No Russian Collusion? What now?

Trump is being pushed into a corner.
Trump is forced to get aggressive on Russia, because Democrats don't like him? What is this nonsense?As for the "anti-war" left, they've been drowned out by the neocons for a while now. Or they are 70 years old.
The only time I saw "Free Speech Zones" was during the Obama Administration, which was intended to restrict people's free speech elsewhere.
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Trump is being pushed into a corner.
Trump is forced to get aggressive on Russia, because Democrats don't like him? What is this nonsense?As for the "anti-war" left, they've been drowned out by the neocons for a while now. Or they are 70 years old.
You can’t read, apparently. Reread my post please. No need to be partisan., if I understand, you are saying both sides are forcing him into a corner. Okay . So he would start war with Russia? Or, "provoke them", by standing up to them?
Not even you think Trump was stupid enough to do that.
Actually, I do. that, honestly, is what has surprised me the most about Donald Trump: he is amazingly stupid. he is more stupid than I ever would have imagined. he seems to know fuck all about anything, and he doesn't seem willing or even capable of learning anything about anything. Sure I knew we would have at least 4 years of an amoral, unethical, classless dick as a president -- we all knew that, even his supporters -- but I did not expect him to be so incredibly stupid.
You might be right.

The terrible consequence of the Left’s lie that Trump colluded with Russia, is that Donnie is now pushing a confrontational relationship with Russia. He is surrounded by warmongering nut jobs like Bolton, Pence, and Pompoe. Now with the entire left media and D party captured by the MIC, we might be headed for nuclear war. Trump is being pushed into a corner.

Where did the anti-war left go? They fucking disappeared.
There already is direct evidence of collusion according to Schiff. But it should be instead called conspiracy.

“I think there is direct evidence in the emails from the Russians through their intermediary offering dirt on Hillary Clinton as part of what is described in writing as the Russian government effort to help elect Donald Trump," Schiff said on CBS's "Face the Nation."

"They offer that dirt. There is an acceptance of that offer in writing form the president’s son, Don Jr., and there is overt acts and furtherance of that," he added, citing a summer 2016 meeting at Trump Tower between the Russian lawyer and members of the president's team.
/——/ When did Trump tell Russia to hack Hildabeast emails? Why would Russia need Trumps permission or request? Do you know how ridiculous you sound?

July 27, 2016 was when he asked for Russia's help to defeat Hillary.

If you are uneducated on the subject please go back and educate yourself first, then feel free to return. But when you sit there asking uninformed questions that just show you have no clue on the subject at hand, it doesn't help your stance.


Trump asked if anyone who had already hacked the DNC emails, could then also find the Benghazi emails of Hillary that Hillary said had already been deleted. Trump never asked for anyone to hack the DNC email. And no one ever hacked Hillary's emails as far as we know.

There is nothing wrong with asking for help, and there also would have been nothing wrong with giving help.
Emails have always been ruled public and not private.
But nothing happened
No one ever revealed Hillary's emails.

As far as the DNC emails, no contract was made until August, long after the June and July hacking.
And again, not only is hacking email legal, but it is also protected by whistleblower laws, since the DNC was deliberately conducting fraud by giving Hillary debate questions ahead of time.
Not even you think Trump was stupid enough to do that.
Actually, I do. that, honestly, is what has surprised me the most about Donald Trump: he is amazingly stupid. he is more stupid than I ever would have imagined. he seems to know fuck all about anything, and he doesn't seem willing or even capable of learning anything about anything. Sure I knew we would have at least 4 years of an amoral, unethical, classless dick as a president -- we all knew that, even his supporters -- but I did not expect him to be so incredibly stupid.
You might be right.

The terrible consequence of the Left’s lie that Trump colluded with Russia, is that Donnie is now pushing a confrontational relationship with Russia. He is surrounded by warmongering nut jobs like Bolton, Pence, and Pompoe. Now with the entire left media and D party captured by the MIC, we might be headed for nuclear war. Trump is being pushed into a corner.

Where did the anti-war left go? They fucking disappeared.
There already is direct evidence of collusion according to Schiff. But it should be instead called conspiracy.

“I think there is direct evidence in the emails from the Russians through their intermediary offering dirt on Hillary Clinton as part of what is described in writing as the Russian government effort to help elect Donald Trump," Schiff said on CBS's "Face the Nation."

"They offer that dirt. There is an acceptance of that offer in writing form the president’s son, Don Jr., and there is overt acts and furtherance of that," he added, citing a summer 2016 meeting at Trump Tower between the Russian lawyer and members of the president's team.

That is not collusion because there is no crime in whistle-blowing on fraud by the DNC.
Nor has anyone proven the Russians were involved.
Not that it would be illegal if the Russians had been involved.
Trump is unstable and doesn't know it.
I have to laugh when I see amateur psychiatrists "diagnosing" someone they've likely never even met. The amount of hubris necessary for such "expert evaluations" is stunning.

I never met Mussolini or Manson either but it's a safe bet that they were also unhinged. The excuses for bad behavior that you strumpets have also shows that you aren't exactly playing with a full deck either.
There is nothing wrong with asking for help, and there also would have been nothing wrong with giving help.
No and no.

There is something wrong with asking a foreign government to illegally obtain your election opponent's emails and then release them to the public, as it encourages a criminal act to damage your opponent politically. Do you think there is anything wrong with that?

And it would have been wrong to give this help, in the form of the act of stealing that private property and releasing it to the public, as it is actually a crime to do so.
Nixon resigned before he was impeached.
well, technically, that is not accurate. The House impeached him. And he resigned once he knew he would lose his trial in the Senate.

The House merely passed a resolution in order to START an investigation over possible impeachment.
No investigation ever even got started before Nixon resigned, so no, Nixon was never impeached.
Not even you think Trump was stupid enough to do that.
Actually, I do. that, honestly, is what has surprised me the most about Donald Trump: he is amazingly stupid. he is more stupid than I ever would have imagined. he seems to know fuck all about anything, and he doesn't seem willing or even capable of learning anything about anything. Sure I knew we would have at least 4 years of an amoral, unethical, classless dick as a president -- we all knew that, even his supporters -- but I did not expect him to be so incredibly stupid.
You might be right.

The terrible consequence of the Left’s lie that Trump colluded with Russia, is that Donnie is now pushing a confrontational relationship with Russia. He is surrounded by warmongering nut jobs like Bolton, Pence, and Pompoe. Now with the entire left media and D party captured by the MIC, we might be headed for nuclear war. Trump is being pushed into a corner.

Where did the anti-war left go? They fucking disappeared.
There already is direct evidence of collusion according to Schiff. But it should be instead called conspiracy.

“I think there is direct evidence in the emails from the Russians through their intermediary offering dirt on Hillary Clinton as part of what is described in writing as the Russian government effort to help elect Donald Trump," Schiff said on CBS's "Face the Nation."

"They offer that dirt. There is an acceptance of that offer in writing form the president’s son, Don Jr., and there is overt acts and furtherance of that," he added, citing a summer 2016 meeting at Trump Tower between the Russian lawyer and members of the president's team.

That is not collusion because there is no crime in whistle-blowing on fraud by the DNC.
Nor has anyone proven the Russians were involved.
Not that it would be illegal if the Russians had been involved.
The russian efforts were hacking by guccifer 2.0, and troll farms. Social media tools.
There is nothing wrong with asking for help, and there also would have been nothing wrong with giving help.
No and no.

There is something wrong with asking a foreign government to illegally obtain your election opponent's emails and then release them to the public, as it encourages a criminal act to damage your opponent politically. Do you think there is anything wrong with that?

And it would have been wrong to give this help, in the form of the act of stealing that private property and releasing it to the public, as it is actually a crime to do so.
/—-/ was it illegal for Ted Belch Kennedy to ask Russia to help defeat Reagan?
They are going to come up with people like former employees that will say that Pres.Trump used racial slurs on them.
Good! Let the people decide if that's who they want in the Oval Office, after 2020.
The people surely didn't wanted Obama in office. But the mainstream media never reported that. Right now, the immigrants didn't like Obama at all. He was giving the power to White Corporate America to take over their country But by the MSM painting this picture that Pres.Trump is bad, and that Obama was good. Trying to make t seems as if the Leftist are with them. So they can come across the border and vote Leftist. Obama's administration has done so much wrong with these people of the southern border countries than any other administrations. That they doesn't have any control of the country anymore. It is run by White Corporate Americans. That has taken their lands and jobs away from them. Now they are unhealthy and starving. And if country that goes against their products, that they will destroy them. No they has tricked the conservative party by letting them to think that they are trying to flood them into this country. So that we will retaliate against them. But really they are trying to get the immigrants to beg for them to come back into power and do not complain anymore about what they do to their country.


There is nothing wrong with asking for help, and there also would have been nothing wrong with giving help.
No and no.

There is something wrong with asking a foreign government to illegally obtain your election opponent's emails and then release them to the public, as it encourages a criminal act to damage your opponent politically. Do you think there is anything wrong with that?

And it would have been wrong to give this help, in the form of the act of stealing that private property and releasing it to the public, as it is actually a crime to do so.

That is ignorant.
Email has always been ruled by all courts to be public property.
They travel between dozens of servers to get to you, and everyone along the way might intentionally or accidentally have copies.

And negotiating with a foreign power over election help is only illegal if you deliberately harm the interest of the US in the process.
For example, like when Reagan talked Iran in to holding the US hostages until after the election, so that Carter would lose.
/——/ When did Trump tell Russia to hack Hildabeast emails? Why would Russia need Trumps permission or request? Do you know how ridiculous you sound?

July 27, 2016 was when he asked for Russia's help to defeat Hillary.

If you are uneducated on the subject please go back and educate yourself first, then feel free to return. But when you sit there asking uninformed questions that just show you have no clue on the subject at hand, it doesn't help your stance.


Trump asked if anyone who had already hacked the DNC emails, could then also find the Benghazi emails of Hillary that Hillary said had already been deleted. Trump never asked for anyone to hack the DNC email. And no one ever hacked Hillary's emails as far as we know.

There is nothing wrong with asking for help, and there also would have been nothing wrong with giving help.
Emails have always been ruled public and not private.
But nothing happened
No one ever revealed Hillary's emails.

As far as the DNC emails, no contract was made until August, long after the June and July hacking.
And again, not only is hacking email legal, but it is also protected by whistleblower laws, since the DNC was deliberately conducting fraud by giving Hillary debate questions ahead of time.
”There is nothing wrong with asking for help, and there also would have been nothing wrong with giving help.”


Of course there’s something wrong with soliciting foreign nationals to hack a political opponent — it’s against the law...

Who can and can't contribute

Foreign nationals

Campaigns may not solicit or accept contributions from foreign nationals. Federal law prohibits contributions, donations, expenditures and disbursements solicited, directed, received or made directly or indirectly by or from foreign nationals in connection with any election — federal, state or local. This prohibition includes contributions or donations made to political committees and building funds and to make electioneering communications. Furthermore, it is a violation of federal law to knowingly provide substantial assistance in the making, acceptance or receipt of contributions or donations in connection with federal and nonfederal elections to a political committee, or for the purchase or construction of an office building. This prohibition includes, but is not limited to, acting as a conduit or intermediary for foreign national contributions and donations.
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There is nothing wrong with asking for help, and there also would have been nothing wrong with giving help.
No and no.

There is something wrong with asking a foreign government to illegally obtain your election opponent's emails and then release them to the public, as it encourages a criminal act to damage your opponent politically. Do you think there is anything wrong with that?

And it would have been wrong to give this help, in the form of the act of stealing that private property and releasing it to the public, as it is actually a crime to do so.

That is ignorant.
Email has always been ruled by all courts to be public property.
They travel between dozens of servers to get to you, and everyone along the way might intentionally or accidentally have copies.

And negotiating with a foreign power over election help is only illegal if you deliberately harm the interest of the US in the process.
For example, like when Reagan talked Iran in to holding the US hostages until after the election, so that Carter would lose.
Maybe in Russia...but hacking into a computer in this county and stealing information is a crime Igor
/——/ When did Trump tell Russia to hack Hildabeast emails? Why would Russia need Trumps permission or request? Do you know how ridiculous you sound?

July 27, 2016 was when he asked for Russia's help to defeat Hillary.

If you are uneducated on the subject please go back and educate yourself first, then feel free to return. But when you sit there asking uninformed questions that just show you have no clue on the subject at hand, it doesn't help your stance.


Trump asked if anyone who had already hacked the DNC emails, could then also find the Benghazi emails of Hillary that Hillary said had already been deleted. Trump never asked for anyone to hack the DNC email. And no one ever hacked Hillary's emails as far as we know.

There is nothing wrong with asking for help, and there also would have been nothing wrong with giving help.
Emails have always been ruled public and not private.
But nothing happened
No one ever revealed Hillary's emails.

As far as the DNC emails, no contract was made until August, long after the June and July hacking.
And again, not only is hacking email legal, but it is also protected by whistleblower laws, since the DNC was deliberately conducting fraud by giving Hillary debate questions ahead of time.
”There is nothing wrong with asking for help, and there also would have been nothing wrong with giving help.”


Of course there’s something wrong with soliciting foreign nationals to hack a political opponent — it’s against the law...

Who can and can't contribute

Foreign nationals

Campaigns may not solicit[/red] or accept contributions from foreign nationals. Federal law prohibits contributions, donations, expenditures and disbursements solicited, directed, received or made directly or indirectly by or from foreign nationals in connection with any election — federal, state or local. This prohibition includes contributions or donations made to political committees and building funds and to make electioneering communications. Furthermore, it is a violation of federal law to knowingly provide substantial assistance in the making, acceptance or receipt of contributions or donations in connection with federal and nonfederal elections to a political committee, or for the purchase or construction of an office building. This prohibition includes, but is not limited to, acting as a conduit or intermediary for foreign national contributions and donations.

That legislation is about MONEY.
Is not about information or EMAILS.
And anything except money is perfectly legal.

But Trump was talking about wanting help in finding the missing Clinton server emails after Benghazi.
Since Hillary said they were missing, then anyone looking for or finding them would be doing everyone a favor, and it would not at all be illegal.

And you are also wrong about email in general.
Since emails always are routed through dozens of servers in order to get delivered, the counts have ruled than can never be considered private, and it is not illegal to copy them.
All the servers they are routed through likely has copies of them.
There is nothing wrong with asking for help, and there also would have been nothing wrong with giving help.
No and no.

There is something wrong with asking a foreign government to illegally obtain your election opponent's emails and then release them to the public, as it encourages a criminal act to damage your opponent politically. Do you think there is anything wrong with that?

And it would have been wrong to give this help, in the form of the act of stealing that private property and releasing it to the public, as it is actually a crime to do so.

That is ignorant.
Email has always been ruled by all courts to be public property.
They travel between dozens of servers to get to you, and everyone along the way might intentionally or accidentally have copies.

And negotiating with a foreign power over election help is only illegal if you deliberately harm the interest of the US in the process.
For example, like when Reagan talked Iran in to holding the US hostages until after the election, so that Carter would lose.
Maybe in Russia...but hacking into a computer in this county and stealing information is a crime Igor

Damaging anything is a crime, but emails are NEVER private according to all judicial rulings there have ever been.
That is because they don't just pop up on your server.
They get routed through half a dozen servers, all of which could still have copies of them.
And there is no way that administrators on all those servers can be prohibited from looking at those copies if they want to or need to.
Your emails do not belong to you.
They are not your property.
So anyone who knows how can look at them any time they want to.
There is no way you can keep computers working the way we want them to, and prevent administrators from having access to our emails. And that includes remote administrators. They do not need our permission.
There is nothing wrong with asking for help, and there also would have been nothing wrong with giving help.
No and no.

There is something wrong with asking a foreign government to illegally obtain your election opponent's emails and then release them to the public, as it encourages a criminal act to damage your opponent politically. Do you think there is anything wrong with that?

And it would have been wrong to give this help, in the form of the act of stealing that private property and releasing it to the public, as it is actually a crime to do so.

That is ignorant.
Email has always been ruled by all courts to be public property.
They travel between dozens of servers to get to you, and everyone along the way might intentionally or accidentally have copies.

And negotiating with a foreign power over election help is only illegal if you deliberately harm the interest of the US in the process.
For example, like when Reagan talked Iran in to holding the US hostages until after the election, so that Carter would lose.
Hacking email is illegal. Try not to appear so unhinged.

Jury convicts Palin e-mail intruder on two counts; mistrial declared on ID theft

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