Non-Citizen Arrested for Voting 5 Times in Texas

Non-Citizen Arrested for Voting 5 Times in Texas

But there is no voter fraud in this country according to the liberals. I dont care if the fraud is from the left or the right. It needs to stop

Oh my god, one person did something bad!

Is your claim that it only happened one time?

You're too obtuse to comprehend my claim.

You're too cowardly to answer my question. Didn't think you had the guts pussy.


I doubt you would answer it face to face either. You're the kind are just too big of a pussy to do so.
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OMG, people can drive over the speed limit in their cars. We must immediately put governors on all cars!

She was caught, she's paying a fine. No ID law would have prevented this because she lied on her registration form.

(And what a deceptive title...she voted five times in 10 years? Not a very dedicated voter)

How can you be sure it was only five times

She lies

All you have to do is look at her voting record...which they did

Under which name?

The type of voter fraud you are implying does not happen

How do we know it is not happening?

You claim that anyone can show up to the polls, give the name Pop23 and vote under your name. If that were happening with any frequency, Pop23 would show up to vote and scream bloody murder that someone had voted under his name. Or else, an illegal voter would claim to be Pop23 and find you had already voted

Doesn't happen. If it did, we would have ample records


Voter Fraud in the US: Documented - Discover the Networks
OMG, people can drive over the speed limit in their cars. We must immediately put governors on all cars!

She was caught, she's paying a fine. No ID law would have prevented this because she lied on her registration form.

(And what a deceptive title...she voted five times in 10 years? Not a very dedicated voter)

How can you be sure it was only five times

She lies

All you have to do is look at her voting record...which they did

Under which name?

The type of voter fraud you are implying does not happen

How do we know it is not happening?

You claim that anyone can show up to the polls, give the name Pop23 and vote under your name. If that were happening with any frequency, Pop23 would show up to vote and scream bloody murder that someone had voted under his name. Or else, an illegal voter would claim to be Pop23 and find you had already voted

Doesn't happen. If it did, we would have ample records


Voter Fraud in the US: Documented - Discover the Networks

You fucking bitch!
I hope you eat shit and die!

You made me read that whole FUCKING thing only to find that it primarily documents voter "registration" fraud and bribery and does not contain a SINGLE documented case where someone voted under someone else's name
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OMG, people can drive over the speed limit in their cars. We must immediately put governors on all cars!

She was caught, she's paying a fine. No ID law would have prevented this because she lied on her registration form.

(And what a deceptive title...she voted five times in 10 years? Not a very dedicated voter)

How can you be sure it was only five times

She lies

All you have to do is look at her voting record...which they did

Under which name?

The type of voter fraud you are implying does not happen

How do we know it is not happening?

You claim that anyone can show up to the polls, give the name Pop23 and vote under your name. If that were happening with any frequency, Pop23 would show up to vote and scream bloody murder that someone had voted under his name. Or else, an illegal voter would claim to be Pop23 and find you had already voted

Doesn't happen. If it did, we would have ample records


Voter Fraud in the US: Documented - Discover the Networks

you didn't read your own article in full, did you?

IF YOU HAD read it, you would have seen that in PART 1, it showed the alleged voter fraud taking place and NOT ONE OF THEM would have been stopped by gvt issued PHOTO voter id laws....

gvt issued photo id at the polling place, is simply to disenfranchise legal, born and bread CITIZENS.
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How can you be sure it was only five times

She lies

All you have to do is look at her voting record...which they did

Under which name?

The type of voter fraud you are implying does not happen

How do we know it is not happening?

You claim that anyone can show up to the polls, give the name Pop23 and vote under your name. If that were happening with any frequency, Pop23 would show up to vote and scream bloody murder that someone had voted under his name. Or else, an illegal voter would claim to be Pop23 and find you had already voted

Doesn't happen. If it did, we would have ample records


Voter Fraud in the US: Documented - Discover the Networks

you didn't read your own article in full, did you?

IF YOU HAD read it, you would have seen that in PART 1, it showed the alleged voter fraud taking place and NOT ONE OF THEM would have been stopped by gvt issued voter id laws....

gvt issued photo id at the polling place, is simply to disenfranchise legal, born and bread CITIZENS.

Born and bread citizens? :eusa_think:
How can you be sure it was only five times

She lies

All you have to do is look at her voting record...which they did

Under which name?

The type of voter fraud you are implying does not happen

How do we know it is not happening?

You claim that anyone can show up to the polls, give the name Pop23 and vote under your name. If that were happening with any frequency, Pop23 would show up to vote and scream bloody murder that someone had voted under his name. Or else, an illegal voter would claim to be Pop23 and find you had already voted

Doesn't happen. If it did, we would have ample records


Voter Fraud in the US: Documented - Discover the Networks

You fucking bitch!
I hope you eat shit and die!

You made me read that whole FUCKING thing only to find that it primarily documents voter "registration" fraud and bribery and does not contain a SINGLE documented case where someone voted under someone else's name

Voter ID would help to prevent voter registration fraud. Duh! Does it really matter what KIND of fraud, still fraudulent voting.
Since we do NOT have voter ID laws, then you cannot possibly know what the actual numbers are, can you?

Yes you can

If I vote under ChrisL's name it will be documented that YOU showed up to vote and someone had forged your name and voted in your place

Show a SINGLE case where that has happened
Dead people voting - Ballotpedia

Dead people voting

Dead people voting is a type of election fraud that occurs when the name of a deceased person remains on a state's official list of registered voters and a living person fraudulently casts a ballot in that name.
The extent to which this type of vote fraud occurs is not known. If, after an election, a reporter examines the publicly available list of who voted in the election and finds from other evidence (such as the Social Security Administration's "Death Master File") that there is good reason to believe that some of the names on the list of those who voted are the names of people who are dead, it can be established that "dead people voted." Such painstaking analyses are expensive and cumbersome.

It is easier to determine how many names of deceased people still appear on official voter registration lists than it is to determine how many (if any) actual votes were fraudulently cast in the name of a deceased person.

Some recent examples of elections in which actual fraudulent votes were cast on behalf of dead people include a 2005 state senate election in Tennessee that was decided by fewer than 20 votes; in this case, a post-election verification process established that two fraudulent votes were cast on behalf of dead people. Three election workers were indicted, and the results of the election were voided. The mayoral election in Miami in 1997 was nullified by a judge because of widespread fraud, including a number of established cases of fraudulent votes cast in the name of dead people. Election inspectors looking at the 1982 gubernatorial election in Illinois estimated that as many as 1 in 10 ballots cast during the election were fraudulent, including votes by the dead.[1]

When the Poughkeepsie Journal in New York did a 2006 analysis of how names of deceased people were still on New York's official list of registered voters, it conducted the assessment by matching "the names, dates of birth and ZIP codes of all listed voters in New York's database of 11.7 million voter registration records against the same information in the Social Security Administration's "Death Master File," a database of 77 million records of deaths dating to 1937." That study resulted in a final estimate of as many as 77,000 dead people on its rolls, and that as many as 2,600 of them had cast votes from the grave.[1]
All you have to do is look at her voting record...which they did

Under which name?

The type of voter fraud you are implying does not happen

How do we know it is not happening?

You claim that anyone can show up to the polls, give the name Pop23 and vote under your name. If that were happening with any frequency, Pop23 would show up to vote and scream bloody murder that someone had voted under his name. Or else, an illegal voter would claim to be Pop23 and find you had already voted

Doesn't happen. If it did, we would have ample records


Voter Fraud in the US: Documented - Discover the Networks

You fucking bitch!
I hope you eat shit and die!

You made me read that whole FUCKING thing only to find that it primarily documents voter "registration" fraud and bribery and does not contain a SINGLE documented case where someone voted under someone else's name

Voter ID would help to prevent voter registration fraud. Duh! Does it really matter what KIND of fraud, still fraudulent voting.

Read your own fucking link for once and show me
Under which name?

The type of voter fraud you are implying does not happen

How do we know it is not happening?

You claim that anyone can show up to the polls, give the name Pop23 and vote under your name. If that were happening with any frequency, Pop23 would show up to vote and scream bloody murder that someone had voted under his name. Or else, an illegal voter would claim to be Pop23 and find you had already voted

Doesn't happen. If it did, we would have ample records


Voter Fraud in the US: Documented - Discover the Networks

You fucking bitch!
I hope you eat shit and die!

You made me read that whole FUCKING thing only to find that it primarily documents voter "registration" fraud and bribery and does not contain a SINGLE documented case where someone voted under someone else's name

Voter ID would help to prevent voter registration fraud. Duh! Does it really matter what KIND of fraud, still fraudulent voting.

Read your own fucking link for once and show me

Show you what? I showed you voter fraud that you say doesn't exist.
Dead people voting - Ballotpedia

Dead people voting

Dead people voting is a type of election fraud that occurs when the name of a deceased person remains on a state's official list of registered voters and a living person fraudulently casts a ballot in that name.
The extent to which this type of vote fraud occurs is not known. If, after an election, a reporter examines the publicly available list of who voted in the election and finds from other evidence (such as the Social Security Administration's "Death Master File") that there is good reason to believe that some of the names on the list of those who voted are the names of people who are dead, it can be established that "dead people voted." Such painstaking analyses are expensive and cumbersome.

It is easier to determine how many names of deceased people still appear on official voter registration lists than it is to determine how many (if any) actual votes were fraudulently cast in the name of a deceased person.

Some recent examples of elections in which actual fraudulent votes were cast on behalf of dead people include a 2005 state senate election in Tennessee that was decided by fewer than 20 votes; in this case, a post-election verification process established that two fraudulent votes were cast on behalf of dead people. Three election workers were indicted, and the results of the election were voided. The mayoral election in Miami in 1997 was nullified by a judge because of widespread fraud, including a number of established cases of fraudulent votes cast in the name of dead people. Election inspectors looking at the 1982 gubernatorial election in Illinois estimated that as many as 1 in 10 ballots cast during the election were fraudulent, including votes by the dead.[1]

When the Poughkeepsie Journal in New York did a 2006 analysis of how names of deceased people were still on New York's official list of registered voters, it conducted the assessment by matching "the names, dates of birth and ZIP codes of all listed voters in New York's database of 11.7 million voter registration records against the same information in the Social Security Administration's "Death Master File," a database of 77 million records of deaths dating to 1937." That study resulted in a final estimate of as many as 77,000 dead people on its rolls, and that as many as 2,600 of them had cast votes from the grave.[1]

Will you PLEASE read the crap you post and save us the bother of finding it doesn't support your case

From your link

It is easier to determine how many names of deceased people still appear on official voter registration lists than it is to determine how many (if any) actual votes were fraudulently cast in the name of a deceased person.

Some recent examples of elections in which actual fraudulent votes were cast on behalf of dead people include a 2005 state senate election in Tennessee that was decided by fewer than 20 votes; in this case, a post-election verification process established that two fraudulent votes were cast on behalf of dead people.

Why are dead people registered?
Because registrars do not have the funding to purge voter files once someone dies. Grandma dies and her name stays on the books till they get around to purging the names of dead people. It does not mean dead people voted

How did your 2 dead people vote?
Usually because they signed the wrong spot in the book. Someone with a similar name and an inattentive polling rep
OMG, people can drive over the speed limit in their cars. We must immediately put governors on all cars!

She was caught, she's paying a fine. No ID law would have prevented this because she lied on her registration form.

(And what a deceptive title...she voted five times in 10 years? Not a very dedicated voter)

How can you be sure it was only five times

She lies

All you have to do is look at her voting record...which they did

Under which name?

The type of voter fraud you are implying does not happen

How do we know it is not happening?

You claim that anyone can show up to the polls, give the name Pop23 and vote under your name. If that were happening with any frequency, Pop23 would show up to vote and scream bloody murder that someone had voted under his name. Or else, an illegal voter would claim to be Pop23 and find you had already voted

Doesn't happen. If it did, we would have ample records


Voter Fraud in the US: Documented - Discover the Networks
Your own link confirms what rightwinger said:

The only reason the crime was detected was that the father showed up later in the day to vote at the same precinct. Most fraudsters are smart enough to have their accomplices cast votes in the names of dead people on the voter rolls, who are highly unlikely to appear and complain that someone else voted in their place.

Even though the dumb shits were collaborating with each other, they still managed to fuck it up. So just imagine what would happen if someone voted with a registered voter's name who is not part of their scheme. It's all over as soon as the real voter shows up. THAT is why in person voter fraud is so rare.

In person voter fraud is very rare for this reason. No one says there is no voter fraud. In fact, I have said countless times that Voter ID does not stop the most common types of fraud which occur. And I have pointed out almost as many times that you tards see the words "types of fraud which occur" and hear "there is no fraud".

It can't be helped you are that stupid.

The vast majority of voter fraud occurs with absentee ballots and poll worker fraud.

In person voter fraud can be avoided with a tight voter registration process, and by PROPERLY keeping the voter registration lists up to date, purging the deceased and people who have moved. Then there would be no need for Voter ID on Election Day, as there hasn't been for centuries.
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The type of voter fraud you are implying does not happen

How do we know it is not happening?

You claim that anyone can show up to the polls, give the name Pop23 and vote under your name. If that were happening with any frequency, Pop23 would show up to vote and scream bloody murder that someone had voted under his name. Or else, an illegal voter would claim to be Pop23 and find you had already voted

Doesn't happen. If it did, we would have ample records


Voter Fraud in the US: Documented - Discover the Networks

You fucking bitch!
I hope you eat shit and die!

You made me read that whole FUCKING thing only to find that it primarily documents voter "registration" fraud and bribery and does not contain a SINGLE documented case where someone voted under someone else's name

Voter ID would help to prevent voter registration fraud. Duh! Does it really matter what KIND of fraud, still fraudulent voting.

Read your own fucking link for once and show me

Show you what? I showed you voter fraud that you say doesn't exist.

Show me

Are you too lazy to read your own fucking link? You made me do it

Show me a case where someone voted under someone elses name
Dead people voting - Ballotpedia

Dead people voting

Dead people voting is a type of election fraud that occurs when the name of a deceased person remains on a state's official list of registered voters and a living person fraudulently casts a ballot in that name.
The extent to which this type of vote fraud occurs is not known. If, after an election, a reporter examines the publicly available list of who voted in the election and finds from other evidence (such as the Social Security Administration's "Death Master File") that there is good reason to believe that some of the names on the list of those who voted are the names of people who are dead, it can be established that "dead people voted." Such painstaking analyses are expensive and cumbersome.

It is easier to determine how many names of deceased people still appear on official voter registration lists than it is to determine how many (if any) actual votes were fraudulently cast in the name of a deceased person.

Some recent examples of elections in which actual fraudulent votes were cast on behalf of dead people include a 2005 state senate election in Tennessee that was decided by fewer than 20 votes; in this case, a post-election verification process established that two fraudulent votes were cast on behalf of dead people. Three election workers were indicted, and the results of the election were voided. The mayoral election in Miami in 1997 was nullified by a judge because of widespread fraud, including a number of established cases of fraudulent votes cast in the name of dead people. Election inspectors looking at the 1982 gubernatorial election in Illinois estimated that as many as 1 in 10 ballots cast during the election were fraudulent, including votes by the dead.[1]

When the Poughkeepsie Journal in New York did a 2006 analysis of how names of deceased people were still on New York's official list of registered voters, it conducted the assessment by matching "the names, dates of birth and ZIP codes of all listed voters in New York's database of 11.7 million voter registration records against the same information in the Social Security Administration's "Death Master File," a database of 77 million records of deaths dating to 1937." That study resulted in a final estimate of as many as 77,000 dead people on its rolls, and that as many as 2,600 of them had cast votes from the grave.[1]

Will you PLEASE read the crap you post and save us the bother of finding it doesn't support your case

From your link

It is easier to determine how many names of deceased people still appear on official voter registration lists than it is to determine how many (if any) actual votes were fraudulently cast in the name of a deceased person.

Some recent examples of elections in which actual fraudulent votes were cast on behalf of dead people include a 2005 state senate election in Tennessee that was decided by fewer than 20 votes; in this case, a post-election verification process established that two fraudulent votes were cast on behalf of dead people.

Why are dead people registered?
Because registrars do not have the funding to purge voter files once someone dies. Grandma dies and her name stays on the books till they get around to purging the names of dead people. It does not mean dead people voted

How did your 2 dead people vote?
Usually because they signed the wrong spot in the book. Someone with a similar name and an inattentive polling rep

That was in ONE state . . . Duh.

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