North Korea is the EPITOME of a liberal utopia

The government runs EVERYTHING, free speech is NOT allowed, nobody can own a gun, education is free and, best of all, religion is BANNED! All of this is every liberal's dream for America.

Plus everybody is equal: equally poor. No need to worry about the rich guy either, the only people that have all the money is government as liberals would like to see happen in this country. No need to worry about competition in elections either; your guy always wins.
Brainwashed right-wing idiocy... Half of you GOP fools would prefer right-wing dictatorship to liberal freedom. Your propaganda machine is a b*******character assassination disgrace, dupe.
Liberal Freedom today is an oxymoron.
The government runs EVERYTHING, free speech is NOT allowed, nobody can own a gun, education is free and, best of all, religion is BANNED! All of this is every liberal's dream for America.

Plus everybody is equal: equally poor. No need to worry about the rich guy either, the only people that have all the money is government as liberals would like to see happen in this country. No need to worry about competition in elections either; your guy always wins.
Brainwashed right-wing idiocy... Half of you GOP fools would prefer right-wing dictatorship to liberal freedom. Your propaganda machine is a b*******character assassination disgrace, dupe.

Your so-called "liberal freedom" means taxing the shit out of the citizen and regulating the fuck out of his life. You're a fucking moron.
Please .

Trump is an egomaniac, like Kim. He's trying to act like a dictator, thank god the Libs are here to stop him .

Cons would have us all be slaves, you could only worship Jesus , and we would have a military state and police force .
No. He's trying to look like a leader which is vastly different from what we got over 8 months ago.
No we don't want you as slaves. We want you as customers and broke ass Liberals make shitty customers except when they're spending tax payer money.
Dictator? More BS Liberal propaganda. You forget that Donald Trump won the election. Half of the country WANTS him to follow through on his agenda. If that seems dictatorial to you, where were you when barack obama jammed obamacare down our throats when 60% of the citizens were against it, or is it only dictatorial when you disagree?
while Un was slinging missiles over Japan Trump was TWEETING about "crooked Hillary"

no other Liberal politician was doing that ...

poor old man.

May 2009: North Korea conducts its second nuclear weapons test. The test was carried out underground. At the time, the U.S. Geological Survey recorded a magnitude 4.7 seismic disturbance. National Intelligence Director James R. Clapper Jr. later estimated that the test produced an explosion of two kilotons.

February 2013: Kim Jong Un, then newly in power, conducts his first nuclear test as leader. The test was far larger than earlier experiments, with experts estimating that the bomb was between six and seven kilotons. The test coincided with South Korea's national elections and Obama's State of the Union address.

January 2016: North Korea claims to have conducted a fourth nuclear test, far underground. On state TV, Kim said the explosion came from a miniaturized hydrogen bomb and called it a “spectacular success.”

September 2016: North Korea conducts a fifth nuclear test. The seismic activity generated registered 5.3 in magnitude, accompanying an explosion of about 10 kilotons. That's equivalent to the bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, and 10 times stronger than what the country was able to do a decade before.

Analysis | A timeline of North Korea’s five nuclear tests and how the U.S. has responded

Careful, you're going to hurt Siete's vagina with truth.

Ohhhh. Well then maybe he could make a Truth Hat for his next protest. :banana::banana::banana:

you girls get a room ...

The truth hurts your vagina, right k*nt?
The government runs EVERYTHING, free speech is NOT allowed, nobody can own a gun, education is free and, best of all, religion is BANNED! All of this is every liberal's dream for America.

So there is no level of stupidly that would advise stop before that post?


Yea, that's why Cal Berkley had to spend $600K for security for Ben Shapiro's speech last night because liberals support free speech, right dumbass?
The government runs EVERYTHING, free speech is NOT allowed, nobody can own a gun, education is free and, best of all, religion is BANNED! All of this is every liberal's dream for America.
Brainwash functional moron hater dupe... Liberals invented America.

You mean all those "liberals" that came to America in order to be free to worship God? Liberals certainly brought slavery to America.
No I mean the founding fathers who revolted against monarchy and gave us our liberal Constitution etc etc etc etc...duhhhhh.

Today's liberals would have been loyalists back in the 1770's. Remember, the revolution came about largely as a result of over-taxation, something American liberals have never complained about.

Totally made missing the point
Perhaps if you had a point...
The government runs EVERYTHING, free speech is NOT allowed, nobody can own a gun, education is free and, best of all, religion is BANNED! All of this is every liberal's dream for America.
Brainwash functional moron hater dupe... Liberals invented America.

You mean all those "liberals" that came to America in order to be free to worship God? Liberals certainly brought slavery to America.
No I mean the founding fathers who revolted against monarchy and gave us our liberal Constitution etc etc etc etc...duhhhhh.
Liberal Constitution? So why do you turds want to dismantle the Bill of Rights?

You're going to hurt their k*nts with questions like that.
They don't possess vaginas either. They are asexual and only multiply when funded by tax payer money.
Besides I rather like women, They are generally way more intelligent and have twice the balls that Timmy has.
The government runs EVERYTHING, free speech is NOT allowed, nobody can own a gun, education is free and, best of all, religion is BANNED! All of this is every liberal's dream for America.

Plus everybody is equal: equally poor. No need to worry about the rich guy either, the only people that have all the money is government as liberals would like to see happen in this country. No need to worry about competition in elections either; your guy always wins.

They are obsessed with military spending .

That's a conservative thing !

I noticed you didn't dispute any of the details I listed. You should open your mind and acknowledge that you follow a failed ideology. Leftist ideology has brought oceans of blood and mountains of dead bodies to humanity. Nice job.
And I suppose Nazis are left-wing too, right dupe? It's impossible to argue with you fools...
The government runs EVERYTHING, free speech is NOT allowed, nobody can own a gun, education is free and, best of all, religion is BANNED! All of this is every liberal's dream for America.
Brainwash functional moron hater dupe... Liberals invented America.

You mean all those "liberals" that came to America in order to be free to worship God? Liberals certainly brought slavery to America.
No I mean the founding fathers who revolted against monarchy and gave us our liberal Constitution etc etc etc etc...duhhhhh.

Today's liberals would have been loyalists back in the 1770's. Remember, the revolution came about largely as a result of over-taxation, something American liberals have never complained about.
We complain about the middle class paying too much in taxes all the time. Change the channel and get some real news...
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The government runs EVERYTHING, free speech is NOT allowed, nobody can own a gun, education is free and, best of all, religion is BANNED! All of this is every liberal's dream for America.
Brainwash functional moron hater dupe... Liberals invented America.

You mean all those "liberals" that came to America in order to be free to worship God? Liberals certainly brought slavery to America.
No I mean the founding fathers who revolted against monarchy and gave us our liberal Constitution etc etc etc etc...duhhhhh.
Liberal Constitution? So why do you turds want to dismantle the Bill of Rights?
Closing the loopholes in background checks is now dismantling the Bill of Rights? You dupes are living on another planet.
The government runs EVERYTHING, free speech is NOT allowed, nobody can own a gun, education is free and, best of all, religion is BANNED! All of this is every liberal's dream for America.

Plus everybody is equal: equally poor. No need to worry about the rich guy either, the only people that have all the money is government as liberals would like to see happen in this country. No need to worry about competition in elections either; your guy always wins.

They are obsessed with military spending .

That's a conservative thing !

I noticed you didn't dispute any of the details I listed. You should open your mind and acknowledge that you follow a failed ideology. Leftist ideology has brought oceans of blood and mountains of dead bodies to humanity. Nice job.
And I suppose Nazis are left-wing too, right dupe? It's impossible to argue with you fools...
The government runs EVERYTHING, free speech is NOT allowed, nobody can own a gun, education is free and, best of all, religion is BANNED! All of this is every liberal's dream for America.
Brainwash functional moron hater dupe... Liberals invented America.

You mean all those "liberals" that came to America in order to be free to worship God? Liberals certainly brought slavery to America.
No I mean the founding fathers who revolted against monarchy and gave us our liberal Constitution etc etc etc etc...duhhhhh.

Today's liberals would have been loyalists back in the 1770's. Remember, the revolution came about largely as a result of over-taxation, something American liberals have never complained about.
We complain about the middle class paying too much in taxes all the time. Change the channel and get some real news...

Hitler and Mussolini embraced left-wing ideologies. I will add that conservatives support Israel wherein many liberals do not. Stalin was another leftist. So was Mao and Castrol and Pol Pot. Your ideology has brought oceans of blood and mountains of dead bodies to the humanity. Congratulations...dumb ass.
The government runs EVERYTHING, free speech is NOT allowed, nobody can own a gun, education is free and, best of all, religion is BANNED! All of this is every liberal's dream for America.
Brainwash functional moron hater dupe... Liberals invented America.
Liberals fought against British because they refused to offer single payer healthcare
They revolted because they weren't represented and were powerless, much like you dupes of the GOP Rich today.
The government runs EVERYTHING, free speech is NOT allowed, nobody can own a gun, education is free and, best of all, religion is BANNED! All of this is every liberal's dream for America.
Brainwash functional moron hater dupe... Liberals invented America.
Liberals fought against British because they refused to offer single payer healthcare
They revolted because they weren't represented and were powerless, much like you dupes of the GOP Rich today.

The conservatives revolted. The liberals aligned with the king. Like today's liberals, they love being minions of government, any government.
Please .

Trump is an egomaniac, like Kim. He's trying to act like a dictator, thank god the Libs are here to stop him .

Cons would have us all be slaves, you could only worship Jesus , and we would have a military state and police force .

thank god the conservatives are doing a better job than liberals ..
The government runs EVERYTHING, free speech is NOT allowed, nobody can own a gun, education is free and, best of all, religion is BANNED! All of this is every liberal's dream for America.

Plus everybody is equal: equally poor. No need to worry about the rich guy either, the only people that have all the money is government as liberals would like to see happen in this country. No need to worry about competition in elections either; your guy always wins.

They are obsessed with military spending .

That's a conservative thing !

I noticed you didn't dispute any of the details I listed. You should open your mind and acknowledge that you follow a failed ideology. Leftist ideology has brought oceans of blood and mountains of dead bodies to humanity. Nice job.
And I suppose Nazis are left-wing too, right dupe? It's impossible to argue with you fools...
Brainwash functional moron hater dupe... Liberals invented America.

You mean all those "liberals" that came to America in order to be free to worship God? Liberals certainly brought slavery to America.
No I mean the founding fathers who revolted against monarchy and gave us our liberal Constitution etc etc etc etc...duhhhhh.

Today's liberals would have been loyalists back in the 1770's. Remember, the revolution came about largely as a result of over-taxation, something American liberals have never complained about.
We complain about the middle class paying too much in taxes all the time. Change the channel and get some real news...

Hitler and Mussolini embraced left-wing ideologies. I will add that conservatives support Israel wherein many liberals do not. Stalin was another leftist. So was Mao and Castrol and Pol Pot. Your ideology has brought oceans of blood and mountains of dead bodies to the humanity. Congratulations...dumb ass.
Hitler and Mussolini were right wing fascists. I have a masters in history, you have a masters in right wing bs propaganda, Dupe.
The government runs EVERYTHING, free speech is NOT allowed, nobody can own a gun, education is free and, best of all, religion is BANNED! All of this is every liberal's dream for America.
Brainwash functional moron hater dupe... Liberals invented America.
Liberals fought against British because they refused to offer single payer healthcare
They revolted because they weren't represented and were powerless, much like you dupes of the GOP Rich today.

The conservatives revolted. The liberals aligned with the king. Like today's liberals, they love being minions of government, any government.
Read something, brainwashed functional moron.
The government runs EVERYTHING, free speech is NOT allowed, nobody can own a gun, education is free and, best of all, religion is BANNED! All of this is every liberal's dream for America.

Plus everybody is equal: equally poor. No need to worry about the rich guy either, the only people that have all the money is government as liberals would like to see happen in this country. No need to worry about competition in elections either; your guy always wins.
Brainwashed right-wing idiocy... Half of you GOP fools would prefer right-wing dictatorship to liberal freedom. Your propaganda machine is a b*******character assassination disgrace, dupe.

Your so-called "liberal freedom" means taxing the shit out of the citizen and regulating the fuck out of his life. You're a fucking moron.
Only on Fox, Dupe. After years of cutting taxes federally, state and local taxes have risen to fill the void, which kill the non-rich. We have a flat tax system now in this country, with the richest getting all the new wealth. Change the channel read something.
Please .

Trump is an egomaniac, like Kim. He's trying to act like a dictator, thank god the Libs are here to stop him .

Cons would have us all be slaves, you could only worship Jesus , and we would have a military state and police force .

thank god the conservatives are doing a better job than liberals ..
Plus everybody is equal: equally poor. No need to worry about the rich guy either, the only people that have all the money is government as liberals would like to see happen in this country. No need to worry about competition in elections either; your guy always wins.

They are obsessed with military spending .

That's a conservative thing !

I noticed you didn't dispute any of the details I listed. You should open your mind and acknowledge that you follow a failed ideology. Leftist ideology has brought oceans of blood and mountains of dead bodies to humanity. Nice job.
And I suppose Nazis are left-wing too, right dupe? It's impossible to argue with you fools...
You mean all those "liberals" that came to America in order to be free to worship God? Liberals certainly brought slavery to America.
No I mean the founding fathers who revolted against monarchy and gave us our liberal Constitution etc etc etc etc...duhhhhh.

Today's liberals would have been loyalists back in the 1770's. Remember, the revolution came about largely as a result of over-taxation, something American liberals have never complained about.
We complain about the middle class paying too much in taxes all the time. Change the channel and get some real news...

Hitler and Mussolini embraced left-wing ideologies. I will add that conservatives support Israel wherein many liberals do not. Stalin was another leftist. So was Mao and Castrol and Pol Pot. Your ideology has brought oceans of blood and mountains of dead bodies to the humanity. Congratulations...dumb ass.
Hitler and Mussolini were right wing fascists. I have a masters in history, you have a masters in right wing bs propaganda, Dupe.

Socialism is a left-wing construct, dumbass. Conservatives are about LESS government control of the people so that they can be free to prosper. Conservatives are about restricting the size of government so that the people can keep MORE of the fruits of their labor. Liberals, like the aforementioned despots, want bigger and bigger government, an endless list of regulations and high taxation. Did Hitler and Mussolini support less regulation and taxation, dumbass? No, dumbass, they supported MORE government taxation and control. Hitler and Mussolini were your ideological comrades, dumbass.

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