No shootings at parochial schools. Why? What are they doing right?

What are Catholic/private schools doing right that Public schools are not?

  • More discipline

    Votes: 12 48.0%
  • Religious teaching

    Votes: 8 32.0%
  • High tuition

    Votes: 2 8.0%
  • More parental involvement

    Votes: 12 48.0%
  • Strict dress code

    Votes: 4 16.0%
  • Other

    Votes: 9 36.0%

  • Total voters
I was curious if any school shootings happened at Catholic schools, so far there were none. There were about 200 public school shootings since 2000.
This is significant since about 25% of US students attend Catholic/private schools. Should public schools learn from what Catholic schools are doing right? Maybe buying bullet-proof backpacks isn't the answer?

Catholic schools, spared from mass school shootings, remain vigilant

Lets take a poll...
Religious schools teach respect and restraint...If you're a career fuck-up, you get tossed out.

Parents are more involved because they have some real skin in the game.

No doubt there are aspects to the administration and faculty that are involved in the more productive educational environment as well.

sure go with that one ...

then look at all the settlements the Catholic church has made with parents of molested children by faculty ...
The topic is school shootings, Gomer.
The respect they do or dont teach is irrelevant, gomer. Public schools, to the tune of 99.996%, dont produce school shooters, Gomer.

Your logic endorses the parenting and staff of the public schools, if youre using the non-shootings at the catholic schools to extrapolate that its based on their ethics, gomer. :thup:
Don't GAF...The topic is still school shootings, not pedo sex scandals which are primarily isolated with the Catholics...There are numerous other denominations that fall under the heading of parochial schools.

Now buzz off.
I was curious if any school shootings happened at Catholic schools, so far there were none. There were about 200 public school shootings since 2000.
This is significant since about 25% of US students attend Catholic/private schools. Should public schools learn from what Catholic schools are doing right? Maybe buying bullet-proof backpacks isn't the answer?

Catholic schools, spared from mass school shootings, remain vigilant

Lets take a poll...
Religious schools teach respect and restraint...If you're a career fuck-up, you get tossed out.

Parents are more involved because they have some real skin in the game.

No doubt there are aspects to the administration and faculty that are involved in the more productive educational environment as well.

sure go with that one ...

then look at all the settlements the Catholic church has made with parents of molested children by faculty ...
The topic is school shootings, Gomer.
The respect they do or dont teach is irrelevant, gomer. Public schools, to the tune of 99.996%, dont produce school shooters, Gomer.

Your logic endorses the parenting and staff of the public schools, if youre using the non-shootings at the catholic schools to extrapolate that its based on their ethics, gomer. :thup:
Don't GAF...The topic is still school shootings, not pedo sex scandals.

Now buzz off.
The topic is bad inferences, and you and the OP are both guilty of making them. Logic should be mandatory in your "private" schools too, and here's why.
Thus the asking of the question, is there a cause? And if so, what is it?

Seems unlikely that with 200 instances, that it would just be random chance.
Theres a cause, and it has nothing to do with what "type" of school they go to ~ thats really dopey because as far as anyone can tell, Schools themselves dont cause mental disabilities or sell guns to Minors.

So, how do you explain the discrepancy claimed in the op?
It doesn't require explanation because it's a bad inference.

1st of all, The Sandy Hook shooter wasn't an Elementary School student. He shot up a school that he wasn't even attending. Chew on that for 5 minutes until it hits you.

Bad inferences get you to really, super dumb places.

For instance, why are there Church and Mosque shootings in places of God-worship - and we haven't heard of one at a Satanic Temple? What are they doing right?!?!?!?

See how stupid that is?

You cannot make a statistical inference in a sample set as small as 200, especially as it pertains to schools because newsflash: only 10% of students in grades k-12 are in private school, and an even smaller percentage of that in catholic schools.

Of those students in catholic schools, 100% of them have had a place of their religious worship (we call them a Church) shot up somewhere in this Country.

^this is how we make bad inferences, when we're dummies.

1. Adam Lanza was 20, so his "school shooting" wasn't typical of the data set of 200 mass shootings BY STUDENTS
Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting - Wikipedia

2. There aren't many Satanic Temples, if any. So please try to do numerically significant examples

3. You claim 100% of religions had a church shooting, please provide a link to a Catholic church shooting in the US

4. There is a difference between "bad inferences" and "statistically significant". The fact you ignore is ZERO school shootings for private schools. ZERO is a very significant number.

5. Just thought of another factor that might save lives. Psychological testing. Maybe profilers could identify or "red flag" certain students who might be shooters? That's assuming that the students would answer truthfully. Then have their parents answer questions as well. There are no privacy rights or civil liberties until you're out of school...
You missed the point(s)

1. The point about Adam Lanza is that the schools themselves are not the necessary correlative. Actually? Why don't you tell me the Religion of some of the 200 shooters - maybe there's a common Religion...maybe there's no Religions...maybe we should take the 200, and whatever Religion that NONE of them are....we should all convert, because this is how poor inferences work.

2. There aren't that many kids in catholic schools, per capita. It's like 5%, and that's starting with the fact that only 0.004% of schools have shooters. That means you'd expect to finally see a school shooter in a catholic school zero times.

3. In virtue of which specific teaching do you want to separate catholic from christian from baptist, etc. to eliminate the point that fuggin jesus worshipping churches have had shootings? What teaching....specifically....

4. Again, you'd EXPECT zero, since shootings themselves are already a statistical anomaly, and you're talking about schools a very small minority of children even attend.

1. Look at the very long history of school shootings. List of school shootings in the United States - Wikipedia
I don't want to go thru the list to see if any were in Catholic schools, but if any were, they are rare. The common thread if any, is mental illness. How can we test for mental illness? Prior shootings had many causes/triggers, but most were at the teacher. Was discipline a trigger? Was religion a stopper? You obviously can't accept the fact that ZERO shooters in Catholic schools is statistically significant.

2. Maybe its not the school or religion but their attitude to discipline or mental illness.
"How many high schools are there in the US? According to the Digest of Education Statistics, 2001, (Table 89). In the United States, there are about 26,407 public secondary schools, and 10,693 private secondary schools." That's 40% private HS, not "like 5%"
If a disciplinarian beats the crap out of a kid for cause, then that kid has a choice, he can accept the discipline and improve or get a gun. The snowflakes being produced by today's public schools all too often grab a gun, why?

3. Keep the discussion on "private schools" where any religion can be taught, but 53% are Catholic, so a majority. Does teaching morality or religion matter?

4. You keep hiding behind the "statistical anomaly" argument instead of answering the question, why are school shootings at public schools and none at Catholic/private schools? What is the reason? Do the 200 shootings x 40% percent of private schools or 80 at private schools "by statistics" matter? That's 80 school shootings that did not happen. Why?
I was curious if any school shootings happened at Catholic schools, so far there were none. There were about 200 public school shootings since 2000.
This is significant since about 25% of US students attend Catholic/private schools. Should public schools learn from what Catholic schools are doing right? Maybe buying bullet-proof backpacks isn't the answer?

Catholic schools, spared from mass school shootings, remain vigilant

Lets take a poll...
Well, now you've jinxed it. Well done.
Theres a cause, and it has nothing to do with what "type" of school they go to ~ thats really dopey because as far as anyone can tell, Schools themselves dont cause mental disabilities or sell guns to Minors.

So, how do you explain the discrepancy claimed in the op?
It doesn't require explanation because it's a bad inference.

1st of all, The Sandy Hook shooter wasn't an Elementary School student. He shot up a school that he wasn't even attending. Chew on that for 5 minutes until it hits you.

Bad inferences get you to really, super dumb places.

For instance, why are there Church and Mosque shootings in places of God-worship - and we haven't heard of one at a Satanic Temple? What are they doing right?!?!?!?

See how stupid that is?

You cannot make a statistical inference in a sample set as small as 200, especially as it pertains to schools because newsflash: only 10% of students in grades k-12 are in private school, and an even smaller percentage of that in catholic schools.

Of those students in catholic schools, 100% of them have had a place of their religious worship (we call them a Church) shot up somewhere in this Country.

^this is how we make bad inferences, when we're dummies.

1. Adam Lanza was 20, so his "school shooting" wasn't typical of the data set of 200 mass shootings BY STUDENTS
Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting - Wikipedia

2. There aren't many Satanic Temples, if any. So please try to do numerically significant examples

3. You claim 100% of religions had a church shooting, please provide a link to a Catholic church shooting in the US

4. There is a difference between "bad inferences" and "statistically significant". The fact you ignore is ZERO school shootings for private schools. ZERO is a very significant number.

5. Just thought of another factor that might save lives. Psychological testing. Maybe profilers could identify or "red flag" certain students who might be shooters? That's assuming that the students would answer truthfully. Then have their parents answer questions as well. There are no privacy rights or civil liberties until you're out of school...
You missed the point(s)

1. The point about Adam Lanza is that the schools themselves are not the necessary correlative. Actually? Why don't you tell me the Religion of some of the 200 shooters - maybe there's a common Religion...maybe there's no Religions...maybe we should take the 200, and whatever Religion that NONE of them are....we should all convert, because this is how poor inferences work.

2. There aren't that many kids in catholic schools, per capita. It's like 5%, and that's starting with the fact that only 0.004% of schools have shooters. That means you'd expect to finally see a school shooter in a catholic school zero times.

3. In virtue of which specific teaching do you want to separate catholic from christian from baptist, etc. to eliminate the point that fuggin jesus worshipping churches have had shootings? What teaching....specifically....

4. Again, you'd EXPECT zero, since shootings themselves are already a statistical anomaly, and you're talking about schools a very small minority of children even attend.

1. Look at the very long history of school shootings. List of school shootings in the United States - Wikipedia
I don't want to go thru the list to see if any were in Catholic schools, but if any were, they are rare. The common thread if any, is mental illness. How can we test for mental illness? Prior shootings had many causes/triggers, but most were at the teacher. Was discipline a trigger? Was religion a stopper? You obviously can't accept the fact that ZERO shooters in Catholic schools is statistically significant.

2. Maybe its not the school or religion but their attitude to discipline or mental illness.
"How many high schools are there in the US? According to the Digest of Education Statistics, 2001, (Table 89). In the United States, there are about 26,407 public secondary schools, and 10,693 private secondary schools." That's 40% private HS, not "like 5%"
If a disciplinarian beats the crap out of a kid for cause, then that kid has a choice, he can accept the discipline and improve or get a gun. The snowflakes being produced by today's public schools all too often grab a gun, why?

3. Keep the discussion on "private schools" where any religion can be taught, but 53% are Catholic, so a majority. Does teaching morality or religion matter?

4. You keep hiding behind the "statistical anomaly" argument instead of answering the question, why are school shootings at public schools and none at Catholic/private schools? What is the reason? Do the 200 shootings x 40% percent of private schools or 80 at private schools "by statistics" matter? That's 80 school shootings that did not happen. Why?
The math went over your head, is the thing.

Only 10% of all k-12 students attend private schools. Not sure where the fuck youre getting your numbers, or if you're visiting some quirky website that's including tuition-based Colleges or something...but it's certainly speshulll math. 5% of them are Catholic schools.
How many students will attend school in fall 2019?

About 56.6 million students will attend elementary, middle, and high schools across the United States (source).

  • 50.8 million students in public schools
  • 5.8 million students in private schools
Fast Facts: Back to school statistics (372)

The point in bringing up that it's a statistical anomaly, is because shootings (lets use 200 shootings since 2000, so over 19years) occuring at a school (using 38,000 which is a low-ball estimate (it's actually around triple that, LOL!!!!!!!) to keep it simple for you)...Is 10.5 shootings per year since 2000...

Using the 19-year average(10.5/yr), that means that there's a 300ths, of ONE-percent chance...that 1 of the 38, 000 schools per year has a shooter.

5% of 300ths of one percent is the chances that its a catholic school.


in 200 shootings, by probability ALONE, youd expect to see ZERO of them at the catholic schools

And youre alluding some awesome mathematical genius that nobody else is privy to...the fact that its IN VIRTUE of them being catholic schools.....

when the math alone put their probability at statistical ZERO of having one of the shootings in any given year.

Youre making a bad inference, and youre also starting with false statistics, to boot.
Last edited:
My vote is for "other". Catholic schools have taken the issue of security very seriously for a long time. I came across an article from back on March 23, 2001. An excerpt:

An attorney and former school principal who has written widely on the legal issues related to school violence, Shaughnessy is employed as a consultant by many Catholic schools and dioceses. In the fall of 1999 she conducted a workshop in the Scranton, Pa, diocese where Bishop Neumann is located.

Like other Catholic schools in the Scranton, Pa, diocese, Bishop Neumann has a zero-tolerance policy on weapons. Safety measures the school had instituted included security cameras and secured entrances. Students at Bishop Neumann must stow their backpacks in their lockers at the beginning of the day and are required to keep books in clear plastic.

“There is no way you can guarantee the absolute safety of children,” Shaughnessy said. “Nobody would have expected what happened at Bishop Neumann High School, but I also think it’s important not to blow it out of proportion.”

Expert says Catholic schools are safer
So, how do you explain the discrepancy claimed in the op?
It doesn't require explanation because it's a bad inference.

1st of all, The Sandy Hook shooter wasn't an Elementary School student. He shot up a school that he wasn't even attending. Chew on that for 5 minutes until it hits you.

Bad inferences get you to really, super dumb places.

For instance, why are there Church and Mosque shootings in places of God-worship - and we haven't heard of one at a Satanic Temple? What are they doing right?!?!?!?

See how stupid that is?

You cannot make a statistical inference in a sample set as small as 200, especially as it pertains to schools because newsflash: only 10% of students in grades k-12 are in private school, and an even smaller percentage of that in catholic schools.

Of those students in catholic schools, 100% of them have had a place of their religious worship (we call them a Church) shot up somewhere in this Country.

^this is how we make bad inferences, when we're dummies.

1. Adam Lanza was 20, so his "school shooting" wasn't typical of the data set of 200 mass shootings BY STUDENTS
Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting - Wikipedia

2. There aren't many Satanic Temples, if any. So please try to do numerically significant examples

3. You claim 100% of religions had a church shooting, please provide a link to a Catholic church shooting in the US

4. There is a difference between "bad inferences" and "statistically significant". The fact you ignore is ZERO school shootings for private schools. ZERO is a very significant number.

5. Just thought of another factor that might save lives. Psychological testing. Maybe profilers could identify or "red flag" certain students who might be shooters? That's assuming that the students would answer truthfully. Then have their parents answer questions as well. There are no privacy rights or civil liberties until you're out of school...
You missed the point(s)

1. The point about Adam Lanza is that the schools themselves are not the necessary correlative. Actually? Why don't you tell me the Religion of some of the 200 shooters - maybe there's a common Religion...maybe there's no Religions...maybe we should take the 200, and whatever Religion that NONE of them are....we should all convert, because this is how poor inferences work.

2. There aren't that many kids in catholic schools, per capita. It's like 5%, and that's starting with the fact that only 0.004% of schools have shooters. That means you'd expect to finally see a school shooter in a catholic school zero times.

3. In virtue of which specific teaching do you want to separate catholic from christian from baptist, etc. to eliminate the point that fuggin jesus worshipping churches have had shootings? What teaching....specifically....

4. Again, you'd EXPECT zero, since shootings themselves are already a statistical anomaly, and you're talking about schools a very small minority of children even attend.

1. Look at the very long history of school shootings. List of school shootings in the United States - Wikipedia
I don't want to go thru the list to see if any were in Catholic schools, but if any were, they are rare. The common thread if any, is mental illness. How can we test for mental illness? Prior shootings had many causes/triggers, but most were at the teacher. Was discipline a trigger? Was religion a stopper? You obviously can't accept the fact that ZERO shooters in Catholic schools is statistically significant.

2. Maybe its not the school or religion but their attitude to discipline or mental illness.
"How many high schools are there in the US? According to the Digest of Education Statistics, 2001, (Table 89). In the United States, there are about 26,407 public secondary schools, and 10,693 private secondary schools." That's 29% private HS, not "like 5%" (10,693/37,000)
If a disciplinarian beats the crap out of a kid for cause, then that kid has a choice, he can accept the discipline and improve or get a gun. The snowflakes being produced by today's public schools all too often grab a gun, why?

3. Keep the discussion on "private schools" where any religion can be taught, but 53% are Catholic, so a majority. Does teaching morality or religion matter?

4. You keep hiding behind the "statistical anomaly" argument instead of answering the question, why are school shootings at public schools and none at Catholic/private schools? What is the reason? Do the 200 shootings x 29% percent of private schools or 58 at private schools "by statistics" matter? That's 58 school shootings that did not happen. Why?
The math went over your head, is the thing.

Only 10% of all k-12 students attend private schools. Not sure where the fuck youre getting your numbers, or if you're visiting some quirky website that's including tuition-based Colleges or something...but it's certainly speshulll math. 5% of them are Catholic schools.

The point in bringing up that it's a statistical anomaly, is because shootings (lets use 200 shootings since 2000, so over 19years) occuring at a school (using 38,000 which is a low-ball estimate to keep it simple for you)...Is 10.5 shootings per year since 2000...

Using the 19-year average(10.5/yr), that means that there's a 300ths, of ONE-percent chance...that 1 of the 38, 000 schools per year has a shooter.

5% of 300ths of one percent is the chances that its a catholic school. so in 200 shootings, by probability ALONE, youd expect to see ZERO of them at the catholic schools

And you're alluding some awesome mathematical genius that nobody else is privy to...the fact that its IN VIRTUE of them being catholic schools.....

when the math alone put their probability at statistical ZERO of having one of the shootings in any given year.

You're making a bad inference, and you're also starting with false statistics, to boot.
1. You post data without a source, so your numbers are bullshit. Stick with (10,693/37,000) high schools, or 29% private/Catholic. See my link in #2 above
2. I posted a credible link that shows that 29% of US high schools are "private", including about 53% Catholic
3. Using the most recent number of 200 school shootings means that 58 should have been at private schools, yet there were ZERO at private/Catholic schools, WHY? QED
My vote is for "other". Catholic schools have taken the issue of security very seriously for a long time. I came across an article from back on March 23, 2001. An excerpt:

An attorney and former school principal who has written widely on the legal issues related to school violence, Shaughnessy is employed as a consultant by many Catholic schools and dioceses. In the fall of 1999 she conducted a workshop in the Scranton, Pa, diocese where Bishop Neumann is located.

Like other Catholic schools in the Scranton, Pa, diocese, Bishop Neumann has a zero-tolerance policy on weapons. Safety measures the school had instituted included security cameras and secured entrances. Students at Bishop Neumann must stow their backpacks in their lockers at the beginning of the day and are required to keep books in clear plastic.

“There is no way you can guarantee the absolute safety of children,” Shaughnessy said. “Nobody would have expected what happened at Bishop Neumann High School, but I also think it’s important not to blow it out of proportion.”

Expert says Catholic schools are safer
There's something to be said for school shootings, period, being very, very rare in comparison to the amount of schools and students there really are...which means that there's nothing you'd want to indict of the public or the private schools in regard to there being school shootings because it's not an's rare, and when it happens it's shocking because of the 200-number I'd have to assume that most are gang/drug related and not even a part of the real "mass shooter" phenomena, as it's colloquially discussed.

For instance, using 2015 as an example (a bad year for the good ole' US, in shootings)

If we consider the criteria for a "mass shooting" to only include indiscriminate motives...which excludes gang-motives, drug-motives, robbery-motives and domestic -motives...and with 3 or more fatal injuries.....we get a total of 7.

If we add back in all of those motives,, and with 3 or more fatal injuries... we get 371 (mass shootings in 2015).

(this is country-wide, not schools)
Last edited:
It doesn't require explanation because it's a bad inference.

1st of all, The Sandy Hook shooter wasn't an Elementary School student. He shot up a school that he wasn't even attending. Chew on that for 5 minutes until it hits you.

Bad inferences get you to really, super dumb places.

For instance, why are there Church and Mosque shootings in places of God-worship - and we haven't heard of one at a Satanic Temple? What are they doing right?!?!?!?

See how stupid that is?

You cannot make a statistical inference in a sample set as small as 200, especially as it pertains to schools because newsflash: only 10% of students in grades k-12 are in private school, and an even smaller percentage of that in catholic schools.

Of those students in catholic schools, 100% of them have had a place of their religious worship (we call them a Church) shot up somewhere in this Country.

^this is how we make bad inferences, when we're dummies.

1. Adam Lanza was 20, so his "school shooting" wasn't typical of the data set of 200 mass shootings BY STUDENTS
Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting - Wikipedia

2. There aren't many Satanic Temples, if any. So please try to do numerically significant examples

3. You claim 100% of religions had a church shooting, please provide a link to a Catholic church shooting in the US

4. There is a difference between "bad inferences" and "statistically significant". The fact you ignore is ZERO school shootings for private schools. ZERO is a very significant number.

5. Just thought of another factor that might save lives. Psychological testing. Maybe profilers could identify or "red flag" certain students who might be shooters? That's assuming that the students would answer truthfully. Then have their parents answer questions as well. There are no privacy rights or civil liberties until you're out of school...
You missed the point(s)

1. The point about Adam Lanza is that the schools themselves are not the necessary correlative. Actually? Why don't you tell me the Religion of some of the 200 shooters - maybe there's a common Religion...maybe there's no Religions...maybe we should take the 200, and whatever Religion that NONE of them are....we should all convert, because this is how poor inferences work.

2. There aren't that many kids in catholic schools, per capita. It's like 5%, and that's starting with the fact that only 0.004% of schools have shooters. That means you'd expect to finally see a school shooter in a catholic school zero times.

3. In virtue of which specific teaching do you want to separate catholic from christian from baptist, etc. to eliminate the point that fuggin jesus worshipping churches have had shootings? What teaching....specifically....

4. Again, you'd EXPECT zero, since shootings themselves are already a statistical anomaly, and you're talking about schools a very small minority of children even attend.

1. Look at the very long history of school shootings. List of school shootings in the United States - Wikipedia
I don't want to go thru the list to see if any were in Catholic schools, but if any were, they are rare. The common thread if any, is mental illness. How can we test for mental illness? Prior shootings had many causes/triggers, but most were at the teacher. Was discipline a trigger? Was religion a stopper? You obviously can't accept the fact that ZERO shooters in Catholic schools is statistically significant.

2. Maybe its not the school or religion but their attitude to discipline or mental illness.
"How many high schools are there in the US? According to the Digest of Education Statistics, 2001, (Table 89). In the United States, there are about 26,407 public secondary schools, and 10,693 private secondary schools." That's 29% private HS, not "like 5%" (10,693/37,000)
If a disciplinarian beats the crap out of a kid for cause, then that kid has a choice, he can accept the discipline and improve or get a gun. The snowflakes being produced by today's public schools all too often grab a gun, why?

3. Keep the discussion on "private schools" where any religion can be taught, but 53% are Catholic, so a majority. Does teaching morality or religion matter?

4. You keep hiding behind the "statistical anomaly" argument instead of answering the question, why are school shootings at public schools and none at Catholic/private schools? What is the reason? Do the 200 shootings x 29% percent of private schools or 58 at private schools "by statistics" matter? That's 58 school shootings that did not happen. Why?
The math went over your head, is the thing.

Only 10% of all k-12 students attend private schools. Not sure where the fuck youre getting your numbers, or if you're visiting some quirky website that's including tuition-based Colleges or something...but it's certainly speshulll math. 5% of them are Catholic schools.

The point in bringing up that it's a statistical anomaly, is because shootings (lets use 200 shootings since 2000, so over 19years) occuring at a school (using 38,000 which is a low-ball estimate to keep it simple for you)...Is 10.5 shootings per year since 2000...

Using the 19-year average(10.5/yr), that means that there's a 300ths, of ONE-percent chance...that 1 of the 38, 000 schools per year has a shooter.

5% of 300ths of one percent is the chances that its a catholic school. so in 200 shootings, by probability ALONE, youd expect to see ZERO of them at the catholic schools

And you're alluding some awesome mathematical genius that nobody else is privy to...the fact that its IN VIRTUE of them being catholic schools.....

when the math alone put their probability at statistical ZERO of having one of the shootings in any given year.

You're making a bad inference, and you're also starting with false statistics, to boot.
1. You post data without a source, so your numbers are bullshit. Stick with (10,693/37,000) high schools, or 29% private/Catholic. See my link in #2 above
2. I posted a credible link that shows that 29% of US high schools are "private", including about 53% Catholic
3. Using the most recent number of 200 school shootings means that 58 should have been at private schools, yet there were ZERO at private/Catholic schools, WHY? QED
I posted a source...your catholic schools only have 5% of the children, derp.

How many students will attend school in fall 2019?

About 56.6 million students will attend elementary, middle, and high schools across the United States (source).

  • 50.8 million students in public schools
  • 5.8 million students in private schools
(dont tell anyone, but that's 10% total students go to private schools, and about 5% to catholic schools)

dotgov source --> Fast Facts: Back to school statistics (372)
1. Adam Lanza was 20, so his "school shooting" wasn't typical of the data set of 200 mass shootings BY STUDENTS
Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting - Wikipedia

2. There aren't many Satanic Temples, if any. So please try to do numerically significant examples

3. You claim 100% of religions had a church shooting, please provide a link to a Catholic church shooting in the US

4. There is a difference between "bad inferences" and "statistically significant". The fact you ignore is ZERO school shootings for private schools. ZERO is a very significant number.

5. Just thought of another factor that might save lives. Psychological testing. Maybe profilers could identify or "red flag" certain students who might be shooters? That's assuming that the students would answer truthfully. Then have their parents answer questions as well. There are no privacy rights or civil liberties until you're out of school...
You missed the point(s)

1. The point about Adam Lanza is that the schools themselves are not the necessary correlative. Actually? Why don't you tell me the Religion of some of the 200 shooters - maybe there's a common Religion...maybe there's no Religions...maybe we should take the 200, and whatever Religion that NONE of them are....we should all convert, because this is how poor inferences work.

2. There aren't that many kids in catholic schools, per capita. It's like 5%, and that's starting with the fact that only 0.004% of schools have shooters. That means you'd expect to finally see a school shooter in a catholic school zero times.

3. In virtue of which specific teaching do you want to separate catholic from christian from baptist, etc. to eliminate the point that fuggin jesus worshipping churches have had shootings? What teaching....specifically....

4. Again, you'd EXPECT zero, since shootings themselves are already a statistical anomaly, and you're talking about schools a very small minority of children even attend.

1. Look at the very long history of school shootings. List of school shootings in the United States - Wikipedia
I don't want to go thru the list to see if any were in Catholic schools, but if any were, they are rare. The common thread if any, is mental illness. How can we test for mental illness? Prior shootings had many causes/triggers, but most were at the teacher. Was discipline a trigger? Was religion a stopper? You obviously can't accept the fact that ZERO shooters in Catholic schools is statistically significant.

2. Maybe its not the school or religion but their attitude to discipline or mental illness.
"How many high schools are there in the US? According to the Digest of Education Statistics, 2001, (Table 89). In the United States, there are about 26,407 public secondary schools, and 10,693 private secondary schools." That's 29% private HS, not "like 5%" (10,693/37,000)
If a disciplinarian beats the crap out of a kid for cause, then that kid has a choice, he can accept the discipline and improve or get a gun. The snowflakes being produced by today's public schools all too often grab a gun, why?

3. Keep the discussion on "private schools" where any religion can be taught, but 53% are Catholic, so a majority. Does teaching morality or religion matter?

4. You keep hiding behind the "statistical anomaly" argument instead of answering the question, why are school shootings at public schools and none at Catholic/private schools? What is the reason? Do the 200 shootings x 29% percent of private schools or 58 at private schools "by statistics" matter? That's 58 school shootings that did not happen. Why?
The math went over your head, is the thing.

Only 10% of all k-12 students attend private schools. Not sure where the fuck youre getting your numbers, or if you're visiting some quirky website that's including tuition-based Colleges or something...but it's certainly speshulll math. 5% of them are Catholic schools.

The point in bringing up that it's a statistical anomaly, is because shootings (lets use 200 shootings since 2000, so over 19years) occuring at a school (using 38,000 which is a low-ball estimate to keep it simple for you)...Is 10.5 shootings per year since 2000...

Using the 19-year average(10.5/yr), that means that there's a 300ths, of ONE-percent chance...that 1 of the 38, 000 schools per year has a shooter.

5% of 300ths of one percent is the chances that its a catholic school. so in 200 shootings, by probability ALONE, youd expect to see ZERO of them at the catholic schools

And you're alluding some awesome mathematical genius that nobody else is privy to...the fact that its IN VIRTUE of them being catholic schools.....

when the math alone put their probability at statistical ZERO of having one of the shootings in any given year.

You're making a bad inference, and you're also starting with false statistics, to boot.
1. You post data without a source, so your numbers are bullshit. Stick with (10,693/37,000) high schools, or 29% private/Catholic. See my link in #2 above
2. I posted a credible link that shows that 29% of US high schools are "private", including about 53% Catholic
3. Using the most recent number of 200 school shootings means that 58 should have been at private schools, yet there were ZERO at private/Catholic schools, WHY? QED
I posted a source...your catholic schools only have 5% of the children, derp.

How many students will attend school in fall 2019?
About 56.6 million students will attend elementary, middle, and high schools across the United States (source).
  • 50.8 million students in public schools
  • 5.8 million students in private schools
(dont tell anyone, but that's 10% total students go to private schools, and about 5% to catholic schools)
dotgov source --> Fast Facts: Back to school statistics (372)

OK, use your numbers, students not schools. 10% go to private/Catholic schools

So, 10% x 200 shootings means that 20 (not 29) shootings should have been at private/Catholic schools, yet there were ZERO, WHY?
I was curious if any school shootings happened at Catholic schools, so far there were none. There were about 200 public school shootings since 2000.
This is significant since about 25% of US students attend Catholic/private schools. Should public schools learn from what Catholic schools are doing right? Maybe buying bullet-proof backpacks isn't the answer?

Catholic schools, spared from mass school shootings, remain vigilant

Lets take a poll...
Teaching right from wrong, good vs evil. Not 50 shades of grey, putting condoms on cucumbers, and 83 genders.
So you're endorsing public schools as it pertains to teaching right from wrong? You must be, since 99.997% of public school students don't become shooters.
I grew up in a public school where every morning before class not only did we say the "Pledge of Allegiance", but also a prayer to God. When a atheist bitch didnt want her son to participate in the prayer, instead of allowing the kid not to pray, they banned all prayers as typical of liberal policies. When you see the products coming out of public education, like a Bernie Voter or any other libtard, there is definately a problem with immorality being FORCED upon the children of said education system.
When common sense is removed from education then it becomes maddening to people. I am not Holier then thou. There was a time many northern city schools were about half parochial and half public. Public schools became all inclusive for every type of student ability or issue in the classroom thus hurting those who would learn. I say this while having an issue with a family member in a public school. Public schools have advanced to being baby sitters with the students ruling the roost. There are many who get education but not as much as what is paid out by the taxpayer for it is worth. On top of it political views are taught by the staff of schools with different ways of teaching subjects also involved.
You missed the point(s)

1. The point about Adam Lanza is that the schools themselves are not the necessary correlative. Actually? Why don't you tell me the Religion of some of the 200 shooters - maybe there's a common Religion...maybe there's no Religions...maybe we should take the 200, and whatever Religion that NONE of them are....we should all convert, because this is how poor inferences work.

2. There aren't that many kids in catholic schools, per capita. It's like 5%, and that's starting with the fact that only 0.004% of schools have shooters. That means you'd expect to finally see a school shooter in a catholic school zero times.

3. In virtue of which specific teaching do you want to separate catholic from christian from baptist, etc. to eliminate the point that fuggin jesus worshipping churches have had shootings? What teaching....specifically....

4. Again, you'd EXPECT zero, since shootings themselves are already a statistical anomaly, and you're talking about schools a very small minority of children even attend.

1. Look at the very long history of school shootings. List of school shootings in the United States - Wikipedia
I don't want to go thru the list to see if any were in Catholic schools, but if any were, they are rare. The common thread if any, is mental illness. How can we test for mental illness? Prior shootings had many causes/triggers, but most were at the teacher. Was discipline a trigger? Was religion a stopper? You obviously can't accept the fact that ZERO shooters in Catholic schools is statistically significant.

2. Maybe its not the school or religion but their attitude to discipline or mental illness.
"How many high schools are there in the US? According to the Digest of Education Statistics, 2001, (Table 89). In the United States, there are about 26,407 public secondary schools, and 10,693 private secondary schools." That's 29% private HS, not "like 5%" (10,693/37,000)
If a disciplinarian beats the crap out of a kid for cause, then that kid has a choice, he can accept the discipline and improve or get a gun. The snowflakes being produced by today's public schools all too often grab a gun, why?

3. Keep the discussion on "private schools" where any religion can be taught, but 53% are Catholic, so a majority. Does teaching morality or religion matter?

4. You keep hiding behind the "statistical anomaly" argument instead of answering the question, why are school shootings at public schools and none at Catholic/private schools? What is the reason? Do the 200 shootings x 29% percent of private schools or 58 at private schools "by statistics" matter? That's 58 school shootings that did not happen. Why?
The math went over your head, is the thing.

Only 10% of all k-12 students attend private schools. Not sure where the fuck youre getting your numbers, or if you're visiting some quirky website that's including tuition-based Colleges or something...but it's certainly speshulll math. 5% of them are Catholic schools.

The point in bringing up that it's a statistical anomaly, is because shootings (lets use 200 shootings since 2000, so over 19years) occuring at a school (using 38,000 which is a low-ball estimate to keep it simple for you)...Is 10.5 shootings per year since 2000...

Using the 19-year average(10.5/yr), that means that there's a 300ths, of ONE-percent chance...that 1 of the 38, 000 schools per year has a shooter.

5% of 300ths of one percent is the chances that its a catholic school. so in 200 shootings, by probability ALONE, youd expect to see ZERO of them at the catholic schools

And you're alluding some awesome mathematical genius that nobody else is privy to...the fact that its IN VIRTUE of them being catholic schools.....

when the math alone put their probability at statistical ZERO of having one of the shootings in any given year.

You're making a bad inference, and you're also starting with false statistics, to boot.
1. You post data without a source, so your numbers are bullshit. Stick with (10,693/37,000) high schools, or 29% private/Catholic. See my link in #2 above
2. I posted a credible link that shows that 29% of US high schools are "private", including about 53% Catholic
3. Using the most recent number of 200 school shootings means that 58 should have been at private schools, yet there were ZERO at private/Catholic schools, WHY? QED
I posted a source...your catholic schools only have 5% of the children, derp.

How many students will attend school in fall 2019?
About 56.6 million students will attend elementary, middle, and high schools across the United States (source).
  • 50.8 million students in public schools
  • 5.8 million students in private schools
(dont tell anyone, but that's 10% total students go to private schools, and about 5% to catholic schools)
dotgov source --> Fast Facts: Back to school statistics (372)

OK, use your numbers, students not schools. 10% go to private/Catholic schools

So, 10% x 200 shootings means that 20 (not 29) shootings should have been at private/Catholic schools, yet there were ZERO, WHY?
I'm not going to explain the math to you all over again, dude. It's a little ridiculous that you think that that's what you're supposed to extrapolate from that data, and that's like a bridge too far at that point.

I'd be happy for you to tell me ANY virtue that you think that POSSIBLY exists in schools getting 0% of school shootings in 19-years that the schools getting statistical zero magically don't have.

If you cannot think about that and realize why it's a bad inference, cannot FORCE logic on the masses...

Better put:

ANY virtue....literally ANY virtue you want to apply to "Catholic" schools that you think is preventing them from school shootings? ALSO, by your own bad-inference-logic, applies to 99.97% of public schools.

Does that make it clearer, for you?

If not, my arms are in the air man! Can't fix that.
Dress code
More parental involvement
They likely cut out a lot of the BULLSHIT too. Remember, public education is run by the left. Doing it wrong is part of begin left.
This is my error, too, is that I'm allowing the "200 / 0" number to pass without fact check in the first place, let alone does it even provide a relevant inference had his 200/0 numbers NOT just been proven wrong.

"shootings should have been at private/Catholic schools, yet there were ZERO, WHY?" - kyzr

Head of Jacksonville Episcopal School killed in murder-suicide - kyzr was wrong.

I was curious if any school shootings happened at Catholic schools, so far there were none. There were about 200 public school shootings since 2000.
This is significant since about 25% of US students attend Catholic/private schools. Should public schools learn from what Catholic schools are doing right? Maybe buying bullet-proof backpacks isn't the answer?

Catholic schools, spared from mass school shootings, remain vigilant

Lets take a poll...
Teaching right from wrong, good vs evil. Not 50 shades of grey, putting condoms on cucumbers, and 83 genders.
So you're endorsing public schools as it pertains to teaching right from wrong? You must be, since 99.997% of public school students don't become shooters.
I grew up in a public school where every morning before class not only did we say the "Pledge of Allegiance", but also a prayer to God. When a atheist bitch didnt want her son to participate in the prayer, instead of allowing the kid not to pray, they banned all prayers as typical of liberal policies. When you see the products coming out of public education, like a Bernie Voter or any other libtard, there is definately a problem with immorality being FORCED upon the children of said education system.
When common sense is removed from education then it becomes maddening to people. I am not Holier then thou. There was a time many northern city schools were about half parochial and half public. Public schools became all inclusive for every type of student ability or issue in the classroom thus hurting those who would learn. I say this while having an issue with a family member in a public school. Public schools have advanced to being baby sitters with the students ruling the roost. There are many who get education but not as much as what is paid out by the taxpayer for it is worth. On top of it political views are taught by the staff of schools with different ways of teaching subjects also involved.
Not sure where your kids go to school but I have had kids in 5 public school systems in 4 states and have been impressed at the rigor and quality. Scores are up, violence is down, drug use down, pregnancy lower, and college attendance a record high. Schools are better now than they were 30 years ago.
  • Thanks
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I was curious if any school shootings happened at Catholic schools, so far there were none. There were about 200 public school shootings since 2000.
This is significant since about 25% of US students attend Catholic/private schools. Should public schools learn from what Catholic schools are doing right? Maybe buying bullet-proof backpacks isn't the answer?

Catholic schools, spared from mass school shootings, remain vigilant

Lets take a poll...

Given that hundreds of thousands of boys were raped by priests, you would think there would be lots of those grown boys coming back and shooting the schools and parishes up.

Public school teachers sexually assaulted more children than priests have and you are forced to send your kids to those schools...

No one is forced to attend public schools. You are forced to attend school, not just public schools. Private school and home schooling are optional. have money taken from your earnings to pay for public schools, so if you want to send you kid to a private school, you pay twice..... so, sorry, you are wrong.....
Your choice, isn't it? If you don't like the cost but don't want to send kids to public schools....don't have kids.
I was curious if any school shootings happened at Catholic schools, so far there were none. There were about 200 public school shootings since 2000.
This is significant since about 25% of US students attend Catholic/private schools. Should public schools learn from what Catholic schools are doing right? Maybe buying bullet-proof backpacks isn't the answer?

Catholic schools, spared from mass school shootings, remain vigilant

Lets take a poll...
Teaching right from wrong, good vs evil. Not 50 shades of grey, putting condoms on cucumbers, and 83 genders.
So you're endorsing public schools as it pertains to teaching right from wrong? You must be, since 99.997% of public school students don't become shooters.
I grew up in a public school where every morning before class not only did we say the "Pledge of Allegiance", but also a prayer to God. When a atheist bitch didnt want her son to participate in the prayer, instead of allowing the kid not to pray, they banned all prayers as typical of liberal policies. When you see the products coming out of public education, like a Bernie Voter or any other libtard, there is definately a problem with immorality being FORCED upon the children of said education system.
When common sense is removed from education then it becomes maddening to people. I am not Holier then thou. There was a time many northern city schools were about half parochial and half public. Public schools became all inclusive for every type of student ability or issue in the classroom thus hurting those who would learn. I say this while having an issue with a family member in a public school. Public schools have advanced to being baby sitters with the students ruling the roost. There are many who get education but not as much as what is paid out by the taxpayer for it is worth. On top of it political views are taught by the staff of schools with different ways of teaching subjects also involved.
Not sure where your kids go to school but I have had kids in 5 public school systems in 4 states and have been impressed at the rigor and quality. Scores are up, violence is down, drug use down, pregnancy lower, and college attendance a record high. Schools are better now than they were 30 years ago.
Yupp, and the divorce rate is WAY down since the 90s, too.

Violent crime, down.
Divorces, down.

Go, US

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