No one who loves America can vote Democrat after watching this explanation of the Left

Interesting video, got up to half hour mark and gotta go. Will finish later. Not sure I agree so far since yeah, Obama did mingle with marxists, socialists etc. but when push came to shove, as soon as he became prez, his allegiance was to the banks and wall street, just like a republican.

Well, I finished the clip. It devolved into the typical right wing drivel about christianity and the lack of that's ruining America. Lot of the stuff out of the fifties and even earlier. In reality the only interests taking over America are the corporations and a handful of extremely wealthy individuals. Didn't hear anything from these honorable gents about a corporation being a 'citizen' who can declare itself a resident of the caiman islands to beat taxes while the rest of us 'citizens' aren't allowed to do it. Anyway, switched to the last ten minutes of George Carlin where he talks about our politicians and the benefits of not voting since both candidates, demorat or repiglican, are bought. Look at Obama, supposedly a liberal. Wrong. Well maybe on social issues like pushing gun control and gay, transsexual stuff. When it comes to money, he's basically a republican. He gave us Obamacare, or better called the unaffordable care act, instead of single payer or socialized medical care like all other modern countries have. Instead of jailing bankers he brought 'em on board his administration, now collecting his reward giving speeches to wall street like hilary and bill are doing. Payback for being a member of the club. No, there are no socialists or progressives that have any power like you've been led to believe. There was also a george carlin clip available. The last ten minutes of that one's really good for a laugh. It's about politics. He had politics and people figured out pretty well.
Watch the video and find out. :eek: :tomato:
Sorry, but I prefer a 20 second written description here rather than wasting an hour and a half of my lifetime watching a video which revealed its insane agenda within the first 5 minutes.

What insane agenda would that be?
The agenda I laid out in my first post in this thread.

If you mean this: No one who loves America can vote Democrat after watching this explanation of the Left

The video doesn't mention liberalism very much.
The moronic OP tried to tie that video to the American left, which is largely Liberal.

No, bitch. The American left is largely chanting leftists, not liberal. Liberals are an extreme minority in the Democrat party. Liberals don't chant, they ask questions. ;)
That's the difference between leftists and liberals summed up. There's a few liberals on USMB, you are not among them.

Interesting video, got up to half hour mark and gotta go. Will finish later. Not sure I agree so far since yeah, Obama did mingle with marxists, socialists etc. but when push came to shove, as soon as he became prez, his allegiance was to the banks and wall street, just like a republican.

Well, I finished the clip. It devolved into the typical right wing drivel about christianity and the lack of that's ruining America. Lot of the stuff out of the fifties and even earlier. In reality the only interests taking over America are the corporations and a handful of extremely wealthy individuals. Didn't hear anything from these honorable gents about a corporation being a 'citizen' who can declare itself a resident of the caiman islands to beat taxes while the rest of us 'citizens' aren't allowed to do it. Anyway, switched to the last ten minutes of George Carlin where he talks about our politicians and the benefits of not voting since both candidates, demorat or repiglican, are bought. Look at Obama, supposedly a liberal. Wrong. Well maybe on social issues like pushing gun control and gay, transsexual stuff. When it comes to money, he's basically a republican. He gave us Obamacare, or better called the unaffordable care act, instead of single payer or socialized medical care like all other modern countries have. Instead of jailing bankers he brought 'em on board his administration, now collecting his reward giving speeches to wall street like hilary and bill are doing. Payback for being a member of the club. No, there are no socialists or progressives that have any power like you've been led to believe. There was also a george carlin clip available. The last ten minutes of that one's really good for a laugh. It's about politics. He had politics and people figured out pretty well.

Sorry, but I prefer a 20 second written description here rather than wasting an hour and a half of my lifetime watching a video which revealed its insane agenda within the first 5 minutes.

What insane agenda would that be?
The agenda I laid out in my first post in this thread.

If you mean this: No one who loves America can vote Democrat after watching this explanation of the Left

The video doesn't mention liberalism very much.
The moronic OP tried to tie that video to the American left, which is largely Liberal.

No, bitch. The American left is largely chanting leftists, not liberal. Liberals are an extreme minority in the Democrat party. Liberals don't chant, they ask questions. ;)
That's the difference between leftists and liberals summed up. There's a few liberals on USMB, you are not among them.

Interesting video, got up to half hour mark and gotta go. Will finish later. Not sure I agree so far since yeah, Obama did mingle with marxists, socialists etc. but when push came to shove, as soon as he became prez, his allegiance was to the banks and wall street, just like a republican.

Well, I finished the clip. It devolved into the typical right wing drivel about christianity and the lack of that's ruining America. Lot of the stuff out of the fifties and even earlier. In reality the only interests taking over America are the corporations and a handful of extremely wealthy individuals. Didn't hear anything from these honorable gents about a corporation being a 'citizen' who can declare itself a resident of the caiman islands to beat taxes while the rest of us 'citizens' aren't allowed to do it. Anyway, switched to the last ten minutes of George Carlin where he talks about our politicians and the benefits of not voting since both candidates, demorat or repiglican, are bought. Look at Obama, supposedly a liberal. Wrong. Well maybe on social issues like pushing gun control and gay, transsexual stuff. When it comes to money, he's basically a republican. He gave us Obamacare, or better called the unaffordable care act, instead of single payer or socialized medical care like all other modern countries have. Instead of jailing bankers he brought 'em on board his administration, now collecting his reward giving speeches to wall street like hilary and bill are doing. Payback for being a member of the club. No, there are no socialists or progressives that have any power like you've been led to believe. There was also a george carlin clip available. The last ten minutes of that one's really good for a laugh. It's about politics. He had politics and people figured out pretty well.

Dumbfuck, Liberals are leftwing.
What insane agenda would that be?
The agenda I laid out in my first post in this thread.

If you mean this: No one who loves America can vote Democrat after watching this explanation of the Left

The video doesn't mention liberalism very much.
The moronic OP tried to tie that video to the American left, which is largely Liberal.

No, bitch. The American left is largely chanting leftists, not liberal. Liberals are an extreme minority in the Democrat party. Liberals don't chant, they ask questions. ;)
That's the difference between leftists and liberals summed up. There's a few liberals on USMB, you are not among them.

Interesting video, got up to half hour mark and gotta go. Will finish later. Not sure I agree so far since yeah, Obama did mingle with marxists, socialists etc. but when push came to shove, as soon as he became prez, his allegiance was to the banks and wall street, just like a republican.

Well, I finished the clip. It devolved into the typical right wing drivel about christianity and the lack of that's ruining America. Lot of the stuff out of the fifties and even earlier. In reality the only interests taking over America are the corporations and a handful of extremely wealthy individuals. Didn't hear anything from these honorable gents about a corporation being a 'citizen' who can declare itself a resident of the caiman islands to beat taxes while the rest of us 'citizens' aren't allowed to do it. Anyway, switched to the last ten minutes of George Carlin where he talks about our politicians and the benefits of not voting since both candidates, demorat or repiglican, are bought. Look at Obama, supposedly a liberal. Wrong. Well maybe on social issues like pushing gun control and gay, transsexual stuff. When it comes to money, he's basically a republican. He gave us Obamacare, or better called the unaffordable care act, instead of single payer or socialized medical care like all other modern countries have. Instead of jailing bankers he brought 'em on board his administration, now collecting his reward giving speeches to wall street like hilary and bill are doing. Payback for being a member of the club. No, there are no socialists or progressives that have any power like you've been led to believe. There was also a george carlin clip available. The last ten minutes of that one's really good for a laugh. It's about politics. He had politics and people figured out pretty well.

Dumbfuck, Liberals are leftwing.

You're a leftist. A liberal would have asked: "Why aren't Liberals right wing?"

Not all Liberals are leftwing. A majority who call themselves "Liberal" are actually Social Marxists, which is in no way a Liberal mindset. The Democrat party is no longer majority liberal, it's majority Social Marxist. A veritable handful of Liberals are left in the Democrat party. There's less of them than "Alt-Right" in the Republican party. A LOT less, and "Alt-right" I would guess is around 8% of the Republican party. Think on that one, boy.

Liberals question, Leftists dictate and silence.

Definition of LIBERAL
The agenda I laid out in my first post in this thread.

If you mean this: No one who loves America can vote Democrat after watching this explanation of the Left

The video doesn't mention liberalism very much.
The moronic OP tried to tie that video to the American left, which is largely Liberal.

No, bitch. The American left is largely chanting leftists, not liberal. Liberals are an extreme minority in the Democrat party. Liberals don't chant, they ask questions. ;)
That's the difference between leftists and liberals summed up. There's a few liberals on USMB, you are not among them.

Interesting video, got up to half hour mark and gotta go. Will finish later. Not sure I agree so far since yeah, Obama did mingle with marxists, socialists etc. but when push came to shove, as soon as he became prez, his allegiance was to the banks and wall street, just like a republican.

Well, I finished the clip. It devolved into the typical right wing drivel about christianity and the lack of that's ruining America. Lot of the stuff out of the fifties and even earlier. In reality the only interests taking over America are the corporations and a handful of extremely wealthy individuals. Didn't hear anything from these honorable gents about a corporation being a 'citizen' who can declare itself a resident of the caiman islands to beat taxes while the rest of us 'citizens' aren't allowed to do it. Anyway, switched to the last ten minutes of George Carlin where he talks about our politicians and the benefits of not voting since both candidates, demorat or repiglican, are bought. Look at Obama, supposedly a liberal. Wrong. Well maybe on social issues like pushing gun control and gay, transsexual stuff. When it comes to money, he's basically a republican. He gave us Obamacare, or better called the unaffordable care act, instead of single payer or socialized medical care like all other modern countries have. Instead of jailing bankers he brought 'em on board his administration, now collecting his reward giving speeches to wall street like hilary and bill are doing. Payback for being a member of the club. No, there are no socialists or progressives that have any power like you've been led to believe. There was also a george carlin clip available. The last ten minutes of that one's really good for a laugh. It's about politics. He had politics and people figured out pretty well.

Dumbfuck, Liberals are leftwing.

You're a leftist. A liberal would have asked: "Why aren't Liberals right wing?"

Not all Liberals are leftwing. A majority who call themselves "Liberal" are actually Social Marxists, which is in no way a Liberal mindset. The Democrat party is no longer majority liberal, it's majority Social Marxist. A veritable handful of Liberals are left in the Democrat party. There's less of them than "Alt-Right" in the Republican party. A LOT less, and "Alt-right" I would guess is around 8% of the Republican party. Think on that one, boy.

Liberals question, Leftists dictate and silence.

Definition of LIBERAL
No, you’re a dumbass. Already knowing the answer to that question, Liberals would never ask it.
The moronic OP tried to tie that video to the American left, which is largely Liberal.

No, bitch. The American left is largely chanting leftists, not liberal. Liberals are an extreme minority in the Democrat party. Liberals don't chant, they ask questions. ;)
That's the difference between leftists and liberals summed up. There's a few liberals on USMB, you are not among them.

Interesting video, got up to half hour mark and gotta go. Will finish later. Not sure I agree so far since yeah, Obama did mingle with marxists, socialists etc. but when push came to shove, as soon as he became prez, his allegiance was to the banks and wall street, just like a republican.

Well, I finished the clip. It devolved into the typical right wing drivel about christianity and the lack of that's ruining America. Lot of the stuff out of the fifties and even earlier. In reality the only interests taking over America are the corporations and a handful of extremely wealthy individuals. Didn't hear anything from these honorable gents about a corporation being a 'citizen' who can declare itself a resident of the caiman islands to beat taxes while the rest of us 'citizens' aren't allowed to do it. Anyway, switched to the last ten minutes of George Carlin where he talks about our politicians and the benefits of not voting since both candidates, demorat or repiglican, are bought. Look at Obama, supposedly a liberal. Wrong. Well maybe on social issues like pushing gun control and gay, transsexual stuff. When it comes to money, he's basically a republican. He gave us Obamacare, or better called the unaffordable care act, instead of single payer or socialized medical care like all other modern countries have. Instead of jailing bankers he brought 'em on board his administration, now collecting his reward giving speeches to wall street like hilary and bill are doing. Payback for being a member of the club. No, there are no socialists or progressives that have any power like you've been led to believe. There was also a george carlin clip available. The last ten minutes of that one's really good for a laugh. It's about politics. He had politics and people figured out pretty well.

Dumbfuck, Liberals are leftwing.

You're a leftist. A liberal would have asked: "Why aren't Liberals right wing?"

Not all Liberals are leftwing. A majority who call themselves "Liberal" are actually Social Marxists, which is in no way a Liberal mindset. The Democrat party is no longer majority liberal, it's majority Social Marxist. A veritable handful of Liberals are left in the Democrat party. There's less of them than "Alt-Right" in the Republican party. A LOT less, and "Alt-right" I would guess is around 8% of the Republican party. Think on that one, boy.

Liberals question, Leftists dictate and silence.

Definition of LIBERAL
No, you’re a dumbass. Already knowing the answer to that question, Liberals would never ask it.

And you're a Social Marxist leftist shill that overestimates his own intelligence.

How did Karl Marx view social stratification? | eNotes

^Short version (What the DNC's present platform is)

^More details
Last edited:
The moronic OP tried to tie that video to the American left, which is largely Liberal.

No, bitch. The American left is largely chanting leftists, not liberal. Liberals are an extreme minority in the Democrat party. Liberals don't chant, they ask questions. ;)
That's the difference between leftists and liberals summed up. There's a few liberals on USMB, you are not among them.

Well, I finished the clip. It devolved into the typical right wing drivel about christianity and the lack of that's ruining America. Lot of the stuff out of the fifties and even earlier. In reality the only interests taking over America are the corporations and a handful of extremely wealthy individuals. Didn't hear anything from these honorable gents about a corporation being a 'citizen' who can declare itself a resident of the caiman islands to beat taxes while the rest of us 'citizens' aren't allowed to do it. Anyway, switched to the last ten minutes of George Carlin where he talks about our politicians and the benefits of not voting since both candidates, demorat or repiglican, are bought. Look at Obama, supposedly a liberal. Wrong. Well maybe on social issues like pushing gun control and gay, transsexual stuff. When it comes to money, he's basically a republican. He gave us Obamacare, or better called the unaffordable care act, instead of single payer or socialized medical care like all other modern countries have. Instead of jailing bankers he brought 'em on board his administration, now collecting his reward giving speeches to wall street like hilary and bill are doing. Payback for being a member of the club. No, there are no socialists or progressives that have any power like you've been led to believe. There was also a george carlin clip available. The last ten minutes of that one's really good for a laugh. It's about politics. He had politics and people figured out pretty well.

Dumbfuck, Liberals are leftwing.

You're a leftist. A liberal would have asked: "Why aren't Liberals right wing?"

Not all Liberals are leftwing. A majority who call themselves "Liberal" are actually Social Marxists, which is in no way a Liberal mindset. The Democrat party is no longer majority liberal, it's majority Social Marxist. A veritable handful of Liberals are left in the Democrat party. There's less of them than "Alt-Right" in the Republican party. A LOT less, and "Alt-right" I would guess is around 8% of the Republican party. Think on that one, boy.

Liberals question, Leftists dictate and silence.

Definition of LIBERAL
No, you’re a dumbass. Already knowing the answer to that question, Liberals would never ask it.

And you're a Social Marxist leftist shill that overestimates his own intelligence.

How did Karl Marx view social stratification? | eNotes

^Short version

^More details

I’m neither socialist nor Marxist.

Dayum, you rightards are brain-dead. :cuckoo:
No, bitch. The American left is largely chanting leftists, not liberal. Liberals are an extreme minority in the Democrat party. Liberals don't chant, they ask questions. ;)
That's the difference between leftists and liberals summed up. There's a few liberals on USMB, you are not among them.

Dumbfuck, Liberals are leftwing.

You're a leftist. A liberal would have asked: "Why aren't Liberals right wing?"

Not all Liberals are leftwing. A majority who call themselves "Liberal" are actually Social Marxists, which is in no way a Liberal mindset. The Democrat party is no longer majority liberal, it's majority Social Marxist. A veritable handful of Liberals are left in the Democrat party. There's less of them than "Alt-Right" in the Republican party. A LOT less, and "Alt-right" I would guess is around 8% of the Republican party. Think on that one, boy.

Liberals question, Leftists dictate and silence.

Definition of LIBERAL
No, you’re a dumbass. Already knowing the answer to that question, Liberals would never ask it.

And you're a Social Marxist leftist shill that overestimates his own intelligence.

How did Karl Marx view social stratification? | eNotes

^Short version

^More details

I’m neither socialist nor Marxist.

Dayum, you rightards are brain-dead. :cuckoo:

In that case (as per your denial of the obvious), it puts you in the "useful idiot" category. (According to the video) ;)
Dumbfuck, Liberals are leftwing.

You're a leftist. A liberal would have asked: "Why aren't Liberals right wing?"

Not all Liberals are leftwing. A majority who call themselves "Liberal" are actually Social Marxists, which is in no way a Liberal mindset. The Democrat party is no longer majority liberal, it's majority Social Marxist. A veritable handful of Liberals are left in the Democrat party. There's less of them than "Alt-Right" in the Republican party. A LOT less, and "Alt-right" I would guess is around 8% of the Republican party. Think on that one, boy.

Liberals question, Leftists dictate and silence.

Definition of LIBERAL
No, you’re a dumbass. Already knowing the answer to that question, Liberals would never ask it.

And you're a Social Marxist leftist shill that overestimates his own intelligence.

How did Karl Marx view social stratification? | eNotes

^Short version

^More details

I’m neither socialist nor Marxist.

Dayum, you rightards are brain-dead. :cuckoo:

In that case (as per your denial of the obvious), it puts you in the "useful idiot" category. (According to the video) ;)
Since I support neither nor espouse either, that places you in the dumbfuck category. You should stick to what you do best which is to manufacture stories about beating up Marines.
Who is going to watch an hour and a half video.

Everyone who watches the first 5 minutes.
There is a fake quote in the first 5 seconds. So fuck that bullshit, piss drinker.

Your opponents will use this info against you, so you really should watch the whole thing.

But if you want to give your opponents the advantage, that is a Christian thing to do.


God bless you.
That is the ONE thing all our country's enemies' hopes rest upon.

John Adams Quotes. "Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other."
Then you are surely repulsed by Donald Trump.
That is the ONE thing all our country's enemies' hopes rest upon.

John Adams Quotes. "Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other."

One of the most hilarious (and yet profoundly insightful) magazine covers of all time.



That is the ONE thing all our country's enemies' hopes rest upon.

John Adams Quotes. "Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other."
For such men are slaves, not of our Lord Christ but of their own appetites; and by their smooth and flattering speech they deceive the hearts of the unsuspecting. - Romans 16:18

That is the ONE thing all our country's enemies' hopes rest upon.

John Adams Quotes. "Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other."

Vote Trump Family Values™, but for GOD'S SAKE DON'T BAKE A CAKE FOR A HOMO!

That is the ONE thing all our country's enemies' hopes rest upon.

John Adams Quotes. "Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other."
Then you are surely repulsed by Donald Trump.

That is the ONE thing all our country's enemies' hopes rest upon.

John Adams Quotes. "Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other."

One of the most hilarious (and yet profoundly insightful) magazine covers of all time.




Interesting video, got up to half hour mark and gotta go. Will finish later. Not sure I agree so far since yeah, Obama did mingle with marxists, socialists etc. but when push came to shove, as soon as he became prez, his allegiance was to the banks and wall street, just like a republican.

Well, I finished the clip. It devolved into the typical right wing drivel about christianity and the lack of that's ruining America. Lot of the stuff out of the fifties and even earlier. In reality the only interests taking over America are the corporations and a handful of extremely wealthy individuals. Didn't hear anything from these honorable gents about a corporation being a 'citizen' who can declare itself a resident of the caiman islands to beat taxes while the rest of us 'citizens' aren't allowed to do it. Anyway, switched to the last ten minutes of George Carlin where he talks about our politicians and the benefits of not voting since both candidates, demorat or repiglican, are bought. Look at Obama, supposedly a liberal. Wrong. Well maybe on social issues like pushing gun control and gay, transsexual stuff. When it comes to money, he's basically a republican. He gave us Obamacare, or better called the unaffordable care act, instead of single payer or socialized medical care like all other modern countries have. Instead of jailing bankers he brought 'em on board his administration, now collecting his reward giving speeches to wall street like hilary and bill are doing. Payback for being a member of the club. No, there are no socialists or progressives that have any power like you've been led to believe. There was also a george carlin clip available. The last ten minutes of that one's really good for a laugh. It's about politics. He had politics and people figured out pretty well.

"...instead of single payer or socialized medical care like all other modern countries have...."

You are the enemy of Americans who would rather not give the state total control over our health care and records and decide the procedures and aporove the payments for the treatments they believe we should have.

You sound like you want to be a SUBJECT of a ruler rather than a SOVEREIGN.

If you wish to be dominated, do it on your own time with YOUR freedoms not mine.

Dont advocate that I or the rest of us should fall in line with your idea of a benevolent big Nanny State government that is actually a tiger if you take away or give away our safeguards.

You post like someone who would help create a Communist government here.
Most of the time, a Republican moves left and a Democrat moves right after a presidential election. This comes with the realization that he is now president of ALL the citizens.

That does not explain President Trump. If the truth be told, the only person Trump represents is himself. Anyone who denies this is stupid, and/or, out of touch with reality.
We have an alleged REPUBLICAN President who just said the Soviets were right to invade Afghanistan in 1979.


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