North Korea Calls President Obama a Monkey

It seems the communists in North Korea have a lot in common with racists in this country.

North Korea calls Obama a monkey in latest hacking salvo - Telegraph

We have a many "3rd world types" in our society. Even the 3rd world types notice other 3rd world types when they don't understand or acknowledge their own primitive behavior that the world saw hundreds of years ago..

The smart people in America want to know what caused this behavior and how we can change it..
RWs will love him the way they love Pootin - and for the same reason - he's a bully. If he calls the (Black, Democrat) US president a monkey, its just one more reason they'll like him.
RWs will love him the way they love Pootin - and for the same reason - he's a bully. If he calls the (Black, Democrat) US president a monkey, its just one more reason they'll like him.
Funny this coming from the party of racism, the Democrat

Once again, The BIG LIE! History isn't a strong point for RWers, they simply repeat talking points and leave the details - reality - out of their posted Idiot-Grams. Lies come in two forms, lies of commission and lies of omission. BIG LIES are both.

The only question which arises from the post of AvgGuyIA is this: Is he really this ignorant or is he a liar?
Progs are notoriously thin-skinned, that's why they're history's most prolific mass murderers.
RWs will love him the way they love Pootin - and for the same reason - he's a bully. If he calls the (Black, Democrat) US president a monkey, its just one more reason they'll like him.

Another lie conservatives do not love Putin nor even like him,he is the opposite of what conservatives believe,people like yourself,you know the one that make shit up to fit their narrative,are more in line with an ass hat like Vadimire.

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