No Proof Joe Biden Is a Crook

thanks bbee, i didn't even look that up since it is common knowledge that EVERY bank transaction over a threshold ($10k at one time) is reported and "conservative" propensity to play sinister music behind hunters photo this must be bs.

What was Hunter being paid for? What did these foreign entities get in return other than a phone call with the VP to talk about the weather? It is very strange that Joe would get on a phone call with some people he doesn’t even know just to talk about the weather. Can you imagine asking your dad to join a conference call with you and some of your business partners that he doesn’t even know to talk about the weather? Do you think your dad may ask what is the point? Does that make any sense whatsoever? Joe knew the point, he isn’t that stupid. Also, Joe has said repeatedly that he didn’t know Hunter’s business partners, but pictures say otherwise. I mean I suppose it is possible that he and Hunter were heading out to play golf one morning and they happened to run into some of Hunter’s business partners that were traveling from Ukraine and were at the same golf course and had the same tee times and decided to pair up. While theoretically possible, it is highly, highly unlikely. Why would Joe like about this? People lie when they have something to cover up. Seriously, you either haven’t thought this through or don’t really care if they are guilty.
What was Hunter being paid for? What did these foreign entities get in return other than a phone call with the VP to talk about the weather? It is very strange that Joe would get on a phone call with some people he doesn’t even know just to talk about the weather. Can you imagine asking your dad to join a conference call with you and some of your business partners that he doesn’t even know to talk about the weather? Do you think your dad may ask what is the point? Does that make any sense whatsoever? Joe knew the point, he isn’t that stupid. Also, Joe has said repeatedly that he didn’t know Hunter’s business partners, but pictures say otherwise. I mean I suppose it is possible that he and Hunter were heading out to play golf one morning and they happened to run into some of Hunter’s business partners that were traveling from Ukraine and were at the same golf course and had the same tee times and decided to pair up. While theoretically possible, it is highly, highly unlikely. Why would Joe like about this? People lie when they have something to cover up. Seriously, you either haven’t thought this through or don’t really care if they are guilty.
the children of rich americans sit on corporate boards until their families start to trust them., it is what they do. they get a little paycheck and a participation trophy for their resume.

trump did it. the young trumps are no different.
Hunter didn't report it and didn't pay taxes on it! Didn't you watch the IRS whistleblowers testimony? Get your head out of your ass, Dragonlady! Making claims like that one shows that you are either woefully ignorant or just plain clueless!

Yes I did watch the testimony, but obviously you didn't.

Hunter was late in filing his returns but he filed them and he paid the taxes. He hasn't been credibly accused by anyone of tax evasion, or failing to pay taxes.

The Trump Corporation, has been found guilty of criminal tax evasion schemes involving more than a million dollars in unpaid taxes. Furthermore, the Trump Corporation is currently being investigated for bank and insurance fraud, and tax evasion in the State of New York. There was a federal investigation of these same matters in the SDNY, but Bill Barr shut it down when he became AG. Then there's this story:

This story is fromm 2019, but there were crickets from the same people who are howling with outrage over the Biden SARs.

There are videos of Joe before the election and after the election all in front of us. Joe is partially demented. He tells us the Progs agendas because of it and before the 2020 election Joe and Nancy Pelosi made statements of the stealing of the election. I believe the evil must tell the population of what they are going to do as to ring in the trials and tribulations to their people. That is why we hear his insanity over and over. We than make our choices. And we are in decline from them.

Your post is blithering, makes no sense, and isn’t even English.

You telling us there are statements is about as valuable as you telling us you have evidence. Post links.

You have NOTHING, as a always.
Hunter didn't report it and didn't pay taxes on it! Didn't you watch the IRS whistleblowers testimony? Get your head out of your ass, Dragonlady! Making claims like that one shows that you are either woefully ignorant or just plain clueless!

Yes I did watch the testimony, but obviously you didn't.

Hunter was late in filing his returns but he filed them and he paid the taxes. He hasn't been credibly accused by anyone of tax evasion, or failing to pay taxes.

The Trump Corporation, has been found guilty of criminal tax evasion schemes involving more than a million dollars in unpaid taxes. Furthermore, the Trump Corporation is currently being investigated for bank and insurance fraud, and tax evasion in the State of New York. There was a federal investigation of these same matters in the SDNY, but Bill Barr shut it down when he became AG. Then there's this story:

This story is fromm 2019, but there were crickets from the same people who are howling with outrage over the Biden SARs.
You all may be interested to know that the LEGAL standard government imposes on the private sector in these foreign money matters must avoid conflicts of interest even in appearance.
if there were one shred of "evidence" biden would be long ago impeached.

most "conservatives" do not consider over a million pages of sworn testimony to be evidence.

accusations do not equal evidence.
Not true. Biden has the entire federal government and the media running a coverup operation.

What "million pages of sworn testimony" are you referring to?

There is a mountain of evidence against Biden. Even Democrats believe he's a crook.
There is a LOT of circumstantial evidence against Joe, and of course direct evidence against Hunter. The former needs to be impeached, and the latter sent to prison.
Both Hunter and Trump have been charged with tax crimes. Should they both be going to prison?
"Semi-news semi-satire"? Is that what the left depends on for information? Maybe y'all protest too much. If there is no proof that old Joe is a crook than relax and let it play out.
You all may be interested to know that the LEGAL standard government imposes on the private sector in these foreign money matters must avoid conflicts of interest even in appearance.

That’s the dumbest post you’ve ever made. The criminal code and legal standards deal in facts and evidence, not “appearances”. The ethical standard is to avoid the appearance of conflict of interest, but that’s not always possible.

In any case, there are no appearances of conflicts of interest with Hunter Biden. There are only the slanders, smears and lies of Republicans - none of which are supported by any evidence or witnesses whatsoever.

There are no limits to the extent to which you will try to stretch the truth in order to claim the Bidens are corrupt.
That’s the dumbest post you’ve ever made. The criminal code and legal standards deal in facts and evidence, not “appearances”.
This is why foreigners from Canada should keep out of our business. You clearly don't know our laws clown girl. Look up Enron and the LAWS passed after idiot.
If you really want to find sleezy unethical political families making money from their name, you should check out the trumps. From Ivanka's trademarks to Jared's 2 billion dollar gift, Hunter Biden is receiving pocket change in comparison.
The difference is that Joey Xi, his son and brothers violated FARA laws favored the enemy in a Pay for Play scheme.

Joe stole classified documents. Boxes full of them. Is that not solid proof that he is indeed a crook?
The difference is that Joey Xi, his son and brothers violated FARA laws favored the enemy in a Pay for Play scheme.

Which of the links you post are proof of wrongdoing?
Trump's cheering squad worried about a couple million Hunter made while Kushner made off with a couple billion from the Saudis.
Strange nobody mentioned it during his 8 years as VP or from 2016 to 2020.

I'm sure in 2028, we'll get new "bombshell" coverage of how Harris got trillions from whatever nation happens to be in the news.
Nobody is going to give Kamala ten cents let alone "trillions", Candy! She's useless and nobody in the Biden Administration trusts her to handle anything hard.

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