No proof of election fraud?

Feel free to compare them but I doubt you really want an answer, your bias is well established and no amount of information could ever change that.

Call it bias if you want, but Tucker shares my ideas, rage, ideals and values about the same things while any time I listen to Madcow, PBS, et al., all I hear is known lies, spin and BS. If that "biases" me, then so be it. I'm very biased again socialism.
We know they cheated....They know they cheated....They know that we know that they know they cheated....Yet they still disingenuously claim that the election was "the most secure and fair in history".

What they "also know" is that there is no opposition and they can do whatever they damn please.

This is just getting started.
You were duped, again...

He regurgitated a bunch of already debunked claims. Remember, FOX told us Carleson isn't to be believed.

We were duped? Have you listened to Babblingbrook Pinochijoe talk away from the large print teleprompter???
Call it bias if you want, but Tucker shares my ideas, rage, ideals and values about the same things while any time I listen to Madcow, PBS, et al., all I hear is known lies, spin and BS. If that "biases" me, then so be it. I'm very biased again socialism.
Sounds like a severe case of Confirmation Bias:
  • Confirmation bias is the tendency of people to favor information that confirms their existing beliefs or hypotheses.
  • Confirmation bias happens when a person gives more weight to evidence that confirms their beliefs and undervalues evidence that could disprove it.
  • People display this bias when they gather or recall information selectively, or when they interpret it in a biased way.
  • The effect is stronger for emotionally charged issues and for deeply entrenched beliefs.
You have a distorted view of reality based on your bias. You should consider professional help.
Funny, as someone familiar with all the forms of bias who has authored a textbook on applied psychology, I'm usually one of the professionals that others seek out for THEIR help.

Maybe I should seek myself for consultation. :smoke:

Oooo, sorry, that was very biased of me.
Physician heal thyself

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