No proof of election fraud?

So you believe you have DIRECT PERSONAL EXPERIENCE that Rachel Maddow lies as much as Tucker Carlson? You know them both personally?
What is it about Leftism, that make all of you such very bad readers? Didn't any of you ever graduate grade school with above a C+ grade average? Direct personal experience means what you actually SEE and HEAR for YOURSELF, like watching the enclosed video, not just swallowing whatever tripe some 3rd party "fact checking" site TELLS you. Or is independent thought a foreign idea to you.

It is my direct personal experience that msnbc's lawyers didn't have to go to court and say "don't believe anything Rachel Maddow tells you".
That's only because conservatives don't operate like Leftists seeking to challenge and suppress everything outside their own personal world view. We believe in letting people watch and listen to other people's opinions right or wrong then making up your own minds for YOURSELVES.
What is it about Leftism, that make all of you such very bad readers? Didn't any of you ever graduate grade school with above a C+ grade average? Direct personal experience means what you actually SEE and HEAR for YOURSELF, like watching the enclosed video, not just swallowing whatever tripe some 3rd party "fact checking" site TELLS you. Or is independent thought a foreign idea to you.

That's only because conservatives don't operate like Leftists seeking to challenge and suppress everything outside their own personal world view. We believe in letting people watch and listen to other people's opinions right or wrong then making up your own minds for YOURSELVES.
So you watched a video and believe everything it told you, but independent fact checking is bad? :lol: Yeah, okay...
Pretty much...All of it.

Offering the most suspect "fact-checker" site as proof proves nothing. Carlson isn't even a Trump Supporter, now you have him lying for Trump? :auiqs.jpg:

Don't you people ever form an independent thought for yourself based on YOUR own direct experiences?

Or were you just born being TOLD what to think by others?
Offering the most suspect "fact-checker" site as proof proves nothing. Carlson isn't even a Trump Supporter, now you have him lying for Trump? :auiqs.jpg:

Don't you people ever form an independent thought for yourself based on YOUR own direct experiences?

Or were you just born being TOLD what to think by others?
1. There is nothing suspect about the independent fact checker. Had you bothered to visit the link you would see that they sourced every single thing talked about unlike Carlson.

2. You are higher than a kite if you think Carlson isn't a Trump supporter.
So you watched a video and believe everything it told you

Again, learn to read. I never said any such thing. I watch and listen to people then weigh what they claim against my own direct experiences of what I've experienced or know has been proven to me.

The more what a person claims or reports agrees with what I know and have experienced or agrees with other trusted sources, the higher confidence I have in them.

I have fairly high confidence in most things Carlson reports as I've never heard him claim anything I felt was flagrantly wrong.

I can't say that at all for Rachel Maddow, Snopes or you.
So you watched a video and believe everything it told you, but independent fact checking is bad? :lol: Yeah, okay...

Really a triggered person, aren't you?


"Independent" fact-checkers, my ass. Learn to form your OWN opinions or do your OWN research.
All the media is full of shit. They all play one fool against the other. And you are just one of those fools

Again, where's your evidence there was irrefutable fraud?
I know you Don't have so the usual blaming the media enters the debate.
The media don't count the votes idiot.
They report the results.

Cheney was right when she said there is no fraud.
No, just reduced to asking you to show me something justifying your particular view, but apparently you can't justify it.
I gave ample justification, Tucker is not very trustworthy. If Maddow is not trustworthy that doesn't excuse Carlson.
I wouldn't depend on a questionable website to give me an honest account of a progressive. I try to base my opinions on DIRECT PERSONAL EXPERIENCE.
So we've gone from whataboutism to shooting the messenger. I don't think that is progress.
Nine farts in a row by the paid shills before grampas post, :auiqs.jpg: :lmao: Like clockwork,the paid trolls avoid post # 39 of mine because they know I took them to school major fraud and cheating is what got lying Biden in office.,they can only sling shit in defeat like the monkey trolls they are. :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:
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Sure as hell looks like proof to me. How can anyone have confidence in the process with crap like this going on?

And before you comment WATCH THE ENTIRE VIDEO

Nobody watches your videos.

I urge you and every republican to never vote again if you think it is "rigged".

We are going to see some arrests and court filings by Labor Day right?
Evidence already offered for Carlson's untrustworthiness. You may not like the evidence but you have yet to refute it.

Really? That is what you offer? A handful of supposed statements taken with no context of how they were said or meant along with some "fact-checker's" opinions, themselves not even embellished with how THEY arrived at their decisions other than a stupid VU meter? :71:
Really? That is what you offer? A handful of supposed statements taken with no context of how they were said or meant along with some "fact-checker's" opinions, themselves not even embellished with how THEY arrived at their decisions other than a stupid VU meter? :71:
All the information was right there in front of you, it must have been difficult but you managed to avoid getting any information you didn't want to get. Allow me to spoon feed you:

Tucker Carlson spins web of misleading claims as he alleges ‘meaningful voter fraud’ in Georgia​


  • Tucker Carlson suggested that an alarm that sounded at a Fulton County elections warehouse in May 2021 could be proof of fraud in the 2020 election. But it was a motion detector in a room that wasn’t storing any ballots.
  • Carlson made several other allegations — including about double-scanned ballots and mail-in ballots without creases — that were false, misleading or unsubstantiated.
  • After an initial count that declared Joe Biden the winner in Georgia, the state’s election results underwent a full hand audit and a machine recount that confirmed Biden’s victory.
Fox News host Tucker Carlson promoted a number of false, misleading and unsubstantiated claims about election fraud in Georgia in a recent segment on his cable news program.
"It now appears there actually was meaningful voter fraud in Fulton County, Georgia, last November," Carlson said July 14. "That is not a conspiracy theory. It's true."
Carlson told his viewers he was giving them the "fact-based," "official version" of what happened in Georgia, where Joe Biden defeated Donald Trump by more than 11,000 votes in a contest the state’s Republican election officials affirmed was free and fair.
But Carlson’s account of what happened in Fulton County — a Democratic stronghold that includes Atlanta — was neither official nor true. State and local officials and election experts said his claim of fraud reflected a misunderstanding of election procedures.
"Nothing that he brought up points to any voter fraud," Richard Barron, Fulton County’s elections director, told PolitiFact.
Viral clips from the segment online were flagged as part of Facebook’s efforts to combat false news and misinformation on its News Feed. (Read more about our partnership with Facebook.)
In the past, Fox News has argued in court that Carlson’s show should not always be viewed as strictly factual, and that his viewers expect him to stray from the truth. Asked about the July 14 segment, a Fox News spokesperson pointed as evidence not to any official record or finding, but to a July 13 press release from VoterGA, a group Carlson cited during his segment.
The group, led by Garland Favorito, is leading a search for evidence of fraud with a lawsuit seeking access to Fulton County’s absentee ballots. A critic of Georgia’s elections, Favorito has promoted conspiracy theories about 9/11, John F. Kennedy and other topics.

Supports of President Donald Trump holds signs outside State Farm Arena on Nov. 5, 2020, in Atlanta. (AP)
Here’s the truth behind the main claims Carlson made on air.
A warehouse alarm
Carlson opened his segment with a dramatic — and misleading — story about an alarm that went off at a warehouse housing ballots in Fulton County this year:
"On a Saturday night in late May of this year, an alarm sounded in a big, nondescript warehouse in Fulton County, Georgia. The warehouse was an unlikely place for a burglary … But someone tried to do it anyway, and at just the perfect moment, 20 minutes after deputies in charge of guarding the warehouse left their post. By the time those deputies returned to check out the alarm, someone had opened the hundred-pound door to the warehouse. So what happened that night? And why? We still don’t know."
We do know. In fact, a photograph Carlson aired on screen came from a Georgia Public Broadcasting report that explained what happened.

A screenshot of a "Tucker Carlson Tonight" segment about alleged voter fraud in Fulton County, Georgia, as seen on July 14, 2021.
The alarm that rang did not come from the part of the building housing ballots, reporter Stephen Fowler wrote in June. And the door was opened by off-duty police officers.
The kicker: The officers who opened it had been hired as private security by an attorney representing several plaintiffs in the lawsuit seeking access to Fulton County’s ballots — the very people seeking to prove Georgia’s election was marred by fraud.
Barron, the elections director, said the alarm was tied to a motion detector in an office belonging to the clerk of the superior court, likely triggered by a rodent.
When it sounded, the Fulton County Sheriff’s deputies watching the building were changing shifts, he said. That left an opening for the litigants’ hired security to approach the building.
Barron said that the county clerk had accidentally left a door unlocked, and that those officers had "illegally trespassed" when they opened it and entered. He said they "staged photos to make it look as though the door was wide open."
The ballots inside remained secured.
Double-scanned ballots
Carlson’s second allegation: that Fulton County counted thousands of ballots more than once.
Carlson said VoterGA identified more than 4,000 votes that were duplicates in Fulton County. He also cited an Atlanta Journal-Constitution report about potential double-scanned ballots in the initial count.
"The final tally from the double counts we know about amounts to more than 3,300 votes for Joe Biden and 865 votes for Donald Trump," Carlson said. He added: "We're talking about a lot of ballots, at least hundreds of ballots involved, enough potentially to affect the outcome of the election."
Election workers do sometimes make errors, and Fulton County has had a history of messy elections, said Charles S. Bullock III, a professor of political science at the University of Georgia. But a similar claim that over 4,000 of the county’s ballots were scanned multiple times was rated False by PolitiFact.
"There is no evidence that thousands of ballots were counted twice," said Amber McReynolds, chief executive officer of the National Vote at Home Institute.
The Atlanta Journal-Constitution reported that the county may have scanned nearly 200 ballots twice before the state’s recounts. But the newspaper added that "there’s no indication any vote for president was counted more than once in official results."



Facebook posts
stated on July 13, 2021 in a Facebook post
In the 2020 presidential election, “4,255 ballots in Fulton County, Georgia, were scanned multiple times” and “3,390 went to Biden.”

By Tom Kertscher • July 19, 2021
Georgia conducted a hand audit and a machine recount of ballots, both of which upheld Biden’s victory. For a ballot to have counted twice in the official results, it would have had to be scanned twice in the initial tally, then counted twice again during the hand audit and machine recount.
"The chance that you are going to double scan the same batch again is, like you might as well win the lottery," Barron said. "I think the odds are worse."

Fulton County Ga. elections director Richard Barron listens during a press conference while workers scan ballots as part of Georgia's presidential recount on Nov. 25, 2020, in Atlanta. (AP)
On screen, Carlson showed a video of an election worker feeding ballots through a machine and said it "appears to show large numbers of ballots being scanned multiple times."
But it’s typical for election workers to have to cancel and rescan some batches of ballots, experts said. The practice is not fraudulent double-counting. It’s what election workers in Fulton County and elsewhere are instructed to do when machines jam up or fail to scan a ballot.
Investigators looked into allegations of fraud in Fulton County and found nothing, the Georgia secretary of state’s office told PolitiFact. The recounts corrected some mistakes that had no bearing on the outcome, including in two counties that went for Trump.
"There’s never been an election held in Georgia which has been checked so many different ways," said Bullock.
Falsified audit tally sheets
Carlson claimed that VoterGA had found "falsified" audit tally sheets with "fabricated vote totals," including sheets that logged hundreds of votes for Biden and zero for other candidates.
"It certainly sounds like flat-out criminal fraud," he said.
The source for the claim, again, was VoterGA’s July 13 press release. PolitiFact reached out to the group for more details and did not hear back in time for publication.
But the hand audit in which these tally sheets were used did not produce Georgia’s final, certified results, Barron said. The state’s machine recount did, and it confirmed Biden’s victory.
As for the sheets VoterGA said only tallied votes for Biden, Barron said they were likely the result of election workers sorting ballots by candidate during the audit.
"They would put these into piles, and then on the tally sheet, they would mark the number of votes cast according to the count of each of those piles," Barron said.
A photo from the audit shows an election worker doing just that, as USA Today reported. The outlet also reported that there were similar batches from the audit with all votes tallied for Trump. "Since they did use the sorting method during the recount, it is possible for a batch to look like that," McReynolds told PolitiFact.

An election worker looks at a ballot during Georgia's hand recount of presidential votes on Nov.15, 2020, in Marietta, Ga. (AP)
Ballots without creases
Carlson said a "whistleblower" had captured photos of mail-in ballots without creases.
"That's strange because of course mail-in ballots need to be bent in order to be mailed in," he said as the images ran on screen. "These ballots clearly had never been inside an envelope."
But many military and overseas voters receive electronic ballots that they print, fill out and return by mail, Gabriel Sterling, Georgia’s voting system implementation manager, told the New York Times in January. These ballots are not the right size for scanners, so election workers under supervision transfer those votes onto normal ballots so the scanners can read them.
The same process occurs for ballots that get torn in the scanner, sliced when opening the envelope, or too wrinkled and bent in the mail. During the 2020 election, the process was also standard procedure in Georgia’s Republican counties, CNN’s Daniel Dale reported.
"It is absolutely not proof of fraud," McReynolds said.

A Fulton County elections worker processes absentee ballots at the State Farm Arena on Nov. 2, 2020, in Atlanta. (AP)
35,000 voters moved
Carlson's final claim was that thousands of Georgia voters cast ballots from old addresses.
"Nearly 35,000 Georgia voters moved out of their county of residence more than a month prior to Election Day," Carlson said. "They were ineligible to vote. And yet they did."
The source for Carlson’s claim was an article from the Federalist, a conservative website. The article said the figure came from an expert who compared the U.S. Postal Service’s national change-of-address database with data from Georgia’s secretary of state.
The secretary of state’s office told PolitiFact it disputed the claim. And an address change for the purpose of receiving mail is not itself proof of a change in residency that would affect voting.
Some college students might continue to vote from their home address while they go to school, Bullock said. Military members stationed at one of Georgia’s many bases could do the same.
The Federalist’s article acknowledged what Carlson did not — that those people "may have been students, members of the military, or may have only relocated temporarily."
Our ruling
Carlson said, "It now appears there actually was meaningful voter fraud in Fulton County, Georgia last November. That is not a conspiracy theory. It's true."
To back his claim, the Fox News host rattled off several claims purporting to show signs of fraud. Each was inaccurate, misleading or unsubstantiated, PolitiFact found.
Biden’s victory in Georgia was confirmed by two recounts.
We rate Carlson’s claim False.

Our Sources​

Fox News, "Tucker Carlson Tonight," July 14, 2021
Fox News, "Tucker investigates Fulton County election incident," July 14, 2021
Snopes, "No, Tucker Carlson Didn’t Reveal Evidence of Mass Voter Fraud in Georgia," July 15, 2021
Media Matters for America, "Pushing more easily-debunked lies about the election, Tucker Carlson threatens another insurrection," July 15, 2021
The Washington Post, "Here is the latest baseless voter fraud allegation, brought to you by Trump and Tucker Carlson," July 15, 2021
Daniel Dale on Twitter, July 15, 2021
Stephen Fowler on Twitter, July 15, 2021
Stephen Fowler on Twitter, July 15, 2021
The Atlanta Journal-Constitution, "Some ballots initially double-counted in Fulton before recount," July 13, 2021
VoterGa, "New Evidence Reveals GA Audit Fraud and Massive Errors," July 13, 2021
The Federalist, "Ignoring Georgia Illegal Voting Proves Democrats Don’t Care About Election Integrity At All," July 12, 2021
Georgia Public Broadcasting, "Fulton County Investigating Alarm At Election Warehouse As Conspiracy Theories Grow," June 1, 2021
USA Today, "Fact check: Georgia military, overseas ballots not evidence of election fraud," May 29, 2021
The New York Times, "A Georgia election official debunked Trump’s claims of voter fraud, point by point," Jan. 4, 2021
The Associated Press, "Second Georgia county finds previously uncounted votes," Nov. 17, 2020
PolitiFact, "No proof of thousands of double-counted ballots in 2020 presidential race in Ga.," July 19, 2021
PolitiFact, "Here’s why Georgia’s Republican officials are confident in their presidential election results," Jan. 5, 2021
PolitiFact, "Matt Schlapp’s baseless claim that 9,000 Nevada mail ballots are illegitimate," Nov. 11, 2020
Statement from Fox News, July 16, 2021
Email interview with Amber McReynolds, chief executive officer at the National Vote at Home Institute, July 16, 2021
Phone interview with Charles S. Bullock III, professor of political science at the University of Georgia, July 16, 2021
Phone interview with Georgia Secretary of State’s Office, July 16, 2021
Phone interview with Richard Barron, elections director for Fulton County, Georgia, July 16, 2021
I wonder how Tucker would fare if independently compared to others in the news media such as Madcow and others?
Feel free to compare them but I doubt you really want an answer, your bias is well established and no amount of information could ever change that.

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