in taxes than someone like you earns each year. I support the progressive federal income tax even as I oppose many things our tax dollars provide, such as wars of choice and members of Congress being paid for doing nothing constructive.
But you are not forced into programs that do nothing whatsoever for you, like obamacare, SS, and Medicare do nothing for millions like me and many others here.
It's like burning our resources for nothing... I pay in every quarter for my businesses knowing every penny going onto these socialist entitlement programs is wasted...
Thats the federal government for ya.

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