
And they came, and created this great nation. They were your ancestors, no different from the people that wish to come here today.
Sure it is. It’s fking 200 years later and the country is developed . Big ass difference
So that makes the constitution out of date too then?
They dont get anything for free. Where did you hear that ?

You're right, they don't get anything for free.... unless you use the US Liberal definition of free, ie... "Someone else pays for it., or it comes out of my taxes".

Like most European shitholes, Norwegians get "free" healthcare, education, etc... Things that the US forces individuals to ay for themselves.
They pay for their "free stuff" through their taxes and everybody is looked after. Unlike in the free market shithole that you live in.
Greece did the same.
Dear lord people. Norway? A country of 5 or 6 million? One of the whitest most homogenous populations on the planet? Norway is going to preach to the US about immigration? Mindless, dumb children. Stupid, dumb, living in their own little pretend world.

Norwegians have expressed solidarity with Haiti and several other African nations by saying they do not want to go to the US, describing it using the alleged words of Donald Trump as a ‘shithole’ .

The US President has provoked fresh controversy after allegedly asking a group of senators why the US had to allow in immigrants from “shithole countries” in Africa and the Caribbean rather than from places like Norway.

He was immediately denounced as a "racist" who praised white immigrants over ethnic minorities with the UN calling the comments “shocking and shameful”.

But Norwegians and their Scandinavian cousins on Twitter decided to mock Mr Trump and America itself instead by asking why they would want to go to a country without free healthcare and rampant gun crime.

One user, Christian Christensen, a Stockholm-based American professor, wrote: “Of course people from Norway would love to move to a country where people are far more likely to be shot, live in poverty, get no healthcare because they’re poor, get no paid parental leave or subsidized daycare and see fewer women in political power”.

Another, Christian Gerhard, said: “Being from Norway and the country Trump wants immigrants from. Would not even consider to emigrate to shithole USA as long as Donald Trump is president there.”

Meanwhile, Kathinka Froystad addressed the President directly, saying: “Dear Mr President, I am glad you enjoyed meeting my prime minister, but I am quite happy where I am and would not even dream of settling down in the US during your shithole, racist and misogynist regime.”

Others pointed out that when Norwegians were emigrating to the US 100 years ago, it was to escape the war and poverty that many modern immigrants and refugees face.
While others said Mr Trump did not perhaps know what he was letting himself in for by welcoming more Norwegians as the country’s egalitarian politics clashes with his “winner takes all” brand of nationalism.

Mr Trump has denied the allegations saying he used “tough” language in the meeting but did not used those words to describe Haiti or any African country.

Funny how Noway doesn’t allow rampant immigration from shithole countries, yet they will attack President Trump for merely wanting to emulate Norway’s strict immigration policy.
Dear lord people. Norway? A country of 5 or 6 million? One of the whitest most homogenous populations on the planet? Norway is going to preach to the US about immigration? Mindless, dumb children. Stupid, dumb, living in their own little pretend world.

The media is cherry picking the few batshit crazy liberals in Norway. The truth is the vast majority of Norwegians feel the same way as President Trump and that is reflected in their immigration policy and demographic makeup.

Norwegians have expressed solidarity with Haiti and several other African nations by saying they do not want to go to the US, describing it using the alleged words of Donald Trump as a ‘shithole’ .

The US President has provoked fresh controversy after allegedly asking a group of senators why the US had to allow in immigrants from “shithole countries” in Africa and the Caribbean rather than from places like Norway.

He was immediately denounced as a "racist" who praised white immigrants over ethnic minorities with the UN calling the comments “shocking and shameful”.

But Norwegians and their Scandinavian cousins on Twitter decided to mock Mr Trump and America itself instead by asking why they would want to go to a country without free healthcare and rampant gun crime.

One user, Christian Christensen, a Stockholm-based American professor, wrote: “Of course people from Norway would love to move to a country where people are far more likely to be shot, live in poverty, get no healthcare because they’re poor, get no paid parental leave or subsidized daycare and see fewer women in political power”.

Another, Christian Gerhard, said: “Being from Norway and the country Trump wants immigrants from. Would not even consider to emigrate to shithole USA as long as Donald Trump is president there.”

Meanwhile, Kathinka Froystad addressed the President directly, saying: “Dear Mr President, I am glad you enjoyed meeting my prime minister, but I am quite happy where I am and would not even dream of settling down in the US during your shithole, racist and misogynist regime.”

Others pointed out that when Norwegians were emigrating to the US 100 years ago, it was to escape the war and poverty that many modern immigrants and refugees face.
While others said Mr Trump did not perhaps know what he was letting himself in for by welcoming more Norwegians as the country’s egalitarian politics clashes with his “winner takes all” brand of nationalism.

Mr Trump has denied the allegations saying he used “tough” language in the meeting but did not used those words to describe Haiti or any African country.

What could the US do to attract Norwegians ?

They come here when they get bored. They go to Vegas
You are interacting with it now you idiot. the electric that powers your home and the device you are using are all the fruits of an educated society.Tell me again how you are an island.

I never said I didn't interact with it at all. I minimize my exposure to it.

I got home from work last Thursday at about 5pm. I have not left my property since then. I won't until I leave tomorrow morning for work. That's the way most of my weekends and evenings are.
That makes you a loner. You benefit every day from the work of your community.You could not live any kind of existence without the fruits of "socialism".
Excellent. We don't want the Norwegians any more thsn we want the Haitians or Mexicans. The Norwegians wouldn't embrace and assimilate to American Culture any more than Haitians, Mexicans or any of the other "taker" cultures that dominate American immigration at this point in history.

The only difference is that Norway already gives the adult babies that make up their population evdrhthing for "free" so, unlike the shitholes Trump mentioned the othdr day, the Norwegians don't have to come HERE to find a Government willing to give them everything for free.

“Taker cultures”???

In cultures where citizens matter, where the population has a higher quality of life because government programs, people have more freedom and opportunity than they have in the US.

The US economic model creates winners and losers and your tax code tilts everything to the wealthy. You vilify the poor and then scapegoat them for squandering your tax dollars.

No wonder your quality of life is deteriorating. People don’t matter. Only corporations and the job creators.
That makes you a loner. You benefit every day from the work of your community.You could not live any kind of existence without the fruits of "socialism".

I pay my taxes for the few public amenities I use. My electric and cable services come from private companies. I live on a private road with no water/sewer (well and septic) or mail delivery. There is very little the Government provides me, compared to the taxes I pay.
That makes you a loner. You benefit every day from the work of your community.You could not live any kind of existence without the fruits of "socialism".

I pay my taxes for the few public amenities I use. My electric and cable services come from private companies. I live on a private road with no water/sewer (well and septic) or mail delivery. There is very little the Government provides me, compared to the taxes I pay.

You live in a safe secure country where there is little risk to you or your property. If you are sick, you have access to hospitals and doctors. You live among an educated population which can provide you with lots of services should you require or desire them.

You have roads, bridges and infrastructure. You have more than 98% of the worlds population.

Americans keep thinking that they’re independent and self sufficient, when in reality, they’re the most coddled people on earth.
That makes you a loner. You benefit every day from the work of your community.You could not live any kind of existence without the fruits of "socialism".

I pay my taxes for the few public amenities I use. My electric and cable services come from private companies. I live on a private road with no water/sewer (well and septic) or mail delivery. There is very little the Government provides me, compared to the taxes I pay.

You live in a safe secure country where there is little risk to you or your property. If you are sick, you have access to hospitals and doctors. You live among an educated population which can provide you with lots of services should you require or desire them.

You have roads, bridges and infrastructure. You have more than 98% of the worlds population.

Americans keep thinking that they’re independent and self sufficient, when in reality, they’re the most coddled people on earth.
He doesnt get it. He never will.
You live in a safe secure country where there is little risk to you or your property. If you are sick, you have access to hospitals and doctors. You live among an educated population which can provide you with lots of services should you require or desire them.

You have roads, bridges and infrastructure. You have more than 98% of the worlds population.

I pay for the few public services I get through my taxes. I pay far more than what I get from the Government is worth. I could honestly do without major sections of what the Government provides.

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