No shootings at parochial schools. Why? What are they doing right?

What are Catholic/private schools doing right that Public schools are not?

  • More discipline

    Votes: 12 48.0%
  • Religious teaching

    Votes: 8 32.0%
  • High tuition

    Votes: 2 8.0%
  • More parental involvement

    Votes: 12 48.0%
  • Strict dress code

    Votes: 4 16.0%
  • Other

    Votes: 9 36.0%

  • Total voters

Teacher gets fired, then shoots principal. More of typical workplace violence, than a school shooting by a student.
if you exclude teachers and suicides - your 200 number gets cut almost in half - and it looks like there were about 134 school shootings and of those, SIX, not ZERO, were in PRIVATE SCHOOLS, and statistically, as in per-capita by'd have expected 13.
I was curious if any school shootings happened at Catholic schools, so far there were none. There were about 200 public school shootings since 2000.
This is significant since about 25% of US students attend Catholic/private schools. Should public schools learn from what Catholic schools are doing right? Maybe buying bullet-proof backpacks isn't the answer?

Catholic schools, spared from mass school shootings, remain vigilant

Lets take a poll...

Given that hundreds of thousands of boys were raped by priests, you would think there would be lots of those grown boys coming back and shooting the schools and parishes up.

Public school teachers sexually assaulted more children than priests have and you are forced to send your kids to those schools...

No one is forced to attend public schools. You are forced to attend school, not just public schools. Private school and home schooling are optional. have money taken from your earnings to pay for public schools, so if you want to send you kid to a private school, you pay twice..... so, sorry, you are wrong.....
Your choice, isn't it? If you don't like the cost but don't want to send kids to public schools....don't have kids.
Milennial males that have no intention to getting married are at around 50% now. They are much more multicultural then the older generations and know it is a bad deal.
I was curious if any school shootings happened at Catholic schools, so far there were none. There were about 200 public school shootings since 2000.
This is significant since about 25% of US students attend Catholic/private schools. Should public schools learn from what Catholic schools are doing right? Maybe buying bullet-proof backpacks isn't the answer?

Catholic schools, spared from mass school shootings, remain vigilant

Lets take a poll...
You guys will get to it eventually. Don’t worry.
I was curious if any school shootings happened at Catholic schools, so far there were none. There were about 200 public school shootings since 2000.
This is significant since about 25% of US students attend Catholic/private schools. Should public schools learn from what Catholic schools are doing right? Maybe buying bullet-proof backpacks isn't the answer?

Catholic schools, spared from mass school shootings, remain vigilant

Lets take a poll...

Mass shootings at those schools do not generate the necessary fear and public support for tyranny and gun confiscation. Public schools are strategic targets. And yes, I am accusing the commie left of creating conditions necessary to allow such shootings.

1. Look at the very long history of school shootings. List of school shootings in the United States - Wikipedia
I don't want to go thru the list to see if any were in Catholic schools, but if any were, they are rare. The common thread if any, is mental illness. How can we test for mental illness? Prior shootings had many causes/triggers, but most were at the teacher. Was discipline a trigger? Was religion a stopper? You obviously can't accept the fact that ZERO shooters in Catholic schools is statistically significant.

2. Maybe its not the school or religion but their attitude to discipline or mental illness.
"How many high schools are there in the US? According to the Digest of Education Statistics, 2001, (Table 89). In the United States, there are about 26,407 public secondary schools, and 10,693 private secondary schools." That's 29% private HS, not "like 5%" (10,693/37,000)
If a disciplinarian beats the crap out of a kid for cause, then that kid has a choice, he can accept the discipline and improve or get a gun. The snowflakes being produced by today's public schools all too often grab a gun, why?

3. Keep the discussion on "private schools" where any religion can be taught, but 53% are Catholic, so a majority. Does teaching morality or religion matter?

4. You keep hiding behind the "statistical anomaly" argument instead of answering the question, why are school shootings at public schools and none at Catholic/private schools? What is the reason? Do the 200 shootings x 29% percent of private schools or 58 at private schools "by statistics" matter? That's 58 school shootings that did not happen. Why?
The math went over your head, is the thing.

Only 10% of all k-12 students attend private schools. Not sure where the fuck youre getting your numbers, or if you're visiting some quirky website that's including tuition-based Colleges or something...but it's certainly speshulll math. 5% of them are Catholic schools.

The point in bringing up that it's a statistical anomaly, is because shootings (lets use 200 shootings since 2000, so over 19years) occuring at a school (using 38,000 which is a low-ball estimate to keep it simple for you)...Is 10.5 shootings per year since 2000...

Using the 19-year average(10.5/yr), that means that there's a 300ths, of ONE-percent chance...that 1 of the 38, 000 schools per year has a shooter.

5% of 300ths of one percent is the chances that its a catholic school. so in 200 shootings, by probability ALONE, youd expect to see ZERO of them at the catholic schools

And you're alluding some awesome mathematical genius that nobody else is privy to...the fact that its IN VIRTUE of them being catholic schools.....

when the math alone put their probability at statistical ZERO of having one of the shootings in any given year.

You're making a bad inference, and you're also starting with false statistics, to boot.
1. You post data without a source, so your numbers are bullshit. Stick with (10,693/37,000) high schools, or 29% private/Catholic. See my link in #2 above
2. I posted a credible link that shows that 29% of US high schools are "private", including about 53% Catholic
3. Using the most recent number of 200 school shootings means that 58 should have been at private schools, yet there were ZERO at private/Catholic schools, WHY? QED
I posted a source...your catholic schools only have 5% of the children, derp.

How many students will attend school in fall 2019?
About 56.6 million students will attend elementary, middle, and high schools across the United States (source).
  • 50.8 million students in public schools
  • 5.8 million students in private schools
(dont tell anyone, but that's 10% total students go to private schools, and about 5% to catholic schools)
dotgov source --> Fast Facts: Back to school statistics (372)

OK, use your numbers, students not schools. 10% go to private/Catholic schools

So, 10% x 200 shootings means that 20 (not 29) shootings should have been at private/Catholic schools, yet there were ZERO, WHY?
I'm not going to explain the math to you all over again, dude. It's a little ridiculous that you think that that's what you're supposed to extrapolate from that data, and that's like a bridge too far at that point.

I'd be happy for you to tell me ANY virtue that you think that POSSIBLY exists in schools getting 0% of school shootings in 19-years that the schools getting statistical zero magically don't have. If you cannot think about that and realize why it's a bad inference, cannot FORCE logic on the masses...

Better put:
ANY virtue....literally ANY virtue you want to apply to "Catholic" schools that you think is preventing them from school shootings? ALSO, by your own bad-inference-logic, applies to 99.97% of public schools. Does that make it clearer, for you?
If not, my arms are in the air man! Can't fix that.

We basically disagree on statistical inference vs statistical significance. I'm not looking at the probability of a school shooting, but at the statistical makeup of the 200 school shootings. What is the probability of a shooting at a public school vs a private/Catholic school, even correcting for the numerical difference in schools.
IMHO 200 school shootings, all at public schools, when 71% of schools are public, and 29% private/Catholic is statistically significant.

I don't know why there haven''t been school shootings at private/Catholic schools. Why are nearly all school shooters young white males? Is it mental illness? Would profiling help? Is it related to their home life? Financial situation? Social life? Religious attitude, etc.
Tighter security.

Strict standards of who can attend.

Loved my Catholic schools. Blacks, Latinos, Asians, Indians and no whites ever shot up the place. Must have profiled and let the right white people in.

Yes, they let in White Catholics, not White Protestant maniacs.

So, you agree that profiling works?

I ask how many school shootings happen in White Catholic countries
Like Italy, Poland, Spain, France, Austria, Hungary, Slovakia etc.

White Protestants simply seem to be volatile maniacs compared to White Catholics.
The math went over your head, is the thing.

Only 10% of all k-12 students attend private schools. Not sure where the fuck youre getting your numbers, or if you're visiting some quirky website that's including tuition-based Colleges or something...but it's certainly speshulll math. 5% of them are Catholic schools.

The point in bringing up that it's a statistical anomaly, is because shootings (lets use 200 shootings since 2000, so over 19years) occuring at a school (using 38,000 which is a low-ball estimate to keep it simple for you)...Is 10.5 shootings per year since 2000...

Using the 19-year average(10.5/yr), that means that there's a 300ths, of ONE-percent chance...that 1 of the 38, 000 schools per year has a shooter.

5% of 300ths of one percent is the chances that its a catholic school. so in 200 shootings, by probability ALONE, youd expect to see ZERO of them at the catholic schools

And you're alluding some awesome mathematical genius that nobody else is privy to...the fact that its IN VIRTUE of them being catholic schools.....

when the math alone put their probability at statistical ZERO of having one of the shootings in any given year.

You're making a bad inference, and you're also starting with false statistics, to boot.
1. You post data without a source, so your numbers are bullshit. Stick with (10,693/37,000) high schools, or 29% private/Catholic. See my link in #2 above
2. I posted a credible link that shows that 29% of US high schools are "private", including about 53% Catholic
3. Using the most recent number of 200 school shootings means that 58 should have been at private schools, yet there were ZERO at private/Catholic schools, WHY? QED
I posted a source...your catholic schools only have 5% of the children, derp.

How many students will attend school in fall 2019?
About 56.6 million students will attend elementary, middle, and high schools across the United States (source).
  • 50.8 million students in public schools
  • 5.8 million students in private schools
(dont tell anyone, but that's 10% total students go to private schools, and about 5% to catholic schools)
dotgov source --> Fast Facts: Back to school statistics (372)

OK, use your numbers, students not schools. 10% go to private/Catholic schools

So, 10% x 200 shootings means that 20 (not 29) shootings should have been at private/Catholic schools, yet there were ZERO, WHY?
I'm not going to explain the math to you all over again, dude. It's a little ridiculous that you think that that's what you're supposed to extrapolate from that data, and that's like a bridge too far at that point.

I'd be happy for you to tell me ANY virtue that you think that POSSIBLY exists in schools getting 0% of school shootings in 19-years that the schools getting statistical zero magically don't have. If you cannot think about that and realize why it's a bad inference, cannot FORCE logic on the masses...

Better put:
ANY virtue....literally ANY virtue you want to apply to "Catholic" schools that you think is preventing them from school shootings? ALSO, by your own bad-inference-logic, applies to 99.97% of public schools. Does that make it clearer, for you?
If not, my arms are in the air man! Can't fix that.

We basically disagree on statistical inference vs statistical significance. I'm not looking at the probability of a school shooting, but at the statistical makeup of the 200 school shootings. What is the probability of a shooting at a public school vs a private/Catholic school, even correcting for the numerical difference in schools.
IMHO 200 school shootings, all at public schools, when 71% of schools are public, and 29% private/Catholic is statistically significant.

I don't know why there haven''t been school shootings at private/Catholic schools. Why are nearly all school shooters young white males? Is it mental illness? Would profiling help? Is it related to their home life? Financial situation? Social life? Religious attitude, etc.
You're trying to extrapolate correlative inferences from an incomplete data set. 200 shootings in 20 years out of 50+ million children in any given year... means that it's not something wrong with what any one group is doing -

not one school
not one "type" of student
not one color...


Because when THAT close to ZERO of any subset of numbers, per capita, are doing something - - - - the ones DOING IT tell you NOTHING of the group.
The math went over your head, is the thing.

Only 10% of all k-12 students attend private schools. Not sure where the fuck youre getting your numbers, or if you're visiting some quirky website that's including tuition-based Colleges or something...but it's certainly speshulll math. 5% of them are Catholic schools.

The point in bringing up that it's a statistical anomaly, is because shootings (lets use 200 shootings since 2000, so over 19years) occuring at a school (using 38,000 which is a low-ball estimate to keep it simple for you)...Is 10.5 shootings per year since 2000...

Using the 19-year average(10.5/yr), that means that there's a 300ths, of ONE-percent chance...that 1 of the 38, 000 schools per year has a shooter.

5% of 300ths of one percent is the chances that its a catholic school. so in 200 shootings, by probability ALONE, youd expect to see ZERO of them at the catholic schools

And you're alluding some awesome mathematical genius that nobody else is privy to...the fact that its IN VIRTUE of them being catholic schools.....

when the math alone put their probability at statistical ZERO of having one of the shootings in any given year.

You're making a bad inference, and you're also starting with false statistics, to boot.
1. You post data without a source, so your numbers are bullshit. Stick with (10,693/37,000) high schools, or 29% private/Catholic. See my link in #2 above
2. I posted a credible link that shows that 29% of US high schools are "private", including about 53% Catholic
3. Using the most recent number of 200 school shootings means that 58 should have been at private schools, yet there were ZERO at private/Catholic schools, WHY? QED
I posted a source...your catholic schools only have 5% of the children, derp.

How many students will attend school in fall 2019?
About 56.6 million students will attend elementary, middle, and high schools across the United States (source).
  • 50.8 million students in public schools
  • 5.8 million students in private schools
(dont tell anyone, but that's 10% total students go to private schools, and about 5% to catholic schools)
dotgov source --> Fast Facts: Back to school statistics (372)

OK, use your numbers, students not schools. 10% go to private/Catholic schools

So, 10% x 200 shootings means that 20 (not 29) shootings should have been at private/Catholic schools, yet there were ZERO, WHY?
I'm not going to explain the math to you all over again, dude. It's a little ridiculous that you think that that's what you're supposed to extrapolate from that data, and that's like a bridge too far at that point.

I'd be happy for you to tell me ANY virtue that you think that POSSIBLY exists in schools getting 0% of school shootings in 19-years that the schools getting statistical zero magically don't have. If you cannot think about that and realize why it's a bad inference, cannot FORCE logic on the masses...

Better put:
ANY virtue....literally ANY virtue you want to apply to "Catholic" schools that you think is preventing them from school shootings? ALSO, by your own bad-inference-logic, applies to 99.97% of public schools. Does that make it clearer, for you?
If not, my arms are in the air man! Can't fix that.

We basically disagree on statistical inference vs statistical significance. I'm not looking at the probability of a school shooting, but at the statistical makeup of the 200 school shootings. What is the probability of a shooting at a public school vs a private/Catholic school, even correcting for the numerical difference in schools.
IMHO 200 school shootings, all at public schools, when 71% of schools are public, and 29% private/Catholic is statistically significant.

I don't know why there haven''t been school shootings at private/Catholic schools. Why are nearly all school shooters young white males? Is it mental illness? Would profiling help? Is it related to their home life? Financial situation? Social life? Religious attitude, etc.

Personal Accountability is the reason why there has been no shooting. If Catholic Schools give you the privilege to go to their schools, you are going to be held accountable regardless of your skin color or creed (Catholic schools accept people of all or non faiths). It’s personal accountability.... not excuses.
Tighter security.

Strict standards of who can attend.

Loved my Catholic schools. Blacks, Latinos, Asians, Indians and no whites ever shot up the place. Must have profiled and let the right white people in.

Yes, they let in White Catholics, not White Protestant maniacs.

So, you agree that profiling works?

I ask how many school shootings happen in White Catholic countries
Like Italy, Poland, Spain, France, Austria, Hungary, Slovakia etc.

White Protestants simply seem to be volatile maniacs compared to White Catholics.

Yes. You profiled. Profiling works.
1. You post data without a source, so your numbers are bullshit. Stick with (10,693/37,000) high schools, or 29% private/Catholic. See my link in #2 above
2. I posted a credible link that shows that 29% of US high schools are "private", including about 53% Catholic
3. Using the most recent number of 200 school shootings means that 58 should have been at private schools, yet there were ZERO at private/Catholic schools, WHY? QED
I posted a source...your catholic schools only have 5% of the children, derp.

How many students will attend school in fall 2019?
About 56.6 million students will attend elementary, middle, and high schools across the United States (source).
  • 50.8 million students in public schools
  • 5.8 million students in private schools
(dont tell anyone, but that's 10% total students go to private schools, and about 5% to catholic schools)
dotgov source --> Fast Facts: Back to school statistics (372)

OK, use your numbers, students not schools. 10% go to private/Catholic schools

So, 10% x 200 shootings means that 20 (not 29) shootings should have been at private/Catholic schools, yet there were ZERO, WHY?
I'm not going to explain the math to you all over again, dude. It's a little ridiculous that you think that that's what you're supposed to extrapolate from that data, and that's like a bridge too far at that point.

I'd be happy for you to tell me ANY virtue that you think that POSSIBLY exists in schools getting 0% of school shootings in 19-years that the schools getting statistical zero magically don't have. If you cannot think about that and realize why it's a bad inference, cannot FORCE logic on the masses...

Better put:
ANY virtue....literally ANY virtue you want to apply to "Catholic" schools that you think is preventing them from school shootings? ALSO, by your own bad-inference-logic, applies to 99.97% of public schools. Does that make it clearer, for you?
If not, my arms are in the air man! Can't fix that.

We basically disagree on statistical inference vs statistical significance. I'm not looking at the probability of a school shooting, but at the statistical makeup of the 200 school shootings. What is the probability of a shooting at a public school vs a private/Catholic school, even correcting for the numerical difference in schools.
IMHO 200 school shootings, all at public schools, when 71% of schools are public, and 29% private/Catholic is statistically significant.

I don't know why there haven''t been school shootings at private/Catholic schools. Why are nearly all school shooters young white males? Is it mental illness? Would profiling help? Is it related to their home life? Financial situation? Social life? Religious attitude, etc.

Personal Accountability is the reason why there has been no shooting. If Catholic Schools give you the privilege to go to their schools, you are going to be held accountable regardless of your skin color or creed (Catholic schools accept people of all or non faiths). It’s personal accountability.... not excuses.
So are 99.96% of public schools employing the same, if this is the virtue preventing shootings?
Tighter security.

Strict standards of who can attend.

Loved my Catholic schools. Blacks, Latinos, Asians, Indians and no whites ever shot up the place. Must have profiled and let the right white people in.

Yes, they let in White Catholics, not White Protestant maniacs.

So, you agree that profiling works?

I ask how many school shootings happen in White Catholic countries
Like Italy, Poland, Spain, France, Austria, Hungary, Slovakia etc.

White Protestants simply seem to be volatile maniacs compared to White Catholics.

Look at the structure of your statement. Can have so much fun with it. You are saying that White Protestants are more volatile maniacs. Other nationalities can be inserted inplace of whites and Liberals would be all over that like flies on shit.
The math went over your head, is the thing.

Only 10% of all k-12 students attend private schools. Not sure where the fuck youre getting your numbers, or if you're visiting some quirky website that's including tuition-based Colleges or something...but it's certainly speshulll math. 5% of them are Catholic schools.

The point in bringing up that it's a statistical anomaly, is because shootings (lets use 200 shootings since 2000, so over 19years) occuring at a school (using 38,000 which is a low-ball estimate to keep it simple for you)...Is 10.5 shootings per year since 2000...

Using the 19-year average(10.5/yr), that means that there's a 300ths, of ONE-percent chance...that 1 of the 38, 000 schools per year has a shooter.

5% of 300ths of one percent is the chances that its a catholic school. so in 200 shootings, by probability ALONE, youd expect to see ZERO of them at the catholic schools

And you're alluding some awesome mathematical genius that nobody else is privy to...the fact that its IN VIRTUE of them being catholic schools.....

when the math alone put their probability at statistical ZERO of having one of the shootings in any given year.

You're making a bad inference, and you're also starting with false statistics, to boot.
1. You post data without a source, so your numbers are bullshit. Stick with (10,693/37,000) high schools, or 29% private/Catholic. See my link in #2 above
2. I posted a credible link that shows that 29% of US high schools are "private", including about 53% Catholic
3. Using the most recent number of 200 school shootings means that 58 should have been at private schools, yet there were ZERO at private/Catholic schools, WHY? QED
I posted a source...your catholic schools only have 5% of the children, derp.

How many students will attend school in fall 2019?
About 56.6 million students will attend elementary, middle, and high schools across the United States (source).
  • 50.8 million students in public schools
  • 5.8 million students in private schools
(dont tell anyone, but that's 10% total students go to private schools, and about 5% to catholic schools)
dotgov source --> Fast Facts: Back to school statistics (372)

OK, use your numbers, students not schools. 10% go to private/Catholic schools

So, 10% x 200 shootings means that 20 (not 29) shootings should have been at private/Catholic schools, yet there were ZERO, WHY?
I'm not going to explain the math to you all over again, dude. It's a little ridiculous that you think that that's what you're supposed to extrapolate from that data, and that's like a bridge too far at that point.

I'd be happy for you to tell me ANY virtue that you think that POSSIBLY exists in schools getting 0% of school shootings in 19-years that the schools getting statistical zero magically don't have. If you cannot think about that and realize why it's a bad inference, cannot FORCE logic on the masses...

Better put:
ANY virtue....literally ANY virtue you want to apply to "Catholic" schools that you think is preventing them from school shootings? ALSO, by your own bad-inference-logic, applies to 99.97% of public schools. Does that make it clearer, for you?
If not, my arms are in the air man! Can't fix that.

We basically disagree on statistical inference vs statistical significance. I'm not looking at the probability of a school shooting, but at the statistical makeup of the 200 school shootings. What is the probability of a shooting at a public school vs a private/Catholic school, even correcting for the numerical difference in schools.
IMHO 200 school shootings, all at public schools, when 71% of schools are public, and 29% private/Catholic is statistically significant.

I don't know why there haven''t been school shootings at private/Catholic schools. Why are nearly all school shooters young white males? Is it mental illness? Would profiling help? Is it related to their home life? Financial situation? Social life? Religious attitude, etc.
1. You post data without a source, so your numbers are bullshit. Stick with (10,693/37,000) high schools, or 29% private/Catholic. See my link in #2 above
2. I posted a credible link that shows that 29% of US high schools are "private", including about 53% Catholic
3. Using the most recent number of 200 school shootings means that 58 should have been at private schools, yet there were ZERO at private/Catholic schools, WHY? QED
I posted a source...your catholic schools only have 5% of the children, derp.

How many students will attend school in fall 2019?
About 56.6 million students will attend elementary, middle, and high schools across the United States (source).
  • 50.8 million students in public schools
  • 5.8 million students in private schools
(dont tell anyone, but that's 10% total students go to private schools, and about 5% to catholic schools)
dotgov source --> Fast Facts: Back to school statistics (372)

OK, use your numbers, students not schools. 10% go to private/Catholic schools

So, 10% x 200 shootings means that 20 (not 29) shootings should have been at private/Catholic schools, yet there were ZERO, WHY?
I'm not going to explain the math to you all over again, dude. It's a little ridiculous that you think that that's what you're supposed to extrapolate from that data, and that's like a bridge too far at that point.

I'd be happy for you to tell me ANY virtue that you think that POSSIBLY exists in schools getting 0% of school shootings in 19-years that the schools getting statistical zero magically don't have. If you cannot think about that and realize why it's a bad inference, cannot FORCE logic on the masses...

Better put:
ANY virtue....literally ANY virtue you want to apply to "Catholic" schools that you think is preventing them from school shootings? ALSO, by your own bad-inference-logic, applies to 99.97% of public schools. Does that make it clearer, for you?
If not, my arms are in the air man! Can't fix that.

We basically disagree on statistical inference vs statistical significance. I'm not looking at the probability of a school shooting, but at the statistical makeup of the 200 school shootings. What is the probability of a shooting at a public school vs a private/Catholic school, even correcting for the numerical difference in schools.
IMHO 200 school shootings, all at public schools, when 71% of schools are public, and 29% private/Catholic is statistically significant.

I don't know why there haven''t been school shootings at private/Catholic schools. Why are nearly all school shooters young white males? Is it mental illness? Would profiling help? Is it related to their home life? Financial situation? Social life? Religious attitude, etc.
You're trying to extrapolate correlative inferences from an incomplete data set. 200 shootings in 20 years out of 50+ million children in any given year... means that it's not something wrong with what any one group is doing -
not one school
not one "type" of student
not one color...
Because when THAT close to ZERO of any subset of numbers, per capita, are doing something - - - - the ones DOING IT tell you NOTHING of the group.
OK, you can copy your last post, and I'll copy mine, we can agree to disagree. I'm looking at the makeup of 200 school shootings, not 50,000,000 students. <poof>
We basically disagree on statistical inference vs statistical significance. I'm not looking at the probability of a school shooting, but at the statistical makeup of the 200 school shootings. What is the probability of a shooting at a public school vs a private/Catholic school, even correcting for the numerical difference in schools.
IMHO 200 school shootings, all at public schools, when 71% of schools are public, and 29% private/Catholic is statistically significant.

I don't know why there haven''t been school shootings at private/Catholic schools. Why are nearly all school shooters young white males? Is it mental illness? Would profiling help? Is it related to their home life? Financial situation? Social life? Religious attitude, etc
Religious indoctrination is the cause of a non violent life, they are brainwashed.
I posted a source...your catholic schools only have 5% of the children, derp.

How many students will attend school in fall 2019?
About 56.6 million students will attend elementary, middle, and high schools across the United States (source).
  • 50.8 million students in public schools
  • 5.8 million students in private schools
(dont tell anyone, but that's 10% total students go to private schools, and about 5% to catholic schools)
dotgov source --> Fast Facts: Back to school statistics (372)

OK, use your numbers, students not schools. 10% go to private/Catholic schools

So, 10% x 200 shootings means that 20 (not 29) shootings should have been at private/Catholic schools, yet there were ZERO, WHY?
I'm not going to explain the math to you all over again, dude. It's a little ridiculous that you think that that's what you're supposed to extrapolate from that data, and that's like a bridge too far at that point.

I'd be happy for you to tell me ANY virtue that you think that POSSIBLY exists in schools getting 0% of school shootings in 19-years that the schools getting statistical zero magically don't have. If you cannot think about that and realize why it's a bad inference, cannot FORCE logic on the masses...

Better put:
ANY virtue....literally ANY virtue you want to apply to "Catholic" schools that you think is preventing them from school shootings? ALSO, by your own bad-inference-logic, applies to 99.97% of public schools. Does that make it clearer, for you?
If not, my arms are in the air man! Can't fix that.

We basically disagree on statistical inference vs statistical significance. I'm not looking at the probability of a school shooting, but at the statistical makeup of the 200 school shootings. What is the probability of a shooting at a public school vs a private/Catholic school, even correcting for the numerical difference in schools.
IMHO 200 school shootings, all at public schools, when 71% of schools are public, and 29% private/Catholic is statistically significant.

I don't know why there haven''t been school shootings at private/Catholic schools. Why are nearly all school shooters young white males? Is it mental illness? Would profiling help? Is it related to their home life? Financial situation? Social life? Religious attitude, etc.

Personal Accountability is the reason why there has been no shooting. If Catholic Schools give you the privilege to go to their schools, you are going to be held accountable regardless of your skin color or creed (Catholic schools accept people of all or non faiths). It’s personal accountability.... not excuses.
So are 99.96% of public schools employing the same, if this is the virtue preventing shootings?

Public schools are employing personal accountability? Do explain.
1. You post data without a source, so your numbers are bullshit. Stick with (10,693/37,000) high schools, or 29% private/Catholic. See my link in #2 above
2. I posted a credible link that shows that 29% of US high schools are "private", including about 53% Catholic
3. Using the most recent number of 200 school shootings means that 58 should have been at private schools, yet there were ZERO at private/Catholic schools, WHY? QED
I posted a source...your catholic schools only have 5% of the children, derp.

How many students will attend school in fall 2019?
About 56.6 million students will attend elementary, middle, and high schools across the United States (source).
  • 50.8 million students in public schools
  • 5.8 million students in private schools
(dont tell anyone, but that's 10% total students go to private schools, and about 5% to catholic schools)
dotgov source --> Fast Facts: Back to school statistics (372)

OK, use your numbers, students not schools. 10% go to private/Catholic schools

So, 10% x 200 shootings means that 20 (not 29) shootings should have been at private/Catholic schools, yet there were ZERO, WHY?
I'm not going to explain the math to you all over again, dude. It's a little ridiculous that you think that that's what you're supposed to extrapolate from that data, and that's like a bridge too far at that point.

I'd be happy for you to tell me ANY virtue that you think that POSSIBLY exists in schools getting 0% of school shootings in 19-years that the schools getting statistical zero magically don't have. If you cannot think about that and realize why it's a bad inference, cannot FORCE logic on the masses...

Better put:
ANY virtue....literally ANY virtue you want to apply to "Catholic" schools that you think is preventing them from school shootings? ALSO, by your own bad-inference-logic, applies to 99.97% of public schools. Does that make it clearer, for you?
If not, my arms are in the air man! Can't fix that.

We basically disagree on statistical inference vs statistical significance. I'm not looking at the probability of a school shooting, but at the statistical makeup of the 200 school shootings. What is the probability of a shooting at a public school vs a private/Catholic school, even correcting for the numerical difference in schools.
IMHO 200 school shootings, all at public schools, when 71% of schools are public, and 29% private/Catholic is statistically significant.

I don't know why there haven''t been school shootings at private/Catholic schools. Why are nearly all school shooters young white males? Is it mental illness? Would profiling help? Is it related to their home life? Financial situation? Social life? Religious attitude, etc.
I posted a source...your catholic schools only have 5% of the children, derp.

How many students will attend school in fall 2019?
About 56.6 million students will attend elementary, middle, and high schools across the United States (source).
  • 50.8 million students in public schools
  • 5.8 million students in private schools
(dont tell anyone, but that's 10% total students go to private schools, and about 5% to catholic schools)
dotgov source --> Fast Facts: Back to school statistics (372)

OK, use your numbers, students not schools. 10% go to private/Catholic schools

So, 10% x 200 shootings means that 20 (not 29) shootings should have been at private/Catholic schools, yet there were ZERO, WHY?
I'm not going to explain the math to you all over again, dude. It's a little ridiculous that you think that that's what you're supposed to extrapolate from that data, and that's like a bridge too far at that point.

I'd be happy for you to tell me ANY virtue that you think that POSSIBLY exists in schools getting 0% of school shootings in 19-years that the schools getting statistical zero magically don't have. If you cannot think about that and realize why it's a bad inference, cannot FORCE logic on the masses...

Better put:
ANY virtue....literally ANY virtue you want to apply to "Catholic" schools that you think is preventing them from school shootings? ALSO, by your own bad-inference-logic, applies to 99.97% of public schools. Does that make it clearer, for you?
If not, my arms are in the air man! Can't fix that.

We basically disagree on statistical inference vs statistical significance. I'm not looking at the probability of a school shooting, but at the statistical makeup of the 200 school shootings. What is the probability of a shooting at a public school vs a private/Catholic school, even correcting for the numerical difference in schools.
IMHO 200 school shootings, all at public schools, when 71% of schools are public, and 29% private/Catholic is statistically significant.

I don't know why there haven''t been school shootings at private/Catholic schools. Why are nearly all school shooters young white males? Is it mental illness? Would profiling help? Is it related to their home life? Financial situation? Social life? Religious attitude, etc.
You're trying to extrapolate correlative inferences from an incomplete data set. 200 shootings in 20 years out of 50+ million children in any given year... means that it's not something wrong with what any one group is doing -
not one school
not one "type" of student
not one color...
Because when THAT close to ZERO of any subset of numbers, per capita, are doing something - - - - the ones DOING IT tell you NOTHING of the group.
OK, you can copy your last post, and I'll copy mine, we can agree to disagree. I'm looking at the makeup of 200 school shootings, not 50,000,000 students. <poof>
We basically disagree on statistical inference vs statistical significance. I'm not looking at the probability of a school shooting, but at the statistical makeup of the 200 school shootings. What is the probability of a shooting at a public school vs a private/Catholic school, even correcting for the numerical difference in schools.
IMHO 200 school shootings, all at public schools, when 71% of schools are public, and 29% private/Catholic is statistically significant.

I don't know why there haven''t been school shootings at private/Catholic schools. Why are nearly all school shooters young white males? Is it mental illness? Would profiling help? Is it related to their home life? Financial situation? Social life? Religious attitude, etc
You dont understand the statistical error you're making, and why that matters to the inference you're drawing from it.

When "200" out of "50 million anything" does something...

it says

NOTHING about the group.

And it's even more than 50, 000, 000 unique individuals we're talking about, too, because in 20-years, we have a lot of graduation-based, birth-based turn over.

I'm not sure why I should give any fucks period what 200 kids had go wrong out of 50 million....I'm more interested in the 49, 999, 800

meanwhile, the numbers 200 and 0 are not even correct to begin with but let's let that live.
OK, use your numbers, students not schools. 10% go to private/Catholic schools

So, 10% x 200 shootings means that 20 (not 29) shootings should have been at private/Catholic schools, yet there were ZERO, WHY?
I'm not going to explain the math to you all over again, dude. It's a little ridiculous that you think that that's what you're supposed to extrapolate from that data, and that's like a bridge too far at that point.

I'd be happy for you to tell me ANY virtue that you think that POSSIBLY exists in schools getting 0% of school shootings in 19-years that the schools getting statistical zero magically don't have. If you cannot think about that and realize why it's a bad inference, cannot FORCE logic on the masses...

Better put:
ANY virtue....literally ANY virtue you want to apply to "Catholic" schools that you think is preventing them from school shootings? ALSO, by your own bad-inference-logic, applies to 99.97% of public schools. Does that make it clearer, for you?
If not, my arms are in the air man! Can't fix that.

We basically disagree on statistical inference vs statistical significance. I'm not looking at the probability of a school shooting, but at the statistical makeup of the 200 school shootings. What is the probability of a shooting at a public school vs a private/Catholic school, even correcting for the numerical difference in schools.
IMHO 200 school shootings, all at public schools, when 71% of schools are public, and 29% private/Catholic is statistically significant.

I don't know why there haven''t been school shootings at private/Catholic schools. Why are nearly all school shooters young white males? Is it mental illness? Would profiling help? Is it related to their home life? Financial situation? Social life? Religious attitude, etc.

Personal Accountability is the reason why there has been no shooting. If Catholic Schools give you the privilege to go to their schools, you are going to be held accountable regardless of your skin color or creed (Catholic schools accept people of all or non faiths). It’s personal accountability.... not excuses.
So are 99.96% of public schools employing the same, if this is the virtue preventing shootings?

Public schools are employing personal accountability? Do explain.
99.96% of them have not had shootings.

you were asked, in virtue of what, are catholic schools not having school shootings....

you answered personal accountability

so, why does this not apply to all of the other schools not having shootings - - - - ?

you guys are super bad at justifying your inferences here

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