Non-Citizen Arrested for Voting 5 Times in Texas

Non-Citizen Arrested for Voting 5 Times in Texas

But there is no voter fraud in this country according to the liberals. I dont care if the fraud is from the left or the right. It needs to stop

Oh my god, one person did something bad!

Is your claim that it only happened one time?

You're too obtuse to comprehend my claim.

You're too cowardly to answer my question. Didn't think you had the guts pussy.

Non-Citizen Arrested for Voting 5 Times in Texas

But there is no voter fraud in this country according to the liberals. I dont care if the fraud is from the left or the right. It needs to stop

HOW convenient of you to NOT post a clip of the article...


and please, for the Love of God, STOP LYING...Democrats have not and do NOT say that there is NO voter fraud....there is voter fraud, but it is minimal and most importantly, gvt issued photo ID is NOT the solution to stopping what voter fraud does take place, it is simply a way to stop CITIZENS who have lived their entire lives without a gvt issued photo ID, from voting....the fraud is YOU and your ilk taking the right to vote, AWAY FROM CITIZENS.

Go it yet?

Non-citizen arrested for voting 5 times in Texas
By Ryan Girdusky | November 9, 2015 | Comments

Image via Screenshot

A non-citizen was arrested for illegally voting five different times over a span of 10 years in Texas.

NBC Dallas-Ft. Worth reported that Rosa Maria Ortega was arrested Friday and placed on a $10,000 bond.

Ortega is a non-citizen who is married to an American and is living in the country legally, but is still not qualified to vote. Nonetheless, she tried to register in Tarrant County, Texas but was denied when she admitted to not being a citizen.

Just a few months later she applied again and lied about her naturalization, stating she was a citizen.

While she never voted in Tarrant County, she did vote in Dallas County a total of five times, voting the first time in the Republican Party primary in 2004 and lastly in the May 2014 Republican runoff.
"there is no voter fraud in this country according to the liberals" is the stupidest comment so far today.

Of course there is fraud. It is almost undetectable, there is so little of it.
Loveydoveybear, your thread is getting its ass kicked.

Where are you loveydoveybear? Your thread needs help.
Look...........there's an ant......................silly me.......there is only one ant........
What's silly is to try and pretend,that it was just one person, there are more.
,how much hard to say,but fraud exist, willful ignorance can only go do far
This one person is GOP.

This one person wrongly voted.

This one person is a bad GOP.
The so is this. This Republican voted badly. So do Democrats. So do other parties.

But when you write, "What's silly is to try and pretend,that it was just one person, there are more.
,how much hard to say,but fraud exist, willful ignorance can only go do far" is silly itself, Chiken Wing, because there has not been any cases of wide spread voting fraud in many years.

If I am wrong, then bring the evidence forward.
OMG, people can drive over the speed limit in their cars. We must immediately put governors on all cars!

She was caught, she's paying a fine. No ID law would have prevented this because she lied on her registration form.

(And what a deceptive title...she voted five times in 10 years? Not a very dedicated voter)

How can you be sure it was only five times

She lies
OMG, people can drive over the speed limit in their cars. We must immediately put governors on all cars!

She was caught, she's paying a fine. No ID law would have prevented this because she lied on her registration form.

(And what a deceptive title...she voted five times in 10 years? Not a very dedicated voter)

How can you be sure it was only five times

She lies

All you have to do is look at her voting record...which they did
OMG, people can drive over the speed limit in their cars. We must immediately put governors on all cars!

She was caught, she's paying a fine. No ID law would have prevented this because she lied on her registration form.

(And what a deceptive title...she voted five times in 10 years? Not a very dedicated voter)

How can you be sure it was only five times

She lies

All you have to do is look at her voting record...which they did

Under which name?
OMG, people can drive over the speed limit in their cars. We must immediately put governors on all cars!

She was caught, she's paying a fine. No ID law would have prevented this because she lied on her registration form.

(And what a deceptive title...she voted five times in 10 years? Not a very dedicated voter)

How can you be sure it was only five times

She lies

All you have to do is look at her voting record...which they did

Under which name?

The type of voter fraud you are implying does not happen

How do we know it is not happening?

You claim that anyone can show up to the polls, give the name Pop23 and vote under your name. If that were happening with any frequency, Pop23 would show up to vote and scream bloody murder that someone had voted under his name. Or else, an illegal voter would claim to be Pop23 and find you had already voted

Doesn't happen. If it did, we would have ample records
OMG, people can drive over the speed limit in their cars. We must immediately put governors on all cars!

She was caught, she's paying a fine. No ID law would have prevented this because she lied on her registration form.

(And what a deceptive title...she voted five times in 10 years? Not a very dedicated voter)

How can you be sure it was only five times

She lies
she didn't admit to any of it....

THE RECORDS SHOW her voting 5 times in 10 years for Republicans, in primaries and primary run offs etc....

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