No Trump needed

Didn't you all know? Trump is just an evil genius who wants to take over the world, nuke north korea, nuke iran, start a HUGE nuclear war. He is the antichrist basically. Lol.

Trump is not a genius at all, but he is easily manipulated, not unlike the last Repub POTUS

Say what, he is not a genius ?

He beat Hillary, Jeb, Rick, newt , Scott..the enitre Republican and Democrat machine.. Trump brought the main stream media to their knees and showed us the true colors of liberals..

What does that say about the democratic machine?? Lol. If Donald Trump is stupid, then what does that make those he beats? I'd hate to think about it. I will say that, on a personal level, I do not care for him. I think he is a big fat arrogant asshole with a big huge mouth, but that is not always necessarily a BAD thing when it comes to getting things done.

It says very little about his opponents, and more about the US population as a whole.

Because YOU are a special little snowflake genius yourself, right? You know better. You know what is good for everyone else. Lol.
The "Trump sheep" probably make up at least half of American citizens. What does that say to you? Besides that, who are YOU calling sheep? Like I said, Trump is the one who is being vilified. It's not Obama who is vilified in the media and elsewhere. You take the positions that spoonfed to you. It is that simple.

No way the Trump sheep make up half the population, hell only about 20% of the American citizen voted for him and a good number of them did so more as a vote against Hillary than for Trump.

No, you sheep are a small but vocal minority.

I vilified Obama plenty, but he is now gone, it is time to move on.

Also, it speaks volumes about your savior that your main defense of him is to constantly bring up Obama.

That is like comparing the Giants to the is a very, very low bar

Funny, because you only joined this board in 2017. You expect me to take the word of an obvious liberal who claims that he is a moderate or something? Good grief. And you say President Trump is "stupid?"

I am not a moderate, I am a small government libertarian that is far, far to the right of you on most issue.
The "Trump sheep" probably make up at least half of American citizens. What does that say to you? Besides that, who are YOU calling sheep? Like I said, Trump is the one who is being vilified. It's not Obama who is vilified in the media and elsewhere. You take the positions that spoonfed to you. It is that simple.

No way the Trump sheep make up half the population, hell only about 20% of the American citizen voted for him and a good number of them did so more as a vote against Hillary than for Trump.

No, you sheep are a small but vocal minority.

I vilified Obama plenty, but he is now gone, it is time to move on.

Also, it speaks volumes about your savior that your main defense of him is to constantly bring up Obama.

That is like comparing the Giants to the is a very, very low bar

Funny, because you only joined this board in 2017. You expect me to take the word of an obvious liberal who claims that he is a moderate or something? Good grief. And you say President Trump is "stupid?"

I am not a moderate, I am a small government libertarian that is far, far to the right of you on most issue.

What issues do you fall to the right on? What issues? Are you going to say abortion? Lol.
Didn't you all know? Trump is just an evil genius who wants to take over the world, nuke north korea, nuke iran, start a HUGE nuclear war. He is the antichrist basically. Lol.

Trump is not a genius at all, but he is easily manipulated, not unlike the last Repub POTUS

Say what, he is not a genius ?

He beat Hillary, Jeb, Rick, newt , Scott..the enitre Republican and Democrat machine.. Trump brought the main stream media to their knees and showed us the true colors of liberals..

What does that say about the democratic machine?? Lol. If Donald Trump is stupid, then what does that make those he beats? I'd hate to think about it. I will say that, on a personal level, I do not care for him. I think he is a big fat arrogant asshole with a big huge mouth, but that is not always necessarily a BAD thing when it comes to getting things done.

It says very little about his opponents, and more about the US population as a whole.

Because YOU are a special little snowflake genius yourself, right? You know better. You know what is good for everyone else. Lol.

No, I know what is good for me. Being a sheep is not good for me
I am sick and tired of establishment politicians. I would vote 3rd party if they would come up with a damn viable candidate for ONCE! However, I saw Donald Trump as the next best thing to light a fire under their pants. :D The future for YOU, establishment politicians, is bleak.
You hate Trump, we know. But the fact is no other US President has even come close to talks with North Korea. President Trump has moved the ball with Kim Jong-un and denuclearization much further than anyone thought even possible. Liberals should stop rooting against the President and America's interests for the sake of political expediency.

There is no and will be no denuclearization. The reason talks are close is because NK has what they want.

Look at this syndrome giant

Poor little Trumpian sheep, facts are hard for you.

You ignore your own facts. You admitted peace talks are moving forward between North and South Korea. So that fact is not in dispute. It's also a fact that South Korea President Moon Jae-in said this;

“I give President Trump huge credit for bringing about the inter-Korean talks, and I’d like to thank him for that,” Moon said at a news conference in Seoul.

The only point of your thread is to tell everyone Trump had nothing to do with it. But for what purpose do you do this other than you hate Trump?

You just look silly starting a thread like this.

Oh NO! I look silly to the Trump sheep! how the hell will I ever be able to sleep tonight.

Do you think it is coincidence that NK and SK happened to meet just days after Trump pulled out of his meeting?
How do you know that wasn’t the strategy? I know, you believe you’re smarter than everyone else! Right? :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
I am sick and tired of establishment politicians. I would vote 3rd party if they would come up with a damn viable candidate for ONCE! However, I saw Donald Trump as the next best thing to light a fire under their pants. :D The future for YOU, establishment politicians, is bleak.
If you voted trump you did! As I did
The "Trump sheep" probably make up at least half of American citizens. What does that say to you? Besides that, who are YOU calling sheep? Like I said, Trump is the one who is being vilified. It's not Obama who is vilified in the media and elsewhere. You take the positions that spoonfed to you. It is that simple.

No way the Trump sheep make up half the population, hell only about 20% of the American citizens voted for him and a good number of them did so more as a vote against Hillary than for Trump.

No, you sheep are a small but vocal minority.

I vilified Obama plenty, but he is now gone, it is time to move on.

Also, it speaks volumes about your savior that your main defense of him is to constantly bring up Obama.

That is like comparing the Giants to the is a very, very low bar

Who are you trying to fool? If Obama was gone now, why the fuck was Kerry violating the Logan act with Iran?

Why is holder still trying to use the courts to screw with Trump?

Why is Hillary .still on her denial tour?
Hey yo gator, why are there american troops in South Korea?

They have a two fold purpose. The first is to keep NK in line, but that is only a minor part of it. SK is a very strategic location for staging and launching ops against other targets (i.e. China).

When developing TPFDD plans for contingency operations out of the pacific, almost all of them run though SK.
Who allows it?
The "Trump sheep" probably make up at least half of American citizens. What does that say to you? Besides that, who are YOU calling sheep? Like I said, Trump is the one who is being vilified. It's not Obama who is vilified in the media and elsewhere. You take the positions that spoonfed to you. It is that simple.

No way the Trump sheep make up half the population, hell only about 20% of the American citizen voted for him and a good number of them did so more as a vote against Hillary than for Trump.

No, you sheep are a small but vocal minority.

I vilified Obama plenty, but he is now gone, it is time to move on.

Also, it speaks volumes about your savior that your main defense of him is to constantly bring up Obama.

That is like comparing the Giants to the is a very, very low bar

Funny, because you only joined this board in 2017. You expect me to take the word of an obvious liberal who claims that he is a moderate or something? Good grief. And you say President Trump is "stupid?"

I am not a moderate, I am a small government libertarian that is far, far to the right of you on most issue.

What issues do you fall to the right on? What issues? Are you going to say abortion? Lol.

Here are just a few...

I am against abortion.

I am against ObamaCare for a multitude of reasons.

I am pro-2nd amendment and think we have too many restrictions on what we can own

I think that any and all anti-discrimination laws enforced against anyone but the government itself are unconstitutional and violate the equal protection clause.

I am for the free market system, and against things like tariffs as they pick and choose winners.

I am against the tax code being used for social engineering...there should be no tax breaks for having kids, owning a house, going to college or any other things.

I support the legalization of marijuana, because if I can sit in my house and enjoy a nice IPA, someone else should be able to sit in theirs and have a toke or two or a dozen.

I am against deficit spending except in the time of emergency or war. I was against the Trump tax cut as there were no corresponding spending cuts.

I am against smoking bans, helmet laws and seatbelt laws. If people want to kill themselves, let them.
Hey yo gator, why are there american troops in South Korea?

They have a two fold purpose. The first is to keep NK in line, but that is only a minor part of it. SK is a very strategic location for staging and launching ops against other targets (i.e. China).

When developing TPFDD plans for contingency operations out of the pacific, almost all of them run though SK.
Who allows it?

Why South Korea does of course. It will be interesting to see if they continue to do so if NK is no longer a threat. I suspect they will as China will always be a threat.

Is there some point you are building towards?
The "Trump sheep" probably make up at least half of American citizens. What does that say to you? Besides that, who are YOU calling sheep? Like I said, Trump is the one who is being vilified. It's not Obama who is vilified in the media and elsewhere. You take the positions that spoonfed to you. It is that simple.

No way the Trump sheep make up half the population, hell only about 20% of the American citizens voted for him and a good number of them did so more as a vote against Hillary than for Trump.

No, you sheep are a small but vocal minority.

I vilified Obama plenty, but he is now gone, it is time to move on.

Also, it speaks volumes about your savior that your main defense of him is to constantly bring up Obama.

That is like comparing the Giants to the is a very, very low bar

Who are you trying to fool? If Obama was gone now, why the fuck was Kerry violating the Logan act with Iran?

Why is holder still trying to use the courts to screw with Trump?

Why is Hillary .still on her denial tour?
The situation has progressed further than it had under any of Trump's predecessors. By a long shot. No pun intended.

I wonder why the press & the Left never get into that.

Yes it has, mostly because their nuclear program progressed further than it had under any of Trump's predecessors and they now have viable, working nuclear weapons.

I wonder why the press and the right never get into that.
Do you hold Obama responsible for getting nothing done in eight years?

On the contrary, it was the sanctions imposed by previous administrations that’s driving Kim’s need to get a deal done.

Kim gambled everything on a quick run to get a working nuke that he could then parlay into a peace treaty on HIS terms, and he’s been very effective in doing so.

Trump isn’t driving this process, Kim is. Trump didn’t offer to meet with Trump, Trump agreed to Kim’s offer of a meeting. Trump cancelled the meeting because he feared Kim was going to cancel.

Throughout the process, Trump has been reactive to Kim’s moves, not proactive in driving the process.

The world is watching and what they’re seeing is a weak, vain man being played by smarter, more capable world leaders. At every turn.
Hey yo gator, why are there american troops in South Korea?

They have a two fold purpose. The first is to keep NK in line, but that is only a minor part of it. SK is a very strategic location for staging and launching ops against other targets (i.e. China).

When developing TPFDD plans for contingency operations out of the pacific, almost all of them run though SK.
Who allows it?

Why South Korea does of course. It will be interesting to see if they continue to do so if NK is no longer a threat. I suspect they will as China will always be a threat.

Is there some point you are building towards?
Yes you are a goof!
Hey yo gator, why are there american troops in South Korea?

They have a two fold purpose. The first is to keep NK in line, but that is only a minor part of it. SK is a very strategic location for staging and launching ops against other targets (i.e. China).

When developing TPFDD plans for contingency operations out of the pacific, almost all of them run though SK.
Who allows it?

Why South Korea does of course. It will be interesting to see if they continue to do so if NK is no longer a threat. I suspect they will as China will always be a threat.

Is there some point you are building towards?
Yes you are a goof!

I have been called many worse names, so I can live with that! :113:
The situation has progressed further than it had under any of Trump's predecessors. By a long shot. No pun intended.

I wonder why the press & the Left never get into that.

Yes it has, mostly because their nuclear program progressed further than it had under any of Trump's predecessors and they now have viable, working nuclear weapons.

I wonder why the press and the right never get into that.
Do you hold Obama responsible for getting nothing done in eight years?

On the contrary, it was the sanctions imposed by previous administrations that’s driving Kim’s need to get a deal done.

Kim gambled everything on a quick run to get a working nuke that he could then parlay into a peace treaty on HIS terms, and he’s been very effective in doing so.

Trump isn’t driving this process, Kim is. Trump didn’t offer to meet with Trump, Trump agreed to Kim’s offer of a meeting. Trump cancelled the meeting because he feared Kim was going to cancel.

Throughout the process, Trump has been reactive to Kim’s moves, not proactive in driving the process.

The world is watching and what they’re seeing is a weak, vain man being played by smarter, more capable world leaders. At every turn.

Says some nobody from Canada. The South Korean leadership, who know a whole HELL of a lot more about the situation than you do, or anyone else here on this silly forum, say otherwise, bitch.
The "Trump sheep" probably make up at least half of American citizens. What does that say to you? Besides that, who are YOU calling sheep? Like I said, Trump is the one who is being vilified. It's not Obama who is vilified in the media and elsewhere. You take the positions that spoonfed to you. It is that simple.

No way the Trump sheep make up half the population, hell only about 20% of the American citizen voted for him and a good number of them did so more as a vote against Hillary than for Trump.

No, you sheep are a small but vocal minority.

I vilified Obama plenty, but he is now gone, it is time to move on.

Also, it speaks volumes about your savior that your main defense of him is to constantly bring up Obama.

That is like comparing the Giants to the is a very, very low bar

Funny, because you only joined this board in 2017. You expect me to take the word of an obvious liberal who claims that he is a moderate or something? Good grief. And you say President Trump is "stupid?"

I am not a moderate, I am a small government libertarian that is far, far to the right of you on most issue.

What issues do you fall to the right on? What issues? Are you going to say abortion? Lol.

Here are just a few...

I am against abortion.

I am against ObamaCare for a multitude of reasons.

I am pro-2nd amendment and think we have too many restrictions on what we can own

I think that any and all anti-discrimination laws enforced against anyone but the government itself are unconstitutional and violate the equal protection clause.

I am for the free market system, and against things like tariffs as they pick and choose winners.

I am against the tax code being used for social engineering...there should be no tax breaks for having kids, owning a house, going to college or any other things.

I support the legalization of marijuana, because if I can sit in my house and enjoy a nice IPA, someone else should be able to sit in theirs and have a toke or two or a dozen.

I am against deficit spending except in the time of emergency or war. I was against the Trump tax cut as there were no corresponding spending cuts.

I am against smoking bans, helmet laws and seatbelt laws. If people want to kill themselves, let them.

Yet you are against an outsider to really shake up D.C. and that's what Trump did.
Hey yo gator, why are there american troops in South Korea?

They have a two fold purpose. The first is to keep NK in line, but that is only a minor part of it. SK is a very strategic location for staging and launching ops against other targets (i.e. China).

When developing TPFDD plans for contingency operations out of the pacific, almost all of them run though SK.
Who allows it?

Why South Korea does of course. It will be interesting to see if they continue to do so if NK is no longer a threat. I suspect they will as China will always be a threat.

Is there some point you are building towards?
Yes you are a goof!

I have been called many worse names, so I can live with that! :113:
You wear it quite well :71:
The situation has progressed further than it had under any of Trump's predecessors. By a long shot. No pun intended.

I wonder why the press & the Left never get into that.

Yes it has, mostly because their nuclear program progressed further than it had under any of Trump's predecessors and they now have viable, working nuclear weapons.

I wonder why the press and the right never get into that.
Do you hold Obama responsible for getting nothing done in eight years?

On the contrary, it was the sanctions imposed by previous administrations that’s driving Kim’s need to get a deal done.

Kim gambled everything on a quick run to get a working nuke that he could then parlay into a peace treaty on HIS terms, and he’s been very effective in doing so.

Trump isn’t driving this process, Kim is. Trump didn’t offer to meet with Trump, Trump agreed to Kim’s offer of a meeting. Trump cancelled the meeting because he feared Kim was going to cancel.

Throughout the process, Trump has been reactive to Kim’s moves, not proactive in driving the process.

The world is watching and what they’re seeing is a weak, vain man being played by smarter, more capable world leaders. At every turn.

50 plus years of?

What are you smoking? It took a crazy ass genius like Trump to push it all the way.
Who are you trying to fool? If Obama was gone now, why the fuck was Kerry violating the Logan act with Iran?

Why is holder still trying to use the courts to screw with Trump?

Why is Hillary .still on her denial tour?

I have not seen Kerry charged with some a crime, do you have a link?

As for Hillary, well because she is a deluded sad little woman that truly thinks she was cheated twice out of what was her birthright.

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