No test scores for college admission

How is this going to work long term? Wouldn’t every employer just realize an idiot going into college is probably still an idiot coming out with nothing more than a paper that says they may or may not know some shit, we didn’t test for that. Colleges are making themselves more worthless by the day. Woke doesn’t keep a company running in the black.

How is this politics? It’s our tax dollars paying for this stupid shit. It’s our money producing a 22 year old worthless fuck who now thinks he is smart to try and run shit.

This is how you get more Stacy Abrams, Beta O’roark, Illhan Omar, AOC level retards in government.

Promoting stupid gets more stupid. And the dumbest of the group get to pay for these morons “education”.
That’s the point
To obliterate all colleges and higher learning so that the Maoist revolution can place moronic fools at the top
ACT / SAT tests have been optional but in 2020 and 2021 the colleges aren't even expecting to see any, due to the pandemic. What's occurred as a result is a lot of subpar applicants without having taken standardized tests to compare scores with other applicants from other schools are getting into elite colleges that they never dreamed they could get into.

FYI you can come up with a fake doctor's diagnosis for ADD or other similar illnesses and take a test that normally takes 3 hours in six and divided into two days. The system is rigged, but the elite, dedicated students that worked hard throughout their high school career to stand out still managed to shine through and the colleges were indeed able to sift through. Now the colleges are shooting in the blind.
They aren’t shooting in the blind, they just want the money. Colleges don’t care what they produce as long as the tuition is paid you pass.
I'm talking about the top 20 or 25 highest ranked for undergraduate studies. At least the standardized test scores to a certain extent helped them distinguish one student's academic capabilities from another with similar grades and resume coming from a different school. Now, it's very easy to disguise
Yet they are rated the 36th best liberal arts college in the US. How many liberal arts colleges do you think there are?
Decades ago I read that Liberal Arts creates open minds. We now know that is not true. It creates radicals living off the current wealth and produces eventual decay. in the top professions of real solutions to technical and science problems we have pushed "equity" for many decades. And we are falling behind. If 8 out of 10 were theory problem solvers with 2 being redundant, we may now have 5 out of 10 that may be that.
"The considerations" as listed in the linked article seem a much more sensible approach. Overall academic success in a rigorous level of academics has always seemed to me a far better measure than a standardized test whose results can be easily influenced through purchase of a prep services that teaches the test.
Yet they are rated the 36th best liberal arts college in the US. How many liberal arts colleges do you think there are?
Decades ago I read that Liberal Arts creates open minds. We now know that is not true. It creates radicals living off the current wealth and produces eventual decay. in the top professions of real solutions to technical and science problems we have pushed "equity" for many decades. And we are falling behind. If 8 out of 10 were theory problem solvers with 2 being redundant, we may now have 5 out of 10 that may be that.
Don't be so silly. When anybody, and that includes liberal colleges, disagrees with the right for any reason, the right immediately claims they are evil and have a nefarious agenda to destroy some part of the US. The right doesn't recognize a simple difference of opinion. It goes directly to claims of malicious intent.
Don't be so silly. When anybody, and that includes liberal colleges, disagrees with the right for any reason, the right immediately claims they are evil and have a nefarious agenda to destroy some part of the US. The right doesn't recognize a simple difference of opinion. It goes directly to claims of malicious intent.
It's absolutely sad that you understand that concept, and then don't actually practice it. I mean... You are correct. You are also exactly that.
It is terrifying to think that when one has dealings with a doctor, lawyer, architect, engineer, etc., that professional may hold a pity diploma and that s/he got that job because of reasons having nothing to do with qualifications.

But, hey!, the Dems did not hide their intention to drop all qualifications for university entrance, and (reputedly) 80,000,000 voters bought what they were selling.
It is terrifying to think that when one has dealings with a doctor, lawyer, architect, engineer, etc., that professional may hold a pity diploma and that s/he got that job because of reasons having nothing to do with qualifications.

But, hey!, the Dems did not hide their intention to drop all qualifications for university entrance, and (reputedly) 80,000,000 voters bought what they were selling.
What a goober. You understand their criteria is for entrance into the learning environment, and not for graduation from it, don't you? You don't see that those are not the same thing?
It is terrifying to think that when one has dealings with a doctor, lawyer, architect, engineer, etc., that professional may hold a pity diploma and that s/he got that job because of reasons having nothing to do with qualifications.

But, hey!, the Dems did not hide their intention to drop all qualifications for university entrance, and (reputedly) 80,000,000 voters bought what they were selling.
What a goober. You understand their criteria is for entrance into the learning environment, and not for graduation from it, don't you? You don't see that those are not the same thing?

Many professors will be giving pity marks so that those lucky "students" can graduate and get a diploma.

They would NOT dare fail them!

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