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No One Has a Right to Health Care

Not water drawn from a mystical well is right, because that serves no one, but when drawn from a well that sustains life it serves everybody...

Sex is a basic need. It is a fundamental drive among humans. So there is a "human right" to rape your wife.

Now obviously this is absurd, as is your claim that health care is a right. You have no right to infringe the rights of others. You feel entitled in a Louis XIV kind of way, because you are a leftist who thinks that your wants are an impetus on others. They aren't though. You have no more claim to the labor and knowledge of a doctor than a skid row bum has claim to the sexual favors of your wife.

The insurance industry leads people to the mystical well, and tells the people that the well is running dry so just imagine the water to be drunk from it, and they do this after the people had invested so much in it only to find out that it was mystical (not real) when they chose finally to drink from it...And then meanwhile the corporatist draw a curtain over the real well in so that they will keep drinking it's wealth in life for themselves, and then hoping it never runs dry for themselves who are the profiteers.

Health care is a service provided by people who spend years to learn and involves substantial effort. You claim that you have a right to rob them, to take by force, to rape them; you do not. You are just another looter using the implied violence of the state to take by force that which you have not earned.
. You jump into a conversation and make a fool of yourself, because you haven't followed along enough to understand the context of things that are being said... No leftist here, but of course you figure I should drink at a well you ascribe to as a mindless idiot.. No thanks, and I'll keep an open mind. Now get back in line before you get caught trying to step out of line a little.. How bout you read to get the whole picture and context before you go spouting off again,. No one is that simple minded.
Tell us how trust-fund babies "earn" their wealth. (Excluding Paris Hilton; at least she got off her skinny butt long enough to make porn.)

The truth that you Communists avoid is that the number of "trust-fund" kids is so miniscule as to be irrelevant.

The 1% in this nation are mostly tech, FAR FAR LEFT, and self-made.

Bill Gates
Andrew Grove
Paul Allen
Elon Musk
Jeff Bezos
et al.

You're not a rational person, you are a Communist; so this is for the lurkers and the sane people in the forum;

There is a disease in the rich, which is best explained by a buffet.

If you have ever been to large buffets, you soon find that how they run is dependant on the economic status of those hosting and attending. With the lower income people, you find that plates are pre-made with portion control. When you attend mid-range affairs, food is set out on trays and usually run out of food before the party is over. For the high end, wait staff brings food through the whole affair.

Why is this relevant? It points to mindset. When there are limited resources, then rationing is imposed, with everyone making sure they get their fair share. The middle knows resources are limited and make sure they get in early. The rich live in a world where there are no limits. They lose sight of reality. Bill Gates has a "let them eat cake" view because in his world there is plenty of cake for everyone. When you have enough of a resource, you tend to not care about it and you begin to imagine that the resource is infinite. Because in the world of Musk or Bezos, money is unlimited, it's real easy to say "let's take from some to give to others," they have no thought of a mortgage or retirement accounts, it is unlimited. These are the 1% in America, out of touch with reality and driving us to the extreme left based on this delusional view of reality.
You jump into a conversation and make a fool of yourself, because you haven't followed along enough to understand the context of things that are being said... No leftist here, but of course you figure I should drink at a well you ascribe to as a mindless idiot.. No thanks, and I'll keep an open mind. Now get back in line before you get caught trying to step out of line a little.. How bout you read to get the whole picture and context before you go spouting off again,. No one is that simple minded.

The only fool here is you, Comrade. You with the idea that your wants create an imperative to others to fulfil them. Your need for healthcare is no different than your need for sex. You have no more right to demand that people be forced to service your healthcare needs than you do to demand that they fill your sexual needs.

Either way it is rape. You do not have the right to rape, regardless of how entitled you feel.

Oh, and I have been in this thread from the start, shit fer brains. Had YOU read the entire thread, you would know this.
Forgetting the fact that even a head transplant wouldn't teach you the difference, what's your argument for not saving lives with heart surgeries?

I'm all for giving you a heart transplant Comrade. It will be performed by George. George had 2 days of training at the Marinello school of beauty and heart surgery.


Fucking Communists, stupidest creatures in the universe..
Just like socialist entitlement programs - frivolous waste of money, time and resources...

Nobody gets killed people people get fed which also supports employment in the grocery sector ...and folks get health care which support their well being while also supporting employment in the Health Care sector ...and it prevents our seniors from eating Alpo dog food....

Iraq was a lose lose thing ...like you are a war loving shit spouting shit for brains "losah" conservative but I repeat myself...........
Never said I was for any war, but at the same time I know career politicians and their federal government are our greatest threat to any sort of freedom...
In some cases, they may be treated, but not in all. I know that my wife would never have been given a bone marrow transplant if we didn't have health insurance, because that is exactly what we were told by the hospital. The cost was just too great, and they couldn't afford to do it pro bono. Unfortunately, my wife didn't make it even with the bone marrow transplant. BTW, $100k is peanuts. My wife's bills exceeded $1 million, and that was in 2002. Without insurance, people would receive treatment, but there were and are definitely limits to that treatment. The other side of this is that when people like your family member go without insurance, then get treated for $100k, and then cannot pay, guess who pays for it. I do, that's who. Anyone who has insurance pays for the leeches who refuse to carry insurance on themselves. It kills me when conservatives whine about those on medicaid leeching off of them but then they themselves do not want to fully insure themselves leaving everyone else to pay their bills for them.

I'm sorry for your loss.

You illustrate what Beagle9 and the other Communists here cannot grasp, there are ALWAYS limits to available resources. The question is simply how do we allocate the resources we have? In our society, we have used money, as it provides an incentive to the service provider to provide the best care possible. BUT that care is contingent on the ability of the consumer to pay.

Beagle9 and the other Communists want to change the method of allocation to one of coercion. Under their plan, everyone gets a little bit of care, no one gets quality care.

Basically, if there is a pot of soup that feeds 10, and the chef sells his soup to those who have money, then 10 people get really good soup. Beagle9 comes along and wails "NO FAIR" everyone has a "right" to soup for free. A thousand people stand in line, but there is only enough soup to feed 10. The government overseer cracks his whip and tells the chef that everyone gets soup, or he gets the whip on his back. So what to do? The only thing he can do, add 999 gallons of water to the soup and give everyone the diluted mess.

And this is what happens when the Communists get ahold of healthcare. The amount of service doesn't increase, in fact considering the loss of incentive and the presence of coercion, the number of doctors, American born and educated, drops tremendously. So we water it down with trade school "technicians" and foreign "doctors" who follow a script and don't really know how to practice medicine.

What the Communists like Beagle9 cannot grasp is that reality is. Even if they get the power to force others to adapt to their mindless fantasy, reality will still assert itself.
You jump into a conversation and make a fool of yourself, because you haven't followed along enough to understand the context of things that are being said... No leftist here, but of course you figure I should drink at a well you ascribe to as a mindless idiot.. No thanks, and I'll keep an open mind. Now get back in line before you get caught trying to step out of line a little.. How bout you read to get the whole picture and context before you go spouting off again,. No one is that simple minded.

The only fool here is you, Comrade. You with the idea that your wants create an imperative to others to fulfil them. Your need for healthcare is no different than your need for sex. You have no more right to demand that people be forced to service your healthcare needs than you do to demand that they fill your sexual needs.

Either way it is rape. You do not have the right to rape, regardless of how entitled you feel.

Oh, and I have been in this thread from the start, shit fer brains. Had YOU read the entire thread, you would know this.
. Wow you been here from the start ? You actually admit that with the idiotic responses you give ?
I can't imagine any American wanting to deny access to urgent healthcare just because they can't afford it

Any Human Being,

it seems the basic values of conservatives are more reptilian than human. Once it appeared it was simply greed which motivated the hoi polloi to the Republican Party in the 1980's; now it seems the character flaws run much deeper. Lacking empathy and withholding care from others is not only mean spirited, it is inhuman and that stands out as the most obvious flaw of the 21st Century (callous) conservatives.

It is the mastery of the super wealthy

To divert attention away from the obscene portion of wealth that they have taken, they point to the poorest Americans and scream....There is the reason you are suffering

The wealthy don't "take" wealth, they earn it like everybody else.

They "take" what they can and trickle down the rest

It's theirs to take in the first place.

It's not like government who takes money that doesn't belong to them and then trickle it down to whom they see fit.
And this is why Republicans are a dying party

Oh, you've been brainwashed into that nonsense too, huh? Well the dying party had record success in retaking the leadership of Congress and the Senate, and Hillary doesn't stand a chance at winning the presidency either. We'll see who is a dying party.
Sure thing, pal. "Let them die!“ worked so well in 2012. Why not stick with that message in 2016?

Let's see, you had Trump to cling to. He's pretty much done now. He's unelectable anyway. Who's next? Cruz? :lol: A Christian fundie nut job who believes that abortion should be illegal and has no plan for US health care other than repeal Obamacare and go back to the old system? (That's pretty much any Republican candidate's health care policy)

Yep, and every one of our candidates is ten times better than a washed up Socialist or a criminal ex Secretary of State. None of our candidates are under investigation by the FBI.

Of course you hate Trump. Trump is a successful man. He didn't make his hundreds of millions by giving speeches for payoffs. He doesn't have any shady charities also under investigation by the FBI.

Just because liberals are void of integrity doesn't mean the rest of the country is. So we'll see who wins in November even if some have to accept their special place in hell for voting against Hillary.

Trump is actually under investigation, via lawsuits, over a get rich quick scam he ran for years.

Donald Trump billed his ‘University’ as a road to riches, but critics call it a fraud

You posted this as a joke.........right?????
And this is why Republicans are a dying party

Oh, you've been brainwashed into that nonsense too, huh? Well the dying party had record success in retaking the leadership of Congress and the Senate, and Hillary doesn't stand a chance at winning the presidency either. We'll see who is a dying party.
Sure thing, pal. "Let them die!“ worked so well in 2012. Why not stick with that message in 2016?

Let's see, you had Trump to cling to. He's pretty much done now. He's unelectable anyway. Who's next? Cruz? :lol: A Christian fundie nut job who believes that abortion should be illegal and has no plan for US health care other than repeal Obamacare and go back to the old system? (That's pretty much any Republican candidate's health care policy)

Private Health Care had no issues like Obamacare does. My plan was fine. Now its more expensive as a result of ACA. Furthermore, many places DO NOT accept Obamacare like Urgent Care and some doctors in general

Obamacare was ill thought out, forced on millions... What's not to love??



NO ONE HAD READ THE BILL , it had over 2000 pages

Introduced by Harry Reid (D-USSR)

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So who or what is the power that decides what humans have a right to?

It appears that the Constitution and the power of Reason are not enough.

One needs at least, an M4 Carbine.


Career politicians and their federal government rape their citizens every second of everyday... taxation without representation
Career politicians and their federal government rape their citizens every second of everyday... taxation without representation
You poor violated rape victim lol if you get pregnant its a gift
Cost of War in Iraq & Afghanistan


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