No Trump needed

North and South Korean leaders meet again

The peace between the two nations keeps moving forward without the US.

Trump has once again made the US irrelevant in world affairs

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All happened because of trump. To deny that is just someone with trump syndrome! I feel for you though.

But of course it did my little Trumpian sheep. Trump made the sun come up this morning!
Nope the sun has been shining for forever! But nice trump syndrome exaggeration! :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
I trash the current American POTUS for acting like a spoiled child and removing us from having any significant input on the peace process. He, and you it seems, do not grasp that the world will move on without us if we keep taking our ball and going home.

Say what it's been going on for 50 years plus, Trump pushed north Korea at their own game, like he is pushing Iran.

What all of you Trump zealots are ignoring is the nuclear elephant in the middle of the room. NK now has what it has wanted for the last 50 years, so now it is easy for them to come to the table. And if they can work a deal between them, SK and China and leave us out of the process, that is even better for them.

And that is now what is happening.

No I think lil Kim is getting older and wiser, wants to remain in power but doesn't want to get killed and he wants what China has..

Do you get what I am saying? His nukes can't do shit accept blow his own butt up.

His nukes are an insurance policy against him becoming the next Gaddafi.
-------------------------------- thats probably why he won't be allowed to have nukes if the TRUMP and John Bolton stick to the TRUMPS earlier decrees GGator .

I do not think they will. Anything that happens now as far as aggression will be 100% on the US. Personally I think that is why Trump canceled the Iran deal, to let them get closer to a nuke so we have a reason to attack them, something that Israel has been pushing us to do since the 80s.
Well, one thing is certain. Our president said that he wants peace between North Korea and South Korea.

And, since he has said that, if peace happens there, it will be because of Trump’s leadership and vision for the future. The “We Will See What Happens” doctrine has been established.
----------------------------------------------------- pardon me eh . But the big deal is that the TRUMP has said numerous times that the 'norks' will not be allowed to have nukes . Doesn't matter if the 'norks' and 'sorks' are all kissy kissy . TRUMP ' has spoken ' and unless HE changes his mind the 'norks' will not be allowed to have ' nukes' and delivery that can hit the USA Ladies and Gents .

NK has nukes and there is jack shit Trump can do about it other than destroy their country...but I do not want to give him any ideas
---------------------------- did you say , destroy the norks , might happen . All i know is that TRUMP has said that the norks can't have nukes GGator .
North and South Korean leaders meet again

The peace between the two nations keeps moving forward without the US.

Trump has once again made the US irrelevant in world affairs

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You hate Trump, we know. But the fact is no other US President has even come close to talks with North Korea. President Trump has moved the ball with Kim Jong-un and denuclearization much further than anyone thought even possible. Liberals should stop rooting against the President and America's interests for the sake of political expediency.

There is no and will be no denuclearization. The reason talks are close is because NK has what they want.

Look at this syndrome giant
Say what it's been going on for 50 years plus, Trump pushed north Korea at their own game, like he is pushing Iran.

What all of you Trump zealots are ignoring is the nuclear elephant in the middle of the room. NK now has what it has wanted for the last 50 years, so now it is easy for them to come to the table. And if they can work a deal between them, SK and China and leave us out of the process, that is even better for them.

And that is now what is happening.

No I think lil Kim is getting older and wiser, wants to remain in power but doesn't want to get killed and he wants what China has..

Do you get what I am saying? His nukes can't do shit accept blow his own butt up.

His nukes are an insurance policy against him becoming the next Gaddafi.
-------------------------------- thats probably why he won't be allowed to have nukes if the TRUMP and John Bolton stick to the TRUMPS earlier decrees GGator .

I do not think they will. Anything that happens now as far as aggression will be 100% on the US. Personally I think that is why Trump canceled the Iran deal, to let them get closer to a nuke so we have a reason to attack them, something that Israel has been pushing us to do since the 80s.

Because you are a paranoid leftist clown boy.
North and South Korean leaders meet again

The peace between the two nations keeps moving forward without the US.

Trump has once again made the US irrelevant in world affairs

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You hate Trump, we know. But the fact is no other US President has even come close to talks with North Korea. President Trump has moved the ball with Kim Jong-un and denuclearization much further than anyone thought even possible. Liberals should stop rooting against the President and America's interests for the sake of political expediency.

There is no and will be no denuclearization. The reason talks are close is because NK has what they want.

Look at this syndrome giant

Poor little Trumpian sheep, facts are hard for you.
Liberals are idiots, its like a Seinfeld episode...

Liberal Morons: Trump is going to start a nuclear war with NK OMG!

Trump: I'm brokering peace between the US, NK, and SK.

Liberal Morons: Trump is an idiot for negotiating peace with NK OMG!
What all of you Trump zealots are ignoring is the nuclear elephant in the middle of the room. NK now has what it has wanted for the last 50 years, so now it is easy for them to come to the table. And if they can work a deal between them, SK and China and leave us out of the process, that is even better for them.

And that is now what is happening.

No I think lil Kim is getting older and wiser, wants to remain in power but doesn't want to get killed and he wants what China has..

Do you get what I am saying? His nukes can't do shit accept blow his own butt up.

His nukes are an insurance policy against him becoming the next Gaddafi.
-------------------------------- thats probably why he won't be allowed to have nukes if the TRUMP and John Bolton stick to the TRUMPS earlier decrees GGator .

I do not think they will. Anything that happens now as far as aggression will be 100% on the US. Personally I think that is why Trump canceled the Iran deal, to let them get closer to a nuke so we have a reason to attack them, something that Israel has been pushing us to do since the 80s.

Because you are a paranoid leftist clown boy.

Once again, why are you, someone far to the left of me, calling me a leftist?
North and South Korean leaders meet again

The peace between the two nations keeps moving forward without the US.

Trump has once again made the US irrelevant in world affairs

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You hate Trump, we know. But the fact is no other US President has even come close to talks with North Korea. President Trump has moved the ball with Kim Jong-un and denuclearization much further than anyone thought even possible. Liberals should stop rooting against the President and America's interests for the sake of political expediency.

There is no and will be no denuclearization. The reason talks are close is because NK has what they want.

Perhaps. We don't know yet. But the fact is sitting around doing nothing since 1990 hasn't worked. Someone had to step in and do something. President Trump deserves a ton of credit for moving in a different direction and taking a tough stance. The fact that you posted "The peace between the two nations keeps moving forward without the US." is no coincidence that Trump has a completely different policy with North Korea.
Say what it's been going on for 50 years plus, Trump pushed north Korea at their own game, like he is pushing Iran.

What all of you Trump zealots are ignoring is the nuclear elephant in the middle of the room. NK now has what it has wanted for the last 50 years, so now it is easy for them to come to the table. And if they can work a deal between them, SK and China and leave us out of the process, that is even better for them.

And that is now what is happening.

No I think lil Kim is getting older and wiser, wants to remain in power but doesn't want to get killed and he wants what China has..

Do you get what I am saying? His nukes can't do shit accept blow his own butt up.

His nukes are an insurance policy against him becoming the next Gaddafi.
-------------------------------- thats probably why he won't be allowed to have nukes if the TRUMP and John Bolton stick to the TRUMPS earlier decrees GGator .

I do not think they will. Anything that happens now as far as aggression will be 100% on the US. Personally I think that is why Trump canceled the Iran deal, to let them get closer to a nuke so we have a reason to attack them, something that Israel has been pushing us to do since the 80s.
So you think they weren’t inventing nukes? No one watching them! Yeah go with that
Didn't you all know? Trump is just an evil genius who wants to take over the world, nuke north korea, nuke iran, start a HUGE nuclear war. He is the antichrist basically. Lol.

Trump is not a genius at all, but he is easily manipulated, not unlike the last Repub POTUS
North and South Korean leaders meet again

The peace between the two nations keeps moving forward without the US.

Trump has once again made the US irrelevant in world affairs

Sent from my iPhone using

You hate Trump, we know. But the fact is no other US President has even come close to talks with North Korea. President Trump has moved the ball with Kim Jong-un and denuclearization much further than anyone thought even possible. Liberals should stop rooting against the President and America's interests for the sake of political expediency.

There is no and will be no denuclearization. The reason talks are close is because NK has what they want.

Look at this syndrome giant

Poor little Trumpian sheep, facts are hard for you.
Liberals are idiots, its like a Seinfeld episode...

Liberal Morons: Trump is going to start a nuclear war with NK OMG!

Trump: I'm brokering peace between the US, NK, and SK.

Liberal Morons: Trump is an idiot for negotiating peace with NK OMG!

Totally. You hit the nail on the head with that little dialogue. :D
No I think lil Kim is getting older and wiser, wants to remain in power but doesn't want to get killed and he wants what China has..

Do you get what I am saying? His nukes can't do shit accept blow his own butt up.

His nukes are an insurance policy against him becoming the next Gaddafi.
-------------------------------- thats probably why he won't be allowed to have nukes if the TRUMP and John Bolton stick to the TRUMPS earlier decrees GGator .

I do not think they will. Anything that happens now as far as aggression will be 100% on the US. Personally I think that is why Trump canceled the Iran deal, to let them get closer to a nuke so we have a reason to attack them, something that Israel has been pushing us to do since the 80s.

Because you are a paranoid leftist clown boy.

Once again, why are you, someone far to the left of me, calling me a leftist?
Cause you are? Seems reasonable to me
Didn't you all know? Trump is just an evil genius who wants to take over the world, nuke north korea, nuke iran, start a HUGE nuclear war. He is the antichrist basically. Lol.

Trump is not a genius at all, but he is easily manipulated, not unlike the last Repub POTUS

I think the problem for you leftists is that he is not manipulated by your bullying, name calling, and other tactics of intimidation which are pretty much no longer effective against anyone, yet you keep on using them.
North and South Korean leaders meet again

The peace between the two nations keeps moving forward without the US.

Trump has once again made the US irrelevant in world affairs

Sent from my iPhone using

You hate Trump, we know. But the fact is no other US President has even come close to talks with North Korea. President Trump has moved the ball with Kim Jong-un and denuclearization much further than anyone thought even possible. Liberals should stop rooting against the President and America's interests for the sake of political expediency.

There is no and will be no denuclearization. The reason talks are close is because NK has what they want.

Look at this syndrome giant

Poor little Trumpian sheep, facts are hard for you.
What fact are you referring to? The sun has been shining for forever?
Didn't you all know? Trump is just an evil genius who wants to take over the world, nuke north korea, nuke iran, start a HUGE nuclear war. He is the antichrist basically. Lol.

Trump is not a genius at all, but he is easily manipulated, not unlike the last Repub POTUS

I think the problem for you leftists is that he is not manipulated by your bullying, name calling, and other tactics of intimidation which are pretty much no longer effective against anyone, yet you keep on using them.

BINGO! Trump is impervious to all the typical attacks and intimidation from the left, worse he has proven that a Republican president doesn't have to sit there like a punching bag and take it, that a Republican president can fight back and WIN that fight.

I think the liberal media has run out of names and things to accuse Trump of, he just laughs and openly mocks and taunts them its hilarious. Trump is like :auiqs.jpg: and the liberal are like :aargh::aargh::aargh:

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