Noonan: Obama is a disaster

I do have a serious question for the liberal people on this forum.............

Are you not shocked at how quickly support has fallen for this president? Did you ever in a million years, envision back in late 2008 that the Obama public policy idea's would be viewed by Americans as a joke?

President Obama has yet to have a net negative approval rating average. No president in modern history, one term or two, has ever gotten through his tenure without his approval ratings going negative.
I do have a serious question for the liberal people on this forum.............

Are you not shocked at how quickly support has fallen for this president? Did you ever in a million years, envision back in late 2008 that the Obama public policy idea's would be viewed by Americans as a joke?

The only reason why liberals would disapprove(and I do disapprove of Obama admin) is because he's cuddling with the right too much instead of getting things done.
Scathing column from the normally even handed Peggy Noonan.

If you are an Obama supporter...OUCH.


It is now exactly a year since President Obama unveiled his health care push and his decision to devote his inaugural year to it—his branding year, his first, vivid year.

What a disaster it has been.

...The only thing that might make his assertions sound believable now is if a group of congressional Republicans were standing next to him on the podium and putting forward a bill right along with him. Which, obviously, won’t happen, for three reasons. First, they enjoy his discomfort. Second, they believe the bill is not worth saving, that at this point no matter what it contains—and at this point most people can no longer retain in their heads what it contains—it has been fatally tainted by the past year of mistakes and inadequacies.

And the third reason is that the past decade has taught them what a disaster looks like, and they’ve lost their taste for standing next to one.

Peggy Noonan: Home

Dear Peggy Noonan:

We are very fortunate to hear that you can afford health care; please allow the rest of us to do the same, without the "Republican" ran health care system trying to take every dime we have. Thank you.

-The American people
Why? The Bush admin. was a big reason we're in this mess - for wasting time and trillions in Iraq alone. And you guys fought AGAINST his impeachment. This economy shit isn't going to be fixed overnight.

Especially when you have a party that ether doesn't want to fix it or has the wrong idea how to fix it.

Their fix is to flood money into temp jobs and extend unemployment benefits. Good idea!!

Besides, their main concern is health care....not the economy. And if they ever get any of their green policies into law you can kiss our economy good-bye.
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The best irony here is that Peggy Noonan's only claim to fame, such as it is, is having been a speechwriter for Ronald Reagan,

whose presidency was in worse shape at this point in time than is President Obama's. I'm guessing she didn't refer to that as a disaster.

Four years of Carter may have contributed to that. Democrats seem to be able to screw things up faster then the GOP. I suppose you could say Bush took 8 yrs.....Carter took 4....and Obama took 1.

Reagan had a rocky road to start with. However Reagan at least didn't scare the shit out of everybody with his crazy policies. The prospects for a recovery are dismal regardless of how much the White House lies about how great everything is.
The best irony here is that Peggy Noonan's only claim to fame, such as it is, is having been a speechwriter for Ronald Reagan,

whose presidency was in worse shape at this point in time than is President Obama's. I'm guessing she didn't refer to that as a disaster.

Four years of Carter may have contributed to that. Democrats seem to be able to screw things up faster then the GOP. I suppose you could say Bush took 8 yrs.....Carter took 4....and Obama took 1.

Reagan had a rocky road to start with. However Reagan at least didn't scare the shit out of everybody with his crazy policies. The prospects for a recovery are dismal regardless of how much the White House lies about how great everything is.

See, this is what ignorance of history gets you. The economy was growing when Reagan took office. The Reagan recession didn't begin until July of 1981, and lasted 16 months.
Peggy is a wingnut slut from waaaay back. She gets this pensive, dreamy look on her face and begins to opine as if anyone but her thinks she is intelligent...

Her relevance left her a long time ago.
The best irony here is that Peggy Noonan's only claim to fame, such as it is, is having been a speechwriter for Ronald Reagan,

whose presidency was in worse shape at this point in time than is President Obama's. I'm guessing she didn't refer to that as a disaster.

Four years of Carter may have contributed to that. Democrats seem to be able to screw things up faster then the GOP. I suppose you could say Bush took 8 yrs.....Carter took 4....and Obama took 1.

Reagan had a rocky road to start with. However Reagan at least didn't scare the shit out of everybody with his crazy policies. The prospects for a recovery are dismal regardless of how much the White House lies about how great everything is.

See, this is what ignorance of history gets you. The economy was growing when Reagan took office. The Reagan recession didn't begin until July of 1981, and lasted 16 months.

You see.. this is where ignorance and revisionist history gets the best of the lefties

try looking at the whole economic picture of back then and realizing the complete horseshit mess Carter had us in
Why? The Bush admin. was a big reason we're in this mess - for wasting time and trillions in Iraq alone. And you guys fought AGAINST his impeachment. This economy shit isn't going to be fixed overnight.
Under barry it won't be fixed at all, but instead made worse.
The Ultra Leftist Progressives like Peepers try to blame President Bush on the crash of the economy when they know damn well it was Democrat policies of Fannie/Freddie that caused a housing bubble and ultimate crash. The misery we are in is solely the doing of the Democrats and they are making it worse with Socialized healthcare, Cap & Trade and other evil plots they have yet sprung on us.

Why in Hell anyone under 50 is for ObamaCare when they know that they won't collect a dime in Social Security. What is the difference?; they are both government run. Do you people think government will suddenly "get it right" with HealthCare?
Even handed? Surely you jest. She's a right wing blogger. She OPINES. Why do you guys put so much stock in these ridiculous faux journalists?

'faux'..... :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

I'm noticing a trend with the left. Anytime they got no comeback, they insert the word 'faux' into their post. 'Faux' News, 'Faux' Outrage, 'Faux' journalists. Damn, that's funny shit. :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

Makes y'all look dumb as dirt, but it is funny.
Faux'n "A" man.
The best irony here is that Peggy Noonan's only claim to fame, such as it is, is having been a speechwriter for Ronald Reagan,

whose presidency was in worse shape at this point in time than is President Obama's. I'm guessing she didn't refer to that as a disaster.

Four years of Carter may have contributed to that. Democrats seem to be able to screw things up faster then the GOP. I suppose you could say Bush took 8 yrs.....Carter took 4....and Obama took 1.

Reagan had a rocky road to start with. However Reagan at least didn't scare the shit out of everybody with his crazy policies. The prospects for a recovery are dismal regardless of how much the White House lies about how great everything is.

See, this is what ignorance of history gets you. The economy was growing when Reagan took office. The Reagan recession didn't begin until July of 1981, and lasted 16 months.

The economy was a mess during the Carter years. There were times when it didn't suck so badly but I remember unemployment being around 10%. It took until 1983 for things to turn around. Don't even attempt to tell me Reagan was responsible for a rotten economy.
Peggy Noonan endorsed Obama for President.

She was wrong then.

Noonan most recently is declaring Obama a disaster.

She is right now...

Thanks for the info.
I will however defer judgement on your opinions.
I need more time to feel he is at a disaster level.

On a scale of one to ten, with ten being a complete disaster and one being a complete success, where do you place him? I put him at an 8. A year ago I thought he might be a 6.5, but he surprised me.
The best irony here is that Peggy Noonan's only claim to fame, such as it is, is having been a speechwriter for Ronald Reagan,

whose presidency was in worse shape at this point in time than is President Obama's. I'm guessing she didn't refer to that as a disaster.

So, she's not like 'Paris Hilton' famous? Is that your point? What the fuck does her 'claim to fame' have to do with anything?

What a fauxking idiot.
Four years of Carter may have contributed to that. Democrats seem to be able to screw things up faster then the GOP. I suppose you could say Bush took 8 yrs.....Carter took 4....and Obama took 1.

Reagan had a rocky road to start with. However Reagan at least didn't scare the shit out of everybody with his crazy policies. The prospects for a recovery are dismal regardless of how much the White House lies about how great everything is.

See, this is what ignorance of history gets you. The economy was growing when Reagan took office. The Reagan recession didn't begin until July of 1981, and lasted 16 months.

The economy was a mess during the Carter years. There were times when it didn't suck so badly but I remember unemployment being around 10%. It took until 1983 for things to turn around. Don't even attempt to tell me Reagan was responsible for a rotten economy.

As I said, ignorance of the simplest of facts:

Unemployment rate:

1980-12-01 7.2
1981-01-01 7.5
1981-02-01 7.4
1981-03-01 7.4
1981-04-01 7.2
1981-05-01 7.5
1981-06-01 7.5
1981-07-01 7.2
1981-08-01 7.4
1981-09-01 7.6
1981-10-01 7.9
1981-11-01 8.3
1981-12-01 8.5
1982-01-01 8.6
1982-02-01 8.9
1982-03-01 9.0
1982-04-01 9.3
1982-05-01 9.4
1982-06-01 9.6
1982-07-01 9.8
1982-08-01 9.8
1982-09-01 10.1
1982-10-01 10.4
1982-11-01 10.8
1982-12-01 10.8
1983-01-01 10.4
1983-02-01 10.4
1983-03-01 10.3
1983-04-01 10.2
1983-05-01 10.1
1983-06-01 10.1
1983-07-01 9.4
1983-08-01 9.5
1983-09-01 9.2
1983-10-01 8.8
1983-11-01 8.5
1983-12-01 8.3
1984-01-01 8.0
1984-02-01 7.8
1984-03-01 7.8
1984-04-01 7.7
1984-05-01 7.4
1984-06-01 7.2
1984-07-01 7.5
1984-08-01 7.5
1984-09-01 7.3
1984-10-01 7.4
1984-11-01 7.2
1984-12-01 7.3
1985-01-01 7.3
1985-02-01 7.2
1985-03-01 7.2
1985-04-01 7.3
1985-05-01 7.2
1985-06-01 7.4
1985-07-01 7.4
1985-08-01 7.1
The best irony here is that Peggy Noonan's only claim to fame, such as it is, is having been a speechwriter for Ronald Reagan,

whose presidency was in worse shape at this point in time than is President Obama's. I'm guessing she didn't refer to that as a disaster.

Her only claim to fame huh?

Well let's review.

A most successful columnist for the Wall Street Journal for some years now and syndicated which no doubt pays her quite handsomely. And she frequently has additional essays published in Forbes, Time, Newsweek, Washington Post, New York Times, US News and World Report, and numerous others.

Best selling author of seven books on American culture and politics. She has been quite a student of history and incorporates that into her books.

She is an often invited guest on political talk shows on all networks and cable.

She was nominated for an Emmy for a post 9/11 documentary and for her work on the television series "West Wing". In the mid 90's she wrote and hosted a PBS series on American Values.

She is on the Manhattan Institute Board, a post you don't get without some really heavy credentials. She has honorary doctorates from Adelphi University, St. John Fisher College, Miami University, and her alma mater, Fairleigh Dickinson University.

She has been a producer at CBS News, has written television news specials for CBS, wrote and produced Dan Rather's daily radio commentary, and at WEEI-AM in Boston won the Tom Phillips Award for excellence in broadcast commentary.

And for those who say she is not a journalist, she began her professional careers as an adjunct professor of journalism at New York University.

Somewhere in there she serve several years as assistant to President Reagan and as head speech writer for President Bush 41.

So maybe we might set aside the notion that is unqualified to 'opine' and accept that she is quite likely to do her homework and know what the hell she is talking about when she does.

What is it about some that they think it necessary to trash successful people who write or say things they don't like instead of discrediting what they write or say?

Maybe it's because they CAN'T discredit what they write or say?
See, this is what ignorance of history gets you. The economy was growing when Reagan took office. The Reagan recession didn't begin until July of 1981, and lasted 16 months.

The economy was a mess during the Carter years. There were times when it didn't suck so badly but I remember unemployment being around 10%. It took until 1983 for things to turn around. Don't even attempt to tell me Reagan was responsible for a rotten economy.

As I said, ignorance of the simplest of facts:

Unemployment rate:

1980-12-01 7.2
1981-01-01 7.5
1981-02-01 7.4
1981-03-01 7.4
1981-04-01 7.2
1981-05-01 7.5
1981-06-01 7.5
1981-07-01 7.2
1981-08-01 7.4
1981-09-01 7.6
1981-10-01 7.9
1981-11-01 8.3
1981-12-01 8.5
1982-01-01 8.6
1982-02-01 8.9
1982-03-01 9.0
1982-04-01 9.3
1982-05-01 9.4
1982-06-01 9.6
1982-07-01 9.8
1982-08-01 9.8
1982-09-01 10.1
1982-10-01 10.4
1982-11-01 10.8
1982-12-01 10.8
1983-01-01 10.4
1983-02-01 10.4
1983-03-01 10.3
1983-04-01 10.2
1983-05-01 10.1
1983-06-01 10.1
1983-07-01 9.4
1983-08-01 9.5
1983-09-01 9.2
1983-10-01 8.8
1983-11-01 8.5
1983-12-01 8.3
1984-01-01 8.0
1984-02-01 7.8
1984-03-01 7.8
1984-04-01 7.7
1984-05-01 7.4
1984-06-01 7.2
1984-07-01 7.5
1984-08-01 7.5
1984-09-01 7.3
1984-10-01 7.4
1984-11-01 7.2
1984-12-01 7.3
1985-01-01 7.3
1985-02-01 7.2
1985-03-01 7.2
1985-04-01 7.3
1985-05-01 7.2
1985-06-01 7.4
1985-07-01 7.4
1985-08-01 7.1

Try posting a link.

I noticed you didn't show any of the Carter years before 80'. Also, this only shows that I was right. By 83' the economy had started to recover, just like I said. By 1988 he had unemployment around 5% also.

Also.....unemployment was around 5% in 08'. What happened?

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The best irony here is that Peggy Noonan's only claim to fame, such as it is, is having been a speechwriter for Ronald Reagan,

whose presidency was in worse shape at this point in time than is President Obama's. I'm guessing she didn't refer to that as a disaster.

Four years of Carter may have contributed to that. Democrats seem to be able to screw things up faster then the GOP. I suppose you could say Bush took 8 yrs.....Carter took 4....and Obama took 1.

Reagan had a rocky road to start with. However Reagan at least didn't scare the shit out of everybody with his crazy policies. The prospects for a recovery are dismal regardless of how much the White House lies about how great everything is.

Of course not, Grenada, Nicaragua, Panama....

and lets not forget the bombing of the marine barracks.

and he only more than doubled the national debt.
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Come on guys. This is a thread about Peggy Noonan and her impressions of Obama. Isn't there another thread you can bash Reagan et al on?
The best irony here is that Peggy Noonan's only claim to fame, such as it is, is having been a speechwriter for Ronald Reagan,

whose presidency was in worse shape at this point in time than is President Obama's. I'm guessing she didn't refer to that as a disaster.

Four years of Carter may have contributed to that. Democrats seem to be able to screw things up faster then the GOP. I suppose you could say Bush took 8 yrs.....Carter took 4....and Obama took 1.

Reagan had a rocky road to start with. However Reagan at least didn't scare the shit out of everybody with his crazy policies. The prospects for a recovery are dismal regardless of how much the White House lies about how great everything is.

Of course not, Grenada, Nicaragua, Panama....

and lets not forget the bombing of the marine barracks.

and he only more than doubled the national debt.
Umm...only his DEMOCRATIC CONGRESS could do any spending. Just like they are now and the last two years of W.

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