Non-Citizen Arrested for Voting 5 Times in Texas

Proof Of Citizenship Required To Renew A Texas Driver's License

Any form of identification accepted shows citizenship status.
By voter id law. It happened all before the law went into effect.
still waiting for someone (Lovebears65) to tell us how this should have been prevented...
and when the id matches, as it would in this case?
texas driver's licenses show citizenship status? i doubt that
Everything. If they were no incentives for them to be here, then they wouldn't be here. They wouldn't be voting either.
so you are under the erroneous impression the voter was here illegally.


The person was voting illegally and is not a citizen. So what is the difference? Idiot.
the difference is you made an ass out of yourself ranting about illegal immigrants when the woman involved was a legal resident.

Is she legally able to vote in our elections, dumbass? No? Then there is really not much difference, is there?
but you railed against illegal immigrants, saying that if we took away incentives for them to.come this wouldn't happen...

And that is true.
Any form of identification accepted shows citizenship status.
By voter id law. It happened all before the law went into effect.
still waiting for someone (Lovebears65) to tell us how this should have been prevented...
and when the id matches, as it would in this case?
texas driver's licenses show citizenship status? i doubt that

Was she legally able to vote in our elections? NO. So shut your silly mouth.
if tx driver's licenses are accepted but
don't show citizenship status how would voter id have helped when she showed hers?
so you are under the erroneous impression the voter was here illegally.


The person was voting illegally and is not a citizen. So what is the difference? Idiot.
the difference is you made an ass out of yourself ranting about illegal immigrants when the woman involved was a legal resident.

Is she legally able to vote in our elections, dumbass? No? Then there is really not much difference, is there?
but you railed against illegal immigrants, saying that if we took away incentives for them to.come this wouldn't happen...

And that is true.
except the woman voting was not an illegal alien...
The person was voting illegally and is not a citizen. So what is the difference? Idiot.
the difference is you made an ass out of yourself ranting about illegal immigrants when the woman involved was a legal resident.

Is she legally able to vote in our elections, dumbass? No? Then there is really not much difference, is there?
but you railed against illegal immigrants, saying that if we took away incentives for them to.come this wouldn't happen...

And that is true.
except the woman voting was not an illegal alien...

She wasn't a citizen either, so she might as well be an illegal if she is voting in our elections. What the hell are you arguing about? Semantics. Shut up.
Proof Of Citizenship Re
[URL='']Proof Of Citizenship Required To Renew A Texas Driver's License
Any form of identification accepted shows citizenship status.
By voter id law. It happened all before the law went into effect.
still waiting for someone (Lovebears65) to tell us how this should have been prevented...
and when the id matches, as it would in this case?
texas driver's licenses show citizenship status? i doubt that

quired To Renew A Texas Driver's License[/URL]

Any form of identification accepted shows citizenship status.
By voter id law. It happened all before the law went into effect.
still waiting for someone (Lovebears65) to tell us how this should have been prevented...
and when the id matches, as it would in this case?
texas driver's licenses show citizenship status? i doubt that
or legal status, whuch she had
Oh come on, ogilbillm, you are just being ornery now.

And I gave you a link for citizenship requirement for Tx dl.
The person was voting illegally and is not a citizen. So what is the difference? Idiot.
the difference is you made an ass out of yourself ranting about illegal immigrants when the woman involved was a legal resident.

Is she legally able to vote in our elections, dumbass? No? Then there is really not much difference, is there?
but you railed against illegal immigrants, saying that if we took away incentives for them to.come this wouldn't happen...

And that is true.
except the woman voting was not an illegal alien...
the difference is you made an ass out of yourself ranting about illegal immigrants when the woman involved was a legal resident.

Is she legally able to vote in our elections, dumbass? No? Then there is really not much difference, is there?
but you railed against illegal immigrants, saying that if we took away incentives for them to.come this wouldn't happen...

And that is true.
except the woman voting was not an illegal alien...

She wasn't a citizen either, so she might as well be an illegal if she is voting in our elections. What the hell are you arguing about? Semantics. Shut up.
you just wanted to rant against illegals and didn't read the story. fess up.
Is she legally able to vote in our elections, dumbass? No? Then there is really not much difference, is there?
but you railed against illegal immigrants, saying that if we took away incentives for them to.come this wouldn't happen...

And that is true.
except the woman voting was not an illegal alien...

She wasn't a citizen either, so she might as well be an illegal if she is voting in our elections. What the hell are you arguing about? Semantics. Shut up.
you just wanted to rant against illegals and didn't read the story. fess up.

What difference does it make at this point?
I do want to rant against illegals. They do not belong here, collecting social services, or taking jobs. They are their own countries' responsibilities, and not the American taxpayers' responsibility.

Edit: OR voting, which we all know some of them DO. So spare me your faux outrage over whether this person was a non-citizen or an illegal. This person was caught, and that is a GOOD thing.
Arizona state treasurer Dean Martin says his state loses between $1.3 billion and $2.5 billion each year on illegal immigrants. In addition to the fiscal costs of incarcerating and educating illegal immigrants and their families, Arizona also faces a variety of other indirect costs, says Martin, who favors Arizona's controversial new immigration law.

Arizona has higher car insurance rates, he says, because illegal immigrants who cross the border often steal cars that they use to move further into the country. Undocumented workers are also more likely to perpetrate hit-and-run accidents, he says, because they are afraid of being deported if they are caught. Not only does this add to car insurance rates, but it also stretches police resources, he says.

"Unfortunately we are the gateway for illegal immigration, and that puts a bigger strain on our economy than other states," he says.
One person got caught. How many didn't get caught?
I ask that same question about gun violence.
The second amendment is a RIGHT of the people. Illegals do not have any rights to vote in OUR elections. Nor do they have any right to even be here. Do you think our resources are endless? WTF?
As a matter of fact, leftist fanatics like swimexpert DO think the resources of the people he wants to transfer wealth from, are unlimited.
To get on the list at your polling station, you have had to prove your citizenship also through voter registration. If you claim your are eligible, are not on the list, then you can vote with a provisional ballot, but your vote will be flagged for verification of eligibility
Any form of identification accepted shows citizenship status.
By voter id law. It happened all before the law went into effect.
and when the id matches, as it would in this case?
texas driver's licenses show citizenship status? i doubt that

Was she legally able to vote in our elections? NO. So shut your silly mouth.
if tx driver's licenses are accepted but
don't show citizenship status how would voter id have helped when she showed hers?
To get on the list at your polling station, you have had to prove your citizenship also through voter registration. If you claim your are eligible, are not on the list, then you can vote with a provisional ballot, but your vote will be flagged for verification of eligibility
Any form of identification accepted shows citizenship status.
and when the id matches, as it would in this case?
texas driver's licenses show citizenship status? i doubt that

Was she legally able to vote in our elections? NO. So shut your silly mouth.
if tx driver's licenses are accepted but
don't show citizenship status how would voter id have helped when she showed hers?
so "problem" solved

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