No Water to Drink – Feds Order 29 Fish to be Saved


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City

9 billion gallons of water!

The total absurdity of it would be side-splitting if it wasn't so typical of what is happening to our federal government.

Can even the leftist environmentalists defend this?

Read the story @ Doug Ross Journal CRIMINAL Feds order parched California farm district to use 9 billion gallons of water to save... 29 fish
They are mocking them.... laughing right in the people of CA's face. Dont tell me there isnt whole lot of govt complicity in making the situation worse.
Can Longknife defend his fervent desire to completely destroy the environment?

The normal people think it's a good idea to use some water to preserve the environment. It's not a liberal or conservative thing to do. It's an intelligent and moral thing to do.
Maybe if California didn't have unsustainable agriculture like rice farms and Almond groves, which use a lot of water they don't really have, this wouldn't be an issue.
What would we do for pistachios???We already have them cut off from Iran.....crap!!
Under the state water board's formula, the city of San Diego is ordered to reduce water usage by 20%. Reductions ordered for other water agencies in San Diego County range from 20% to 35%.
Use of potable water in the county has declined 12% since 1990 despite an increase of more than 700,000 residents, according to figures released by the San Diego County Water Authority. LA Times
That is an incredible accomplishment.. also illustrates size of the challenge...

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