Norm Chomsky scoffs at Trump/Russia collusion, points out the REAL problem


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2011


"There IS massive interference in US elections, from the US corporate sector, who pretty much buy the elections..... You can predict the outcome of an American election, in Congress and Executive, with remarkable precision, simply looking at the single variable of campaign funding".
Hillary spent more money than trump by a huge margin. Also something like 400+ of the S&P 500 companies actively supported her. Silicon Valley went ga-ga for her. 3/4 of a billion dollars.

I know the exception doesn’t disprove the rule and money in elections is s problem but with a massive enough upswell like we saw in 2016 it can be beaten.

But what solution is there? Money is speech. It’s an impossible dilemma. And I believe that’s why some of the branches of our Federal government were intended to be appointed.
Hillary spent more money than trump by a huge margin. Also something like 400+ of the S&P 500 companies actively supported her. Silicon Valley went ga-ga for her. 3/4 of a billion dollars.

I know the exception doesn’t disprove the rule and money in elections is s problem but with a massive enough upswell like we saw in 2016 it can be beaten.

But what solution is there? Money is speech. It’s an impossible dilemma. And I believe that’s why some of the branches of our Federal government were intended to be appointed.
If you have to pay for speech, speech isn't free.
I recently read that when the government first allowed corporations to form, it was made illegal for these corporations to be involved in any way, with politics, or elections, or gvt causes.... they were not permitted to be involved, PERIOD.

My oh my, how things have changed.... now corporations are "individual people", except when it comes to prosecuting them for crimes.... :(


"There IS massive interference in US elections, from the US corporate sector, who pretty much buy the elections..... You can predict the outcome of an American election, in Congress and Executive, with remarkable precision, simply looking at the single variable of campaign funding".

Is that cause and effect or the us business community curry favor with the likely winners?


"There IS massive interference in US elections, from the US corporate sector, who pretty much buy the elections..... You can predict the outcome of an American election, in Congress and Executive, with remarkable precision, simply looking at the single variable of campaign funding".

Matt Taibbi began covering Trump early in the Republican primaries, and he has come to similar conclusions:

Taibbi: Russiagate Happened Because We Never Faced Why Trump Won – Rolling Stone

"Russiagate became a convenient replacement explanation absolving an incompetent political establishment for its complicity in what happened in 2016, and not just the failure to see it coming.

"Because of the immediate arrival of the collusion theory, neither Wolf Blitzer nor any politician ever had to look into the camera and say, 'I guess people hated us so much they were even willing to vote for Donald Trump.'"


"There IS massive interference in US elections, from the US corporate sector, who pretty much buy the elections..... You can predict the outcome of an American election, in Congress and Executive, with remarkable precision, simply looking at the single variable of campaign funding".

Is that cause and effect or the us business community curry favor with the likely winners?

Both, I'd think.
Hillary spent more money than trump by a huge margin. Also something like 400+ of the S&P 500 companies actively supported her. Silicon Valley went ga-ga for her. 3/4 of a billion dollars.

I know the exception doesn’t disprove the rule and money in elections is s problem but with a massive enough upswell like we saw in 2016 it can be beaten.

But what solution is there? Money is speech. It’s an impossible dilemma. And I believe that’s why some of the branches of our Federal government were intended to be appointed.
Trump got A LOT of free TV advertising from the News media, more than anyone in the campaigns, all combined together...

Trump also got the FREE Russian help with Trolls and Bots, and wikileaks help, and Trump also got all the money that Robert Mercer put in to help him in a back door manner, and Trump got the illegal Russian oligarch money spent on the NRA advertising for him and against Hillary, and Trump got the illegal campaign help from the National Enquirer...

And let us not forget Cambridge Analytica and their help, with stolen lists of Face book users.

so, please spare us that lie of Trump's that his campaign spent less.... maybe out of his own pocket he spent less, but others were spending the money on him, ILLEGALLY.
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"There IS massive interference in US elections, from the US corporate sector, who pretty much buy the elections..... You can predict the outcome of an American election, in Congress and Executive, with remarkable precision, simply looking at the single variable of campaign funding".

Is that cause and effect or the us business community curry favor with the likely winners?

Both, I'd think.

I think it was in Freakanomics, where they compared elections in different years between the same candidates with varying levels of money.

And money had little if any impact.


"There IS massive interference in US elections, from the US corporate sector, who pretty much buy the elections..... You can predict the outcome of an American election, in Congress and Executive, with remarkable precision, simply looking at the single variable of campaign funding".

Is that cause and effect or the us business community curry favor with the likely winners?

Both, I'd think.

I think it was in Freakanomics, where they compared elections in different years between the same candidates with varying levels of money.

And money had little if any impact.

How Money Won Trump the White House
Yeah. Correll is right as always. Money in politics is not a problem at all. Campaigns which raise and spend the most money have no advantage over those who raise less.

Who donates to who and who funds the ads and canvassing operations is absolutely unimportant and should remain confidential.

More money in politics!!!!!


"There IS massive interference in US elections, from the US corporate sector, who pretty much buy the elections..... You can predict the outcome of an American election, in Congress and Executive, with remarkable precision, simply looking at the single variable of campaign funding".

Is that cause and effect or the us business community curry favor with the likely winners?

Both, I'd think.

I think it was in Freakanomics, where they compared elections in different years between the same candidates with varying levels of money.

And money had little if any impact.

How Money Won Trump the White House

I saw nothing in that supporting the idea of cause and effect.
Hillary spent more money than trump by a huge margin. Also something like 400+ of the S&P 500 companies actively supported her. Silicon Valley went ga-ga for her. 3/4 of a billion dollars.

I know the exception doesn’t disprove the rule and money in elections is s problem but with a massive enough upswell like we saw in 2016 it can be beaten.

But what solution is there? Money is speech. It’s an impossible dilemma. And I believe that’s why some of the branches of our Federal government were intended to be appointed.
Trump got A LOT of free TV advertising from the News media, more than anyone in the campaigns, all combined together...

Trump also got the FREE Russian help with Trolls and Bots, and wikileaks help, and Trump also got all the money that Robert Mercer put in to help him in a back door manner, and Trump got the illegal Russian oligarch money spent on the NRA advertising for him and against Hillary, and Trump got the illegal campaign help from the National Enquirer...

And let us not forget Cambridge Analytica and their help, with stolen lists of Face book users.

so, please spare us that lie of Trump's that his campaign spent less.... maybe out of his own pocket he spent less, but others were spending the money on him, ILLEGALLY.
you left out hillary got help from the networks, fbi, and justice department.
I recently read that when the government first allowed corporations to form, it was made illegal for these corporations to be involved in any way, with politics, or elections, or gvt causes.... they were not permitted to be involved, PERIOD.

My oh my, how things have changed.... now corporations are "individual people", except when it comes to prosecuting them for crimes.... :(
Everything in America has gone to shit.
This is Hopelessness & Change.
Hillary spent more money than trump by a huge margin. Also something like 400+ of the S&P 500 companies actively supported her. Silicon Valley went ga-ga for her. 3/4 of a billion dollars.

I know the exception doesn’t disprove the rule and money in elections is s problem but with a massive enough upswell like we saw in 2016 it can be beaten.

But what solution is there? Money is speech. It’s an impossible dilemma. And I believe that’s why some of the branches of our Federal government were intended to be appointed.
Trump got A LOT of free TV advertising from the News media, more than anyone in the campaigns, all combined together...

Trump also got the FREE Russian help with Trolls and Bots, and wikileaks help, and Trump also got all the money that Robert Mercer put in to help him in a back door manner, and Trump got the illegal Russian oligarch money spent on the NRA advertising for him and against Hillary, and Trump got the illegal campaign help from the National Enquirer...

And let us not forget Cambridge Analytica and their help, with stolen lists of Face book users.

so, please spare us that lie of Trump's that his campaign spent less.... maybe out of his own pocket he spent less, but others were spending the money on him, ILLEGALLY.
Yeah, thanks media for all that great positive coverage that helped elect president Trump.
Hillary spent more money than trump by a huge margin. Also something like 400+ of the S&P 500 companies actively supported her. Silicon Valley went ga-ga for her. 3/4 of a billion dollars.

I know the exception doesn’t disprove the rule and money in elections is s problem but with a massive enough upswell like we saw in 2016 it can be beaten.

But what solution is there? Money is speech. It’s an impossible dilemma. And I believe that’s why some of the branches of our Federal government were intended to be appointed.
Whoever has more money has more free speech? It`s not an impossible dilemma when first tier countries manage to have elections without the influence of corporate money. Will we ever be a first tier country? No.

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